Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1018

Su Wenxuan is worthy of being the leader of the sect. He is exquisite in all aspects.

When he saw the posture of JiangMo City, he couldn\'t help smiling at the corners of his mouth, and then turned to the elder of Qiyuan sect and said, "company commander, master Jiang is the pride of the weapon refining industry and the elder of weapon refining respected by thousands of people. You are also a famous weapon refining master of Qiyuan sect. I think it\'s better..."

"How about you take master Jiang to visit qiyuanzong?"

"If master Jiang can instruct the younger generation of the yuan clan to refine the utensils once or twice, it will be of infinite use!"

Hearing this, the old face of JiangMo city was red, and looked up again to find a bird.

It seems that watching bird shit once is not enough fun. I want to see it again.

The elder Lian changed from his previous impatience to his respectful face.

Although Su Wenxuan has only accomplishments in the Xuanwu realm, his identity as the leader of xuandao sect is now very important.

Usually he doesn\'t give orders, but when he speaks, he is either inspired by Zhuge Xianer or Shen Lang.

Even Yinshan Han, the giants of Yuanzong, dare not refuse easily.

Looking at this, Zhuge Xianer and others have already seen the meaning of JiangMo city. They push the boat along the river and want to "leave" this quasi emperor second grade weapon refining master in xuandaozong.

The company commander didn\'t dare to be perfunctory. He hurriedly replied, "OK, I\'ll take master Jiang to qiyuanzong. Please follow the younger generation."

"Ah, OK, OK." JiangMo looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle and said very "approachable".

In his heart, a sentence came out: "there are many smart people in xuandaozong, and that\'s what Lao Tzu is waiting for!"


Xuanqingfeng hall.

Pity Ruoshui didn\'t delay any more. He went straight to the point and said, "there is a power under langshao, called night soul, which is the power to collect information for langshao. I don\'t know if Ruoshui is right?"

"Yes," Shen Lang replied without changing his face.

Lian Ruoshui said again, "in this troubled world, the blood clan wants to sweep the world, and the mysterious demon God Temple is also born. Such a power to collect information is no less than a powerful army."

"But as far as we know, this force was created by sister xian\'er. At present, it is still very weak."

"Even one third of the Western wasteland has not been covered."

Shen Lang and Zhuge xian\'er didn\'t speak, but listened quietly. Lian Ruoshui continued: "of course, Lang Shao knows that there are traces of our Jubao Pavilion in every corner of the world."

"Although jubaoge is mainly a chamber of Commerce, because of its coverage and particularity, there is absolutely no other force that can compare in intelligence collection."

"To put it bluntly, although Jubao Pavilion does not participate in the world\'s wars or disputes, there are not many things happening in the world that we Jubao Pavilion do not know."

"Lang Shao asked us about the sincerity of Jubao Pavilion. It\'s very simple. We Jubao pavilion are willing to cooperate with night soul..."

"To be exact, it is to provide intelligence for the night soul, give the night soul a channel to collect intelligence, and share our information base with the night soul."

"At the same time, we can help the night soul grow and spread its power all over the world, whether it\'s Terran territory, demon clan, barbarian clan, Shura clan... As long as we have a stronghold in Jubao Pavilion, we can ensure the development of the night soul in the past."

These words fully demonstrated the sincerity of Jubao Pavilion.

Except Shen Lang, everyone present was overjoyed!

Not long ago, Shen Lang also let Zhuge Xianer go all out to develop and expand the night soul.

Unexpectedly, when it was cold, someone sent a quilt!

With the help of Jubao Pavilion, the trend in the world is completely in Shen Lang\'s hands!

Although people still don\'t understand why Shen Lang does such a thing.

Shen Lang\'s fingers beat rhythmically on the table without speaking.

In fact, Shen Lang almost guessed it when he knew that lianruoshui was coming.

However, Shen Lang has been hesitating whether to accept it or not.

After integrating the soul of the war emperor and awakening the memory of the war emperor, Shen Lang has actually been rejecting Jubao Pavilion.

This involves the temple of the God of war and the Jubao Pavilion.

Apart from Shen Lang, not many people in the world know that the time when the war Temple appeared in the world is not long from the time when the Jubao Pavilion appeared.

No one knows that the person who founded the treasure gathering Pavilion actually came from the God of war hall!

However, the founder of Jubao pavilion was driven out by the temple of the God of war!

Therefore, the top level of Jubao Pavilion is actually hostile to the war temple.

During the blood clan rebellion or other major events, although Jubao Pavilion provided a lot of information for the war temple, it was actually unwilling.

If it were not for the disaster that threatened the Jubao Pavilion, the people in the Jubao pavilion would not be willing to contact the war god temple, let alone provide any intelligence information for the war god temple.

The owner of this generation of Jubao Pavilion is extremely strong, but he has a bad relationship with the war emperor!

They even broke up in discord many times!

The emperor of war wanted to cooperate with the hall of God of war, but the people in the hall were cynical and totally ignored.

Such a nominally neutral force, even if the Terran suffered a disaster, they would not take action if they were not threatened... This style made Dezhan emperor extremely disgusted.

But now pity if water, but found Shen Lang, willing to share the information base with the night soul!

What does this mean?

Can it be said that Shen Lang is higher than the war temple in the eyes of Jubao pavilion?

Or is it more valuable than the war temple?

Shen Lang doesn\'t need to think about it at all. He has guessed the reason why Jubao Pavilion does this... What Jubao Pavilion values is not Shen Lang.

It\'s the demon temple!

Jubao Pavilion values the identity of the left envoy of shenlang Zhuque mansion!

Although the demon God hall is mysterious, Jubao Pavilion definitely knows the demon God hall best except for the war god hall and the ten thousand demon house!

They want to make Shen Lang a brick to open the door and connect them to the demon temple!

An unknown fire rose from Shen Lang\'s heart.

Shen Lang\'s face showed a smile: "I have to say that your sincerity of Jubao Pavilion is very exciting."

"But you have paid such a high price. What do you want from me?"

Shen Lang has guessed that Jubao Pavilion wants to connect to the demon God hall, but he pretends not to know.

Lianruoshui saw Shen Lang smiling and knew that Shen Lang was already excited. He nodded slightly and said, "first thing, in the Jubao Pavilion, the imperial capital of the purple Chu state, a large number of advanced skills and spirit array maps suddenly appeared a few months ago, which made all the major gates crazy."

"That time, is it the hand of the wave?"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "yes, so what?"

Lian Ruoshui smiled more happily: "if the water is not bad, I\'m afraid langshao\'s hands are far more than such a little skill or spirit array."

"I\'m afraid there are many lost soul arrays, prescriptions, or powerful skills of secret forces, right?"

As soon as he said this, Yinshan Han was surprised.

Of course they all know such things.

But this kind of thing can\'t be spread out casually.

With countless powerful skills, soul array, prescriptions and so on... Such a Shen wave is a treasure house!

If people know that he is such a treasure house, I\'m afraid it will bring endless misfortune!

"Are you investigating me?" Shen Lang\'s eyes cooled down.

Lian Ruoshui hurriedly said, "forgive me, Lang Shao. This is just a guess from the top of Ruoshui and Jubao Pavilion. I can guarantee that we haven\'t investigated you."

"However, from the giant medicine prescription of langshao in those years to the emergence of a large number of powerful skills and spirit array diagrams in the imperial capital, if the water is well known... If other people are in my position and then know the existence of langshao, they can guess these."

Shen Lang\'s face changed a little better: "then, then you want to be the sole agent and want me to take out more things and give you Jubao pavilion to operate?"

"That\'s right." Lian Ruoshui nodded: "in troubled times, if you can take out more of this thing in langshao\'s hands, it will only be good for our Jubao Pavilion, langshao, xuandaozong and the whole human race."

"When these powerful skills or spiritual matrix fall into some sects, they can increase the strength of these sects by several percent, or even double."

"This is a great good thing and a great good thing."

Lianruoshui talked freely, but he didn\'t see a ray of mockery in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

Will Jubao Pavilion care about the life and death of others?

What a joke!

If Jubao Pavilion is so kind-hearted, will it make Zhan Di so angry?

Even in the blood clan rebellion, the strength of Jubao Pavilion is very little!

If the founder of Jubao Pavilion had not made great achievements in the God of war hall, this force would have been wiped out by the God of war hall!

Now I\'m here to tell Shen Lang about "great kindness"?

To say this first is just a slap in the face.

Next, that\'s the point!

Sure enough

Seeing that Shen Lang did not object, Lian Ruoshui then said, "the second thing is that Lang Shao is the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon God hall. It has been rumored from the capital of the purple Chu state. Now basically, the whole west wasteland has been known."

"In troubled times, even the Jubao pavilion hopes to rely on the powerful power of the demon temple."

"Therefore, I hope to use the power of langshao to contact the rosefinch house of the demon God hall. According to our news, the West wilderness is controlled by the rosefinch house. Langshao, as the left envoy, as long as we say a word, the security of our Jubao Pavilion in the West wilderness will be greatly improved."

"At the same time, we also want to cooperate with Zhuque mansion through langshao\'s relationship."

Shen Lang nodded slightly, "easy to say, easy to say."

Although he was smiling on his face, Shen Lang\'s anger at the bottom of his heart began to be a little difficult to suppress: "circle a fork. The God of war hall is looking for your cooperation. You push three obstacles and four obstacles. The demon God hall hasn\'t found you yet. You\'ve sent it to the door!"

"You know the demon temple as well as the war temple, but you still do this... Do you want to fight the war temple?"

In Shen Lang\'s opinion, this practice of Jubao Pavilion is not just selling people

This is selling out all races!

Such a force, no wonder the good temper of emperor Lien Chan was furious.

It is a miracle that such a force can live well in this world when the war god temple commands the human race.