Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1020

When I returned to xuandaozong with Shen Lang, chiyanfeng returned here.

Otherwise, the two guards in JiangMo city may really have incomplete limbs.

Chiyanfeng was about to begin to understand the meaning of the death rule. It wasn\'t long before Shen Lang came here with a group of people, which made chiyanfeng a little strange.

In a flash, chiyanfeng appeared in front of xuandaozong.

A group of people of xuandaozong, except Zhuge Xianer and Chen Tianci, subconsciously retreated the next moment they saw the red wind!

A few days ago, Qilin made a big fuss about xuandaozong, which also made everyone tremble.

Yin shanhan and others see the red wind. Even if there are Shen waves here, they are also beating drums in their hearts.

On the contrary, chiyanfeng is a little afraid of seeing xuandaozong people. When he sees xuandaozong people, his eyes are a little evasive and his heart is a little empty.

It\'s a little funny for both sides to look like this.

Chiyanfeng bowed respectfully: "brother, you\'re here."

Seeing that chiyanfeng was so clever and respectful to Shen Lang, they finally fell a stone in their heart and knew that nothing would happen.

I just don\'t know what Shen Lang wants to do with this group of people here.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, did not speak, and waved his palm at will.

In front of me, the full-bodied magic gas was like a waterway separated from the sea!

The strong magic Qi crawled towards both sides, leaving a huge channel.

At the end of the passage, there is a Dharma array. In the center of the Dharma array, a diamond crystal measuring more than a foot high is releasing dazzling spiritual light, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

"Yuan Li fragment!" ZHUGE Xianer was surprised.

There is already a piece of Yuanli fragment in Shen Lang\'s fengtianding. Now there is a piece at the bottom of Jilei peak!

Little xuandaozong, now there are two pieces of Yuan force!

One of these things is already a great fortune, and now

Zhuge Xianer and others immediately understood what Shen Lang wanted to say and do.

Previously, Shen Lang said that if he stayed in xuandaozong for another three months, he would go to the wilderness.

And Yuanli fragment, he\'s going to take it away.

We can only use this short time to give members of the war wolf and Chen Tianci them to practice enlightenment.

As a result, due to the reason of the eternal tree, Shen Lang temporarily adjusted the time and decided to leave in another month

This very depressing problem is now solved in front of the extra piece of Yuan force!

Shen Lang said in a deep voice, "in the future, let the war wolves and other members practice here."

"Yanfeng, this is xian\'er. You will listen to her in the future. Ask her before doing anything. What she means is what I mean."

Chiyanfeng was stunned and immediately looked at Zhuge Xianer.

It makes Shen Lang pay so much attention to these Ge xianers, which also makes him very curious.

"I see... I\'ll ask fairy girl to give me more advice in the future. If there\'s anything, please tell me. Yanfeng will never shirk!" chiyanfeng bowed to Zhuge fairy.

Xuandaozong was stunned.

Even if you know that chiyanfeng respects Shen Lang very much and listens to Shen Lang\'s words, you still don\'t dare to believe it when you see this scene.

What is the relationship between Shen Lang and chiyanfeng? It\'s really hard to figure out?

"Brother Yanfeng, you\'re welcome." ZHUGE xian\'er quickly saluted.

It was probably guessed that chiyanfeng would become the biggest help to protect xuandaozong.

Unexpectedly, it came so fast!

Zhuge xian\'er hesitated and said, "elder brother, does it mean that everyone has moved here from there? But the thunder above here is terrible, and there is evil gas in it. Even those who are strong in the imperial martial arts realm are afraid to..."

Shen Lang looked up at the magic Qi that even the power of thunder was covered in the void and said faintly, "magic Qi? It\'s very simple."

With that, Shen Lang grabbed the single palm of his left hand outward, and the star sucking big - method immediately urged him.

The terrible magic gas in this towering giant column, like a long whale absorbing water, rolls towards the black hole in the palm of Shen Lang!

Just under the frightened gaze of the people, it didn\'t take long for Shen Lang to absorb the strong magic Qi under the ground!

Even the evil spirit that was shrouded in the red wind before, like a black ball, also disappeared!

The more energy the Tai Chi diagram absorbs, the more refined lightning robbing power and the more elixirs of various strong people, the stronger it will be;

The more powerful the Tai Chi diagram is, the faster and more terrible it will absorb external energy!

Originally, under the power of nine days of thunder and the power of Yuan force fragments, it has become a lot of thin magic Qi. After Shen Lang exercised the star sucking big - method, it finally disappeared completely, making the underground transparent!

Only chiyanfeng\'s body was still surrounded by a faint magic Qi.

Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on chiyanfeng and said, "my move was originally the only way to deal with the killing armor. After reaching the corresponding level of cultivation and being able to deal with the demonized you, I\'ll come in and help you completely solve the killing armor, but..."

"Well, now things have been taken away by your father. With your current cultivation, you can refine the evil Qi in your body in a short time."

"After I have arranged the large arrays of xuandaozong, I will help the seven general of Yanmo advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror, and then I will leave xuandaozong. If xuandaozong says so, I\'ll give it to you."

Even emperor Zhan had nothing to do about killing Zhan Jia.

However, in front of the Taiji diagram of swallowing everything, it is not very difficult.

This method almost stunned most of the people present.

Chiyanfeng was excited, nodded fiercely and said, "don\'t worry, brother. No one can get xuandaozong with me!"

At that moment, Shen Lang moved everyone in Feng Tianding and began to let Zhuge Xianer arrange to practice at the bottom of Jilei peak.

The next month

Xuandaozong has undergone earth shaking changes!

On the second day after the deployment of the underground array at Jilei peak, duanmuxie and duanmuzheng, the two zombie brothers, came back. The ancestors of Tianxuan mountain gathered together with xuandaozong, which was very lively;

Seven days later, the king of Yan Mo, who helped the two families sweep away the major demon Taoism sects in the ethereal domain on the snowy night, returned, and the xuandao sect was at its peak;

In addition to Shen Lang, there are duanmuxie, the king of Yan devil and chiyanfeng, who are the strong martial mirrors of the quasi emperor.

Jiang Mo City, the master of refining tools who depended on xuandaozong\'s refusal to leave, was abandoned by Zhuge Xianer. After a pot of wine made by Yaowang valley with "drunken lotus fruit with fire", he squatted down in xuandaozong and refused to go anywhere.

Even when the old man got the fire drunk lotus wine, he made a joke.

At that time, Hou JiangMo city was studying a broken magic weapon with several hometown of hidden mountain Han of Qiyuan sect. A war wolf member with a mask brought a pot of wine, saying that Zhuge Xianer was considerate of the master\'s hard work. He specially presented a pot of immortal wine brewed by xuandao sect and asked the master to smile

JiangMo city was buried in research at that time. When he heard this, he immediately smiled: "you xuandaozong are really interesting. You can make a jar of wine yourself and dare to call it \'immortal wine\'... It\'s just that, after all, it\'s the kindness of fairy girl. Thank her for me."

The old man didn\'t care and carelessly put the wine on the table.

Continue to study the spirit array in the broken magic army with Yin shanhan.

JiangMo city doesn\'t know what this wine is and what it means, but several people in Yinshan know it!

This is brewed with tens of thousands of years of fire drunk lotus fruit!

Even if it is their identity, because there is too little brewing in a short time, it is very difficult to brew, so they get a cup!

The old man of JiangMo city got a pot!

Yin shanhan was also dishonest. He complained that his mouth was dry and his eyes kept aiming at the bottle of wine.

JiangMo city was angry: "a group of little rabbits, no wonder they are so capable! You still want to drink when you study such an important thing as the array diagram? Drink, drink to death! After drinking, you can study with me!"

"Can you really drink?" Yin shanhan continued.

JiangMo City sneered and said, "even if it\'s immortal wine, I can drink it if I let you drink... Just leave me half a pot. Go!"

Yinshan Han several people were overjoyed, and one of them poured a cup impolitely.

When these people poured out the wine and the pungent aroma and aura swept the whole house, JiangMo City knew that they had been deceived

He? It\'s really immortal wine!

This is the wine brewed by tens of thousands of years of fire drunk lotus fruit!

It is said that the wine brewed with this "fire drunk lotus fruit" is not only mellow and rare in the world, but also has unimaginable effect on cultivation!

One of the effects is that a sip of this wine can make people sleep for seven days.

In these seven days, visions occur frequently and will enter a strange dream.

In this dream, many martial arts practitioners have been unable to understand things. No matter how hard they try, their skills or combat skills will be accessible in an instant!

The other effect is much simpler and more direct

That is, you can use this wine to wash essence and cut pulp.

Take a sip of the wine brewed with this "fire drunk lotus fruit", and the energy transformed from the wine will continue to run in people\'s body, like a flame, constantly burning the impurities in the warrior\'s body, playing the role of washing essence and cutting marrow.

Its efficacy is far more than many panacea!

The wine brewed by Yaowang valley with ten thousand years of fire drunk lotus fruit is of infinite use even in JiangMo City, the martial mirror of the quasi emperor!

Not to mention such a pot?

When the old man of JiangMo City reacted, there was only half a pot left in this pot of wine... He said half a pot. In a short time, Yinshan Han really killed half a pot!

JiangMo city was stunned for a moment. Yinshan Han ran away... Went home to sleep and dreamed!

"Your grandmother\'s, too insidious and cunning! I\'m not finished with you!"

JiangMo city beat his chest and feet, greeted the 18th generation ancestors of the four ancestors of the yuan clan, including Yin shanhan, and had a super friendship with the female ancestors of Yin shanhan.

He didn\'t think about it. He just let others drink it. He said it himself. Just leave half a pot

JiangMo City drank a roar and looked for someone in a panic. He went to find his frustrated Zeng sun Jiangfeng and took a big sip of Jiangfeng.


Anyway, Zhuge Xianer casually took some ancient array pictures and this fire drunk lotus wine, which basically bound JiangMo city.

Now even if someone put a knife around his neck, he wouldn\'t go.

Besides, the old guy is still dreaming that Shen Lang can give him some advice

After the eighth day, Shen Lang began to build a defense array after nine holy stripe columns.

This time, JiangMo city finally had a chance to get close to Shen Lang