Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1017

JiangMo city was shocked to open its mouth and tongue, and its ears were red before it even had time to look at the immortal Tiandao in its hand.

Especially when JiangMo city saw the countless chain soul array in the immortal Tiandao, his whole body trembled

"How can so many soul arrays be linked like this, but separated and independent? How can this be done? It\'s impossible!"

"Countless stars rotate wildly... This completely subverts the principle of depicting the spirit array diagram? When drawing the spirit array diagram, the stars in it are fixed and motionless? How can they rotate around one by one?"

"The stars are spinning wildly, but the array becomes more stable and the power released is more powerful... It\'s uncanny, uncanny!"

"In the world, there are such amazing means of refining utensils?"

"Each spiritual array is relatively independent and can be replaced and upgraded at any time! Now this spiritual array is just an imperial array, and this long knife has become so powerful that if the later spiritual array is replaced with a more powerful spiritual array... This..."

JiangMo City stared round, held his breath, and held the immortal sky knife. Wu couldn\'t believe that he would see such a scene in this knife!

Even the imperial master of refining utensils can\'t do this!

I haven\'t even heard of it!

Even the legendary master level tool refining master has never heard of such an unpredictable means!

JiangMo city doesn\'t know. In fact, he was frightened when he saw this scene?

At the beginning, several evil generals and masters, as well as the strong people in the demon God hall, were too frightened to speak by Shen Lang!

You know, those guys are the strong ones in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror!

Any one, is a must exist!


Just looking at the scene in the immortal Tiandao, I haven\'t had time to study and think, but JiangMo city feels that the road of weapon refining is completely different in front of him.

A road he had never seen or thought of appeared in front of him;

A window that can see the peak of weapon refining has been opened

And JiangMo City, already vaguely felt that the bottleneck of his quasi emperor Wujing triple heaven\'s cultivation had become loose!

The cultivation of weapon refiners is the way of cultivating weapons, which is quite different from the martial arts way.

Once the realm of refining utensils, or the understanding of the great road, has a new development, this cultivation will move forward.

Now, JiangMo city didn\'t have time to understand the mysteries of the immortal Tiandao. After many years of cultivation, there was a feeling that it was about to break through!

The white beard of JiangMo city turned up, and his hands trembled a little. He couldn\'t hold the immortal sword.

The techniques in the immortal sky sabre, the depiction of the spirit array, are all kinds of mysterious and unimaginable.

Completely overturned the imagination of JiangMo city.

After seeing all this, he found himself extremely ignorant!

Just like an apprentice who has just started to learn to refine weapons, he can only look up and worship in the face of a master of refining weapons at the master level!

The original anger and shame of JiangMo city disappeared.

Finally, there was only shame and ecstasy!

Looking at Shen Lang\'s eyes, he became incomparably respected

At this time, he finally understood why several people in Yinshan moved here with Qiyuan sect and juzong.

"It\'s no wonder that his Yinshan cold people don\'t feel like being enslaved from beginning to end. They are still laughing... It\'s obvious that their childhood is full of flavor!"

"Yes, let me follow such a master, I\'m afraid I\'ll be happy!"

"Wrong, wrong from the beginning... Qi Yuanzong was willing to follow Shen Lang, not suppressed by force!"

"What kind of weapon refining master does it take to refine such a terrible but perfect magic weapon?"

"Such a means is unheard of and unheard of!"

JiangMo City stroked the immortal Tiandao with emotion and a divine light in his eyes.

At this time, the immortal sky knife suddenly shook violently.

JiangMo City couldn\'t hold it. The immortal Tiandao flew directly back to Shen Lang\'s hand.

But Shen Lang over there hooked his finger towards the immortal sky knife and called the immortal sky knife back!

Shen Lang took back the immortal Tiandao, and then looked at the pity Ruoshui on the other side. Without looking back, he went to the xuanqingfeng hall.

"Jubao Pavilion wants to talk about cooperation, no problem, but I want to see your sincerity."

"As for master Jiang, how much ability I have in the way of refining weapons, how many kilograms and how many liang I have, I\'m sure you can see a little, but I\'m not interested or in the mood to explain or compare with you... That\'s all for today."

"Please take those two wastes away and leave xuandaozong."

"It\'s their luck to run to xuandaozong to be wild. They can still have sound limbs, but there\'s no next time."

All the people in xuandaozong stared coldly at the two people who fell on their knees and couldn\'t move. Part of them followed Shen Lang behind with Zhuge Xianer and entered the xuanqingfeng hall.

Some of them consciously dispersed.

The farce was finally put to an end by Shen Lang.


Xuanqingfeng hall.

Shen Lang first greeted Sima Qing behind Lian Ruoshui with a smile: "I haven\'t seen you for two years, and the young and old style is still the same. This time I came to xuandaozong, I have to live more time and let the younger generation treat me well."

Then Shen Lang helped Sima Qing sit down, and then he sat down at the head.

Sima Qing was flattered and flushed.

Originally, in his capacity, he didn\'t even have the qualification to be an attendant of lianruoshui, let alone sit beside lianruoshui on this occasion.

But Shen Lang\'s words, invisible, have greatly changed his status.

At least now, he has become the protagonist here!

Because until now, the leader of Jubao Pavilion tianque city is still standing behind lianruoshui respectfully, but Sima Qing has already sat down!

After chatting about Tianfeng city and Sima Yan of Tayun college, Shen Lang said to Lian Ruoshui, "come on, what can Jubao Pavilion give me? What are you willing to give me?"

There are not many people who can talk to people in Jubao Pavilion so impolitely, but there are not many.

Lianruoshui looked at the young man who had dominated the fate of the purple Chu state, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Just over two years ago, when Sima Qing told him that a talented tool refiner in Tianfeng city sold giant potions, as the controller of the snow area of jubaoge, she was only a little interested in Shen Lang.

Casually explain it in two words and let Sima Qing and others win over Shen Lang.

After that, she didn\'t pay more attention.

Unexpectedly, in less than three years, Shen Lang has reached such a height!

Even JiangMo City, the second product refining master of the quasi Emperor... When I think of here, I\'m stunned again!

Because she saw that JiangMo city didn\'t leave, but brazenly squeezed into the crowd and sneaked into the xuanqingfeng hall!

And I didn\'t find a place to sit, but stood in the crowd in good order!

You know, even a few people in Yinshan who were scolded by his nose have a seat now!

"If water girl doesn\'t come to xuandaozong to amuse me? If you don\'t have sincerity, please leave now, and my time is very limited." Shen Lang stood up impatiently when he saw that lianruoshui didn\'t speak.

It\'s not that Shen Lang has no patience, but that he has a lot to do now.

"Less waves, wait!" pity if the water finally passed God.

"Of course I came with sincerity, but..."

Lian Ruoshui said, glancing at the crowd in the hall.

The meaning is very simple. Some things can\'t be known to too many people.

Zhuge xian\'er\'s head moved slightly. Many people in the hall stood up and left very consciously.

Finally, there were only a few old antiques from Qiyuan sect and Yaowang Valley, as well as Su Wenxuan, the leader of xuandao sect, and two elders.

Another is Chen Tianci, who has been following around lianruoshui.

JiangMo city was reluctant to leave, but it was not the way to stay here. He had to follow an elder of Qiyuan sect reluctantly.

JiangMo city has no doors or sects. It\'s not easy to meet Shen Lang, a master of refining utensils. He will never let it go.

He has been stagnant in the rank of the second grade weapon refiner of the quasi emperor for many years.

If there were no accidents, I\'m afraid the achievements of this life would come to an end.

But after seeing the immortal Tiandao, a heart of JiangMo City stirred again

As long as Shen Lang is willing to guide him, as long as Shen Lang is willing to teach him the techniques of refining immortal sky Sabre and the means of drawing spirit array map, and break through the second grade weapon refiner of quasi emperor, it is just around the corner!

Even if you become an emperor level tool refiner, it\'s nothing to say!

JiangMo City, no matter how urged by Jiang Feng or the strange eyes of the people of xuandaozong outside, is determined to rely on xuandaozong.

He is even behind the elder of Qiyuan sect. He goes wherever people go.

But don\'t talk!

Although the elder was extremely angry, after all, he was a master of weapon refining and an elder. He couldn\'t catch up. He didn\'t dare to scold.

Only one face can be elongated like a donkey.

At this time, Su Wenxuan ran out at the instigation of Zhuge Xianer.

"Ah, master, it\'s not easy for you to come to xuandaozong once. Just stay in xuandaozong for a while and let xuandaozong entertain you." Su Wenxuan seems to have accidentally met JiangMo city.

"Uh huh, ah..." JiangMo city was noncommittal, looked up at the sky, and nodded with a master\'s attitude.

Above the high altitude he saw, a bird flew by and pulled a bubble of shit with a click.

But now the mood of JiangMo city is very different from before.

Even when he saw birds shit, he looked delicious, and subconsciously licked his tongue.

People who don\'t know, thought he saw Qiongjiang Yuye