Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1024

"Calculate your fortune, rosefinch divine fire is one of the top flames, and you are the body of Yan devil. The most powerful force is the power of flame!"

"These seven rosefinch divine fires began to be condensed after I left the blessed land of yumudong, especially for you."

Shen Lang gently brushed the palm of his right hand, and the seven rosefinches fell slowly in front of the seven general Yanmo.

Then, Shen Lang\'s palm moved, and the fire of rosefinch came out again.

At this time, he said, "these seven rosefinch fires are different from the rosefinch fires burning in my palm."

"The seven rosefinch divine fires were specially refined by me to dissipate anger. The burning frequency is consistent with the energy operation frequency of the seven of you at the peak."

"It may also cause damage to your meridians, but this damage is minimal compared with the advanced quasi emperor martial mirror."

"The seven of you immediately swallow the rosefinch with divine fire."

"With this rosefinch fire in hand, it will not be effortless to impact the twelve meridians and the fifteen meridians!"

"Boom!" the whole audience burst into flames.

Although people know that Shen Lang\'s means are powerful and it shouldn\'t be difficult for the seven general Yanmo to advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror, they really didn\'t expect such a means!

Shen Lang used the rosefinch fire to help the seven general Yanmo get through the twelve meridians and the fifteen meridians!

And for their advancement, when they were in yumudong blessed land, they had begun to prepare and were refining these rosefinch fires!

In the eyes of the seven general Yanmo, he was moved and swallowed the rosefinch in front of him without doubt.

After these people swallow the rosefinch fire and make sure there are no problems

Shen Lang immediately began to attack the quasi emperor martial mirror!


When the sound of destroying heaven and earth came from the mountain outside xuandaozong, not only the people of xuandaozong, but also the people from the main doors of Tianxuan mountain ran out and looked over here.

The advanced quasi emperor martial mirror at the peak of Huangwu territory is more terrible than the advanced King martial mirror of warwolf members!

Even the people at the sect gate farthest from here can hear clearly, and can see that a huge whirlpool of crazy rotation has formed on the sky on the side of xuandaozong!

In the whirlpool, the power of nine days of thunder is dense and awe inspiring!

Thousands of miles away, it\'s hard to breathe and break your heart!

"Shit, it\'s ok if Wang Wujing came out every day before. Why is it so terrible now? Is this... Is this someone advanced quasi emperor Wujing? Xuandaozong is too crazy, Shen Lang is too crazy!"

"Well... Is it OK for me to take refuge in xuandaozong now? They want people? It\'s OK to sweep the floor!"

"In other words, it seems that this is a little bit outside xuandaozong? Can xuandaozong support such a terrible thing?"

"If you worry about them, you might as well worry about yourself. How big a problem can there be when there are waves?"

Shen Lang\'s promotion of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror not only attracted the zongmen on the Tianxuan mountains.

Most of the purple Chu state was disturbed.

Now xuandao sect is concerned by the whole purple Chu state and even the sect gate in the snow region.

As soon as there was a disturbance here, the notes flew all over the sky, and the major doors knew it at the first time.

This time, Shen Lang\'s surprise is the promotion of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

When people saw that the terrible scene on the side of xuandaozong finally disappeared and talked about it with relish

The terrible scene before appeared again!

"Someone advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror again? No!"

"People are so angry than people. In front of them, Wang Wujing\'s strong people are like cabbage. Now the strong people of quasi emperor Wujing are springing up?"

"No, no, how could it be? No matter how powerful the Shen waves are, they can\'t toss out several quasi emperor martial mirrors at random! This one is definitely the last one!"

"Even if it was the last one, xuandaozong broke through our imagination... Two people advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror in one day. It\'s too scary!"

However, the matter of Shen Lang is really beyond ordinary people\'s comprehension.

After the second successful advanced quasi emperor martial mirror, the third came again!

For one and a half days, people didn\'t eat or drink. They just looked at xuandaozong and saw that a quasi emperor martial mirror came out when they brushed it. When they brushed it, another came out!

It didn\'t stop until... Eight times later, when everyone was numb!

Two days

Xuandaozong gave birth to eight quasi emperor Wujing strongmen!

In fact, Shen Lang is not.

He killed an imperial martial mirror in the imperial capital of Zichu state, which has long been regarded as the strong one in the middle and late period of quasi imperial martial mirror.

But the people of purple Chu didn\'t know the details of xuandaozong. Eight quasi emperor martial mirrors suddenly appeared. It was frightening to death!

Although Zichu is known as the Empire, it is really not very big compared with other countries in the snow.

In Zichu, for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, there has not been a strong quasi emperor martial mirror!

Now it\'s good to come out one after another!

And all appear in xuandaozong!

The quasi emperor\'s powerful martial mirror exists as a giant in the purple Chu state and even in the snow!

Which dark gold sect can be so arrogant?

It\'s very powerful to have three or four quasi emperor martial mirrors among ordinary dark gold forces!

It\'s good for xuandaozong to have so many at once!


After the seven general Yanmo advanced to the quasi emperor martial mirror, Shen Lang only gave them three hours to get familiar with and stabilize the realm of the quasi emperor martial mirror.

Three hours later, general Yanmo seven, duanmuxie and other strong quasi emperor martial mirrors were brought into the fengtianding by Shen Lang.

There is one thing Shen Lang has been putting on, and it\'s time to do it

Inside the seal, as like as two peas, the Yuan Li\'s debris was almost more than 300 feet away, and the four was the same shape, and the black Trident was suspended in the air.

Shen Lang, the seven generals of Yanmo, duanmuxie, the king of Yanmo and chiyanfeng surrounded the Trident.

Except Shen Lang, everyone else\'s eyes looked at the Trident without blinking.

The four tridents look simple, carved with real dragons and mysterious runes.

But it did not show a terrible breath, and people could not feel any powerful power in it.

At a glance, it just makes people feel a breath of ancient vicissitudes.

It seems that this thing has experienced endless and long years.

A group of people looked at this thing and were a little strange.

Even the strong man of chiyanfeng didn\'t feel that the Trident was purposeful. What did Shen Lang bring a group of people here to do?

Why do you look a little dignified?

Even Shen Lang looked relaxed when he helped the seven general Yanmo advance to become a quasi emperor martial mirror?

Besides, Shen Lang has been around this thing for three times. Why didn\'t he say a word?

It\'s like a dog has nowhere to bite a mountain... Bah, you can\'t say this, otherwise Shen Lang will be beaten flat by others if he doesn\'t do it.

Among a group of people, duanmuxie was the only one who was nervous and kept swallowing saliva, and his white and black eyes also released hot eyes!

It\'s like a wolf who has been hungry for three days and nights and finally sees a lamb


The wolf will not be afraid when he sees the lamb. Duanmu evil is obviously afraid at this time!

The body is shaking!

The king of Yan devil on one side poked duanmuxie a little puzzled and whispered, "Hey, what\'s your expression? Are you afraid or happy? What\'s that thing?"

Duanmuxie gulped and said, "that\'s mine! That thing is mine!"

It\'s a bull\'s head and a horse\'s mouth. The king of Yan devil feels that he has nothing in common with the zombie.

Yours is yours. It\'s like everyone wants to rob you?

I have a heavenly weapon on me now!

Do you understand?

Who the fuck cares about your junk... Except the patterns carved on it are a little mysterious, there is no strong breath. I don\'t want it!

At this time, Shen Lang raised his head, frowned and looked at duanmuxie.

Duanmu Xie\'s heart jumped suddenly and shouted hurriedly: "Sir, you promised me this. You must not give it to chiyanfeng... Although my cultivation is poor, I have netherworld fire. I will try my best to cultivate, I promise!"

Everyone laughed.

Chiyanfeng turned his eyes and said, "Ann, ANN, nothing my eldest brother promised can\'t be done! Besides, my original magic soldier will only be stronger than yours, not worse than yours. I don\'t want your things."

"Moreover, the appearance of the Trident is poor. I prefer to use the sword. It\'s natural and unrestrained, noble and intoxicating. Is this Trident..."

Chiyanfeng flattened his mouth, shook his head and said, "I don\'t like to tie my hair. I like to let my long hair fall naturally. I wear white clothes and carry a long sword. I stand on the top of the high mountain. The mountain wind blows..."

"Are you talking about Chu Qing City?" duanmuxie and the king of Yan devil said at the same time.

"..." chiyanfeng has been hit hard. After so many years, he can\'t even pretend to be green. He\'s really living in vain.

But he obviously doesn\'t like the Trident.

And he also imagined Chu Qingcheng wearing white clothes and holding the Trident in both hands. He almost laughed.

"You don\'t want it. That\'s the best. I promised duanmuxie this originally." Shen Lang said with a smile, "I haven\'t spent time to practice before. I\'m really limited in cultivation, so I put it now."

"Well, duanmuxie, press your mood, and you\'ll make your milk strength come out in a moment!"

"If you don\'t succeed in sacrificial practice for your own reasons, don\'t blame me."

Duanmuxie was surprised, hurriedly stood up straight, held his breath and said, "yes, sir, wait a minute. Let me adjust my mood."

"In any case, this Trident is mine. This time it can only succeed, not fail!"

Chiyanfeng and the king of the devil were stunned: "kill the Trident? Kill the sky? What a arrogant name... Wait, where did you hear this name?"