Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1023

At this time, Shen Langyou said, "sit down. It\'s not as serious as you think."

"In fact, I have been suppressing my accomplishments, and the main time experience has been used in another direction."

Shen Lang said, "in fact, you have noticed that my way of cultivation is completely different from the traditional sense."

"To put it simply, the cultivation in the traditional sense, that is, the cultivation of most of you, is the cultivation of \'Dharma\'. It is to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, turn it into spiritual power and store it in Danying. Spiritual power is your power."

"I, on the other hand, take the route of \'body\', mainly forging the flesh, and the power in the flesh is not spiritual power, but another power."

"But no matter how different these two kinds of cultivation are, they have the same goal by different ways. In the end, we should understand the rules of heaven and earth and the avenue of heaven and earth."

"I didn\'t deliberately improve or even suppress my accomplishments. I was mainly understanding the avenue of heaven and earth."

Everyone at the scene swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In this world, if anyone else said such words in front of people, it would only attract boos and even curses.

But Shen Lang said so, everyone believed it!

In fact, some people here have already known... When Shen Lang was still in the Lingwu realm, his understanding of the potential of heaven and earth has surpassed many of the top powers in the world!

"Therefore, if I am willing, it will not be too difficult to reach the quasi emperor martial mirror in at least a short time."

Shen Lang didn\'t tell everyone that it was extremely simple for him to improve his cultivation in the traditional sense after he integrated the soul of the war emperor and had the Tai Chi diagram.

If there is still some difficulty, there are two more points

First, the energy stored in Tai Chi diagram is not large enough because it is refining and robbing thunder;

Even for a long time, the Tai Chi diagram was dry. Shen Lang had to consume the spirit stone every day and absorb a lot of aura on the spirit stone.

Second, refining the Yuan government requires an understanding of heaven and earth Avenue and rules. Even if Shen Lang integrates the memory of the emperor of war, the memory of the emperor of war is only used as a guide. Shen Lang himself has to start from scratch.

Therefore, the artistic conception of water was realized by Shen Lang when he was fighting against Dugu.

Therefore, it was very difficult for Shen Lang to refine the yuan mansion when he was in yumudong blessed land.

But now these two problems have been perfectly solved.

On the first point, the Tai Chi diagram stores the abundant magic power from the magic array in the gate of life and death, and Shen Lang now has yuan power fragments!

At the same time, after obtaining the blood essence of Kirin, Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body really awakened, and the chaotic power in his body was filled to the extreme!

Chaotic divine power, this is the power above the gods!

As for the second point, with the book of heaven, it is no longer a problem!

The book of heaven has been integrated with Shen lang. in a sense, it is much more important than the memory of the emperor of war!

With the book of heaven, Shen Lang is no longer the former Shen Lang!

When he was in the blessed land of yumudong, Shen Lang gathered a yuan house and took the boss\'s effort.

But with the book of heaven, conglomerating Yuanfu is Pediatrics!

In fact, Shen Lang realized this when Tianshu absorbed the death rule of Kirin\'s blood essence.

Today\'s shenlang is completely different from the world!

I\'m afraid it\'s in the heaven world, the devil world or the Buddha world. This is also an earth shaking existence!

Shen Lang comforted the people for two words. If he didn\'t talk nonsense, he would really scatter the three yuan houses in front of the people.

First, the first yuan mansion, Lei Yuan mansion.

When Lei Yuan\'s mansion was scattered, the terrible force of thunder, like thunder robbery, shrouded around Shen waves, as if it were killing the world!

However, this situation did not last long.

The "explosion" that general Allen worried about did not happen.

As soon as the terrible power of thunder was released, all the power was absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram in Shen Lang\'s body!

With the Tai Chi map in hand, where is the power in Shen Lang\'s body that can make him "explode"?

Tai Chi diagram is a terrible thing that can absorb the power of gods and demons!

Soon, the rosefinch fire yuan house and the yellow spring Qi Yin yuan house were also scattered by Shen waves, and then all the energy was absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram.

The Shen waves of the three yuan houses dispersed, and his face showed a weak color.

Then, Shen Lang\'s startling action firmly attracted everyone\'s attention and made everyone\'s eyes blink!

One by one, Fu and seal characters came out of Shen Lang with terrible spiritual power.

With Shen Lang\'s constant pitching, there are more and more runes and seal characters, like butterflies, flying around Shen Lang.

All over the sky are seal characters!

Every seal character contains a coveted mystery and Shen Lang\'s understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth!

This kind of cultivation is the most dangerous. When the general martial arts practitioners reach this juncture, they have to be closed and isolated from the outside world.

Because these symbols and seal characters are all the mysteries that martial artists understand, and they are easy to be captured by others. Once captured, they are also easy to cause great damage to practitioners, or even direct death!

Moreover, at the moment of breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation, you must not be disturbed by anyone or anything else. If you are careless, you will become possessed!

So even close relatives can\'t be on the side at this time!

And Shen Lang, unexpectedly very casually in front of everyone, began to improve his cultivation!

He not only revealed everything, but also deliberately slowed down the speed!

Give everyone a chance to "peep"!

In this way, Shen Lang started from the fourth heaven of Wang Wujing, and moved slowly to the fifth, sixth and seventh heaven of Wang Wujing!

This kind of thing is incredible... It\'s a wonder for thousands of years!

In order to prevent accidents, chiyanfeng and the king of Yanmo are escorted from left to right.

The two men\'s strong and arrogant mind built into a defense, enveloping Shen waves.

Everyone stared at the pieces of runes in the air without blinking.

All people\'s thoughts are released and closely follow the runes flying above.

This is the creation given by Shen Lang, which is extremely rare.

Even if Shen Lang now deliberately creates opportunities for them, there is only one chance at all levels.

There will never be a second time!

Whether you can catch it and how much you can catch depends on your understanding.

This also needs to be realized with divine thoughts. It is not very useful to record it with memory crystal.

Time passed slowly.

In three days, Shen Lang started from the quadruple heaven of Wang Wujing and went up layer by layer to the Huangwu territory!

When it comes to the critical moment, Shen Lang not only doesn\'t hold his breath and concentrate, but also explains and explains the mystery

At the same time, in addition to the re agglomeration of the previous three yuan houses, gold, wood, water, earth, wind, ice and Yang... Yuan houses are in front of everyone. It seems that they agglomerate and appear one by one without any effort!

This simply subverts everyone\'s understanding of cultivation!

It was unimaginable for Shen Lang to help those in the Xuanwu realm to achieve the great prosperity of Shiyuan mansion.

Now Shen Lang has easily reached the great fullness of Shiyuan mansion in front of everyone in the period of Wang Wujing!

Don\'t talk about the war wolves. Even the king of Yanmo and chiyanfeng are all stupid!

There should be such a thing in the world, such a wonderful flower!

How could you believe it if you didn\'t see it with your own eyes?

Even if you see it with your own eyes, it feels like a dream!

Don\'t say I saw it before. I haven\'t even heard of it!

The fourth day

The fifth day

The sixth day

As time went by, Shen Lang finally reached the peak of jiuchongtian in Huangwu territory in the evening of the sixth day!

In just six days, after many violent thunder robberies, Shen Lang went from the fourth heaven of Wang Wujing to the Ninth Heaven of Huangwu territory!

With the help of the memory of the war emperor, the terror of Taiji diagram and the help of heavenly books, Shen Lang has achieved the ultimate development of cultivation!

At this time, the energy in the Tai Chi diagram is basically exhausted.

After a few simple explanations, Shen Lang immediately entered fengtianding and began to frantically absorb the abundant vitality on the yuan force fragments.

It was not until noon the next day, when the Shen wave stabilized, that the Tianding was sealed.

Outside, everyone stared at Shen Lang.

As we all know, the next step is to help Shen Lang advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror, and then help the seven general Yanmo advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror!

Shen Lang\'s eyes really fell on the seven general Yanmo.

He said in a calm tone: "at the peak of the Huangwu realm, he has touched all the phenomena of the universe, both flesh and soul, have climbed to a very high realm."

"The highest martial artist in the imperial martial arts realm is a perfect combination of energy and spirit. Insight into the void, turn your hand over the clouds and cover your hand with rain, and take another step forward to reach the quasi imperial martial mirror realm, which is a powerful realm of conforming to heaven and earth and the unity of heaven and man..."

Shen Lang tells the mystery of the peak of Huangwu realm and the ways from the peak of Huangwu realm to the quasi emperor martial mirror, as well as the places that need to be noticed.

All this is not just about general Yanmo seven.

It is also about all the martial artists below the quasi emperor martial mirror here.

These things can be met but not sought, and can be used by these people for life.

"If you want to break through from the peak of Huangwu territory to the quasi emperor martial mirror, you seven only need two points now..."

"First, understand the mystery of the unity of heaven and man;"

"Second, open up the twelve meridians and the fifteen meridians, and finally connect the twelve meridians and the fifteen meridians, energy chain!"

"On the first point, you have practiced for so many years, and you were instructed by the strong man in yumudong blessed land. In fact, you are only half a step away. Later, I will sprint through the quasi emperor martial mirror, and then show my understanding at the last moment. How much you can understand depends on your nature..."

"On the second point, it is much more difficult to get through the twelve meridians and the fifteen collaterals than to get through the twelve meridians and the fifteen collaterals."

"The flesh of Yan devil is much stronger than the flesh of most creatures in the world, and the meridians are correspondingly harder and more difficult to get through than those of other creatures."

"But after this period of time, the difficulty of getting through these meridians and collaterals has been greatly reduced by using the scouring of pill and fire drunk lotus wine."

"About your advanced quasi emperor martial mirror, I didn\'t mean it temporarily, but I was thinking about it when I saw you on the Yan devil peak..."

Shen Lang said, clasping his palms and slowly pulling them apart.

Seven rosefinches, the size of thumb, are in full bloom like flowers!