Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1039

"...." every time he said a word, he was hit by Murong Changfeng. The evil spirit of the dark shadow became more and more serious, and it seemed that he was on the verge of violence.

At this time, Murong Changfeng suddenly said, "I can\'t kill you, you can\'t kill me, so don\'t pretend."

The dark shadow was stunned, and immediately burst out laughing: "you ran for a long time, and you can\'t pretend?"

"You Murong Changfeng\'s amazing talent and calculations are amazing. No one can compare with you. I\'m convinced of that."

Although the shadow showed weakness, Murong Changfeng said impolitely: "it\'s really nerve racking to talk to you... You\'re really not suitable to use your brain. You\'re only suitable for cultivating martial arts."

The shadow was so angry that he had no choice: "forget it, I\'ll listen to you and wait for him directly in the wilderness."

"Anyway, Shen Lang will die!"

"The guy who died in my hands 13 years ago is doomed to die in my hands after 13 years!"

Murong Changfeng didn\'t speak.

Although he was talking about killing his third brother, he didn\'t feel much.

On the contrary, the eyebrows on his face had stretched out and put down his hanging heart.

Although the shadow can\'t wait to leave for the wilderness.

However, after being run by Murong Changfeng for many times, I seem to feel too ashamed and unwilling.

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly said without words: "just now you said about the blood clan, what do you think of the blood clan? The ancestor of Tianyuan hasn\'t returned to the star continent, but now the Murong aristocratic family is very weak."

"At that time, the blood clan will sweep the whole world, and the Murong aristocratic family can\'t stay out of it."

Murong Changfeng smiled calmly and said, "you also said that the Murong aristocratic family is very weak now. Since it is so weak, we can\'t do anything at all. Why do you care about the blood clan so much?"

"...." the dark shadow is the conclusion of the words.

Murong Changfeng said again, "it is the black dragon demon king who controls the star continent and the major demon generals under his seat. He should worry about this kind of thing. It\'s not up to us to worry about it here."

The dark shadow still didn\'t give up: "but the ancestor of Tianyuan was the enemy of the black dragon demon king. He wanted to regain control of the star mainland early in the morning. Now it happened that the black dragon demon king was seriously injured and the eldest lady appeared in the world again. Now in the Murong aristocratic family, the ancestor values you and your eldest brother most. Don\'t you really care about it?"

"The escort was robbed by the black dragon. Do you also want to watch the black dragon devil perform meritorious deeds?"

"Heroes come from troubled times. Don\'t you really want to take advantage of this opportunity to achieve eternal hegemony, or climb to the top of martial arts?"

"If the old ancestor Tianyuan returns and finds that the blood ancestor has been killed by the black dragon demon, and we haven\'t done anything..."

Murong Changfeng snorted coldly, "I really don\'t understand..."

The shadow was stunned: "don\'t understand what?"

Murong Changfeng said, "I really don\'t understand. You are the soul of my practice of magic Yan formula, and you have an independent consciousness. Why do you have such a head?"

"Asshole... What do you mean by ridiculing me again and again today?" the shadow was furious.

Every time he opened his mouth, he was run by Murong Changfeng. I can\'t stand it.

Does this make people talk well?

Murong Changfeng said leisurely, "first, I want to climb to the top of martial arts. But in troubled times, there are dangers. Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror can easily fall. You know my personality - just like walking on thin ice heart, it\'s safe."

"When the blood ancestors of evil gods bring disaster to the world, the rest is the king, and the people who survive are the winners."

"Second, you don\'t understand a thing about blood ancestors and blood families. The demon God Temple... To be exact, the demon God Temple in the star continent is still in a weak position!"

"The black dragon demon king\'s peak period was the cultivation of the great emperor. Later, he was seriously injured by the war emperor, which was much worse than before."

"And the blood ancestor, an evil god in ancient legends, is beyond the existence of the great emperor. He is called a demigod and has been hiding in the blood ancestor mausoleum for hundreds of thousands of years... Do you think he can deal with the blood ancestor with the ability of the black dragon? It\'s a joke!"

The dark shadow was stunned for a moment, still a little unconvinced and said, "he can\'t deal with the blood ancestor, but he will cooperate with other demon kings."

"And now the blood clan is the enemy of the whole world. Except for the fallen war emperor, the four great emperors and the other ancestors will also fight!"

"You see the blood ancestor too high..."

Murong Changfeng shook his head and said, "in the past, you could know what I was thinking. Now, you can\'t figure out what I was thinking, can you?"

The shadow released a terrible evil spirit and said, "so what? Do you think what I think is wrong?"

Murong Changfeng said coldly, "you have to understand two points. The Pangu Protoss failed to kill the blood ancestor; the master chased him separately, and he finally escaped!"

"Now the blood ancestor has been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years, no one knows how powerful he is, and no one knows whether he has created a group of terrible blood families in the blood ancestor mausoleum!"

"If several demon kings wear killing armor, there may be a chance to win against the blood ancestor."

"It\'s a pity that the black dragon demon king doesn\'t want to practice magic Yan formula, and they don\'t want to wear killing armor at all."

"They attacked the blood ancestors, and the final outcome was that they all fell, and there could be no second possibility."

The dark shadow was surprised: "this blood ancestor is really so strong? How do you know?"

Murong Changfeng said faintly, "naturally, the ancestor of Tianyuan told me... If the blood ancestor was so easy to deal with, the Pangu Protoss had killed him in ancient times. Why should he live to the present?"

"The only way to deal with the blood ancestor is to let the demon lord return."

"Only by calling back the devil\'s separation can we deal with the blood ancestor as we did with the war emperor."

"Tianyuan\'s father decided this, so he didn\'t come back... Because he wanted to see the black dragon demon king and others fight with Xuezu, and finally gain when both sides lose."

The shadow was a little tongue tied: "this, this... I see."

"But the master is the supreme demon God in heaven and earth. Now a split is calculated by the sixth ancestor and escapes into the crack of time and space... Every time he calls his split back, it takes a lot of Yuan force fragments. Now the yuan force fragments in the world are no better than those in ancient times. The major demon generals in the demon temple have been searching hard for so many years and still can\'t get together..."

"Until now, the 4749 altars have not been really completed. What year and month will it take to summon the master to come back?"

"This is not something we can control, nor should we worry about." Murong Changfeng youyou said, "what we need to do is to break through the \'magic Yan formula\' to the fifth level in one year and achieve the cultivation of emperor\'s martial mirror."

"After the magic Yan formula breaks through the fifth layer, and then puts on the killing armor, you can really start to control the power on the killing armor. The cultivation speed is hundreds of times faster than now!"

It is extremely arrogant to break through the cultivation to the imperial martial mirror within one year.

But when Murong Changfeng said this, his tone was very calm.

Only when the self-confidence in the depths of the heart reaches the extreme, can Tianzong wizards say such words so calmly.

However, he said that when killing armor, the heat in his eyes was hard to hide.

It seems that he is also very concerned about the killing armor.

This is something beyond the top ten heavenly objects. There are thousands of strong people under the Tianyuan demon king. At present, only Murong Changfeng and his eldest brother Murong Ji are qualified to have it.

Even this killing armor is said to have only ten pairs!

Murong aristocratic family has two pairs!

Murong Changfeng couldn\'t help but be moved by the killing armor!

The shadow looked at Murong Changfeng, smiled happily and said, "you\'re right. Our own strength is the most important."

"Well, then you can safely close the door and attack the bottleneck. I\'ll go to the wilderness and kill Shen Lang... Hey, there are a lot of secrets about this boy. I can\'t wait."

Murong Changfeng was noncommittal.

He didn\'t seem very willing to talk to the shadow.

Seeing that Murong Changfeng didn\'t speak, the dark shadow stayed quietly for a while, nodded slightly and said, "every time I talk to you, my mood will become unhappy... Well, it\'s not too late. I\'ll go to the wilderness now."

"Go." Murong Changfeng said faintly.

As soon as the figure of the shadow changed, it disappeared into the closed chamber like smoke.

As soon as the shadow disappeared, Murong Changfeng, who had always been calm, suddenly showed a painful color.

"Shadow? One day, I will become your shadow?"

"Fate, can\'t you really resist, can\'t you really reverse..."

"Third brother, third brother, when you see your second brother again, maybe your second brother is not your second brother anymore. Why do you come back?"

"I\'ve designed to let the shadow go to the wilderness to find you, third brother. You must not disappoint the second brother..."

"I don\'t know what\'s going on with my flower soul? She must want to tear down my bones and peel my skin?"

"It\'s so uncomfortable. I want to cry, but I can\'t cry..."

Voices, with unspeakable sadness, sounded in Murong Changfeng\'s heart.

When the shadow is gone.

Murong Changfeng showed another appearance that even the shadow could not imagine.

That calculation was amazing. Murong Changfeng, like an owl, showed unspeakable sadness and pain.

But the sadness and pain didn\'t last long

When Murong Changfeng lowered his head and muttered to himself at the bottom of his heart.

"Boom, boom!"

Three loud noises came in a row, and the whole Murong family suddenly shook like an earthquake!


Even in this underground secret room, Murong Changfeng was struck by lightning!


Murong Changfeng reacted very quickly, instantly turned into a wind dragon, and then rushed over the Murong aristocratic family!