Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1040

When Murong Changfeng rushed over Murong aristocratic family

There are already hundreds of towering and huge strong men on it.

Among them, there are ten old people who have no breath, but people don\'t dare to approach at all. They stand at the top like gods and demons!

The Murong aristocratic family, which has been hidden for tens of thousands of years, showed its strength in an instant under such an attack!

If someone sees this scene, I\'m afraid even the legendary sect will smack its tongue!

At this time, everyone of Murong aristocratic family looked around, and the strong spirit spread out, covering thousands of miles around!

The sword array integrating attack and defense of Murong aristocratic family is still shaking wildly at this time. There are terrible vertical and horizontal sword Qi in the sky and underground!

In the outermost layer of the sword array, three huge palm prints on it have not dissipated until now.

Just now, someone attacked the sword array of Murong aristocratic family!

He clapped three palms directly at the sword array!

Although these three palms did not break through the sword array, most of the people in Murong aristocratic family who maintain the sword array are dead and injured!

Now there are many people below who are coughing up blood violently!

All the people of Murong aristocratic family are ugly and their eyes are full of tyranny!

Murong Changfeng moved and flew to one of the old men with white hair and beard and said, "Grandpa, what happened? Someone attacked my Murong family?"

The bearded and white grandfather said, "the second and the third have chased out. After the bastard clapped three palms, he immediately ran away. Now he is three thousand miles away."

Murong Changfeng took a look at the still cohesive palm print, looked dignified and said: "such a terrible palm print, and the speed is so fast... Is it the strong one at the end of the emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"I Murong aristocratic family have been recuperating and recuperating for so many years. It seems that I haven\'t offended any strong people?"

One ancestor\'s eyes were full of tyranny and said, "our Tianyuan demon king is hidden from the world. We have never made enemies whether inside or outside the demon God Hall... This attack is really inexplicable. It\'s unreasonable!"

At this time, powerful thoughts from all directions were attracted by the earth shaking movement and hovered around the Murong aristocratic family.

"Get out!"

Murong Changfeng\'s ancestor\'s eyes were cold, and his terrible thoughts were released outward like the ocean!

There was a loud noise in the void!

The most daring, relying on the thoughts of the nearest people, they were blasted into slag in an instant!

Murong aristocratic family, the unworthy ancestor of Murong aristocratic family, was in a bad mood. Under the merciless bombardment of this mind, most of the mind owners who came to peep were seriously injured!

"The emperor\'s martial mirror is strong? No, go back!"

"Well... How could this be possible? Murong aristocratic family of dark gold forces, where did such a terrible strong man come from?"

"Murong aristocratic family can bear it. Such a terrible strong man has been unknown for tens of thousands of years at the dark gold level..."

"With the advent of troubled times, it seems that this powerful clan family is beginning to be born. Fortunately, I am far away, otherwise I will be unlucky just now!"

The strong men peeping around are extremely frightened, and their thoughts retreat madly like a tide.

Within a distance of two thousand miles, no one dared to come and spy on Murong aristocratic family.

Murong Changfeng looked slightly moved, and his sleeve robe was thrown, which had appeared above the three palm prints.

Several ancestors seemed to be very dependent on Murong Changfeng. Seeing his action, they immediately followed him.

Murong Changfeng\'s eyes moved, and a vertical eye appeared on his forehead!

This eye immediately released a divine light and shrouded the huge palm print below!


The three huge fingerprints immediately gathered together to form a huge smoke.

Then the smoke twisted into a man in black who couldn\'t see clearly.

The black robed man giggled and said, "the whole world is in chaos. It\'s not good that old Tianyuan\'s pulse is so calm."

"Are you afraid of the black dragon devil, or do you say your strength is too poor to compete with the black dragon devil?"

The Murong aristocratic family looked at the black figure coldly, and their killing intention was full of.

However, this is just an untraceable thought left by the other party. The Murong aristocratic family can\'t do anything to others.

He heard the figure in black and continued: "since the eldest lady of the demon God hall has appeared and the return of the Tianyuan demon king is imminent, I think your Murong family is ready to fight?"

"This seat brings you a good message and helps you. Listen carefully..."

"The seal gate on the Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield has been loosened. I\'m afraid the demon clan will break the seal and return to the world soon. You Murong aristocratic family can make a good plan through this matter."

"Don\'t thank me, I\'m not kind, ha ha!"

With that, the figure in black burst open and disappeared without a trace.

These old fellows of Murong aristocratic family stood in the void and looked strange. They looked at the place where the black robed figure was originally located and didn\'t speak for a long time.

After a while, two figures appeared in the distance. After two jumps, they entered the sword array of Murong aristocratic family.

But the second and third ancestors who chased out came back.

Murong Changfeng glanced at the two ancestors and saw their angry appearance. He knew that they were both empty.

Sure enough, the second ancestor snorted coldly and said, "that bastard runs fast. In a moment, he has gone thousands of miles. I tried my best to chase him. I found that it was him. I even chased him in the wrong direction. I was angry!"

"Don\'t make a fool of yourself here, go back and talk!" Yizu looked ugly and threw his sleeve robe.

Murong Changfeng and others were coerced into the Murong aristocratic family\'s secret room by a cloud.

In the secret room, a group of old guys, including ten old Murong family antiques, sat down with Murong Changfeng.

Apart from Murong Changfeng, all of us here are old monsters with high generations.

Even a group of elders are trembling here, and the atmosphere dare not say a word.

The ten ancestors whose breath was the most terrible looked extremely ferocious and gloomy, one by one as if they were a volcano about to erupt.

The Murong aristocratic family, whose real details are no less than those of the major demon generals, was so arrogant that they slapped the sword array of the guardian family three times, killing a large number of people.

In the end, people not only ran away, but also didn\'t know who did it!

What a shame!

"Grandpa, do you want to let the clouds come?" one of the elders said in a low voice.

Murong Yuntian is the contemporary patriarch of Murong aristocratic family and the father of Murong Changfeng.

Before the old ancestor could speak, Murong Changfeng had said, "my father was poisoned by blood dwarf chestnut, which ranked first among the ten poisons two hundred years ago. Now it\'s the key time to expel the remaining poisons. Don\'t bother him?"

The elder nodded respectfully towards Murong Changfeng.

It seems that Murong Changfeng is a rare talent and has a prominent position in the Murong aristocratic family.

"Feng\'er, what do you think of this?" Yizu asked with a frown.

Murong Changfeng was silent for a moment and said, "first, it\'s just a farce. You don\'t have to be angry... Murong aristocratic family, a dark gold force, is attacked. It\'s nothing."

"We can bear it for tens of thousands of years. Why care about such a small face?"

"Second, since both the second and third ancestors didn\'t catch up with each other, and their palm power was strange and powerful, they should be the strong ones above the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing, but they may not be our enemies."

"At least, the information brought by the other party is beneficial to us."

"Third, those who know the details of our Murong aristocratic family are rare even in the demon God hall. The only people are those from the black dragon demon king... But the black dragon people can\'t do such a thing."

"The person who does this is more likely to be the God of war hall, ten thousand demon house or thousand soul hall."

"The three palmprints on the sword array are extremely powerful, but they are not mixed with too much soul power or demon power, so the people in the God of war hall are most likely to do this."

"Of course, this is just my guess. In fact, it doesn\'t matter whether it is the temple of the God of war."

"Fourth, the most important thing is that the information he brought is very important. It has a lot to do with whether we can regain this position."

"Our Tianyuan chain lacks an opportunity to rise, but now the devil\'s daughter appears and the blood ancestor is about to be born. We can\'t be silent anymore... The loosening of the seal of the devil\'s domain in the foreign battlefield will be our greatest opportunity."

At this point, Murong Changfeng stopped talking.

His tone and posture of analyzing things are very similar to Shen Lang!

And just looking at the palm print and hearing the black robed man say a few words, he reasoned out such a few points!

Even the identity of people in the future has locked the temple of the God of war!

Ziyou, the king of Shura, thought he had done a good job. If he heard these words, he didn\'t know whether his chin would fall to the ground.

The third ancestor was angry that he didn\'t catch up with the man. Strider Murong Changfeng said it didn\'t matter whether he was the man in the God of war hall, but he still hated and said, "Feng, do you really think it was the man in the God of war Hall who did this?"

"Most of the wars between the God of war hall and the demon God hall involve the black dragon devil and the red devil. Since I lost the competition with the black dragon and gave up this position, I haven\'t participated in the struggle between them for more than 30000 years. What\'s the purpose of the people in the God of war hall?"

The other old guys immediately stared at Murong Changfeng.

Even among so many antiques, Murong Changfeng is a well deserved protagonist.

"Sow discord and create opportunities for us at the same time." Murong Changfeng said faintly.

The second ancestor couldn\'t help but be stunned and said, "if they are really the people of the God of war hall, they should know that the black dragon took control of the world from the Murong aristocratic family. Originally, the black dragon had an irreconcilable hatred with us, so why bother?"