Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1030

The young woman gently waved her hand and said, "well, Ye Feng, no wonder Bai Yan. She is still young and has little experience."

"Qingming, you know to protect her. She is already the realm of Wang Wujing\'s five Heaven." Ye Feng said coldly: "this realm has been called Zong as the ancestor in many small countries!"

Qingming chuckled: "what do you call Zong as the ancestor? How great is Bai Yancai? You are too strict with her."

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "in this age, no one cares about your age. What matters is your strength. Only when you have strength can you live."

"When she met the ooze monster before, she was able to deal with it, but she stayed on the spot... If you hadn\'t done it, she would be a corpse now."

Qingming was silent. Several other people around him wanted to talk and stopped. Finally, they didn\'t speak.

Bai Yan was so scolded by Ye Feng that tears were coming out of his eyes.

Ye Feng sighed and said, "our Taiqing sect is a dark gold sect. It is because of such good conditions and environment that we can cultivate countless strong men... But without the baptism of blood and fire, Wang Wujing\'s five heaven like her is like the flowers in the greenhouse."

"Even when Wang Wujing arrived, he was still frightened by several soft mud monsters... What\'s the strong man?"

"Now the troubled times are coming. Even outside the wilderness, there are endless demons and demons. The abyss demons climb out of the dark abyss. Even we are sent to patrol such places..."

"If you don\'t improve your accomplishments and cultivate your mind and nature hard, you always count on others to protect... One day, you will regret!"

"The broken soul mountain has a bad environment here. Maybe it\'s a little tired, but it\'s not a kind of experience. We stayed in such a bad environment for 13 days without any casualties. What kind of environment can\'t we deal with in the future?"

At this time, under the sign of Qingming, Bai Yan finally came out and came to Ye Feng.

She looked at Ye Feng timidly, bowed her head and said, "elder martial brother Ye Feng, it\'s my fault. I won\'t be capricious anymore."

Ye Feng\'s face eased a little, nodded and said, "in more than a month, the people of the legendary sect will come. At that time, there should be no need for our Taiqing sect to patrol this place."

"But even if we move to the wild periphery, it doesn\'t mean everything is all right."

"The earth cracks not only spread all over the territory of the human and demon families, but also do not know how many have appeared in this dangerous wilderness. So far, as the Taiqing sect of the dark gold sect, we can\'t avoid it."

"If we don\'t guard the cracks in the earth here, we may be sent to other places to fight against demons... The world has been in chaos. This is not the peaceful and prosperous era before. No one can enjoy it any more!"

"Don\'t say it\'s wild. Even in Terran territory, countless cities or sects have been impacted by demons... Bai Yan, senior brother just wants you to make use of these bad environments to sharpen and improve yourself."

"Even if I have the cultivation of double heaven in Huangwu realm, senior brother, in this eschatological era, it\'s like a lonely boat in the center of the storm, which can be torn to pieces at any time! Not to mention the cultivation of Wang Wujing?"

"Wang Wujing\'s five fold heaven was put in the past, which may be worshipped by many people, but in this era, no one can be sure how many days you can live."

Everyone around looked dignified and nodded again and again.

Ye Feng has a heavy weight in these people\'s hearts. What he said is also very reasonable, and everyone agrees.

If it were other senior brothers, they wouldn\'t bother to pay attention to you, but where would they say these words?

Bai Yan seemed to think of something terrible. He made a cold war and nodded again and again and said, "elder martial brother ye, younger martial sister, I know I\'m wrong! I won\'t dare to relax and practice hard in the future... Even if I see the soft mud monster again, I won\'t retreat!"

The atmosphere finally eased down, and the rest of the taiqingzong laughed.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly changed his complexion, grew up and drank: "who!"

The other six people were surprised and all stood up. Their weapons came out of their scabbard like a great enemy!

The strong breath was released, killing each other, rolling in the direction Ye Feng saw!

They walked out side by side in the dark depths of the jungle.

One is a young man in black who looks similar to Bai Yan\'s age, and the other is a young man in white who looks similar to Ye Feng\'s age.

It is Shen Lang and Xue\'s poetry from xuandaozong.

Shen Lang grinned, revealing two rows of white and neat teeth and said, "my brothers are passing by here and disturbing you... Are you from the Taiqing sect in the holy summer region?"

Now xuandaozong has a weapon refining master JiangMo city in the holy summer region.

Unexpectedly, I met people from the holy summer region in the wild near the snow region.

"Come and stop!" Bai Yan, the youngest, gave a soft drink and jumped to the front of the team.

Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin really stopped.

After all, they are strangers to each other, and they are still in the broken soul mountain. It\'s better to follow the rules and be polite.

"Who are you? Report your name and the door!" Bai Yan saw that they stopped. He was very proud and shouted again.

Ye Feng and Qingming couldn\'t help sighing again.

The battle formation has been rehearsed countless times, and Bai Yan has been told countless times.

It is clear that her cultivation is the worst. She is in the middle of the formation when facing a group of enemies and behind the team when facing a single enemy.

She\'s fine. Now there are two people of unknown origin. She immediately jumped to the front!

If an abyss devil comes out, everyone will be in trouble immediately because of her!

In order to save her, the battle formation was broken up and the plan was destroyed!

Fortunately, Ye Feng is not only strong in cultivation, but also very sophisticated. Seeing Shen Lang, they not only look upright and awe inspiring, but their eyes are restrained but extremely pure. They know that they are not evil people.

At least, the possibility of becoming an enemy is relatively low.

Ye Feng took two steps forward, arched his hand and said, "this is my little younger martial sister. She is young and hasn\'t come out to experience much. Please don\'t blame me."

"I don\'t know your names. Where do you come from and where are you going?"

He was polite, but the rest of the Taiqing emperor were still very cautious. They didn\'t put down their swords and were still ready to go.

Shen Lang appeared inexplicably. When they appeared, everyone didn\'t feel their breath.

Even Ye Feng made a noise because he sat in this direction and saw it with his eyes.

And the two men, one in black and the other in white, didn\'t wear their special armor!

Moreover, they have no aura shield outside!

If this situation were outside, many people would see them as ordinary people.

The problem is, this is the miasma filled broken soul mountain!

What kind of person can be in this miasma, not even the spiritual shield, but walk around safely?

At the same time, everyone\'s mind swept over and found that their cultivation was just the beginning of Wang Wujing!

This is really weird!

The soldiers of the Taiqing sect not only didn\'t put away their weapons, but they were shining as if they were going to attack and kill them at any time!

At this time, Shen Lang turned his mouth and said, "Shen Shiyin comes from xuandaozong of purple Chu state in the snow region."

With that, he turned and looked at Xue Shiyin.

Xue Shiyin covered his mouth with a smile. He had a romantic look at Shen Lang, and then said, "in the snow wave, from the ethereal snow family... We are going to go to the moonlight forest in the wild depths."

These two people just changed their names so directly.

It\'s really nothing.

But what\'s worse, now xueshiyin is dressed up in men\'s clothes!

At the beginning, even Ye Feng with a firm mind was in a state of mind, but later... It made several people of Taiqing sect cold!

A man who is a woman more than a woman looks at a man affectionately.

Rao is a knowledgeable person like Ye Feng. He can\'t hold it!

The group of people who just looked covetously, except Ye Feng, all subconsciously stepped back!

Including Qingming who is also in Huangwu territory!

"This sissy... Like the boy in black? It\'s unreasonable. I can only wait for plum to quench my thirst for such a handsome man. It\'s cheap for the boy in black!"

Bai Yan shook his whole body, as if he saw a disgusting soft mud monster, and went directly behind the team.

When she saw the ooze monster, she didn\'t run back so actively!

Qingming, standing next to Ye Feng, suddenly said coldly, "you two said to go to the moonlight forest land? If I heard correctly, you are talking about the moonlight forest land where the tree human race grows in the legend?"

The Yumu family was born from the eternal tree. Many people don\'t know the eternal tree, but they have heard of the Yumu family.

Most people directly call the Yumu people "tree people".

Xue Shiyin nodded and said, "exactly."

Qingming smiled: "are you really from the snow family? Aren\'t you cheating us? What you just said seems too false... The moonlight forest land only exists in the legend, and it is still in the wild depths."

"Even the top strongman in Huangwu territory dare not say to go to the moonlight forest land?"

"And you two are just the first level accomplishments of Wang Wujing."

Ye Feng wanted to interrupt Qingming\'s words, but when he heard the back, he didn\'t say anything at last.

This encounter is different from the past. If it is the past, a few polite words will go their own way.

Or invite me for a drink.

But now their task is to patrol the middle of the broken soul mountain.

You know, now the area around this earth crack with a radius of 5000 miles is on alert.

Any stranger will be expelled, and any threatening monster will be killed!

Now there are two strange people. They have the obligation to make an inventory.

At this time, Shen Lang said, "I heard your conversation before. Did you Taiqing and Ruyi Buddha guard the earth crack here? Which Earth crack is about 1500 miles away from here? Have all the major gates begun to notice the earth crack in the wilderness?"

Qingming saw that they didn\'t respond to her questions, and clearly knew the distance between the earth crack and here. His face was cold and his jade hand waved!

In addition to Ye Feng, the six people present immediately surrounded Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin!

"I\'m sorry, the earth crack is a big deal. We are ordered to patrol the middle of the broken soul mountain, kill powerful monsters and Warcraft, and intercept any strangers who come here." Qingming said coldly.

Her long sword pointed to Xue Shiyin and continued, "if you can\'t prove that you are from the snow family and don\'t explain your intention to come here, we can only catch you back and let the elders of the sect fall!"