Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1029

Shen Jianfeng held Tian Hao\'s collar in one hand and clenched his fist in the other.

The fist burst out with a crisp sound, like fried beans.

It made him feel tall and kind.

Until the fist didn\'t ring any more, Shen Jianfeng said, "what I want to say is... One day, I will be as strong as my cousin!"

With that, the guy snorted coldly, left Tian Hao and turned away.

Tian Hao blinked and wanted to ask, "if you want to be strong with Shen Lang, what does it have to do with you and Chu Qingcheng zhuanbi? What does it have to do with you beating me? What does it have to do with me? Even if you become strong, you are still a second goods, okay?"

However, he didn\'t dare to say this. He was afraid that after asking, Shen Jianfeng would come back and beat him again.

Now Shen Jianfeng\'s cultivation is getting stronger and stronger. Let alone Tian Hao\'s bear like appearance, even if his injury is all right, he can\'t take a few moves from him.

Tian Haobai was beaten and can only admit it.

At this time, Yan Qi ran over, elongated his face, put on a compassionate posture and said, "Alas, how can you say that? Jianfeng\'s cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he\'s not in a good mood recently. Who are you offending? Go and offend him?"

Tian Hao was almost angry and cried, "you\'ve laid an egg. When did I provoke him? Wasn\'t it framed by you?"

Monk Yan qizhanger was puzzled: "I didn\'t frame you? Didn\'t you say he was a second-class goods last time? I was just reasoning with him and telling the truth... You must be honest. My grandfather taught me this. Didn\'t your grandfather teach you?"

"Your grandpa is so rude. I\'ll teach him later!"

"..." Tian Hao feels like he wants to die. Everyone outside thinks that he and Yan Qi are a pair of good friends who have a life-long friendship.

But in fact, Tian Hao absolutely does not recognize this.

It\'s better to have a fight with an understanding person than to have a word with Sha -- Bi. This is the evaluation of Yan Qi by the martial brothers. Tian Hao deeply thinks so.

"You carry me back first. My wound was cracked by him. I owe you in my last life. I don\'t have anything serious to do one day... One day I will die in your hands, right?" Tian Hao scolded and asked Yan Qi to carry him.

Yan Qi carried Tian Hao on his back, turned around and said, "I have to teach your grandpa. It\'s too outrageous."

"Your grandpa\'s! Hurry up!" Tian Hao roared.


On the edge of the cliff, Shen Moran walked slowly to Chu Qingcheng: "what were you talking to yourself just now?"

Chu Qingcheng turned around, looked at Shen Moran with determination, and suddenly said, "the color of flowers will change this year, and who will bloom next year. I suddenly realized... We should cherish the present."

"If it\'s sunny and sunny, just enjoy the idle clouds. If the rain falls and knocks on the window, just listen to the wind. If fleeting years have love, your heart will bloom with the flowers... Foam ran, let me accompany you to practice?"

Shen Moran\'s melancholy suddenly turned into a brilliant flower: "HMM."

When Shen Moran turned around, Chu Qingcheng showed a trace of sadness in his eyes and said silently in his heart, "Mo ran, my destination is in hell, but on this road, you have warmed my years, and I promise you... Return you all your life."

At this time, outside xuandaozong, a chariot with ordinary shape but extraordinary breath fell in front of the mountain gate.

A white jade palm opened the curtain, and the eldest lady of the water family danced softly and stepped down from the chariot.

As soon as she got down, several figures poured out of the chariot.

Two of them, Lin Feng and Su hen, Shen Lang\'s best friends in Tayun college, were impressively!

Behind them are Lang buqun and Deng Jianchen.

"Xuandaozong... This is xuandaozong. I don\'t know what\'s going on with that guy now? The emperor capital, hum, was very powerful?"

The water danced softly and said faintly, with expectation in his eyes.

She didn\'t know that Shen Lang had just left xuandaozong for a while, and they... Passed by.


On the black giant bird\'s back, Shen Lang stood as straight as a javelin.

He didn\'t urge the vigorous Qi to resist the wind, so he let the cold wind blow on his face and scrape his face like a knife.

With his long hair flying, Shen Lang sighed gently.

In fact, he wanted to say something to Nalan Ziyan and let Nalan Ziyan go with him.

A man, as long as he is not cold-blooded, no matter how strong, needs a woman to accompany him.

Even if the woman is listening, the journey will not be too lonely and lonely.

Shen Lang is the emperor of war, but Shen Lang is not the emperor of war.

As Shen Lang said, he used to be a God, but he was just a mortal.

But let Nalan Ziyan go together, and finally didn\'t say it.

Nalan Ziyan knew that he was leaving the next day, but he didn\'t come as usual and said he wanted to go with him.

Maybe she has her own arrangements

For example, stay in xuandaozong and practice without distractions.

Just then

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and eyes!

The giant bird turned into Duanmu made a harsh sound in the air and came to a sudden brake!

"Boss, look!"

The big bird\'s mouth made a hoarse and ugly sound.

Shen Lang didn\'t need his reminder. He had already seen the void in front of him. There was a slender man in white

That\'s the snow poem of women disguised as men!

At this time, Xue Shiyin was wearing a white robe, holding a folding fan like Chu Qingcheng, with her hair tied back. She was a free and unrestrained handsome "man"!

Her eyes twinkled like a dream, with a sense of mischief.

I\'m afraid that few women can resist the enchanting charm!

Xue Shiyin patted the folding fan in her hand, walked forward two steps with a smile and said, "brother, are you going to the wilderness?"

"I\'m also going to the wild. How about going together without a company?"

Shen Lang looked at the snow poetry quietly.

In his eyes, snow poetry slowly coincided with snow jingle

Shen Lang looked at it quietly for a while, smiled, took two steps out of the void, came to Xue Shiyin and held her hand.

"Let\'s go."

A gentle word is worth a thousand words.

Duanmu turned into a giant bird and flew to their feet, carrying them to the wilderness.

You say you have a sword to cut sorrow in your hand. Why don\'t you break your love?


Wild, broken soul mountains.

The broken soul mountain range is more than 25000 miles away from xuandaozong.

Although it can only be regarded as the periphery of the western wilderness, the dangerous mountains are famous all over the world, which makes people pale..

The whole soul breaking mountain range stretches for more than 40000 miles, all shrouded in terrible miasma.

Without Wang Wujing\'s accomplishments, it\'s basically a dead end after entering.

Even if Wang Wujing is strong, he can\'t last long.

The demons in it have survived in this miasma for many years. Almost all of them have mutated, with special toxicity, ferocity and extreme bloodthirsty.

Broken soul mountain, broken knife, broken soul.

The miasma soars into the sky and connects the terrible Gang wind above the nine days. Even the strong king Wujing who can fly through the clouds can\'t cross it directly.

Only honestly through the miasma.

This miasma corrodes the warrior\'s spiritual shield. Any warrior who enters it consumes a lot of spiritual power.

If a person accidentally loses his way, he is likely to be trapped and die in it!

Many of the wild King Wujing strongmen would rather go around tens of thousands of miles than go through here.

At this time, the setting sun was like blood, reflecting thousands of miles of floating clouds, flashing rays and red.

Under the setting sun, the broken soul mountain shrouded by the miserable miasma is more and more frightening.

But in such an environment, a bonfire is slowly rising in a forest clearing.

Around the campfire, seven people formed a circle and were roasting meat on the campfire.

These people are also art experts. They are brave. They are not even equipped with temporary protection arrays. They are bathed in the misty miasma one by one.

I saw that these people were wearing a silver armor with similar shape. On the silver armor, there were runes flowing one after another. They all released protective lights of different colors to protect their whole body.

As soon as the miasma touched the protective light, it was immediately excluded and completely inaccessible, which seemed quite strange.

Not only that, these people don\'t care if the aroma of the barbecue will attract powerful monsters. They have no scruples about their actions.

A group of people are in such a place, very relaxed, barbecue and drinking, talking from time to time.

The big trees around the open space all grow strangely. The trunk twists and turns and extends in all directions, as if it were a monster, strange from top to bottom.

These huge trees with strange shapes block out the sun with branches and leaves, and few sunlight can be transmitted in.

Although it is in the evening, it is not much different from the evening.

The jungle is dark and humid, with miasma curling and steaming. It is clearly on the surface, but it makes people feel as if they are at the bottom of the abyss.

"Elder martial brother Ye Feng, we have been patrolling this generation for 13 days. We have two days left. Can we go back and change shifts?"

The youngest looking woman of the seven asked.

The woman looks very young. She seems to be only eighteen or nine years old, but her cultivation accomplishments are extremely strong. She has been around the fifth heaven of Wang Wujing!

And the rest of the people beside the campfire, the breath released is even more powerful, far more than the woman!

No wonder this group of people don\'t care much about the bad environment of the broken soul mountain.

In addition to their special armor, everyone\'s cultivation is extremely strong!

One man and one woman have reached the realm of Huangwu!

And such a team seems to exist as patrol soldiers?

The young man called senior brother Ye Feng nodded slightly: "yes, we can go back in two days. Senior brother Shen\'s team is coming."

"Bai Yan, your performance during this period... Is not very good?"

"We Taiqing emperor and Ruyi Buddha emperor guard this land crack together, which is a great event to save the people from water and fire, but you don\'t want to do anything and can\'t lift your spirit."

Bai Yan, the woman who spoke before, seemed a little afraid of senior brother Ye Feng and said timidly, "I... I\'m not unwilling, but why can others be in other places in the wilderness, only US and the other four teams are arranged in the broken soul mountain?"

"In such a place, I seem to live in the abyss every day. I can\'t find a place to take a bath. Moreover, all the monsters are disgusting... Today we met three waves of soft mud monsters that seem to have a runny nose. As soon as I saw those things, my hair bristled..."

"You!" Ye Feng said more displeased when he saw Bai Yan\'s argument: "as a martial artist, any cruel environment should be able to survive!"

"What is the broken soul mountain? Our ancestors of the Taiqing sect once followed the strong men of the legendary sect down the real dark abyss and stayed for a full year!"

"We were sent to the broken soul mountain outside the earth crack for inspection. In addition to inspection, this is also a kind of experience!"

"In these 13 days, all the people present except you have made a breakthrough!"

"Only your cultivation, no inch!"

Ye Feng spoke louder and louder, so that Bai Yan dared not answer again and hid behind a young woman.