Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1037

Murong Changfeng\'s mind was firm and his face remained unchanged when the mountain collapsed.

But this time, Murong Changfeng couldn\'t calm down.

Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, was the third younger brother pursued and killed by Murong Changfeng and Murong Ji.

The third brother, who should have been scared, is really haunted.

It was born more than ten years later!

He not only came back in the name of Shen Lang, but also came back very strong!

Murong Changfeng knew it as the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon temple!

And even with the big lady of the demon temple, there is an indescribable relationship!

Only thirteen years

He became a strong man from a child who could not practice martial arts.

In the dragon scale temple, he circled among the main devil generals, and dared to point at the nose of the strong man of Tiangang and Disha;

With a few words, he balanced the struggle of the strong in the hall of war god, the hall of demon God and the hall of thousands of souls;

It seems that he has the help of Miss jingle, but he has been recognized by the strong in the demon temple!

What makes Murong Changfeng more restless is

He hit the blood emperor ladaos with a knife!

Ladaos, the blood emperor who has advanced to the realm of the great emperor!

This is unthinkable!

"Thirteen years later, has he become so strong?"

"In those years, his martial spirits were swallowed up by his eldest brother and became a waste that could not be cultivated. How could he be so strong?"

Murong Changfeng can\'t imagine

There are fifty or sixty strong imperial martial mirrors in the demon God hall, including four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king, black dragon Aoyue under the command of Tiangang Disha, and black phoenix Lin Yafeng who is already the peak of imperial martial mirrors

In addition, there are white flag leader Bai Luobing of the God of war hall and night ghost, one of the three ghost zuns of the thousand souls hall.

Such a lineup can\'t help the blood emperor.

And miss Jingdang is about to be captured by the blood emperor, and the situation of the rest is also in jeopardy.

But after Shen Lang appeared, the situation was completely reversed!

The relatively heavy blow to the blood emperor ladaos later appeared to be a little childish when he killed the strong warrior mirror of Zhulong mansion in the imperial capital of Zichu state.

Murong Changfeng Tianzong genius, together with his eldest brother Murong Ji, was valued by the Tianyuan devil and painstakingly cultivated by the Tianyuan devil.

He was also taken to the extraterritorial starry sky for many years.

It can be said that the speed of cultivation is unique in the world!

But compared with Shen Lang, the gap... Is really not small.

Since Shen Lang exposed the identity of the third young master of Murong aristocratic family to Tiangang, Disha and the major devil generals.

Does this mean that he is about to return to the Murong family?

Does this mean that he will return to the Murong aristocratic family to end his gratitude and resentment?

According to the analysis of the information brought back from the Green Dragon Guard, Shen Lang is decisive in killing and fighting, and vengeance will be rewarded.

It was impossible for him to forget the two brothers\' pursuit of him and stop!

In the face of today\'s shenlang, Murong Changfeng, the capital of Tianzong, also has great pressure.


Murong Changfeng breathed out with a heavy heart.

Suddenly, a black fog slowly floated out of his body.

The black fog condensed in the air and turned into a slightly blurred and extremely strange shadow.

The dark shadow took a cold look at Murong Changfeng and naturally sat opposite Murong Changfeng.

He just sat in the chair, as if he had melted into the darkness, which was unpredictable.

"Your cultivation is more and more exquisite, and the \'magic Yan formula\' is more refined. Compared with the elder brother\'s Wu Chi, it\'s no less impressive." the dark shadow said.

"When this magic Yan formula goes further, you will be able to control the killing armor freely and become the master of a generation of killing."

I\'m afraid Shen Lang couldn\'t predict that Murong aristocratic family also has killing armor!

And this armour is chasing his brother!

Murong Changfeng said expressionless, "you want to be the master of killing, not me."

"Jie... You are still like this and refuse to accept me." the shadow smiled: "I am your shadow, you are me, I am you, you and I are equal to each other."

"If I become the master of killing, you are also the master of killing. What\'s the difference?"

"Shadow?" Murong Changfeng didn\'t speak, and his fingers were still tapping gently on the table.

The shadow seemed to know what Murong Changfeng thought and said lightly, "are you worried about your third brother? Do you think he can threaten us?"

"Hum, I said I would kill him myself, but you blocked me by all means and said I made a mountain out of a molehill. Now he has returned strongly and has become the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. It will be very difficult to kill him again in the future!"

"Moreover, I\'m afraid he will come to * * * * soon... How will you and brother deal with it?"

"Although we are not afraid of him, the ancestor of Tianyuan didn\'t return to the star mainland. The Murong aristocratic family is inferior to the Zhuque mansion."

When the dark shadow spoke out Murong Changfeng\'s worries

Murong Changfeng said calmly, "you think too much. There\'s nothing to worry about."

"What about the left envoy of the rosefinch house? My eldest brother and I are the people favored by the emperor Tianyuan. Our future achievements will not be worse than the black dragon demon king. Let alone the people of the rosefinch house, even if the Tiangang and Disha under the black dragon demon king see me, they have to be polite."

"Since he is in the demon temple, he should understand that my brother and I are not people he can move."

The shadow smiled and said, "Tiangang Disha? Tiangang Disha is bloody and scolded by him. Don\'t you dare to fart?"

"Before the first World War of the blood emperor, Tiangang was very polite to him, perhaps for the sake of miss Dingdang."

"But these people who are still alive in the battle with the blood emperor owe him a life now!"

"If he let the strong man of Tiangang Disha attack our Murong aristocratic family, guess if those people of Tiangang Disha will attack?"

"Although he is now the left envoy of the rosefinch mansion, his momentum is no less powerful than the master of the devil general mansion... Most of our strength is in the starry sky outside the territory, not in the star continent. If he returns, how can we resist it?"

Murong Changfeng said with a faint smile: "in addition, there is another thing to say. After the afternoon of January 15 (after 12 o\'clock), I will have a big explosion! A big explosion! It\'s hard to say how many chapters will erupt. Now, among the manuscripts, there are at least 20 chapters. Let\'s have a good look! Let\'s have more support, leave more messages and vote more!