Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1038

The dark shadow smiled: "afraid? I Murong Changfeng was afraid of who?"

Murong Changfeng sits opposite. The shadow was said to be the shadow of Murong Changfeng, but now it calls itself "Murong Changfeng". It\'s really weird.

The separated body condensed by the general strong has no independent consciousness, and it is impossible to talk to the Buddha like this.

The shadow continued: "anyway, I didn\'t pay attention to him at all, and I\'m not qualified to pay attention to him with his cultivation. But you have a lot of thoughts and regard him as your strong enemy... Are you afraid of him? After all, you and your eldest brother wanted to kill him, but now he is alive and kicking."

Murong Changfeng smiled calmly and said, "fear is not necessarily, but worry is inevitable. His cultivation is not worried, but his development speed can\'t help worrying me."

"You know, we can cultivate to this extent. In addition to being valued by the emperor Tianyuan and obtaining unimaginable opportunities for others, the biggest reason is that we share our cultivation achievements and cultivate the peerless divine skill of \'magic Yan Jue\'."

"And he, wandering outside and abandoned his martial spirit, has reached such a point in just 13 years!"

"Now he has become a member of the rosefinch mansion, taken care of by the black dragon demon king, and has a relationship with the eldest lady... He will appear in front of me in a short time."

"At that time, even if my cultivation can crush him, but the Tianyuan pulse is weak, can I really attack the person who may become the master\'s son-in-law?"

The dark shadow smiled and said, "according to my calculation, Shen Lang does have some strength. After all, he is your brother. Your three brothers all exist like demons in this world... But he mainly relies on the relationship of the eldest lady of the demon temple, otherwise it\'s not worth mentioning."

"It\'s a pity that he was robbed by the black dragon devil. Even if Tianyuan returned to the star mainland, I\'m afraid he didn\'t have much chance to see the eldest lady."

"The black dragon was crippled by the war emperor, so he stayed in the star mainland. Unexpectedly, he was so lucky... The master\'s daughter was reincarnated and reborn in the star mainland!"

"Interesting, that\'s interesting."

Seeing that Murong Changfeng didn\'t speak, the dark shadow said again: "after all, you are worried about his growth and that he will really become the master\'s son-in-law."

"The speed of his growth and the momentum in the demon temple have threatened us."

"The possibility of him becoming the master\'s son-in-law makes you uneasy about sleep and food..."

Murong Changfeng heard this and interrupted the shadow\'s words: "what do you want to say?"

The shadow laughed and said, "what I want to say is very simple. Take advantage of his fledgling and eradicate him by thunder!"

"Thirteen years ago, I said I killed him myself. You said make a mountain out of a molehill... Now you can\'t make a mountain out of a molehill? Let me kill him."

"I\'ll go to Zichu and bring his head back to you!"

After saying this, the black shadow was filled with a murderous spirit.

Let this secret room completely turn into the field of killing.

Murong Changfeng frowned slightly and said, "are you sure you can kill him?"

The shadow said with a strange smile, "here\'s the difference between you and big brother. Big brother is decisive and reckless, and you, you really think too much..."

"Can anyone know my strength better than you except myself?"

"Under the emperor\'s martial mirror, who else in the world can take my ten moves?"

"And the killing armor is on me. Even if I haven\'t broken through to the fifth layer of the \'magic Yan formula\', I can\'t give full play to the power of the killing armor, but now I wear the killing armor and can keep ten breathing time..."

"It\'s more than enough to kill an emperor\'s martial mirror and a strong man in the sky in these ten breaths!"

"I\'m your shadow. Do you doubt yourself?"

"Even if you doubt yourself, you shouldn\'t doubt the power of killing armor? Control the killing Qi and drive the evil Qi. Whether God or devil, all in the world can be killed!"

Murong Changfeng stretched his eyebrows, nodded slightly and said, "well, go to the wilderness and strangle this threat in the cradle. This is also my consistent style."

The shadow was stunned: "didn\'t you go to the purple Chu state in the snow? What did you do in the wilderness?"

Murong Changfeng said coldly, "do you have a head on your shoulder just to look taller?"

The shadow was angry and said, "what do you mean? Isn\'t Shen Lang in the purple Chu state in the snow? I didn\'t send someone to stare at him. Isn\'t it right to go to the purple Chu state to find him?"

Murong Changfeng shook his head and said, "recently, there has been a big movement in the rosefinch house and other magic generals. They have sent a large number of strong people to the wilderness. Don\'t you know?"

The shadow said coldly, "of course I know, but I don\'t know what happened, let alone what it has to do with Shen Lang!"

"Even if the rosefinch mansion has any trend, it\'s not sure that Shen Lang will go to the wilderness?"

"I don\'t have relevant information, but I can guess," Murong Changfeng said.

The shadow asked a little unconvinced, "you can guess without any information?"

"It\'s not as easy to talk to you as before. I didn\'t talk before. You know what I was thinking. With the improvement of cultivation, you......" Murong Changfeng massaged his temples with a headache.

Dark shadow was very angry when Murong Changfeng ran into him, but there was nothing to do.

In Murong aristocratic family, if Murong Changfeng admits that he is the second, no one dares to claim to be the first!

In the past, the shadow knew exactly what Murong Changfeng was thinking. They could hardly tell each other.

However, with the higher and higher level of Murong Changfeng\'s "magic Yan formula", his shadow has begun to break away from Murong Changfeng, and he can\'t fully grasp the thoughts or thoughts in Murong Changfeng\'s heart.

When the shadow was extremely embarrassed, Murong Changfeng continued: "you should know that the blood clan drove demons to attack the human city? They want to break through the seal of the earth crack, and the most important part of destroying the seal of the earth crack is to destroy the eternal tree..."

"But now the emperor\'s martial mirror strong people are beginning to appear in cracks everywhere. There are legendary sect doors, and even the strong people in the demon God hall. How can it be so easy to break through?"

"The best way is to find the real body of the eternal tree in the wilderness and uproot the legendary eternal tree."

"In this way, the eternal trees in the cracks of the earth will wither."

"Just at this time, the blood clan suddenly stopped and did not continue to attack the major cities, while the magic generals such as the rosefinch house mobilized the people to run to the wilderness at this time..."

"Obviously, I got information from some channels and knew that the blood clan was going to attack the eternal tree, so I ran to help the eternal tree."

"After all, this world is the pasture of our demon temple. If it is polluted by the Qi of the most Yin, we can only give up this world in the end."

"Our pasture is the private property of our demon temple. How can it be ruined by the blood clan?"

"Since the people of the rosefinch mansion have worked so hard to go to the wilderness, Shen Lang, as the new left envoy of the rosefinch mansion, naturally will go to the wilderness."

"It will take you more than 20 days to go from Mengxing to Zichu in the snow area. I expected that when you arrived at Zichu, Shen Lang had either met with the people of Zhuque mansion in the wilderness or was on the way to the wilderness."

"Besides, there are two strong emperor Wujing in Zhuque mansion in the purple Chu state. Are you impatient to go to the purple Chu state?"

"You are my shadow. You can come back to life after death... It doesn\'t matter if you die, but last time you die, my cultivation will be greatly reduced. We have to practice from scratch. I can\'t afford this loss!"

The shadow Zaba Zaba said, "yes, you don\'t have to be so detailed, as if I didn\'t have a brain!"

"Do you have a brain?" Murong Changfeng said faintly.