Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1031

"Yes!" Bai Yan also shouted: "these two people don\'t understand the rules at all. They sneaked into other power territories quietly and eavesdropped on our conversation..."

"And I also know that the cracks in the earth here must be an attempt to go astray!"

"Maybe it\'s the people in the devil\'s way who want to make the idea of the crack in the earth!"

Bai Yan was obviously the kind of person who came from a large family. Although Qingming looked bad, she was at least reasonable. She directly put a devil\'s hat on Shen Lang.

You know, the order given by the high level of the Taiqing sect clearly states that if the evil people have an evil intention, they will kill them directly!

Shen Lang looked at Bai Yan, who was similar to his age, and couldn\'t help frowning.

Bai Yan is young and pretty. He has such accomplishments at this age and his qualification is amazing.

However, there was always a touch of charming on her face. Everyone looked at a 45 degree angle, as if she was high above and disdained to look at others.

Shen Lang looked at Qingming and said calmly, "it\'s not so nervous. The earth crack has something to do with any living race in the world. I\'m a member of the human race. Is it normal to care?"

"What are you talking about? Can you feel a trace of evil spirit on me?"

Bai Yan snorted coldly, "there are many ways for people in the devil\'s way to shield evil Qi. They can even do it with powerful magic weapons, secret weapons and pills!"

At this time, Ye Feng came up to round the court and said, "don\'t blame us. We are also responsible, not against you."

"Just now, brother said that he is from the ethereal snow family. I think it\'s better... I heard that there is a unique skill of the ethereal snow family, which is never passed on. Its name is\' flower dance ocean \'. I don\'t know what level brother Xue has reached?"

"As long as brother Xue displays the \'flower dance ocean\', the misunderstanding will be eliminated naturally."

With that, he turned his eyes to Xue Shiyin.

Xue Shiyin smiled and pinched her fingers. Suddenly, countless petals swept out of her body and spun around her quickly.

This originally gloomy and terrible environment, because she urged the "flower dance ocean", it immediately became a flower ocean, which made everyone feel relaxed and happy.

Soon, the petals gathered quickly, forming a colorful dragon, circling around the body of snow poetry.

The original refreshing breath has become a terrible breath of mountains!

Even Ye Feng and Qingming, who have the strongest cultivation among the seven people, only feel that their bodies are heavy, and they can\'t move their feet!

As for Bai Yan, who has the worst cultivation, it\'s even worse. He\'s sweating all over, but it\'s hard to move!

"The fourth level of \'flower dance ocean\'? At least the cultivation of the second level of Huangwu territory. It\'s so strong!"

The color of fear in Qingming\'s eyes dissipated because of the strong breath released by snow poetry.

Misty Yuxue family is a famous family.

And more than 2000 years ago, the snow family was besieged by the devil\'s way, and finally won the war and became famous in the first World War!

Its reputation has long existed not only in the ethereal domain, but also in other domains such as the holy summer domain.

"I can\'t imagine that brother Xue has reached the fourth level in the cultivation of \'flower dance ocean\'. If I fight with brother Xue, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to break the move of \'flower dance Jackie Chan\'," Ye Feng said sincerely.

"Brother Ye is flattered. In fact, I can\'t control this move. It can\'t last long." Xue Shiyin nodded politely and withdrew the skill.

She moved the skill to the early stage of Huangwu realm, and even Ye Feng and Qingming didn\'t see the flaw at all.

Bai Yan\'s strange voice immediately sounded: "there\'s nothing great about the cultivation of Huangwu realm, isn\'t it? My elder martial brother Ye Feng and elder martial sister Qingming are also Huangwu realm!"

"And three days ago, they jointly killed an abyss demon no weaker than the triple heaven of Huangwu territory!"

"You are brave enough to take such a burden to break the Soul Mountain and want to go to the wild depths?"

Xue Shiyin chuckled: "cumbersome... Oh, in fact, I want to take him out to experience."

Shen Lang returned a white eye, which made de Xue\'s poetry tremble with laughter.

And Xue Shiyin\'s smile made everyone cold except Shen Lang!

If a woman looks so handsome and smiles so well, she can definitely attract the eyes of all men.

But a man laughs so much, it\'s too destructive

Bai Yan was jealous and angry and said, "it\'s a great tone. The cultivation of Huangwu territory takes such people to experience in the wild depths?"

"This... Brother Xue, I\'m afraid he hasn\'t been to the depths of the wilderness. I don\'t know how terrible it is in the depths of the wilderness?"

"You know, there are countless terrible races and countless ancient countries in the depths of this boundless wilderness!"

"These races or ancient countries regard Terrans as great enemies. If you encounter... You think you have the cultivation of imperial martial arts? You still have a dead end!"

"For example, it is said that the yecha clan has beautiful women and ugly men. If you meet the yecha clan... If you meet the male yecha clan, you may roast you; if you meet the female yecha clan, I\'m afraid it will directly pull you back to the wheel... After the wheel, you will become an adult in a few days..."

Bai Yan was really a chatter. He crackled like a machine gun. It made Shen Lang\'s forehead full of black lines.

Ye Feng and Qingming have no time to stop. She has said a big deal!

Taiqingzong wanted to find a hole in the ground.

In this way, before she knew it, she continued to gush: "there is also the legendary Shura family. If you meet the Shura family, your bones will be torn down by them and hung on your body; and your soul will be extracted by them, bound in your skull, hung on your waist and live forever..."

"Well, stop talking!" Ye Feng couldn\'t bear it anymore and directly interrupted her: "since it\'s not the enemy, it\'s fate. If you don\'t mind, you can have a drink with us to warm up."

"At night, the miasma is at least ten times that of the day, and the temperature drops by dozens of degrees, which is colder than the snow wasteland in your snow area."

"I see. Then I\'ll bother." Shen Lang nodded and walked impolitely towards the campfire.

Bai Yan was so angry that he wanted to ridicule this guy.

But when he reached his mouth, Ye Feng stared back directly.

A group of people relaxed their guard and sat down around the campfire.

"I just forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ye Feng, a disciple of the Taiqing sect." as soon as I sat down, Ye Feng introduced himself.

"Qingming." Qingming doesn\'t like such a man who likes men.

In her opinion, the other party likes men, which makes women very useless.

A man, robbed by other women, is enough to drive women crazy;

If a man is robbed by other men, it\'s really

Although Qingming doesn\'t know Xue Shiyin, it\'s really hard to accept this kind of thing.

"Xiaoyao, hey hey, little brother, just call me Laoyao." a man with a strong body said with a forthright smile at Shen Lang.

Several other people also introduced themselves very politely.

After determining that Xue Shiyin is a member of the Xue family, the people of the Taiqing sect are still very polite on the whole.

When it was the turn of the last young man who seemed not much bigger than Bai Yan, the young man said gloomily: "in xialinyun, I\'m curious about brother Shen Shiyin\'s cultivation... As far as I can feel, brother Shen\'s cultivation seems to be the double heaven of Wang Wujing?"

"If you go to the wild depths, I\'m afraid you can\'t even beat a bird?"

Lin Yun likes Bai Yan very much. Bai Yan doesn\'t like Shen Lang, so he naturally doesn\'t like him.

"Yes, Wang Wujing, er chongtian... But it\'s all right. My eldest brother will protect me." Shen Lang bit the barbecue and said carelessly.

With these words, even Ye Feng\'s affection for him disappeared.

It\'s a shame for a man to rely on others for shelter!

And still rely on this... Strong!

Is this the legendary Bao Yang?

Just now, Bai Yan was scolded by Ye Feng!

This guy is not ashamed but proud. When he said this, he looked very proud!

This kind of waste wood is not worth being polite to him!

Xue Shiyin glanced at Shen Lang with a smile, turned to Ye Feng and said, "by the way, I heard brother ye say about the earth crack. On the other side of our ethereal domain, the Xue family is also helping to suppress three earth cracks. I don\'t know how about the wild side? Before, many sects underestimated the earth crack and didn\'t take the wild into account?"

When it comes to the cracks in the earth, Ye Feng\'s expression becomes dignified and begins to bring the things here together.

It turned out that the Yumu people appeared everywhere in the Terran territory, and then planted the eternal tree. Many sects thought that the crack in the earth had been solved.

Unexpectedly, not long ago, the four wastelands in the southeast, northwest and Zhongzhou appeared at the same time.

And later, it was proved that the blood clan was making trouble behind!

The blood clan wants to use endless demons to attract the attention of the strong of all parties, and then take the opportunity to destroy the seal of the earth crack!

At the same time, the eternal tree in the cracks of the earth in some places was destroyed by them!

Seeing the endless demons and demons, the major sects found the conspiracy of blood clan, and finally had to face up to the crack in the earth.

In the past, many strong people even thought that ordinary Lingtong sect doors could seal the cracks of the earth with the help of the eternal tree.

There is no need for dark gold level forces or even legend level sect to fight.

But everyone soon found that this was a big mistake!

The creatures of this world are facing the evil god blood ancestor who is about to wake up!

Facing the blood clan who once swept the world and made the world miserable!

Now when the blood clan emerges with the help of Yin Qi, it will make a comeback!

At this time, the major legendary sects realized the seriousness