Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1022

Shen Lang\'s eyes finally came back and said faintly: "no matter it\'s a Yan devil, a monster, or a human race, as long as there are physical creatures, at the peak of the Xuanwu realm, all yuan houses will be one and condense together with the soul. Dan Ying\'s cultivation is basically the same."

"Even if there are differences, even if there are thousands of roads leading to the avenue of heaven and earth, but different paths lead to the same goal and the purpose is the same."

They didn\'t speak, but many people were a little strange. Before Shen Lang, every word was brilliant. At this time, why did you suddenly talk about these things we all know?

Shen Lang continued: "Wang Wujing\'s understanding of the great road will be greatly improved with each promotion of the important heaven. Wang Wujing\'s arrival at the Huangwu territory is essentially a process of understanding the benefits of heaven and earth, a process of developing the yuan house, and his accomplishments will increase with the number of yuan houses developed."

"There is an essential difference between the Xuanwu realm and the wangwujing realm and the Huangwu realm."

"In theory, no matter how hard he cultivates and how hard he works, he still doesn\'t touch the edge of the avenue of heaven and earth. The power used by the Xuanwu martial artist is the power of the Danhai and the yuan house in his body, in addition to the power in his flesh."

"Wang Wujing, also known as Ruyi state, can go from heaven to earth, turn into dust, and shake the earth between his palms. The power that can be used, in addition to Dan Ying and the power in the yuan house, can begin to control the vitality of heaven and earth, and has touched the edge of the avenue."

"But from Xuanwu to Wang Wujing, and from Wang Wujing to Huangwu, there is a very similar cultivation process."

"The growth of Xuanwu territory mainly depends on the development of Yuanfu and the improvement of the quantity and quality of spiritual power in Yuanfu and Danhai;"

"Wang Wujing\'s growth also depends on opening up the yuan house and improving the quantity and quality of energy in the yuan house and Danying."

"However, the process is similar, but the actual situation is very different."

"The most direct difference is the yuan mansion in the Xuanwu realm, which is simply used as a part to store spiritual power, just like an additional Danhai; however, the yuan mansion in the Wang Wujing period does integrate the martial arts\' understanding of the energy in the yuan mansion and contains the martial arts\' understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth!"

"For those in the Xuanwu realm, I can refine the yuan mansion and make all those in the Xuanwu realm finally complete the ten yuan mansion. However, I can\'t help you to refine the yuan mansion again after you have achieved Wang Wujing. You can only understand it by yourself... This is closely related to everyone\'s talent and opportunity."

"When Wang Wujing condensed the yuan mansion, it might be thousands of times more difficult than when he was in the Xuanwu realm!"

"Say easy, maybe one day you suddenly understand it, and you can condense it easily... But all this depends on yourself!"

"Therefore, all Wang Wujing Warriors must settle down from now on and don\'t rely on me to help!"

"Forget all the things that I helped you to make your ten yuan house perfect!"

"It\'s important!"

"Even related to how far you can finally go on the road of Wudao in the future!"

Everyone present was shocked, especially all the war wolves. When they heard this, they were like a slap in the head, and there was a rumble in their heads!

Before that, many of them really regarded Shen Lang as a God.

They all think that Shen Lang can make their Shiyuan mansion full in the Xuanwu realm, so after Wang Wujing, they can also make their Shiyuan mansion full!

Shen Lang now cut off their idea in one sentence!

Seeing the mood of the war wolves shaking for a while, Shen Lang soon recovered his calm, and nodded with satisfaction.

He continued: "it\'s a huge watershed for Wang Wujing to go to Huangwu. It\'s more than a hundred times more difficult than from Xuanwu to Huangwu."

"Huangwu territory is the combination of Danying and Yuanfu again. With the progress of time and cultivation, every Yuanfu starts to share the soul power. At the end of success, every Yuanfu is a Danying!"

"If someone can achieve the great perfection of the ten yuan mansion when Wang Wujing is at the peak of the imperial martial arts realm, and really achieve every yuan mansion to achieve Danying, then with the original Danying, in theory, he can achieve eleven separate bodies."

"And this separation is not a separation in the ordinary sense."

"Any Wang Wujing martial artist can start to condense and separate himself after he has achieved Wang Wujing, but this separation must borrow foreign things, such as the puppet I gave you... Everyone can finally refine it into his own separation through efforts."

"However, this separation in Huangwu territory did not borrow foreign things. After the condensed separation continues to develop, the separation will become more and more materialized, just like rebuilding a flesh and blood person."

"These separated bodies can be separated and practiced together in the end!"

"One more such separation is equal to doubling the speed of cultivation!"

"Each individual can cultivate a single skill or a series of skills. The growth rate is far higher than that of Wang Wujing..."

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the seven general Yanmo: "you seven, release your separate bodies for me to see."

DORO, Allen, Latin, Andre, Patton, Bode, bill, the seven Yanmo generals, immediately released their separation.

As like as two peas in the face, there are several identical figures.

DORO has four separate bodies, and the others have three separate bodies.

As soon as they saw this situation, they all gasped on the first floor: "there are only three or four of the seven Yanmo generals who have trained for thousands of years? Is it so difficult to refine the yuan house after Wang Wujing? Or is it so difficult to refine the yuan house into a baby pill?"

Shen Lang glanced at the body parts of the seven general Yanmo, nodded slightly and said, "although the number of your body parts is less than that of the Terran warrior, each body part is extremely solid and powerful."

"If you can condense the flesh in the future, any one will be earth shaking."

Dorothy\'s faces turned red.

Although Shen Lang is praising them for their powerful separation, after all, he has practiced for so many years. At the peak of Huangwu realm, he only condenses three or four separation. It\'s really a bit humiliating.

"I\'ll talk about the peak of the imperial martial arts realm to the quasi imperial martial mirror later." Shen Lang said again: "now I\'ll start from the king martial mirror to the peak of the imperial martial arts realm. How much I can see and get from here depends on your nature."

Not only a group of war wolf members, but also the Yan devil king and Duanmu evil were stunned: "drill again... What does it mean?"

But what Shen Lang did next, they immediately understood

Shen Lang thought and projected the three yuan houses around Danying outside his body.

Leiyuan mansion, Zhuque shenhuoyuan mansion, huangquan Qi Yinyuan mansion!

The three yuan houses immediately suspended around Shen Lang\'s body.

Lei Yuan\'s mansion is not enough. Although it is the Lei Liyuan mansion of Zhiyang Zhigang, it belongs to the normal yuan mansion.

But the rosefinch god fire yuan house and the spirit of the yellow spring Yin yuan house, this is a variation of fire source house and Yin yuan house!

As soon as the three yuan houses appeared, the three forces of terror swept the whole audience!

If Shen Lang hadn\'t arranged a powerful array here, I\'m afraid there are only a few people who can really withstand the scouring of this force!

In the shocked eyes of the people, Shen Lang said: "from the traditional cultivation realm, my current cultivation is Wang Wujing\'s four heaven and three yuan houses, two of which are variant yuan houses, namely... Rosefinch fire yuan house and yellow spring Qi Yin yuan house."

"Now, I will scatter the three yuan houses and start over. Then I will raise my cultivation from the four heaven of Wang Wujing to the peak of Huangwu territory."

"From now on, you must write down any action or word I say, whether you can understand it or not!"

The whole audience was surprised!

Scatter the yuan house, which has worked hard?

From Wang Wujing\'s quadruple heaven advanced level to the peak of Huangwu realm?

Everything is unimaginable to the extreme!

How is this possible?

As for Shen Lang\'s cultivation of Wang Wujing\'s quadruple heaven, it\'s even more absurd... Just a while ago, he easily knelt down two quasi emperor Wujing\'s triple heaven strongmen with empty hands!

How can these terrible accomplishments have anything to do with Wang Wujing\'s quadruple heaven?

Suddenly, DORO, one of the seven generals of the Yan devil, stood up and said in a loud voice, "Sir, don\'t!"

"The yuan mansion gathered in Wang Wujing\'s period is not better than before, but integrates the understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth. It\'s not easy to get each one. You can\'t scatter it!"

"If we scatter the yuan mansion in order to help us cultivate, even if we advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror in the future, it will be very uncomfortable..."

Allen, the only female Yan devil among the seven Yan devil generals, also stood up and said: "Sir, DORO is right... Not to mention that the yuan house is as difficult as heaven. Even if adults can refine it again, among the three yuan houses, Lei Yuan house is the power of thunder, Zhiyang and gang; while the other two yuan houses are variant yuan houses, with unparalleled power!"

"Even if the adult\'s body is extremely strong now, but if the three yuan houses are scattered, the adult\'s body may not be able to withstand the impact of their power."

"By mistake, the yuan house exploded from inside to outside, sir..."

This time, not only the eyes of the seven general Yan devil showed a panic, but all the members of the war wolf stood up.

Shen Moran and Nalan Ziyan were also surprised and stood up to stop Shen Lang from doing such crazy things!

"DORO, Alan, sit down!" the king of the Yan devil drank softly.

People\'s eyes immediately fell on dinaros, the king of the Yan devil.

The king of the Yan devil said calmly, "what do you do? Where do you need to talk? Since you can say so, you are sure. Don\'t disturb your work!"

"Yes!" duanmuxie put his hands on his chest, put on a look of "I understand what he said", and nodded coolly.