Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1036

Then, Shen Lang\'s body was wrapped by a terrible aura, rushed to the sky at an unimaginable speed, suddenly rotated, and the knife light flashed again!

"Hiss, hiss..."

Thousands of peerless Sabre lights illuminate the night sky and send out in all directions!

It\'s like a knife rain!

This Dao Dao light, like melting open space, escaped into the darkness and disappeared.

The people below looked at all this and didn\'t know what Shen Lang was doing.

The only thing they understand is that if one of those sabres blows to this side, these people of the Taiqing emperor will die without a place to bury!

The light of a knife is so terrible. These ten million knives

At this time, Shen Lang condescended and said faintly, "there is Wuji demon clan behind the people of the evil blood demon clan, who want to plot against the spore people."

"The three quasi emperor Wujing peak strongmen of the Wuji demon sect have led thousands of strong men of the blood demon sect to hide outside the entrance of the spore man dungeon and prepare to wipe out the spore man family in two days."

"What!" all the people of taiqingzong were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

Ye Feng\'s face collapsed: "legendary sect, limitless demon sect? The strongman at the peak of quasi emperor martial mirror... This..."

He didn\'t finish, but everyone understood what he meant.

Now Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect guarding the cracks in the earth are dark gold forces.

Even some time ago, when the crack was impacted by the devil of the abyss, the quasi imperial martial mirrors of the two main doors did not come.

So later, master luanlai and other talents were seriously injured.

When the sporozoites saw that the Terrans were seriously killed and injured, they couldn\'t help walking out of the ground and healing the Terran warriors with their surging life power

Now, although there are many strong people in these two major doors, and there are many strong people in the quasi emperor martial mirror, the strongest one is the quasi emperor martial mirror four times. God!

The fourth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is like the Ninth Heaven peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Two days later, the people of Wuji demon sect and evil blood demon sect will start. Even if they want to find the legendary sect strongman for help, it\'s too late

At this time, Shen Lang said: "on the one hand, they sent seven murders and others to clean up and patrol the broken soul mountain;"

"On the other hand, they secretly destroyed the seal of the gap in the dark abyss and wanted to seize the control of the crack in the earth when the seal collapsed and the infinite abyss demon climbed out."

After absorbing the souls of Qi Sha and others with Tai Chi diagram, Shen Lang has made it clear about the conspiracy of the evil blood demon sect.

Ye Feng\'s faces changed dramatically: "these animals... These animals!"

Suddenly, the green ghost seemed to think of something and said in a startled voice: "but... Sir, what are they doing to seize the control of the earth crack? The devil martial arts can\'t absorb much Yin Qi, and finally can\'t resist the penetration and corrosion of Yin Qi? Have they secretly surrendered to the blood clan?"

"Surrender to the blood clan?" Shen Lang said with a sneer: "the blood clan is a disaster to the world. It is not impossible for the demon sect to surrender to the blood clan, but this is not the reason why the limitless demon sect wants to seize the control of the earth crack..."

"They know that the eternal tree has been planted on the edge of the earth crack in the valley of the fallen, and they want to seize the eternal tree."

"This is learned from the memory of the seven murders. Hum, is this man\'s grandfather an elder of the evil blood demon sect? No wonder he knows this kind of thing."

Ye Feng suddenly realized: "in this world where the Qi of Yin surges wildly, those who can purify the Qi of Yin have only heard of the eternal tree... These animals really want to seize the eternal tree! Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

"But, but what should we do?"

Taiqingzong\'s faces showed despair again.

Can it be said that this time, not only the spore people will be destroyed, but also the strong ones of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism will die clean?

If this war breaks out, both Taiqing emperor and Ruyi Buddha emperor will have to finish it!

Do you want to spread the news now and let them leave the cracks in the earth and run straight away?

The Wuji demon sect is crazy!

Ye Feng and others are about to split their eyes and canthus.

Shen Lang said, "I\'ve just killed all the people of Sha blood demon sect within a five thousand mile radius."

"You go back to Soul Valley to recover your life. Let them be ready... At the same time, tell me that I\'m coming."

"Let them last another day. I\'ll go to the spore man. After that, I\'ll go to the down and out valley."

As soon as the voice fell, Duanmu Zheng turned into a huge crow with a very bad appearance, and suddenly appeared.

The endless corpse Qi frightened the people of Taiqing sect for the rest of their lives!

With a gentle wave of Xue Shiyin\'s hand, the petals swept the whole audience, and then each petal adhered to several people of Taiqing Zong. Each petal turned into a pure spiritual power, which was absorbed by Ye Feng and others.

As soon as this spiritual power was instilled into these people, the originally powerless people immediately became as vigorous as the dried up seedlings moistened by the spring rain!

The originally numb hands and feet are as flexible as usual!

As soon as they came into contact with this surging and unpredictable spiritual power, Ye Feng and others understood... This snow wave is not the cultivation of Huangwu territory at all!

This spiritual power is surging, like a vast ocean, which makes people unable to see through and awe.

This is not the spiritual power that the strong in Huangwu territory can have!

Xue Shiyin smiled and said, "goodbye, everyone."

Moving, xueshiyin flew on the back of the huge crow, stood side by side with Shen Lang, and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"All the people of the blood demon sect within five thousand miles were killed..."

All the people present were frighteningly pale.

Especially Bai Yan and Lin Yun.

Before, the two of them had the most sarcastic comments on Shen Lang.

Think that Shen Lang just caught and burst a strong devil in Huangwu territory, killed the seven murders in the triple heaven of Huangwu territory with a brick, released the knife Qi, instantly killed a group of strong people of evil blood demon sect, and finally took their souls

This thunderbolt means of killing people without blinking an eye. It makes people cold!

Just looking back, it\'s like an inevitable nightmare!

But Shen Lang didn\'t seem to care much about them. This page was uncovered.

The question is, what about the Wuji demon sect?

Maybe everyone will die!

Suddenly, Ye Feng reacted again: "this... Is a little wrong."

Qingming was stunned: "what\'s wrong?"

Ye Feng gulped his saliva and said, "just now... The adult said that there are three top strongmen of quasi imperial martial mirror over the spore man? Then he said to go to the spore man and let us send a letter to master luanlai for a day?"

Qingming\'s head hasn\'t slowed down yet. He said, "yes, he said so. What\'s the matter?"

Ye Feng suddenly slapped on his thigh and said loudly, "this shows that the adult can deal with the quasi emperor Wujing peak strongman of the limitless demon clan!"

"He went to the spore man, solved the problems there, and then went to the earth crack... We said we were facing, not a desperate situation!"

"Moreover, as far as I know, the mind radiation distance of the strong at the peak of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is less than 5000 Li!"

The people were stunned, and immediately stood up one by one and cheered!

"Go! Go back to the valley immediately... Be sure to let the valley know the news at the first time!"

Ye Feng made a circle of big hands, and a circle of fog shrouded everyone, flying towards the direction of the valley of the fallen.

"Well... He just said that let\'s tell master luanlai that he\'s coming. Is he the elder martial brother of master luanlai?"

"Is master luanlai\'s senior brother so strong? I can\'t imagine!"

The voice of Qingming is still echoing in the air, and taiqingzong has disappeared in the sky.


Dream Star region, Murong aristocratic family.

In the dark secret room, a young man in white robe looked at the table.

His right index finger is tapping gently on the table with a very rhythmic rhythm, making a sound of "Da, Da, Da".

This action is very similar to Shen Lang, as if it were carved in a mold.

Even from the side or back, people who are familiar with Shen Lang may inadvertently regard him as Shen Lang!

He is the second son of the master of Murong aristocratic family, Murong Changfeng.

It\'s Shen Lang\'s second brother.

He is also the fiance of flower soul among the four heavenly kings of night soul.

Shen Lang certainly won\'t forget this second brother.

More than ten years ago, it was Murong Ji, the eldest brother, and Murong Changfeng, the second brother, who sent people to chase him and kill him, that led him to Tianfeng city in the snow covered purple Chu state.

If Hongyu hadn\'t worked hard to rescue Shen Lang, Shen Lang would have died in the pursuit of his two brothers.

The ruby was seriously injured by the strong man sent by Murong Changfeng and "died" in the Phoenix Mountains.

If it had not been for the life spirit liquid in fengtianding, the ruby would have turned into white bone now.

The flower soul fell in love with Murong Changfeng. In the end, it was not only abandoned, but also hunted down. Even its own family was slaughtered!

Apart from Shen Lang and Hua soul, who can imagine that such a gentle and gifted second young master of Murong aristocratic family should be so cruel and cruel? kill in cold blood?

Anyone who has contacted Murong Changfeng can\'t imagine that such a vicious heart should be hidden under the appearance of this peaceful and approachable person.

In other words, is this actually the heart of a peerless hero?

Would rather I bear the world than let the world bear me?

Shen Lang didn\'t see through Murong Changfeng, needless to say others.

At this time, Murong Changfeng sat quietly in the dark, as if thinking about something.

He was used to the darkness, in which no one saw him and no one knew what he was thinking.

He was like a lone wolf, used to licking his wounds alone in the dark.

It seems that only in this darkness can he feel a little secure.

But from time to time there was a flash of light in his eyes, indicating that his mood was fluctuating.

This state rarely appears in Murong Changfeng.

This is mainly because an hour ago, the Green Dragon Guard of Murong aristocratic family brought information from the demon God Hall - information about Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon God hall.

Information about... The third young master of Murong aristocratic family!

Of course, the third young master is not Murong now.

His name is Shen Lang!