Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1032

At the same time, all forces also found a big problem... It is more than enough for the legendary sect to take action and have the help of the eternal tree to suppress the earth cracks in the Terran and demon territories.

The problem is that this earth crack is not an option to appear only in Terran and demon territories!

I don\'t know how many cracks have been found in the wilderness!

The territory of Terrans and demons, relative to the wilderness, is like several islands in the endless ocean.

The earth cracks on these islands, Terrans and Demons finally have the strength to suppress.

But what about the cracks in the wilderness?

Where did the monsters and monsters that attacked the Terran territory and the city, and the endless monsters and monsters come from?

Isn\'t it from the wild?

Because of the countless earth cracks in the wilderness, the powerful blood thirsty monster in the wilderness was completely demonized and then became more crazy, which was pushed by the blood clan behind and rushed out of the wilderness!

If the wild land cracks are abandoned, even if the land cracks in the Terran and demon territories are sealed, the world will become a dark abyss sooner or later.

Sooner or later!

Nine stars and beads, heaven and earth turn upside down, this doomsday scene, when people are still talking about it as a joke

It suddenly appeared.

The darkness of commotion has enveloped the whole world!

The strong who are aware of the crisis, now under the guidance of forces such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, they begin to march into the wilderness in an orderly manner, and will try their best to seal the earth cracks in the wilderness.

The legendary god of war temple, which commands the Terrans, did not appear for some reason.

However, no one can manage these now. As long as there are powerful forces such as Wanyao mansion, others or zongmen will follow.

This time, it\'s not just all living races against blood races.

Or all living races, against heaven and earth!

All the sects in the holy summer region have also taken action. Under the leadership of the heartless sword sect, the legendary sect in the holy summer region, they began to go deep into the wilderness to find and suppress the cracks in the earth.

This time, Taiqing emperor joined hands with Ruyi Buddha emperor to guard a crack in the earth.

That crack in the earth is in the valley of poverty.

The valley is about 1500 li away from the broken soul mountain.

In addition to the Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect, there are also people from ten large and small sects patrolling the area around Luopu valley.

Stay away from strangers.

Demons do not invade.

Ye Feng, these seven people have been patrolling here for 13 days. In two days, when another strong team arrives, they will be replaced.

But no one knows how long this kind of thing will last and what year and month is the beginning.

This is the biggest crisis the world has ever faced.

And it\'s just the beginning

No one can see the future.

No one knows how many days they can live.

Not long after Ye Feng and others arrived at the crack in the earth, they saw a terrible scene... Under the leadership of two abyss demons, endless demons and Demons impacted against the seal of the crack in the earth of the fallen Valley!

That war, the earth fell apart!

The strong people of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism came in and out, and finally won miserably, damaging a number of strong people.

Even the master of the five heavenly strongmen in the Huangwu realm of Ruyi Buddha sect was clawed by the abyss devil when he surrounded and killed an abyss devil.

It\'s still healing.

"Are you hurt?" Shen Lang interrupted when he heard this.

Several people of the Taiqing emperor glared at Shen Lang.

This unkind boy calls master luanlai by his name!

This time, if master luanlai didn\'t fight hard, I\'m afraid the deaths and injuries of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddha would be even worse!

What kind of garlic do you pretend to be?

Ye Feng calmed down his unhappiness and continued: "I\'m not afraid of your jokes. I\'ve lived for so many years and practiced in the imperial martial arts... Until now, I\'m still