Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1019

The people in Jubao Pavilion don\'t come to the door. Shen Lang is in a good mood.

As soon as the people of Jubao Pavilion came to the door, the unknown fire in Shen Lang\'s heart rose.

The war emperor and the God of war hall tolerated the Jubao Pavilion in those years, not only because the founder of the Jubao Pavilion came from the God of war hall and made great military achievements, but also because the Jubao Pavilion did nothing special.

So even if the war emperor went to the Jubao Pavilion and wanted them to help, he was rejected. The war Temple didn\'t do anything to the Jubao Pavilion.

But now lianruoshui of Jubao pavilion has found the door, but he wants to get close to the demon temple!

There is no doubt about the power of the demon temple, but the power of the demon temple has not really covered the whole world for the time being.

But if you add Jubao Pavilion

In the future, do the people of the eight heavenly kings and the five color flags have to run around and hide like rats crossing the street?

Shen Lang smiled and said, "there\'s no problem cooperating with me. I can help you solve the problem of cooperating with the demon temple."

"But for one thing, Jubao Pavilion only provides information sharing for my night soul. We can\'t do this cooperation with the demon temple or others!"

"Otherwise, nothing will happen!"

"And I can put my words here. If you find the demon temple and cooperate with others, I will use all the power of Zhuque mansion to snipe your Jubao Pavilion!"

"At the same time, I will use the power of Donghuang Taotie mansion, Nanhuang Fenghuang mansion and Tiangang Disha to suppress your Jubao Pavilion!"

"Because unfortunately, the two heads of Donghuang Taotie mansion and Nanhuang Fenghuang mansion have a very good relationship with me; and Tiangang Disha, many of them owe me a life."

Shen Lang\'s threat is very direct.

Many people on the side of xuandaozong have never heard of Taotie mansion and Fenghuang mansion, but he knows that the top level of Jubao Pavilion must know.

"Lang Shao, this is..."

Lian Ruo was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Shen Lang didn\'t expect such a request.

What\'s more, I didn\'t expect to be so threatened by Shen Lang when I came to talk about cooperation!

Even the people around didn\'t expect Shen Lang to do such a move!

Cooperation is a win-win thing, and people come to the door with enough sincerity. How can they be so strong at the beginning, as if the other party is an enemy of life and death?

Zhuge xian\'er\'s eyes moved slightly and immediately pressed down what he wanted to say to Lian Ruoshui.

Since Shen Lang has some "opinions" on Jubao Pavilion, some cooperation can\'t come according to what he thought before.

"Well, I need to contact the above to confirm. Please wait a moment."

Lianruoshui bowed slightly and walked out of the xuanqingfeng hall with two guards.

This is no small matter. Even the top management of Jubao Pavilion misjudged Shen Lang\'s position in the demon God hall.

Lianruoshui must find a secluded place and contact the senior management of Jubao pavilion to continue.

"The people of Jubao Pavilion had better agree to my request, otherwise I don\'t mind using the power of the demon temple to deal with you!"

"I am the war emperor, but I am not the war emperor!"

"You\'ll know soon. Hey, I\'m much more cruel and Yin than the emperor of war!"

Shen Lang is not in a hurry. He knows that the people of Jubao Pavilion will agree.

For so many years, Jubao pavilion has not been online with the demon God hall. In addition to worrying about the power of the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house, the main reason is that the demon God hall despises them!

The demon Temple regards the world as one of their pastures. Lien Chan Temple doesn\'t pay much attention to it. How can he care about such a chamber of Commerce?

In each famine, there are multiple demon generals\' houses in the demon God Temple. As long as they are willing, it won\'t take much effort to completely cover the whole world.

And Jubao Pavilion wants cooperation, not obedience.

What does the demon Temple want this cooperation to do?

So even if Jubao Pavilion wanted to hold her thigh, she never found a chance.

Now, the war temple has been defeated, and 99% of its power has been sent into the space-time crack by the war emperor.

The whole island of the temple of the God of war disappeared without a trace.

Powerful forces such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall put their swords in the scabbard to hide their edges;

The demon temple is also born now. Shen Lang, a "high-ranking and powerful" person, is the best time for Jubao pavilion to cooperate with the demon temple!

Therefore, the Jubao Pavilion immediately sent lianruoshui to come for fear of missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If Shen Lang is unwilling, no matter how powerful the Jubao Pavilion is, it is difficult to climb the high branch of the demon God hall!

More importantly, the previous data of Jubao Pavilion only showed that Shen Lang was the left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

But I don\'t know the relationship between Shen Lang and Taotie mansion and Fenghuang mansion.

Yu Mu Dong blessed this time, although there are also the eyes of the treasure house, but these people are not eligible to participate in the battle of the dragon scale shrine and the battle of blood emperor.

So up to now, there is not much information about Shen Lang\'s position in the demon temple.

After a while, lianruoshui returned with a smile

Jubao Pavilion, agreed to Shen Lang\'s request!

The next thing is much simpler.

Shen Lang promises to take out some powerful skills or scripts from time to time and give them to Jubao Pavilion for full agency operation.

At the same time, all the materials that were obtained in yumudong blessed place but could not be used were also taken out and handed over to Jubao Pavilion.

Shen Lang and Jubao Pavilion, both sides harbor ghosts and use each other.

Of course, it can also be said to be a win-win situation.

When everything was settled and night fell, Shen Lang\'s smile immediately stopped and his face changed quickly when he watched Lian Ruoshui and others leave xuandaozong.

"Elder brother doesn\'t seem very friendly to Jubao pavilion? He doesn\'t seem very willing to cooperate with them?" ZHUGE xian\'er asked gently.

Zhuge Xianer knew Shen Lang\'s temperament and knew that if Shen Lang didn\'t hate this treasure gathering Pavilion at the bottom of his heart, he wouldn\'t be so cold when he spoke.

It is even more impossible to threaten each other at the beginning, making the atmosphere tense and almost an enemy.

Shen Lang didn\'t even have such an attitude towards JiangMo city.

Sima Qing, who had known before, was also polite, but he had some problems with the Jubao Pavilion.

"I actually have a little relationship with Jubao Pavilion." Shen Lang sighed and said, "you all know that this is an absolutely neutral force."

"There\'s really nothing to say about neutrality."

"But if the Terrans are facing crisis and may even be destroyed, some people are still watching the excitement and refuse to help from beginning to end... Are such people still human?"

Shen Lang didn\'t say much. It\'s useless to say more.

The war temple and the treasure gathering pavilion are old things that can\'t be explained clearly. There are countless gratitude and resentments, and the way is unknown, and it can\'t be seen now.

But with these two words casually, in Zhuge Xianer\'s mind, where can we not understand that "some people" in Shen Lang\'s mouth mean Jubao pavilion?

Although Zhuge xian\'er had never heard that Jubao pavilion was such a force, he believed that Shen Lang would not make a mistake, and his favor for Jubao pavilion was greatly reduced immediately.

At this time, Shen Lang laughed again and said, "but it\'s a good deal to share the information base between Jubao Pavilion and night soul. It\'s also good for us to use their power... Xian\'er, you should take more care about these."

"Well, don\'t say that. I\'ll take you to a good place."

Zhuge Xianer was stunned: "a good place?"

As soon as Shen Lang\'s sleeve robe was thrown away, the boundless fog coerced Zhuge Xianer, Chen Tianci and others, pulled Nalan Ziyan and Shen Jianfeng, who were snooping over there, and in the blink of an eye appeared in front of the towering giant column at the top of Jilei peak.

"Asshole!" Nalan Ziyan jumped up: "you\'re great now because of your strong cultivation. You forcibly photographed people here without saying a word or asking for the consent of others!"

Everyone snickered.

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "you\'ve been pestering cousin Jianfeng these days. Don\'t you want to get a \'amulet\' that can sleep and increase your skills?"

"I don\'t have such things as cousin Jianfeng, but there is something in this column, which is not much worse than cousin Jianfeng\'s\' amulet \'."

Nalan Ziyan changed his face quickly and immediately cheered: "there is such a thing as this? Then hurry in and don\'t rob anyone with me!"

She was happy, but Chen Tianci said bitterly, "Lang Shao, are you kidding? That thing is inside? It\'s really not a good place..."

"The one inside, who has not eliminated his evil nature and has excellent cultivation, blew us all at once... Do you still want to take us and rob him?"

"Why don\'t you grab it first and we\'ll come back later?"

"Less nonsense." Shen Lang patted Chen Tianci on the shoulder and almost knocked the little fat man to the ground.

Then he said with a smile: "don\'t pretend. You obviously saw the blade retreating, so you deliberately scared him..."

Shen Jianfeng was stunned. Just now he really thought like Chen Tianci. He was scared to death.

After all, there was a Kirin inside, and he was taken away by the ghost king. I didn\'t see Shen Lang slapping the ChiYan fan.

That\'s true or false.

Seeing Chen Tianci laughing, Shen Jianfeng became angry and said, "you dead fat man, play with me?"

"Well, go down. You\'ll know when you go down." the fog surged. More than a dozen people were brought into the towering giant column by Shen Lang before they could speak.

After passing through the network of thunder and lightning, there was a strong magic gas that could not be melted. The party soon reached the bottom of Jilei peak.

At the bottom of Jilei peak, a mass of magic Qi wrapped chiyanfeng and Yuanli fragments.

Looking down from above, you can only see a huge black ball, which is releasing a breath of terror.

What\'s in the black ball? Even the thoughts of several strong men in the imperial martial arts realm in Yinshan can\'t go in.

At the center of the black ball formed by the evil spirit, the red flame wind sat on the Yuan Li fragment in the air, shrouded by a dazzling aura, like a God.

The pure vitality released from the Yuanli fragment is constantly absorbed by the ChiYan wind.

The red hot wind is like sitting in the center of a deep-sea vortex. The scene is extremely amazing.