Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1043

Although the blood devil cage array has 9981 nodes.

However, if you want to rewrite the array and seize the control of the array, you don\'t need to rewrite all the array diagrams of 9981 nodes.

You only need to solve the 36 most critical nodes to finally control the array!

But the smell of these 36 nodes is very hidden, almost the same as other nodes.

If Shen Lang had not broken his arrogant silver eyes, it would not be a simple thing to find these 36 nodes so easily.

Even if these 36 nodes are found

It still takes some trouble.

With Shen Lang\'s attainments in the way of array, it still needs so much trouble to rewrite the array diagram of 36 nodes. It can be seen that the array of the evil blood demon sect is not trivial!

This is comparable to the array in the legendary sect!

Shen Lang locked the position of the thirty-six nodes, gathered his breath, moved under his feet, as if shrinking to an inch, and quietly touched the nearest node!

The three quasi emperor Wujing peak strongmen in the array are unconscious!

The "blood devil cage" array, centered on the entrance of the dark swamp, shrouded the area of two thousand miles.

This area is on the edge of the broken soul mountain.

However, because there is a miasma vent at the entrance of the dark swamp, the miasma in this area is more than ten times thicker than that of the broken soul mountain!

Surrounded by such terrible miasma, this area is almost dead.

Even the strong in Huangwu territory dare not stay in this area for too long without special pills or magic weapons.

At this time, in a mountain depression covered by the jungle, a blood red giant sword up to ten feet was directly inserted into the ground, releasing a terrible smell of blood.

Twelve strong men with huge breath are patrolling around the blood red sword in full arms.

There was only one person sitting leisurely at the stone table, sipping wine.

This man\'s cultivation is already the eighth heaven in the imperial martial arts realm. His eyebrows and hair are red. A circle of fire is burning all over his body, releasing a terrible smell, and his eyes are extremely sharp.

"Ah, I\'m a little excited to think that we will enter the dark swamp in one day!"

Among the people who were patrolling around, one licked his tongue and said.

Another person laughed and said, "you are not the only one who is excited. You can only meet such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we can only meet the door of blood demon sect, which has amazing luck!"

Another person answered, "yes, it is said that there are a whole 100000 spore people in the dark swamp! Although most of them will be taken by the limitless demon clan, even leaving a little leftovers is enough to make us rise up!"

"It\'s incredible that there should be such a race in the world! It\'s just a treasure of heaven and earth!"

"Yes, yes... I slaughtered a small mountain village and refined their flesh and blood. In the end, I didn\'t break through the bottleneck of the double heaven in Huangwu. As a result, I just ate the arm of a spore man baby some time ago and promoted to the triple heaven in Huangwu. This spore man is more terrible than any panacea!"

"A whole hundred thousand spore people, if we can get one, our accomplishments will not rise slowly at that time?"

"But are the people of the limitless demon sect too cautious? They not only sent us to destroy the surrounding mountain villages within a radius of 2000 Li, but also asked us to set up a \'blood devil cage\' array and wait for seven days. This..."

"Silence! Do you want to die? Even if the ancestors in the Wuji demon clan dare not make a false evaluation of the arrangements of those adults, are you impatient?"

The people who spoke immediately kept silent.

At this time, another person said, "it\'s also good for us that the adults of the Wuji demon sect asked us to kill those mountain villages. For example, I took advantage of this to collect more than 200 resentment souls in my blood devil ball. Now my magic ball has greatly increased its power!"

Then the man took out a dark crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, you can see that hundreds of resentment souls are constantly circling and screaming.

The surrounding breath itself is gloomy and terrible enough. As soon as the magic ball is taken out, it makes the surrounding gloomy, like a ghost land.

Others felt the breath released from the magic ball and showed envy.

It is not uncommon for the devil to kill some mountain villages and practice magic weapons with soul refining sacrifices of strangers.

But even the legendary demon sect did not dare to do such things unscrupulously.

These people of the evil blood demon sect are supported by the people of the infinite demon sect. This time they are very crazy.

Moreover, in this "blood devil cage", they are not afraid to be heard and have no scruples when talking.

At this time, the man with red eyebrows and hair said, "well, shut up!"

"This time, it\'s no small matter. We must not disclose it. If it does, don\'t say you. Even this seat will die without a burial place!"

Seeing the leader\'s words, those patrolling immediately nodded and bowed down, and dared not talk about spore people any more.

"Martial uncle is right. Let\'s not talk about these things. Anyway, there will be a lot of benefits if martial uncle leads us."

"Yes, yes, if martial uncle didn\'t give us some advice, we wouldn\'t have such a chance!"

"That\'s right. There are also many people in the sect who are better than us, but martial uncle brought us out. I suggest... After we get the spore man, we take out some to honor martial uncle. What do you think?"

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing this group of people flattering him so much, the big man with red eyebrows smiled proudly and said, "you have a conscience. If it weren\'t for this seat, you have good qualifications and many are filial, hum, where can I get you?"

"Well, patrol well. This time things must be foolproof!"

"We\'ve done well. At that time, the adults of Wuji demon clan will be satisfied and more spores will be obtained... What is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Those ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum are rare and rare, but compared with this spore man, hum, it\'s simply not up to the grade!"

"If you want to attack the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, you have to rely on this spore man..."

Speaking of this, the big man with red eyebrows subconsciously licked his tongue and said, "moreover, the spore man is pure and flawless, but it is really a rare delicacy in the world!"

"I only ate a few mouthfuls. Up to now, my lips and teeth are fragrant. It\'s unforgettable, unforgettable!"

When the man said this, the others immediately swallowed their saliva.

One by one, their eyes became more fiery.

However, the heat only lasted less than ten seconds and solidified on their faces!

In their sight, behind their martial uncle, a dark shadow appeared without warning!

Under such a situation, martial uncle even carried a wine glass and smiled proudly

"Shifu... Shishu..."

The situation was a little too strange. The group of people on patrol were stunned at the same time, as if they were strangled by someone and couldn\'t even speak.

The big man with red eyebrows was stunned when he saw the ghost like expression of this group of people: "hmm? You guys..."

Before he finished, the man\'s eyes flashed, and the big fist of the sand bowl erupted a terrible flame, sweeping out with a fist behind him!

This fist was swift and unparalleled, and there was a flash of fire in the void.

Flying sand and rocks around, hurricane swept!

Even if there is a hill behind, I\'m afraid it will collapse with this punch!

Looking at a group of people here, they immediately showed their ecstasy!


The loud noise sounded as expected, and the violent spirit swept the whole audience.

The more than ten people who were more than 30 meters away from here, before they had time to respond, were overturned by the terrible afterwave, and cried one by one.

These people screamed and looked frightened. They climbed and ran to the outside for fear of being affected again!

The man with red eyebrows was very satisfied with his full punch.

There was a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. As soon as the punch blew out, he wanted to rush forward with the recoil of the punch.

However, the red browed man knew he was wrong!

The punch he threw out not only failed to hurt the mysterious strong man behind him.

Even forcing the other party to step back did not do it!

His right fist was caught by the other party. It seemed that he was trapped in an iron cage. Let alone break free, he didn\'t move at all!

Fear just rose in the red eyebrow heart. The next moment, the five fingers of the man holding his fist made a slight effort!

"Kaka, Kaka..."

The fist with red eyebrows was immediately crushed!


The unspeakable pain came from his hand, and the big man with red eyebrows raised his head and exhaled with pain!

However, his mouth just roared

A slightly white palm stretched out like lightning, pinched his neck without a little smoke and fire, so that he could no longer make a sound!

Red eyebrows and eyes protruded like dead fish.

His face was shrouded in death.

Hold the hand around his neck and pinch it gently


The terrible sound of the neck being twisted off came from the body with red eyebrows.

The strong man of the evil blood demon sect at the peak of the imperial martial arts realm is just in high spirits. He is still imagining that he will eat spore people soon, and then advance to the quasi imperial martial mirror.

Unexpectedly, in a short time, I didn\'t even know what people looked like, whether they were men or women. I died instantly on the spot!

And I didn\'t even say a word!

More than a dozen people who ran away in confusion looked at all this and had no response at all.

Then he saw that the hand that crushed the red eyebrow fist brought out a residual shadow in the air and slapped it on the red eyebrow\'s head!

At the moment, above the head of red eyebrows, a crazy whirlpool has been formed.