Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1035

The sabre of the strong man of the blood devil sect is too fierce and fierce.

So that most people\'s eyes fell on the knife.

Most people said that it was because the kind Ye Feng didn\'t pay too much attention to the knife, but took a pity look at Shen Lang.

Although several of them can\'t live too long, Ye Feng is still miserable to see Shen Lang die first... And tortured to death.

However, seeing Shen Lang like this and holding his hands in front of his chest, Ye Feng was stunned.

It seems that this posture should not appear on such a stupid person?

Moreover, the people of the evil blood demon sect want to kill this boy. His big brother... The snow waves in the Huangwu realm are indifferent?

Between lightning and flint, Ye Feng suddenly realized: "something\'s wrong. The snow wave doesn\'t move because he thinks the boy can cope!"

"And this boy has no fear, not that he doesn\'t know the other party wants to fight, nor can he dodge... He wants to be stabbed by the other party on purpose!"

The idea has just come out


The deafening sound of gold and iron sounded on the court.

It seems that the sword of the strong man of the blood devil sect was not cut on people, but on steel!

Mars is everywhere, and the energy is surging!

A scene that completely stunned everyone appeared

In the gorgeous light, the long knife in the strong hand of the evil blood demon sect first burst and turned into countless pieces, flying all over the sky like a butterfly!

Then, the blood mist erupted in the right hand of the man holding the knife and instantly exploded into fly ash!

The strong man of the evil blood demon clan groaned miserably, flew backwards at a faster speed and spun like a top in the air. It was not easy to remove the remaining strength!

Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief and thought they were dazzled.

How could it be such a result?

The man who wanted to cut off Shen Lang\'s arm cut Shen Lang with all his strength. Not only was the magic soldier shocked to pieces, but the power of the anti earthquake also shocked his right arm into fly ash?

No matter Ye Feng and Qingming, or the other strong men of the evil blood demon sect, they all thought that there was an illusion.

How is this possible!

This is the powerful devil in the double heaven of Huangwu territory!

And that knife, at least, is a Xuan grade five!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The people had not yet reacted. The strong man of the evil blood demon sect who flew backwards did not say a word. With the power of flying backwards, he flashed in the night and directly escaped from the "evil blood demon cage"!

This time, not only Ye Feng and others looked at a loss, but also a group of people of Sha blood demon sect couldn\'t understand.

Immediately, all the people reacted

That guy was so frightened that he didn\'t dare to call his companions to fight together!

Even ran away without notice!

He left his companions as a meat shield against the heavy waves!

Seven kill several people completely didn\'t expect such a thing to happen. They were stunned for half a second.

The next moment, Shen Lang stretched out his right hand and grabbed the person who had escaped far away!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, I saw a flash of intelligence, and the space in front of me seemed to collapse


In the distance came the sound of a balloon explosion, which burst.

Quickly fly out of the imperial martial arts realm for several miles, and the strong man\'s breath disappears without a trace in an instant!

At such a long distance, the two heavenly strongmen in the magnificent martial realm are directly pinched and exploded

It\'s so crazy that even if you watch it with your own eyes, everyone present can\'t believe it!

In fact, even Xue Shiyin doesn\'t know how powerful Shen Lang is now.

Shen Lang\'s current strength won\'t make it too hard to crush the nine strong heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

It\'s just a double heaven in Huangwu territory. You don\'t even need to use one thousandth of your strength!

These people say that others are mole ants. In fact, they are inferior to mole ants in front of Shen waves!

"If I want to kill people, who can escape?" it seemed that the voice from the nine Youming prison came out of Shen Lang\'s mouth.

Shen Lang\'s eyes were cold, and his temperament suddenly changed greatly!

The original look that grandpa didn\'t hurt and grandma didn\'t love has long ceased to exist, replaced by the momentum like gods and demons!

Although his breath is still not very strong, standing there, like a demon God, makes people look up and admire!

He just stood there quietly and didn\'t do anything. Even the breath of his whole body seemed to be better than that of a group of powerful people in the imperial martial arts realm, but it gave him a feeling that no one was invincible!

And the killing intention naturally released in his eyes seemed to cut all things and destroy all gods!

Anyone who sees this pair of eyes can\'t control it... His heart is cold!

Especially those people of the evil blood demon sect trembled one by one

"Good... What a strong murderous spirit, what cold eyes! Who is this in the end!"

"How can this be possible? Why can you break Lao yuan\'s magic army and catch Lao yuan to death through the \'blood devil cage\'

"He... Did he really kill Lao yuan? He broke Lao yuan\'s holy army without doing anything?"

A group of powerful people in the imperial martial arts realm of shaxue demon sect seemed to see the Lord of the abyss, and their whole bodies trembled.

The fear in the seven killing eyes in the air is more powerful and the reaction is the fastest.

With a hook of his finger, he even urged the meteorite town boundary stone to hit Shen Lang: "meteorite town boundary stone, I suppressed it!"

"Let\'s go together and kill him!"

Seven kills are not stupid, and their brains are very smart.

But I didn\'t understand it before and was stunned for a while.

And after the reaction, he had a plan in his heart

Let others go up and drag Shen Lang, and then use the boundary pillar of meteorite town to suppress Shen Lang!

He doesn\'t expect the town boundary monument to kill Shen Lang.

He just hopes to entangle Shen Lang with the meteorite town boundary monument for a while so that he can escape!

However, this time, the seven murders did not expect that the more than ten people behind did not move!

Seems to be completely awed by the Shen wave!

At this time, under the urging of the seven murders, the town boundary monument, which was originally suspended on the top of Ye Feng and Qingming, suddenly changed from two feet high to three feet high, released ten thousand feet of light and pressed down on Shen Lang\'s head!

With all his thoughts, the seven murders controlled the boundary pillar of meteorite Town, prepared to trap Shen Lang and ran away immediately.


Something more unimaginable happened.

The boundary pillar of the meteorite town is like a hill. Even the Shen wave is surrounded by dust and hurricane.

But Shen Lang didn\'t care. He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to catch a fallen leaf in the air


The three foot high meteorite town boundary monument made a soft sound, which had shrunk to the size of a palm and was pinched by Shen Lang!

Ye Feng and Qingming are completely petrified

Just now the two of them joined hands and were almost pressed into meat mud. Now?

"It\'s just a magic weapon made from a meteorite outside the sky. How dare you call it the town boundary pillar?" Shen Lang sneered and directly erased the idea of seven murders in the town boundary pillar.

"Don\'t you really want to know my name? I\'ll take a picture of you. If you can take it, I\'ll tell you my name."

Then Shen Lang took the town boundary Monument and photographed it according to the numb seven kill pledge.

It\'s like patting people with a brick


The boundary pillar of the town suddenly became bigger and more than five feet high. It broke the leader\'s seven murders to pieces!

Didn\'t even scream!

The arrogant and domineering three heavenly strongmen in Huangwu territory were killed seven times. They were robbed of their magic weapon and killed directly with their own magic weapon!

So neat that I didn\'t even say a word!

He wanted to know Shen Lang\'s name. Unfortunately, he didn\'t know the name of this "food" until he was beaten flat.

"Well, although the name of the town boundary monument is exaggerated, it\'s enough to suppress animals like you."

Shen Lang said with a smile. He threw his arm at random. The strong wind suddenly started. The boundary pillar of meteorite town killed a strong man of shaxue demon sect!


Until this time, the people of the evil blood demon sect reacted!

The rest of these people could not care about anything else. They scattered and fled, trying their best to escape from the clutches of Shen Lang!

What is "scared the shit"?

Now the situation is scared to the shit!

Facing the "food" in the mouth of seven murders, these people of the evil blood demon sect even prefer to face the abyss demon!

Is this him? He\'s a guy worse than the devil!

Shen Lang didn\'t care which direction these people fled. He put away the town boundary monument, put out his right hand, spread out his five fingers and held it gently!

In the middle of the jungle, ten sharp knife lights were lit up in Dayton time!

Ten people escaped, just ten Dao lights.

The light of the knife breaks the soul.

Soul breaking mountain, soul breaking knife!

In the middle period, the meaning of Dao itself can take all things as a knife, break nothingness and cut through nothingness.

Whether it\'s leaves or sand, under the control of Shen langdao\'s intention, it\'s cutting forever, sharp and unparalleled!

As soon as the intention of the knife was urged, the light of the knife flashed, and the people of the evil blood demon sect died clean.

For this kind of demon warrior, Shen Lang never knew how to write the words "kind hearted and soft hearted".

In the dull eyes of the people of the Taiqing sect, Shen Lang was swept by the hurricane, which had urged the star sucking Da FA.

In the scream, those Danying who wanted to escape from the strong of Sha blood demon sect were pulled over without resistance!

In front of the Taiqing clan, thirteen transparent villains, roaring with despair, were swallowed up by the black hole in front of Shen Lang!

Without exception!

Shen Lang\'s method is really powerful and decisive.

And ferocious.

Shoot these people, even their souls!


The picture was so shocking that even Ye Feng and other people with firm mind did not slow down when they looked at all this.

Several of them thought they were in the illusion and couldn\'t help patting their faces!

That\'s not enough.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and poked with a puff. The sharp knife Qi cut the "blood devil cage" in an instant!

The "blood devil cage" that made Ye Feng desperate was like a soap bubble in front of Shen Lang