Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1027

Shen Lang smiled and said, "as I just said, how much the power of the beast circle can be triggered depends on your communication with these animal souls... If you want to get the spirit stone in their hands all day like you treat them, you can\'t even send out one ten thousandth of the power of the beast circle."

"Boss, you all know how miserable we are... Boss, ask for a bag - support and a cover!" Gu San and Gu Si said with tears.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Nalan purple smoke blushed and said, "how strong would it be if all the power was brought into play?"

Shen Lang was silent for a moment. He pointed to Duanmu evil and said, "at least you can smash Duanmu evil who has been quasi emperor\'s martial mirror down."

The crowd took another breath of air-conditioning!

How powerful is Duanmu evil?

Zombies of the quasi emperor martial mirror!

This guy\'s body is more than ten times stronger than the Terran warrior who is the same quasi emperor martial mirror?

If the beast circle can smash Duanmu evil on the ground, wouldn\'t it be the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor of other Terrans

Nalan Ziyan immediately took down the beast circle from his wrist and looked up and down at Duanmu evil. It seemed that he wanted to try whether he could beat Duanmu evil down!

Duanmuxie looked at Nalan Ziyan and the beast circle in her hand. Suddenly he stood up and said solemnly, "boss, it\'s thunder and rain. I\'ll go home and collect my clothes first!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man spread his feet and ran away!

The zombie of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, fully opened at this speed, Chi slipped, leaving only a corpse gas extending to the distance, like a long dragon.

The figure of Duanmu evil has disappeared without a trace.

The action of zombies is much slower than that of strong people at the same level. Unexpectedly, Duanmu evil speed is so fast!

Everyone immediately smiled bitterly.

Nalan Ziyan\'s heart was itchy and turned his eyes to the three bones and four bones who had just spoken ill of her.

Three bones and four bones were shocked!

Shen Lang hurriedly stopped her and said, "if you want to try, go and try with a stone... This thing hits three bones and four bones, and they all have to turn into bone powder."

Bone three bone four tears, nodded again and again.

"It depends on whether they are good or not!" Nalan Ziyan was unwilling and threatened.

The four bone demons slipped and all ran over.

One bone and two bones were on both sides of Nalan Ziyan, squatting down to beat her thighs;

Bone three bone four stood behind Nalan Ziyan and gently beat her shoulder.

From here, we can see what Nalan purple smoke has done to the four bone demons,

Not only did everyone laugh, but even Shen Lang was a little speechless.

"By the way, are you leaving tomorrow? Don\'t you bring Duanmu evil or the king of Yan devil?" Nalan Ziyan lowered his figure and said.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "only by letting them stay here can I rest assured that I have made a breakthrough some time ago, which is enough to deal with all kinds of crises."

Seeing the worry still lingering in the eyes of Nalan Ziyan and others, Shen Lang proudly smiled and said, "don\'t worry, there are few people in the world who can take my life away."

The people stopped talking again and became silent one by one.

The sorrow of parting spread on the court.

"Don\'t say that, drink, drink!"

Shen Lang knocked off a wine jar, didn\'t even use a wine glass, and began to drink.

The red fever wind saw the waves and drank like this, and did not work to turn the wine down. Finally, he could not help but say, "brother, this wine is reconciled with the fire drunk lotus wine, or a little bit better, you used to..."

Shen Lang was like a bottomless pit, pouring a jar of wine directly into it.

For a while

Shen Lang slapped and put the wine jar on the table: "what happened before?"

"It used to be before, now it is now, he used to be, and now it is me."

This remark was extremely strange, but many people present also heard some doorways.

Shen Lang opened another jar of wine, took a few big gulps, looked at chiyanfeng vaguely, and said, "what\'s he like in your impression?"

Without waiting for chiyanfeng to speak, Shen Lang said to himself: "he is free and easy, carefree, carefree and carefree, and comes and goes between mountains and rivers naturally and unrestrained;"

"He acted rashly, decisively and recklessly;"

"And I have a lot to worry about. I\'m afraid of wolves before and tigers after."

"He disdains to calculate, straight forward, straight in; and I calculate heaven, earth and all outsiders."

"He takes it as his duty to protect the whole world. His ideal is to change the world of the law of the jungle and re-establish rules;"

"And I just want to protect the people around me, drink, chat, and flowers bloom and fade in front of the door."

Shen Lang repressed for a long time. Finally, after drinking several jars of wine, he was released by chiyanfeng.

They guessed something, but they didn\'t speak, just listened quietly.

Shen Lang continued to say, "he is invincible all over the world."

"My cultivation is fragile and has put people around me in danger many times."

"His heart will never go back to the ancient well. Nothing can make him crazy, nothing can make him cry;"

"And I often fell into madness and cried secretly..."

"He is a high God, and I am just a mortal... Mortal, do you understand!"

Shen Lang\'s voice increased several degrees, so that all the people in the square looked this way.

"I\'m a mortal, and I just want to be a mortal. I want to accompany my relatives and the people I love to grow old slowly... It doesn\'t matter how long I live, and I don\'t mind reincarnation..."

"But even a mortal is not an ant at their disposal!"

"Yanfeng, why do you practice so crazy? For longevity? For becoming a God? Or to get your father back?"

Chiyanfeng didn\'t speak, but the firmness and pain in his eyes showed that his answer was the last.

Shen Lang took a big sip of wine and said, "even if I\'m a mortal, I have someone I want to protect."

"I want to have a house facing the sea with warm flowers in spring. I want to live in such a place with the people I love..."

"But the reality is always so cruel. When I wake up, the world has been in chaos... I absolutely don\'t allow it!"

Shen Lang\'s voice became louder and louder, and people stood up: "no one can destroy my home, whether God or devil!"

"No one can hurt my relatives and my friends, whether it\'s this day or this place!"

"I want to sweep the world and give them a bright future!"

As if it were a declaration, it resounded through the air of the xuandao sect.

The exultant xuandaozong suddenly became so quiet.

Finger by finger, Shen Lang maintained this position for a little while, and then suddenly became paralyzed.

The wine strength of fire drunk lotus wine is actually the drug strength.

Even those who are strong in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor can\'t stand drinking a pot.

Shen Lang drank three jars in a row.

Nalan Ziyan held Shen Lang\'s head as if to appease a child, gently patted him on the back, said words that others could not hear clearly, and let him sleep in his arms.

"He hasn\'t slept quietly for a long time..." Nalan said.

Chu Qingcheng sighed and said, "I changed his wine into fiery drunken lotus wine, but he didn\'t find out... This guy has a lot of worries, and he\'s not as free and easy as he showed. Let me do this every time, hey, lonely..."

At this moment, the eyes of the people of xuandaozong became extremely firm.

Everyone has something to protect.

Isn\'t it?

When such a group of people gather together, when Shen Lang appears among such a group of people

The world is destined to change.

When such a group of people unite around such a person as Shen Lang, the frightening and trembling future and the scene like the end of the world seem to be nothing.

Everyone has a firm mind.

Everyone is secretly determined

Fate is not determined by any God or devil.

Our destiny is up to us!

Shen Lang wants to sweep the world

We are his soldiers, we are his generals!

Let the storm come more violently!

We, fearless!