Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1041

A bunch of old guys didn\'t understand.

Tianyuan Yimai and the black dragon demon king live in peace on the surface, but secretly they are sworn enemies - if they have the opportunity, they all want to kill each other.

Isn\'t it unnecessary for the people of the war temple to come here to sow discord?

Murong Changfeng said expressionless, "because the army led by the ancestor of Tianyuan is fighting in other positions, the strength of Murong aristocratic family is weak, so it is also very conservative.".

"The Murong aristocratic family has been quiet for so many years. Even the black dragon thinks we don\'t have any threat."

"Now many forces know about the eldest lady, and the people in the war Temple naturally know it, so their people have guessed... The ancestor of Tianyuan should return."

"When the emperor Tianyuan returns, our strength will be equal to that of the black dragon. At that time, it is also the time for our Murong aristocratic family to be born."

"After the temple of the God of war escaped into the crack of time and space 13 years ago, now we can only play this little trick to stimulate our contradiction with the black dragon and let the Murong aristocratic family contain the black dragon demon king."

"Yes, yes, so we can understand." a group of old friends thought.

They are very convinced of what Murong Changfeng said.

Just a few words, Murong Changfeng guessed that although these old antiques have lived for a long time, they are obviously not very good at planning strategies.

The third ancestor hesitated a little and said, "what do you think of this opportunity? You said before that it has a lot to do with whether we can regain this position?"

Murong Changfeng said: "after losing the competition with the black dragon, we handed over the control of this plane, and then Tianyuan led the army to leave the star continent..."

"Whether it\'s the ancestor of Tianyuan or other people of Murong aristocratic family, it\'s hard to accept it in the bottom of my heart, isn\'t it?"

"Now the master\'s daughter suddenly appears; then the earth crack appears, and the Qi of Yin surges wildly; at the same time, the evil god blood ancestor is born, and the demon family is ready to move; and the black dragon demon king is seriously injured and his strength is greatly reduced... This is the best opportunity for Tianyuan to regain control of this position."

"If you miss this time, even if you wait 100000 years or millions of years, I\'m afraid you won\'t have such a good opportunity again."

Not long ago, Murong Changfeng told the shadow that the Murong aristocratic family was weak and there was no need to pay attention to the blood clan.

Now they are encouraging the Murong aristocratic family to be born early

What was he thinking?

Hearing this, a group of old friends of Murong aristocratic family suddenly became hot!

The Murong aristocratic family, which originally controlled this position, was kicked out of the game and finally shrunk in the place where the bird doesn\'t shit. It has always been regarded as a dark gold force.

To put it better, it\'s to recuperate and accumulate strength. To put it worse, one day is a turtle egg!

Now the end of the world is coming. It is indeed the best time for Murong aristocratic family to regain this position!

In fact, how can these old guys not think about recapturing this plane?

Just dare to think, dare not do... Or have no chance to do it.

At this time, Murong Changfeng thought it was almost the same. He continued to stir up the flames and said, "the strength of the black dragon is not worth mentioning in front of the blood ancestor. He can\'t protect the eldest lady at all."

"Therefore, after receiving the news, Tianyuan will return for the reason of protecting the eldest lady. Once we return, we can fight with the black dragon in good faith."

"In such a chaotic situation, it is not impossible to find an opportunity to eradicate the black dragon demon king."

"Now, the God of war hall has lit a fire for us and given us such an opportunity... The seal of the demon clan is loose, so we must use this as an excuse to send strong people to the battlefield outside the territory, lay an ambush and hit the demon clan head-on!"

"At that time, we will make a big fuss on this matter. On the one hand, we will prove our strength, on the other hand, we will prove the dereliction of duty of the black dragon demon king. Finally, when we seize the control of this position, we will have the upper hand."

A group of old guys didn\'t seem to understand: "take this as an excuse? What excuse? Now the black dragon devil is in control of the lifeline of the star continent. Although we want to do this, it\'s against the rules of the demon temple?"

Murong Changfeng tapped the table with his fingers and said, "rules are used to break."

"This excuse is very simple, that is to protect the eldest lady... It is the duty of any strong person in the demon temple."

"Since the eldest lady is in this position, the blood ancestor will threaten the eldest lady, so we have to deal with the blood clan;"

"The demon clan will threaten the eldest lady, so we have to deal with the demon clan."

"But the blood ancestor is too strong. Let\'s let the black dragon demon king deal with it for the time being. We\'ll make a profit after they lose both."

"On the side of the demon family, we won the last battle, retreated immediately, led the war to the black dragon demon king, and asked the demon family to play with the black dragon demon king. After we were tired... Lao Zu Tianyuan should also lead the army back to the star mainland."

"At that time, we will sweep the whole world in one fell swoop and firmly hold this plane in our hands."

"It\'s that simple."

Murong Changfeng\'s bewitching words excited all the old people of Murong aristocratic family.

He continued: "the only trouble is that before Tianyuan\'s return, our current strength was too weak."

"But before other magic generals know it, send strong people to Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield, at least you can get the first opportunity... Hoo! Since the people in the war Temple want to provoke our relationship with the black dragon, I\'m afraid he will also inform other magic generals."

"Therefore, several ancestors should make a decision as soon as possible whether to send a strong man to the Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield."

With these words, Murong Changfeng seemed a little tired. He leaned back and quietly closed his eyes.

"Can\'t fate really change? I don\'t believe... I\'ll add a fire to this already chaotic world!"

"Then I look for opportunities in this chaos!"


Spore man is a strange creature and a fungal race. His intelligence is not lower than that of man, but his life expectancy is much longer than that of ordinary people.

They have little attack power and are very few in number.

If it weren\'t for the people of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism fighting with the dark abyss demons in the desolate valley, and the good spore people came out to treat these people, I\'m afraid the spore people in the dark swamp would never be found.

No one knows that such a weak and strange race exists in such a place on the outskirts of the wilderness.

The dark swamp is a strange ecological area that is not rich, but also full of vitality.

This is the home of spore man. In addition to spore man, there are many strange creatures living here.

The dark swamp is underground. Huge and fluorescent mushrooms grow everywhere, just like lighthouses, making it seem like a dream world.

These mushrooms are short enough, only one foot high, but high enough more than ten feet high, like a forest, all over the dark swamp.

As like as two peas, the stones are just like mushrooms.

Make the world look like a mushroom world.

All the ground here is covered with vegetation, full of green, with the smell of time flowing through and years like a song.

The entrance of the dark swamp is very small and secret, and it is also hidden in the most terrible air outlet of the miasma in the broken soul mountain.

However, such a peaceful and peaceful paradise for thousands of years is finally known to the world because of the emergence of cracks in the earth.

Today\'s dark swamp has fallen into panic.

Countless spore people gathered more than 500 miles away from the exit of the dark swamp, worried one by one.

These spore people are only half the height of ordinary Terrans.

But the number is very large, dark and completely invisible.

In front of them, there are more than 500 fungal giants as high as six feet.

These fungal giants are the strongest among the spore people and can fight the most people.

In front of the fungus giant, where the entrance of the dark swamp is located, the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect are organizing battle together.

"Amitabha, elder, it is we who have troubled you..." an old monk of Ruyi Buddha said with deep apology.

Next to him stood four elders of the spore man.

The spore man elder was leaning on a crutch and his long beard was almost touching the ground.

He poked heavily on the ground with a crutch, sighed and said, "is this the end of our spore people? Do the Terrans outside really want to eat us as food?"

"Everyone is a living race in the world. Why can\'t we live in peace? We are also intelligent creatures like the human race!"

"Master Wuchen, is the ultimate fate of our spore people eaten by others?"

Master Wuchen folded his hands and recited the Buddha\'s name with a bitter face: "Amitabha, sin!"

Later, these people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect looked at each other and didn\'t know how to answer the question of spore man elder.

They all know that those who want to fight against spore people

Really, they want to eat spore people as food!

Among the Terrans, even many famous and decent sects, if they meet spore people, the first thing they think of is... Eat!

Dare not eat in the open, but will eat in the dark!

This time, if the spore people don\'t meet Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect, they will change to other sects

Whether we can live to the present is a problem!

It\'s really not clear in a word or two about race.

Although I have heard of the war temple, this generation of war emperor said that he wanted to reset the rules and make all major races coexist peacefully with the human race.

But this kind of thing, people just listen to it... Now there are a few thunder, and it hasn\'t even rained?

The Lord of the war god temple, who commands the human race, is still difficult to change this kind of thing, not to mention others?

Hearing the words of elder spore man, even master Wuchen, a Buddhist monk, was flustered and didn\'t know how to answer.

Now, the crisis of spore people is obviously... Someone wants to eat them!

Eat them up!

Master Wuchen and others didn\'t see the specific situation clearly, but

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is all over the building!

The thick crisis haunts the whole dark swamp, making people suffocate and hard to breathe!