Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1042

In the mythological age, the Terran was only a very weak race in the world. At that time, thousands of gods and Demons walked on the earth, and trillions of Terrans and demons were their slaves;

In the early and middle period of the ancient times, gods and Demons withered, demons and Demons rose with congenital conditions and became the master of the earth. Human and other races were enslaved by demons and demons;

At the end of the ancient period, the human race rose to compete with the demon race and the demon race, and became one of the three major races in the world;

At the beginning of ancient times, the blood clan was born in the sky, sweeping the whole world like a plague, almost reaching the top and dominating everything. Ten thousand ethnic groups united to fight against the blood clan. The human race took advantage of the situation to grow and suppress the demons and demons, so as to become the first race in the star continent;

In the middle of ancient times, the demon clan set off a war and wanted to trample on the human race, but it was finally suppressed by the human race and the demon race. During this period, it was also helped by the witch race that had been suppressed by the human race. Although the demon clan was strong, it finally retreated to the demon realm, and the channel between the demon realm and the human world was sealed by many great powers in the human world;

In ancient times, the upper world began to recall the gods and Demons scattered in the lower world. Countless powerful gods and demons who could move mountains and reclaim the sea began to leave the human world, and the human race continued to grow and grow;

Ten thousand years ago, the upper world issued an ultimatum to summon the gods and demons of hundreds of millions of small worlds to return, and then completely shut down the retrograde channel from the upper world to the lower world.

So far, the Terran dominates the world and is known as the supreme race!

Since the demon clan was sealed, the Terran has become the master of the world.

In the eyes of Terrans, other creatures are low-grade and inferior.

Spore man, a strange race, is not much different from the low-level monster caught and slaughtered at will.

This idea has been extended from ancient times. Where can one or two strong men or one or two powerful families has the final say?

Spore man has been hiding underground for thousands of years, and he has not found out the situation at all.

They didn\'t even know that if they hadn\'t saved the lives of the Taiqing clan and if the Buddha clan hadn\'t spared no effort to protect them, I\'m afraid someone in the Taiqing clan would want to deal with them!

Taiqing emperor is still so

Those evil people behave perversely, bloodthirsty and ferocious. As long as they have interests, they often destroy people and kill the whole family.

They found spore people like Ganoderma lucidum... It\'s lucky that they didn\'t rush directly.

Although they didn\'t rush directly, now spore people really have a big crisis!

Seven days

None of the spore people who went out to inquire about news in the past seven days came back;

The people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect who went out also did not come back;

The notes passed out are like a stone sinking into the sea, and there is no news.

In fact, it\'s not far from the valley, not three thousand miles away.

At the speed of passing notes, you can go back and forth in a day.


There is only one reason why the notes can\'t be returned, or can\'t be passed to the valley of despair, that is, they were intercepted on the way!

Or not halfway, but just outside the dark swamp was intercepted!

Spore people are a strange race. They don\'t see anything, but they can feel the crisis of death.

At this point, even the strong of the Terran can\'t compare with them.

Panic spread like a plague in the dark swamp.

Many women and children began to cry.

One person cried, and others cried too. Soon, the sound was overwhelming. It could collapse the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect!

"Master Wuchen, what should we do?" a strong man of the Taiqing sect asked the old monk, "are we waiting to die like this? This array can\'t be arranged for three minutes. If they attack in three days, how can we resist?"

"Why don\'t I go out myself?"

Everyone looked at master Wuchen

The cries of those women and children became louder.

Master Wuchen raised his eyebrows and eyes and said, "Amitabha, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. No matter what sect the people outside come from and how strong their cultivation is, we have abandoned this life and must protect the spore people."

"Buddha, we will not give up."

The Taiqing emperor\'s strong man concluded with his words.

He would like to ask, how will the Buddha protect this group of people?

Although spores have great vitality in the human body, their greatest ability is to communicate with animals and plants, but they don\'t have much attack power.

The people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect who healed in the dark swamp are almost more than 400. The strongest one is master Wuchen in the triple heaven of Huangwu realm. Moreover, because of the heavy injury, there is no combat power!

How can we fight this war?

What\'s fatal is that there is only one entrance and exit to the dark swamp. There is a huge star iron ore vein in the land over the dark swamp. Even if the strong emperor of the imperial martial arts wants to drill out of such a hard Star iron ore vein, it is impossible without two or three months.

Such a group of disabled soldiers and defeated generals, plus a group of spore people who have little combat power

If you\'re really being watched, it\'s a dead end to catch a turtle in a jar!

Nearby, a spore man elder who opposed the birth from the beginning has been saying: "I said that human beings are not credible. They call themselves the spirit of all things, but they are all demons!"

"They treat all creatures as aliens, and they will eat us as food!"

Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect were embarrassed one by one.

No matter how other spore elders persuade, no matter how Taiqing and Ruyi Buddha explain, this elder turns over and over.


When panic spreads and despair breeds in the dark swamp.

In the middle of the night, above the entrance of the dark swamp, a dark figure suddenly appeared.

He stood with his hands down and looked down quietly.

It was Shen Lang who came quickly!

Breaking the arrogant silver eyes has been launched. Shen Lang easily captured the breath of the three quasi emperor Wujing peak strongmen of the limitless demon sect.

This time, the three people are more troublesome.

But at this look, Shen Lang frowned.

It turned out that the three people of the limitless demon sect were scattered, sitting in the southeast and north directions respectively, forming an equilateral triangle, enclosing the entrance of the dark swamp in the center!

Those other people are just fine. Even if there is an array, it\'s easy for Shen Lang to kill them.

However, these three people are thousands of miles away, and their cultivation is already the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. It\'s a little difficult to kill them with lightning.

At Shen Lang\'s current speed, he can kill two people at best.

The third person, if he wants to run, has enough time to escape within this time period.

Besides, there are three strong quasi emperor martial mirrors of the evil blood demon sect.

Shen Lang is not going to let go of even one person this time!

Standing quietly in the void, Shen Lang\'s eyes stayed for a moment on that layer of light mask.

This array is the "evil blood devil cage" used by seven murders and others before.

However, the one Shen Lang sees now is not only hundreds of times larger, but also almost completely shields the breath inside.

If Shen Lang didn\'t use the broken false silver eyes, it would be difficult to find the breath inside with Shen Lang\'s powerful mind!

The array of a dark gold level demon sect is not much worse than that of the legendary sect. This evil blood demon sect really has some details.

"It took thousands of people to decorate this\' blood devil cage \', and even three strong people from the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian came. Hey, what a big hand!"

"I have a big appetite for plotting against the spore people and seizing the eternal tree at the crack of the earth!"

"When I planted the seeds of the eternal tree on the edge of the earth crack in the purple Chu state, I guessed that many powerful demons would make the idea of the eternal tree... These people had a good chance. It was just when there was no legendary sect strong person in the fallen valley."

"It\'s easy to solve the spore man, but it\'s not sure whether there will be a strong emperor\'s martial mirror in the limitless demon sect in the valley..."

"Well, it\'s useless to worry at the moment. Solve the problems here and go to abject valley."

"If there is a strong emperor\'s martial mirror coming, I can\'t say, I have to let Zuo Wentian come out to play!"

Shen Lang sneered. His body suddenly became empty and threw it down like a meteorite.

Although the so-called "blood devil cage" is no small matter, it is like nothing in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang found the weakest part of the array with his broken silver eyes. When the array was running, it immediately turned into a wisp of smoke and floated in.

Shen Lang didn\'t even crack such a powerful array.

He entered it easily!

The people of the evil blood demon sect, as well as the three strong men of the Wuji demon sect who are the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, are not aware of the abnormality.

Shen Lang paused a little and rushed into the dark swamp through the hurricane vent formed by miasma without hesitation.

"If you want to do it, you must let none of these people run away."

"The safest and simplest way to keep them from running away is to let them enter the dark swamp... But if they enter the dark swamp, one carelessness may destroy the spore man\'s home."

"Well, we\'d better solve them outside. First transform the \'blood devil cage\' into a cage that traps these people!"

"Aren\'t you stuck here trying to catch a turtle in a jar? You\'ll soon know who the turtle is."

Shen Lang, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, turned his broken silver eyes again.

In an instant, Shen Lang had analyzed the "blood devil cage" array and saw through the flaws of the array.

At present, there are a total of 9981 nodes supporting this array. Each node is guarded and controlled by a number of strong people of the evil blood demon sect.

The node is a powerful magic weapon that exists as an array flag. The number and accomplishments of the strong around the array flag

Shen Lang saw it clearly!