Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1025

"Have you heard of it?" Shen Lang was still circling around the Trident: "the Trident, one of the ten Heavenly weapons, was subdued with the help of the power of the ghost statue of the thousand soul hall."

"If it weren\'t for this tripod, I\'m afraid even I couldn\'t control it."

"One of the ten Heavenly weapons!" chiyanfeng and the king of Yan devil almost jumped up.

The seven general of the Yan devil was foolish.

Although this thing is not very impressive, although everyone doesn\'t feel its power

But to tell the truth, it really shouldn\'t be fanpin who can let Shen Lang bring a group of people to fight.

But people never thought that this thing... Is one of the top ten Heavenly weapons!

This time, everyone\'s jealous eyes swept to Duanmu evil!

What is the concept of the ten heavenly objects?

There are only ten pieces in the whole world!

Ten or twenty heavenly objects can\'t be compared with this!

This is a terrible thing that can release the power of destroying heaven and earth without human control!

What kind of dog food luck did duanmuxie take to get such terrible magic soldiers?

This guy achieved the quasi emperor martial mirror a few days earlier than the seven general of Yanmo. Although his body is extremely strong, he may not be able to beat the seven general of Yanmo. Now he has obtained such a magic weapon as the trident of killing heaven?

Compared with this Trident, chiyanfeng and the god soldier in the hand of the king of Yanmo are embarrassed to take it!

Duanmuxie saw the people\'s eyes and knew that he had committed public anger.

While he was hugging the people, he made a vague voice of "hehe, hehe".

"Well, I\'m going to set up the array, prepare to practice the Trident, and then combine the Trident into one." Shen Lang said solemnly, "it\'s no small matter. Even if it\'s Yanfeng\'s cultivation, it\'s still a long way from doing such a thing."

"Fortunately, my fengtianding has the power to suppress divine weapons. I hope it will succeed at once!"

Chiyanfeng and the king of Yan devil looked at each other and drank loudly: "yes!"

Shen Lang swam around quickly and began to arrange the array.

The seven general of Yan devil and others stood still according to the position arranged by Shen Lang, and each looked a little dignified.

When the array was arranged, Shen Lang bent his fingers and shot at the four Trident.

The four lights immediately escaped into the Trident.

The original bland trident of killing heaven released a tendency of suppressing heaven, earth, mountains and rivers!

The smell of terror swept the audience!

Even the strong ones of chiyanfeng, facing the breath released by the Trident, feel like a small wooden boat in the sea swept by the hurricane, as if they could be torn by the storm at any time!

"Don\'t be crazy!"

Shen Lang urged Feng Tianding with all his strength. A strange force in Feng Tianding immediately shrouded the Trident!

When he collected the Trident into fengtianding, Shen Lang already knew that fengtianding could suppress the divine soldier.

Now take a risk, and the terrible smell of the Trident really converged!


Shen Lang used two things with one mind. While urging Feng Tianding to suppress the sky killing Trident, he ordered everyone to start sacrificing and practicing the sky killing Trident, one of the ten Heavenly weapons!

With the enhancement of Shen Lang\'s cultivation, Feng Tianding\'s contact with Shen Lang has increased a lot.

Although you can\'t urge this thing to resist the enemy, it\'s enough to practice this divine weapon within the fengtianding.


The night is deep.

In xuandaozong, there are bright lights and colorful lanterns.

Zhuge Xianer didn\'t arrange to do so, but the people of xuandaozong acted spontaneously and were ready to have a good drink!

The seven general of Yanmo advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror, which is a great happy event;

Shen Lang, after dawn, is about to leave

The first is a happy event, and the second is a sorrow of separation.

People of xuandaozong really have mixed feelings and only want to get drunk with wine.

Shen Lang also acquiesced in all this. He sat with a group of people in the huge square outside the songduofeng hall, filling himself with wine cup by cup.

The crowd did not persuade or stop the drinking.

This table is the one with the largest number of people and the quietest table on the court.

Even the people around the tables were influenced by them and didn\'t drink crazy like other places.

Moonlight woodland is said to be in the wild depths. I don\'t know how far it is from here.

I don\'t know how long it will take for Shen Lang to go.

More importantly, this time, Shen Lang is not going to travel, but may face the blood clan supreme power!

People who know Shen Lang now have a feeling... The world is big and Shen Lang is the biggest!

Everyone knows that as long as Shen Lang is given time, his future accomplishments can not be limited.

Now, although Shen Lang\'s strength has been hard for everyone to catch up with, what he has to face is the most terrible evil god blood ancestor in the legend!

Although the blood ancestor has not been born, but some blood families are running around outside, the terrible legend of the blood family has taken root in people\'s hearts... Deeply rooted!

Only blood clan and demon clan can frighten thousands of races in the world!

Shen Lang is now preparing to go to the wilderness alone!

He went alone without the red wind or the king of the devil!

Nalan Ziyan looked at Shen Lang affectionately. It was rare that he didn\'t ask someone to persuade him to drink or guess boxing. He also began to drink like Shen Lang.

Don\'t talk, just drink.

It\'s like drinking water, not wine.

"Brother, take this with you." ZHUGE Xianer put a Sumi ring in front of Shen Lang.

Among the Xumi precepts are the 20 most powerful silencing thunder refined in this period of time.

JiangMo City, the second-class weapon refining master of the quasi emperor, was completely solved by her and made great efforts in refining silencing God thunder.

With the help of the extremely strong red fire wind of cultivation, the product level of these 20 silencing thunder is already very high.

Although it\'s impossible to destroy heaven and earth, it won\'t be too difficult to kill the middle-level strong in the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Shen Lang took a look at the Xumi ring and pushed it back: "I can\'t use this level of divine thunder. Keep it for emergencies."

Even Zhuge Xianer doesn\'t know that Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body has grown to a terrible situation.

It won\'t take much effort to crush the nine heavenly strongmen of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

What\'s more, there are two silent thunder kings on him!

Shen Lang said, suddenly took out a blood red bracelet and handed it to Nalan Ziyan: "it\'s for you."

Nalan Ziyan was drinking with his head hooked. Suddenly he saw Shen Lang hand over a bracelet and his face turned red!

In front of so many people, Shen Lang gave her this kind of thing, isn\'t it

Happiness came too quickly. Nalan Ziyan secretly hated Shen Lang and did this without warning. At the same time, he was so happy that he wanted to shout.

Shen Lang was stunned when he saw Nalan Ziyan\'s face turned red, his eyes twinkled, and he didn\'t accept the things handed over.

Then, his fingers bent and thumped on Nalan Ziyan\'s forehead: "Hey, what do you think? I found that you don\'t have a powerful attack magic weapon. I gave you the beast circle. Where do you want to go?"

In Shen Lang\'s hands, it is the ten thousand animal circle filled with thousands of powerful animal souls in the dragon scale temple.

In fact, this thing was originally obtained from Yu wenhuaji.

Nalan purple smoke has also been seen.

Nalan Ziyan was stunned, his face turned from red to green, his jade hand stretched out, grabbed Shen Lang\'s collar and almost lifted Shen Lang directly!

"Miss Ben has powerful magic weapons. She doesn\'t need your magic weapons!"

If you don\'t need it, you don\'t need it. As for being so angry?

It\'s really because I misunderstood Shen Lang\'s meaning before. I was lost and angry.

The crowd cluttered in their hearts, one by one hurriedly bowed their heads and drank as if they hadn\'t seen or heard these.

Shen Lang let Nalan Ziyan take his collar, put the beast circle in front of Nalan Ziyan and said, "you used to want to take the beast circle and asked me for it many times, but I didn\'t give it to you..."

"That\'s because there are too many animal spirits in it. The spirit is chaotic and violent. You can\'t control it."

Nalan Ziyan glared at Shen Lang fiercely. The tyrannical color in his eyes disappeared a lot. Angrily, he loosened Shen Lang\'s collar and said, "then why do you want to give it to me now?"

Shen Lang said with a smile, "when I was in the dragon scale temple, I upgraded the beast circle because of fate."

"Now there are more than ten times more animal souls in the beast circle, and they are more than a hundred times stronger than before."

"Ah? So powerful?" Nalan Ziyan was surprised: "since I have become more powerful, I can\'t use it anymore?"

And the people also raised their heads and looked at the beast circle a little incredulously.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "the beast circle is different from other magic weapons. Other magic weapons rely on the superposition of the power of the magic weapon and the power of the spirit in it. Finally, their power is released through the urging of the spirit and the spirit array."

"The beast circle is much simpler. There has always been only one weapon spirit for ordinary divine weapons, but now there are more than 200000 animal souls in the beast circle, and what is added behind is incomparably powerful."

"Ten of them are now like generals, controlling all the animal souls in the beast circle."

"And they all listen to me, so now they are stronger, but easier to control."

Shen Lang said, pushing the beast circle forward a little and said, "master Jiang and I worked together a few days ago to refine the beast circle again and add some special materials... Take it."

The special material Shen Lang said is naturally the dragon scale given by Honglong road for thousands of years.

After the ten thousand beast circle is reinforced with dragon scales, the ten thousand beast circle is upgraded by dozens of levels.

Extremely strong!

It is by no means comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

Seeing Nalan\'s purple smoke look lonely, Zhuge Xianer immediately said, "how powerful is this beast circle? Which level of divine soldier should it be?"

"Yes, yes, the thing you gave Ziyan must be very powerful?" everyone was curious.

Nalan Ziyan was coaxed by everyone and was a little curious about the upgraded beast circle.

PS: don\'t run. There\'s another chapter. I\'ll come out in two minutes. Today is the third watch.