Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1021

JiangMo city always wants to fight shenlang.

Why didn\'t Shen Lang think of JiangMo city?

Even with Shen Lang\'s great ability, it\'s not so easy to cultivate a quasi emperor second-class tool refining master in a short time.

What\'s more, now we have to prepare to arrange the most complicated startling array.

Shen Lang didn\'t even say a word and winked at Yin Shan Han.

Yinshan Han ran to JiangMo city and said without trace: "Lang Shao began to set up an array. He will set up heaven shaking arrays on all the peaks of xuandaozong, and then chain these arrays... I can\'t refine weapons with you these days..."

Before he finished, JiangMo City slipped away, and there was no shadow.

He has come to Songduo peak!

I finally got such an opportunity to contact Shen lang. how can I give up?

JiangMo City brazenly ran to Shen Lang and said rudely, "I\'m best at array arrangement. It\'s no good for me to watch it. Even if it\'s a fight, you have to arrange some work for me, so that I can be more comfortable."

In this way, JiangMo city has also become a helper for Shen Lang\'s array arrangement.

And the biggest helper.

In the matter of array arrangement, the ChiYan wind energy of the quasi emperor Wujing bachongtian is far less than JiangMo city.

Although the old man has a bad temper, his achievements in the way of refining weapons are really not covered.

With his help, Shen Lang got twice the result with half the effort.

In this way, Shen Lang led the powerful emperor Wujing, together with the seven general Yanmo, the four ancestors of Qiyuan sect and a group of Wang Wujing weapon refining masters, and began to walk on the 9981 peak of xuandaozong.

Unimaginable startling arrays began to be arranged.

Each large array is separate, both offensive and defensive. It is an ancient killing array.

Before it is really urged, it is murderous and heartbreaking!

With the completion of large arrays, and then start the chain superposition of large arrays, its power is rising madly!

Because JiangMo city participated in it personally, on the one hand, it learned the arrangement of these arrays, as well as many mysteries and essence of the arrays;

On the other hand, I saw the power of this array with my own eyes. As a result, I was red all day and forgot to eat and sleep. Finally, I had to hypnotize with the help of fire drunk lotus wine

During this time, Shen Lang arranged the formation with people and horses during the day, and spent a few hours at night at the bottom of Jilei peak to guide all people to practice.

Shen Lang has all the memories of the Lord war emperor of the God of war hall, and contains all the skill secrets collected by the whole God of war hall for thousands of years. He knows the power of hardness and softness, knows the way of heaven and earth, and has a unique wisdom of heaven and earth.

Whether human, demon, ghost, zombie or Yan devil, they can tolerate and give advice.

He peeps into everything and enters everything;

The six ways are all broken, and all learning is omnipotent!

Every word he said contains the supreme truth of heaven and earth and the natural Avenue.

Everyone was impressed. Even the king of the Yan devil, who had lived for thousands of years, remembered every word Shen Lang said in his mind and studied it again and again like others!

Not only that, Shen Lang has a broken silver eye. Just take a look at it at will. It\'s clear where anyone has reached, how many meridians have been opened, and where the bottleneck is!

In the Tai Chi diagram, all energy can be contained and any energy can be transformed. When any martial artist of any department is advanced, Shen Lang can help him make a breakthrough with the help of the Tai Chi diagram, which is simple and arbitrary!

At the same time, the heavenly materials and earth treasures obtained in the dragon scale Temple began to be continuously refined into pills or potions by Yaowang Valley during this period.

At this time, the war wolf or night soul lacks nothing!

Only one opportunity is missing, one opportunity to soar!

And Shen Lang\'s means, even such an opportunity, can create for them!

In this way, with the help of Shen Lang, the war wolf members of Shiyuan mansion began to break through one after another.

At the top of a bare mountain outside xuandaozong, Shen Lang automatically and manually arranged a protective array.

At the top of the mountain, thunder robberies began to appear one after another, and the members of the war wolf advanced Wang Wujing one by one!

Later, Wang Wujing made a breakthrough in twos and threes!

Later, Wang Wujing began to appear in batches!

The peak of this mountain is like setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year!

At the beginning, Jiang Mo City, the master of weapon refining of xuandaozong, and the major gates of Tianxuan mountain were surprised.

Come out and watch every time you hear a noise.

Later, the people who heard the news didn\'t blink. They all calmly touched the wine glass and said, "it\'s ringing again. I don\'t know when it will end."

The person on the opposite side usually replied: "it\'s best not to end. The stronger the xuandaozong is, the stronger the shenlang is, the Tianxuan mountains... Or the purple Chu state, the safer it will be."

Troubled times are coming and dangers are everywhere.

The Qi of Yin surged wildly, and countless demons were born in the air.

Even the demons in the dark abyss began to climb out

In such an environment, Shen Lang and xuandaozong have been regarded as the patrons of the purple Chu state unconsciously.

In particular, the major gates of the Tianxuan mountains on the edge of the purple Chu state highly praised Shen Lang.

People in tianque city and other major cities almost worship Shen Lang as a God.

Although many people in Zichu, or the strong in all aspects, are jealous of the soaring strength of xuandaozong, they still want all the disciples of xuandaozong to become Wang Wujing!

In the past, this kind of thing was unthinkable.

Of course, it\'s unheard of that xuandaozong gave birth to Wang Wujing\'s strong man!

What a miracle!

But this kind of thing has become very normal because of shenlang.

If there are still people in Zichu who still have ideas about the birth of many powerful Wang Wujing in xuandaozong, I\'m afraid there are only a few sects, Shengguang sect and Jintai sect.

These sect members had old grudges with Shen Lang and threatened Shen Lang in the Jubao Pavilion of Tianfeng city.

Shengguang sect was killed by Shen Lang in the dark moon abyss. Now there is only one strong king Wujing, and its comprehensive strength has plummeted.

If they have no idea about Shen Lang, ghosts won\'t believe it.

But no matter who knows these things, or Shen Lang, Zhuge Xianer and others, it is impossible to pay too much attention to Shengguang sect now.

Now, even before the dark moon abyss, Shen Lang can sweep Shengguang sect and Jintai sect.

As for now, it is just a word to flatten Shengguang sect.

If the people of Shengguang sect were smarter, they should curry favor with xuandao sect instead of thinking about others.

Shen Lang kept Shengguang sect, but because he didn\'t want to kill Shengguang sect, and then Zhulong sent other people to search for Yuanli fragments.

Duanmu was inspired by Zhuge Xianer. When he went out before, he deliberately drove a group of demons to Shengguang sect. The people of Shengguang sect were afraid to go out of the mountain gate. Up to now, they are trembling.

If they dare to hang out, there is a great possibility that one group will die.


Everyone was surprised at the growth rate of Shen Lang and xuandaozong\'s strength.

However, Shen Lang is far from satisfied with this speed.

And now, it won\'t be long before he leaves.

In this short period of time, Shen Lang wants to raise the overall strength of his forces by several levels. This is what Shen Lang wants to do and is doing now.

When all the members of the war wolf have advanced Wang Wujing, there are only eight days left in a month.

In the remaining eight days, everyone estimated that Shen Lang would focus all his energy on the seven general Yanmo.

In eight days, everyone is looking forward to whether the seven general Yanmo can advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror.

The seven Yanmo generals at the peak of Huangwu realm are no better than the warwolf members in Xuanwu realm.

Although it seems like a gap from the peak of Huangwu realm to the quasi emperor martial mirror, the distance between this gap can make many strong people in Huangwu realm despair!

But general Yanmo seven did not despair.

Now their eyes are full of hope!

During this period of time, the seven Yanmo generals almost consumed more than half of the fire drunk lotus wine brewed by Yaowang Valley!

These guys are also lucky. Fire drunk lotus wine is the most suitable fire creature for them, Yan devil!

When a pot of wine was poured in, the seven Yanmo generals fell into a half asleep state.

The impurities in the body are constantly cleaned and quickly approaching the best state!

Shen Lang said before that seven Yanmo generals have been stagnant at the peak of Huangwu realm for many years. In fact, cultivation is enough, but they lack an opportunity and opportunity.

Now, after this month, the preparation has been very appropriate.

The seven Yanmo generals have reached their best!

However, to everyone\'s surprise, Shen Lang\'s attention is still not on general Yan devil seven!

At this time, everyone gathered in one place

The peak of warwolf advanced King Wujing!

Shen Lang sat cross legged, suspended in the void, and his peaceful eyes were slowly sweeping over the people.

Around him, all the members of the war wolf and the Yan devil sat in a circle.

The war wolves and night spirits in the East are fine. Although their breath is surging and invincible, it is still relatively normal;

The four evil ghost kings and the ghost king in the south are full of Yin Qi and ghost fog. They are completely a ghost territory, and many people dare not approach them;

Duanmuxie and duanmuzheng in the west, although there are only two zombies, they are full of corpse Qi and black smoke, which is more frightening than the four evil ghost kings;

On the north side of the Yan devil, the fire is burning and steaming. If it weren\'t for the array, I\'m afraid only a few strong people such as Duanmu evil dared to stay here

Among so many people present, almost only Nalan Ziyan, Shen Moran, Shen Jianfeng, Mo Ge, Tang Yiyi, Jun qiluo and others are still in the Xuanwu realm.

The rest of them are all above Wang Wujing\'s accomplishments!

This kind of thing, in Zichu country, really dare not think!