Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1026

Shen Lang said, "without rank, it can only be said to be a magic weapon, and it can not even be called a magic weapon."

"Because it depends on the power of the animal soul from beginning to end."

It seems that he remembered the past. Shen Langyou said, "if you want to say this thing, I\'ll tell you from the beginning, just as telling a story."

The bone suddenly appeared from behind Shen Lang: "the story is good, the story is wonderful, and the story is quack!"

Shen Lang slapped and flew the bone directly. Then he said, "maybe many people haven\'t heard of the beast circle. This is a magic weapon made by the holy copper sect Dragon Valley."

"The Dragon Valley has always regarded itself as a famous and decent school, but the behavior of making this kind of thing is a bit similar to the devil."

"They made this beast circle to imprison and enslave the beast soul... Since they want to imprison the beast soul, they will naturally kill demons, and the stronger the beast soul, the better..."

"The people of Shenlong Valley hunted monsters and even killed many powerful demon families. They were really angry and hated ghosts. They once angered a powerful demon king. The demon king led thousands of demon families to attack Shenlong Valley and almost destroyed Shenlong valley."

"After this battle, the strength of the Dragon Valley was greatly damaged. After that, they no longer dare to make this thing. Even if it is in the Dragon Valley, there is not much left."

"I don\'t know where Yu Wenhua and Huang longzong got it. He took it to Fenghuang mountain to collect the animal soul."

"Yu wenhuaji was also insane. He used his means to unlock the seal of Labrador, the wolf king of Xiaoyue Sirius in the altar, so that there was a wave of animals in the Phoenix Mountain. Countless monsters killed each other and blood flowed into a river. Then he took the opportunity to collect the animal soul."

"At that time, I was still a cultivation in the Lingwu realm. I was going to the mourning swamp to collect a seven star Begonia to heal my father. When I met this, I quietly touched outside the altar and destroyed his plan."

"Later, I was chased by Yu Wenhua and several disciples. On the way to kill them, I killed them one by one and formed hatred with Yu Wenhua and..."

"Later, Yu wenhuaji wanted to use the Xu family to annex Tianfeng City, and the plan was destroyed by me again... In that war, I was seriously injured by Yu wenhuaji using this beast circle."

"Finally, I killed Yu wenhuaji and robbed the beast circle."

Shen Lang kept smiling when he told the story.

But the crowd was frightened.

In particular, Zhuge Xianer, who had specially investigated Shen Lang, knew this very well because he had investigated it.

Shen Lang himself said that cultivation at that time was Lingwu realm.

Yu wenhuaji is a half step King\'s mirror!

The difference in accomplishments between the two sides can\'t be counted in the Tao!

And Yu wenhuaji still has a beast circle in his hand

Finally, he was killed by Shen Lang!

Where can Shen Lang\'s two words explain the bloody storm?

In that whirlpool, if it were someone else, it would be possible to die a hundred times!

At this time, Shen Lang said, "in fact, I focus on the Dao and understand the rules of heaven and earth. After the beast circle came to my hand, I basically didn\'t use it."

"When I was in the dragon scale temple, I entered the \'twelve capital days ten thousand beast array\' together with the black monk of Ruyi Buddhism. You should have guessed it... The twelve capital days ten thousand beast array was arranged by the strong men of yumudong blessed land using thousands of powerful animal souls."

"This big array had trapped the strong at the end of the emperor\'s martial arts realm."

"After I entered, I broke the array, communicated with the animal spirits, and persuaded them to enter the beast circle..."

The crowd could not help but wipe their sweat again: "communicate and let so many powerful animal souls surrender... It\'s easy to say. Who knows how terrible the situation should be? Who else can do such a thing except him?"

Shen Lang continued, "at that time, the power of the beast circle was increased thousands of times."

"Shortly after leaving the twelve capital days ten thousand beasts array, the strong man at the end of the Huangwu realm of Zhulong mansion caught up with me, and I hit him seriously with this ten thousand beasts circle and kicked him down the mountain..."

"This is a key point. It needs to be explained. This is also the power of the beast circle... Other magic weapons need to be injected by the holder\'s cultivation before they can be urged. If the cultivation is not strong, even if the emperor\'s weapon is in hand, its power can\'t be stimulated much."

"But the beast circle is different. Even if it does not inject spiritual power, as long as the animal soul in it is willing, its power is earth shaking!"

"So I didn\'t even use the power in the beast circle at the beginning, so I beat a strong man at the end of Huangwu territory seriously."

The crowd took a cold breath: "hiss! Such a pervert! How many powerful animal souls are there among the 200000 animal souls?"

Shen Lang said with a smile: "there is no need to say how many powerful animal souls there are. The important thing is that they are also different from other magic weapons..."

He said, looked at Nalan Ziyan and said, "the growth rate of the beast circle is very fast. There is only one spirit among the other magic weapons, but there are no less than 200000 animal souls in the beast circle!"

"As long as you provide them with resources, 200000 animal souls will become powerful... For example, you can take this thing to practice at the foot of Jilei peak. You don\'t have to do anything. The beast circle can absorb the terrible vitality of heaven and earth. You can imagine the growth speed of the beast circle."

Speaking of this, even the weapon refining master JiangMo city showed jealousy, although he didn\'t know about Yuanli fragments.

Nalan Ziyan snorted coyly and put the beast circle on his wrist.

"There is no other way for you to freely use the beast circle. The only way is to communicate with the animal spirits in it, treat them as their best friends and provide them with cultivation resources, such as..."

"You ask xian\'er for some fire drunk lotus wine to drink for the animal spirits."

JiangMo city almost jumped up: "isn\'t it? Give fire drunk lotus wine to the animal soul? Is there a mistake!"

JiangMo city has always been bitter about Yinshan Han\'s half pot of fire drunk lotus wine.

What precious medicinal wine it is! Shen Lang said to give it to the animal soul!

The treatment of the animal soul is also very good, isn\'t it?

JiangMo city just thought that the beast circle on Nalan Ziyan\'s wrist vibrated, and thousands of animal souls cheered!

These bastards seem to have drunk a lot of fire drunk lotus wine!

JiangMo city has a long face and doesn\'t speak angrily.

"It\'s said that the master also likes to drink this wine. If you finish drinking it, just find xian\'er to take it." Shen Lang said calmly: "I don\'t have anything good in xuandao sect, but the wine can be drunk freely."

Jiang Mo City\'s Zeng sun Jiangfeng immediately looked over his head and said, "yes, my great grandfather has no other hobbies. That\'s a good one. I\'ll thank Lang Shao for my great grandfather first!"

"Let\'s go!" JiangMo City slapped and fanned it, just like shenlang fan bones, flying Jiangfeng fan out.

"This... How interesting?"

The old guy was happy and pretended.

Bone two is better than stretching out his head and Gaga said, "the boss\'s friends will live well; the boss\'s enemies will pay a price!"

Everyone was stunned and immediately laughed.

These bone demons are funny, but they are not stupid.

Nalan Ziyan finally found a chance to speak at this time: "so... Even if I have poor strength and use this beast circle to attack, I can beat the strong at the end of the remnant emperor\'s martial arts realm?"

A group of strong men in the imperial martial arts arena immediately said, "you don\'t want to try our knife?"

Nalan Ziyan can really do such a thing!

Several strong men in Huangwu state are ready to leave at any time.

PS: we\'ll add a chapter today. Let\'s recommend more tickets!