Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1033

When Ye Feng stood up in surprise, Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin were still sitting.

Shen Lang is still concentrating on barbecue and doesn\'t pay attention to these people at all;

Xueshiyin, on the other hand, was deliberately ignored by the people of the taiqingzong because they ridiculed Shen Lang and wanted them to suffer.

The group of powerful demons whirled around like the wind, which made the forest open space filled with magic gas, like a magic field.

The shrill and ugly sound of laughter, evocative and soul-stirring, constantly sounded around.

Bai Yan, who had the lowest cultivation, immediately felt dizzy, and the long sword in his hand fell down. Under the impact of this sound, he would fall to the ground at any time!

Several other Wang Wujing warriors were also shaky.

Before the war, these people have lost their combat power!

Only Ye Feng and Qingming are strong in the imperial martial arts realm.

Around them, it turned out that there were 13 strong demons in the Huangwu realm!

How else?

In Ye Feng\'s eyes, the divine light soared and shouted, "seven murders, do you evil blood demon sect want to fight with our Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect? Do you want to make an idea of the earth crack?"

"You are also a human race. Are you not afraid of being punished by heaven and being chased and killed by sects and powerful people all over the world?"

Seven kill is the leader of this group of powerful demons.

That is, the person who said with a wild smile that this was the last time Ye Feng drank.

This sentence seemed to shake the strong man of the blood devil sect, who was called the seven murders, and Ye Feng\'s mind seized this opportunity to capture the body shape of the seven murders in an instant and cut out with a sword!

However, with such a terrible sword cut out, the seven murders not only did not retreat to avoid, but went up head-on!


The sound of gold and iron sounded, and a ray of dazzling light burst out in the dark.

Ye Feng\'s mouth is bleeding. Step back!

The strong wind swept through, and Bai Yan was like a leaf boat, which was blown upside down. Fortunately, Qingming took action to protect them.

As soon as the figure in the air flashed, a young man wearing a black cloak with only half of his face appeared in the void in front of Ye Feng.

In a simple fight, the strongest Ye Feng here has been injured.

That seven kills, unexpectedly one move hit Ye Feng hard!

Qingming and others have changed their faces

"War? Earth crack?" the seven murders in the void smiled darkly: "it\'s not so serious. If the Qi of extreme Yin sweeps out unstoppable, the devil will not last long. The devil will also be demonized and lose his mind."

"Moreover, our evil blood demon sect is only a dark gold level force. How dare we be enemies all over the world? We won\'t do such a thing."

At this time, a strange noise came, and the magic gas that completely wrapped around here suddenly connected into one piece!

Then, this piece of glass colored magic Qi quickly condensed, as if it were a practice.

With a crisp sound, in an instant, the area with the campfire as the center and a radius of 50 miles was shrouded in this glass colored magic gas!

Originally, the magic gas was like a glass cover, covering this area.

Just after the appearance of the cover, people only felt that the sky was spinning. Although it was still far away, there was always a feeling of being moved to another place.

Inside the cover, the magic Qi is vertical and horizontal.

The vitality of heaven and earth is passing

"Blood devil cage!"

Ye Feng and Qingming looked like Earth in an instant!

His face is even more ugly than when he just saw the thirteen strong men in the imperial martial arts realm!

The "evil blood devil cage" is a killing array of the evil blood devil sect. It can only be built by thirteen strong people in the imperial martial arts at the same time.

Once formed, it is immediately isolated from the outside world, as if it is an independent space.

No matter whether it is divine thoughts or passing notes, it is impossible to leave this cage like array.

At the same time, the aura inside the hood began to dissipate slowly and replaced by the towering magic Qi!

Trapped in the blood devil cage, no matter how strong your cultivation is, it is difficult to fly

"Since it\'s not for the cracks in the earth, our Taiqing sect and your blood demon sect don\'t have much hatred. Why do you want to kill them all?" Qingming asked with purple lips.

The other side clearly has 13 strong imperial martial arts. It won\'t take too much effort to kill them.

But it took a lot of effort to set up this "blood devil cage", which is to kill them all, and don\'t let them spread any information.

But even so, it still puzzled Qingming and Ye Feng.

Because doing so is superfluous.

Thirteen strong men in Huangwu territory wanted to kill them and rushed directly. Their fists were difficult to defeat four hands. Ye Feng and they couldn\'t last long.

What\'s more, the leader of the seven murders has advanced to the triple heaven of Huangwu territory without knowing when!

Ye Feng said not long ago that even he, a warrior in the imperial martial realm, did not know when he would die in this environment.

It didn\'t take long to say this. I didn\'t expect to be in such a desperate situation now!

Taiqingzong and his party, their faces were gray

"Brother Xue, this time it\'s bothering you, but the people of the evil blood demon clan don\'t seem to let you go. I can\'t say you still want to join hands with us to resist the enemy." Ye Feng said with an ugly face and biting his teeth.

When Xue Shiyin performed "flower dance ocean" before, it gave him a feeling that even he couldn\'t resist that move.

If Xue Shiyin is willing to join hands with them, she can at least have a glimmer of hope for life

As for Shen Lang, Ye Feng and Qingming gave up completely.

In the face of this group of powerful people in the martial arts realm of the devil Kingdom and the strong people from the dark gold level devil sect, don\'t say Shen Lang, even Lin Yun and Bai Yan can\'t get involved at all.

Not only can\'t get in the way, but also it\'s a little cumbersome... Because ye Feng and they have to take time to protect these people.

"Join hands?" Xue Shiyin looked at Shen Lang and smiled and really stood up.

Ye Feng shook his long sword and said in a cold voice, "seven murders, now you have the upper hand, and we are trapped in this\' blood devil cage \'. At least tell me Ye Feng, why did you do this?"

"You and I have known each other for so many years. We have played no less than ten games. Each has its own victory or defeat. Whether it\'s a friend or an enemy, at least you let me die in peace?"

The seven murders over there were floating in the void, and the black robe on his body was blowing with the wind, as if there was no one in the black robe.

He looked down at the people below, as if a demon God looked at all sentient beings.

Ye Feng, who was equal to his accomplishments, was seriously injured by his sword.

Now in his eyes, these people are all as cheap as ants and worthless!

But killing them directly is too boring

Seven kill Jie smiled strangely and said, "in fact, it\'s not much. Our blood demon sect has a crush on the spore people outside the broken soul mountain and wants to take them all... But you guys who are in the way patrol the broken soul mountain and go one after another!"

"We can\'t wait any longer, so we have to be safe. Kill you first, and then kill the spore man\'s city... Eh ha ha, I\'m excited to think of the spore man\'s delicious food!"

"Do you know why I can raise my cultivation to the triple heaven of Huangwu territory in such a short time?"

"It\'s because I ate two spore people some time ago, ha ha!"

Seven kill was happy and proud, and the cloak threw back, revealing a pair of bloodthirsty and excited eyes.

And seemed to think of the spore man\'s delicacy. He licked his tongue slowly in front of everyone!

Qingming\'s eyes were about to crack and drank violently: "Wang - eight eggs! You\'re not human!"

"We are certainly not human, we are demons," seven kill said dismissively

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and said, "seven kills, you are so crazy! That spore man is also life. They are not mushrooms in your eyes!"

"There are 100000 spore people in that city. They have also saved the Terrans guarding the crack in the earth with their own strength! They are our Terran friends!"

Seven kill said with a strange smile: "that\'s just your idea. In our opinion, they are mushrooms, and they contain abundant life and spiritual power! Hey, hey, they are even much more wonderful than those ten thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum..."

"You should know that when the Qi of the most Yin sweeps the world, only the spiritual power of life can cope with the Qi of the most Yin!"

"The eternal tree planted by the human race at the crack of the earth is not the one that releases the Qi of life and neutralizes the Qi of yin?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of spore people. Every body is full of life and spiritual power... God, is there anything better than this?"

"After taking away these spore people, it\'s no problem for our evil blood demon sect to become a legendary sect. Hey, hey, hey."

Qingming powder noodles with evil anger shouted: "beast, you people of evil blood demon sect are all animals!"

Seven kill coldly looked at Qingming and said evil: "hahaha! Ridiculous human nature!"

"What is a spore eater? I killed thousands of people seven times and collected thousands of souls to practice magic weapons... In our evil way, whether human or other races, we can\'t be killed! We fall into the evil way and become the way with the devil! Can you idiots understand it?"

"Qingming, I\'ve known you for a long time. Your chest is big, your waist is thin, and your hips are upturned. There\'s still a spicy smell in your bones. I wanted to put you to bed long ago... Now you\'re in my hands and dare to shout at me?"

"I\'ll give you a chance to go with me, be my woman and serve me well. You should have a chance to live!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you first and then - rape you here! Ha ha ha!"

"Beast! Even if you die, you can\'t touch a hair of me!" Qingming was furious.

However, this seven killing cultivation is already the imperial martial arts realm, which is much better than the people of the Taiqing sect.

Moreover, there are twelve strong people in Huangwu territory around. Qingming doesn\'t dare to move at all!

At this time, the almost forgotten snow poem suddenly asked, "spore man, what\'s going on?"

"Huh?" the seven murderers didn\'t expect such a calm person here.

This makes no sense!

When he created this atmosphere, shouldn\'t these people despair and fear and finally kneel down and beg for mercy?

Then, Qi Sha\'s eyes stopped slightly on Xue Shiyin and immediately fell on Shen Lang!


Qisha almost jumped up with anger... Nai Nai is a bear. He took a group of powerful people in the imperial martial arts to firmly control these people. Even Ye Feng and Qingming are desperate. There are still people barbecue!

Someone should ignore him so much!

This is simply trampling on his dignity!

I will never forgive you!