Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1034

When Qi Sha was furious, Ye Feng also saw Shen Lang.

Ye Feng looked strange. He quickly heard the sound of snow poetry and said, "there is a spore Man City five hundred miles outside the broken soul mountain. Outsiders could not find them..."

"Last time the devil climbed out of the abyss. Under the great war, many people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect who guarded the cracks in the earth were seriously injured. Many people only had one breath left, and even master luanlai was injured... Later, these spore people came out of the ground to heal everyone, and many people survived."

"Otherwise, I don\'t know how many people died of serious injuries that time!"

"It\'s a kind race. Some people call them fungus people. They used to live in a paradise and stay aloof from the world. It\'s because of us that they are exposed... Now there are nearly 300 people from Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism healing."

When the voice came here, Ye Feng spoke directly and said, "these animals treat them as food and want to attack them... I, Ye Feng, will never agree!"

"Seven kills, if you want to kill spore people, step over my body first!"

"Hiss, it\'s hard to protect the goods like mole ants, and dare to shout in front of me." seven kill doesn\'t care about Ye Feng at all, even if ye Feng tries his best.

Now the strength gap between the two sides can\'t be counted at all!

Now Ye Feng, even if he doesn\'t need others to intervene, even if he doesn\'t need the "blood devil cage", he can clean it up by himself.

Even the evil blood devil cage was made to do so because the high level of the evil blood devil sect attached great importance to this matter.

This is for fear that the news will leak out and attract the strong ones of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect in the crack of the earth.

In fact, the 13 strong men in the imperial martial arts field in this line don\'t need so much effort. They can easily kill all these people who patrol the broken soul mountain!

Seven kill\'s eyes were grumpy and swept around Qingming unscrupulously. Finally, he stared at her proud double front and turned his eyes to Shen Lang who was still eating barbecue.

"What\'s your name, that eater?"

Seven kill wanted to kill these people directly.

But this approach is too boring and monotonous.

Monotony to the point of disgusting him.

The seven murders have just advanced into the triple heaven of the imperial martial arts realm, and they have just won the attention of the top level of the evil blood demon sect. At this time, they are in high spirits.

He wants to see the desperate eyes of these people and get a sense of happiness and satisfaction from their desperate eyes.

He wants to torture these people more and finally kill them all.

At the same time, what seven kill wants to kill most now is not Ye Feng or Qingming.

But the guy who\'s still eating barbecue!

This ignorant bastard is too presumptuous and arrogant!

I don\'t know what to do!

I\'m still eating barbecue when I\'m dying. Is there such a food in the world?

Seven kill wanted to see everyone scared and stupid, and then everyone knelt down in front of him and cried and begged him to let him go.

But it is absolutely not allowed... Someone is so calm and ignores his existence!

At this time, the eater really raised his head and said, "since you want to kill all the people here in the broken soul mountain, does that mean you haven\'t started to deal with the spore people?"

Seven murderous, because he was ignored by the food again!

If he asks, the other party doesn\'t answer at all!

Qi Sha\'s evil Qi rolled and said word by word in a voice that seemed to come from the nether world: "Lao Tzu, what\'s your name?"

At this time, a strong man of the blood devil sect in the back said pleasantly, "senior brother Qisha, don\'t ask his name? Give him to me, and I can make him suffer and die! I have 108 ways to cook him!"

"Hey, hey, hey..." the other strong members of the evil blood demon clan laughed strangely.

These people\'s eyes are full of arrogance and hegemony, and they treat these people in front of them as fish on the board.

The eyes of several of them turned around on Qingming and Baiyan.

The look seemed to have stripped the two women off

At this time, except for snow poetry, everyone didn\'t expect to hear such a sentence

"I\'m asking if you haven\'t started dealing with spore people yet?"

Shen Lang, the only one sitting on the court, even tit for tat and asked such a sentence!

I\'m afraid if you annoy Qi Sha and others so much

Ye Feng was so worried that he saw a flash of lightning behind the seven murders. He said coldly, "let me break his limbs first. Such waste people are not qualified to sit and talk to senior brother."

"Stop!" when Ye Feng shook his long sword, he wanted to stop the man.

Who knows, when his body just moved, the seven killing fingers on the opposite side snapped, and something like a tombstone rose in the wind, and instantly suspended on the heads of Ye Feng and Qingming!

The tombstone was suspended in the air, releasing a spiritual light, rotating like a ribbon, wrapping Ye Feng and Qingming layer by layer.

The mountain like breath released from it, combined with the Lingguang, suppressed Ye Feng and Qingming on the spot!

Can\'t move at all!

Lin Yun and Bai Yan, who had already slowed down, screamed and attacked the tombstone at the same time, trying to help Ye Feng.

The sound of "Qiang Qiang Qiang" was heard. Bai Yan and Lin Yun\'s attacks were completely ineffective. They didn\'t shake the boundary pillar of meteorite town. Instead, they were directly blown out by the rebound momentum and fell to the ground one by one!

"The boundary pillar of meteorite town can\'t be resisted by people like you... Ye Feng, you are still immersed in the memories of fighting with me." seven kill said with a proud smile: "don\'t you understand that the triple heaven in Huangwu territory is dozens of times stronger than the double heaven in Huangwu territory?"

"You and Qingming are like mole ants in front of me!"

"As for the boundary pillar of meteorite Town, hey, hey, three days ago, I used this boundary pillar of meteorite town to directly blow up Liu Qingyang of Taiqing sect!"

"Liu Qingyang, but it has been ten years since he advanced to the triple heaven of Huangwu territory, ha ha!"

Ye Feng and Qingming tried their best to hold the boundary pillar of meteorite Town, which looked only two feet high.

But their feet are deep underground.

And on their faces, there are lines of sweat

Seeing that the two people were completely unable to resist, and Bai Yan couldn\'t get up for a long time after they were blown out, the eyes of seven kill and others fell on Shen Lang again.

"Boy, you are the first one who dares to call himself Laozi to me." Qisha youyou said, "you have seed, but people with seed don\'t live long."

At this point, the corners of Qisha\'s mouth tilted slightly and said, "kneel down and knock my head three times. I\'ll consider whether to pay attention to your whole body!"

"Otherwise, I\'ll break your limbs first, then your fifth limb, then coat your whole body with honey and put it in the ant nest, so that you can bear the pain of thousands of ants eating your heart for three days and nights, and finally extract your soul and barbecue it in the ground fire for thousands of years!"

The people of the Taiqing emperor listened to the words of seven murders, and they were cold all over.

To their surprise, Shen Lang seemed to have lost a sutra in his head. He didn\'t respond to such words!

What makes them more strange is that their accomplishments are not weaker than Ye Feng\'s snow poetry. They are indifferent to the threat of seven murders to Shen Lang... Are they scared to move?

At this time, Shen Lang shook his head a little reluctantly and said, "Alas, is he really? Whether it\'s the right way or the evil way, it\'s really difficult to ask something from your mouth... Tell you the East, and you\'ll tell me the West."

"But why should I ask so hard and thankless?"

"Isn\'t it extremely simple for me to draw your soul directly and get your memory?"

Everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, this left hand was still holding a piece of barbecue food, and even said such arrogant words!

Ye Feng sighed and basically accepted the result of his imminent death.

Now they are suppressed by the boundary pillar of meteorite Town, and there is no resistance at all. There are a whole 13 strong Huangwu border around them.

And that boy is still stimulating each other at this time!

Son of a bitch, can\'t you see the form clearly?

Now everyone has been trapped in the "blood devil cage". Even if there are no seven murders here, they can\'t escape.

And all these demon warriors in front of us are in the imperial martial arts realm... How can people be so stupid?

How did such a stupid man cultivate Wang Wujing?

If we don\'t stimulate seven to kill these people, we may die happily.

To stimulate him in this way, don\'t you want us all to accompany you? You\'ve been amputated and thrown into an ant nest. Life is better than death?

At this time, not only the people of the Taiqing sect can\'t stand Shen waves, but also the man behind the seven murders can\'t help it!

The young man who said that there were 108 ways to cook Shen Lang didn\'t even ask for a seven kill. His body flashed, and the long knife fell straight down to Shen Lang\'s shoulder with a terrible knife light!

This knife is simple, but it is gorgeous and extremely sharp!

The endless magic Qi converged into the light of the knife. Where the light of the knife passed, the light was distorted.

The shrill scream continued.

Although this man wanted to break Shen Lang\'s arm, even Ye Feng dared not resist the knife under the wrath of the two powerful men in Huangwu!

Although the people of taiqingzong hated Shen Lang, they frowned and turned their faces at the thought of the tragic scene. They didn\'t dare to see it again.

Only Ye Feng and Qingming looked at all this while holding their hands.

What\'s more strange is that Xue Shiyin didn\'t move!

Between the lightning and flint, the terrible knife immediately fell on Shen Lang\'s shoulder!

Everyone\'s eyes were on that knife.

No one noticed that Shen Lang didn\'t know when to throw away the barbecue and put his hands on his chest!