Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1016

When Shen Lang came back strong and asked JiangMo to be unconvinced

The master of refining utensils, who looked suddenly old for several decades, suddenly became energetic and bravely "stood up" to Shen Lang!

He refused!

Even if Shen Lang is strong enough to crush him with one finger, he won\'t accept it!

A refiner should have the dignity and glory of a refiner!

Weapon smelter, you must not be subdued by force!

The weapon refiner must not be treated as a slave after being subdued!

It is precisely because of these that JiangMo City wanted to knock a few crutches for Yinshan Han before.

Because in his opinion, Yinshan Han had no solar terms. Just because Shen Lang was powerful, he did such a thing of "losing power and humiliating the country", so he chose to become the running dog of xuandaozong!

From JiangMo city\'s point of view, the people of the yuan clan, Yinshan Han, don\'t deserve to be called tool refiners!

And the one who forced them to do such a thing was the Shen wave in front of them!

He JiangMo city is a tool refining master respected by thousands of people. How can he yield to such a person?

How can you convince such people?

Damn it!

JiangMo city\'s eyes were hale and hearty, panting and staring at Shen Lang.

Without fear.

Although his accomplishments reached the peak of the quasi emperor Wujing triple heaven, in fact, they were very different from Yantian.

Shen Lang played those two people in his hands. It didn\'t take much effort to kill him.

But the self-esteem of JiangMo city as a master of weapon refining cannot be trampled on!

He insisted that the tool refiner was the most glorious name in the world.

Never be threatened by death!

He just stared at Shen Lang with no fear in his eyes.

Even if the person in front of him can destroy him at any time

Everyone was silent

Although the old man of JiangMo city began to speak a little too hard to hear, and kept saying that yinshanhan and others were not worthy to be weapon refiners, they should cancel their identity as weapon refiners

But then again, except that the old man\'s speech was a little ugly and made the people of xuandaozong feel a little uncomfortable, what he said was not wrong.

If you have to say right or wrong, you can only say that he misunderstood Yin shanhan and others, and Shen Lang.

He thought that Shen Lang\'s suppression of the Qiyuan sect by force was an insult to all the weapon refiners. He wanted to get justice for the weapon refiners.

Want Shen Lang to give a statement!

For this statement, even if you are slapped to death by Shen Lang, you will never shrink back!

As a tool refining master respected by thousands of people, JiangMo city believes that it has this obligation.

Otherwise, you will live this thousand years in vain

Even the devil has not done much to subdue the refining clan by force.

Even some of the demon sect just secretly caught a few weapon refiners to help them refine their weapons.

Shen Lang was good. He accepted the weapon refining sect, the door weapon yuan sect, and then subdued the medicine refining sect, the medicine King Valley

If Shen Lang sets a precedent like this, all the major weapon refining sects will be suppressed, subdued or divided up by various large doors or strong ones in the future!

All the weapon refining sects and weapon refiners will eventually become the tools of those powerful sects!

This is an unimaginable end for the proud weapon refining master JiangMo city!

Otherwise, why didn\'t you resist scolding xuandaozong in front of Jubao pavilion?

Seeing JiangMo City staring at himself without fear, he released a great righteousness and showed a pair of determination to die, but Shen Lang\'s anger dissipated a lot.

Although the old man was a little arrogant, strictly speaking, he didn\'t hurt the people of xuandaozong too much.

What you do is also to maintain the smelter.

Instead of bullying.

This is an old man worthy of admiration.

Shen Lang asked lightly, "who told you that I suppressed qiyuanzong by force? Who told you that I threatened qiyuanzong by force and made them yield?"

JiangMo city said rudely, "it\'s said outside. Isn\'t it true?"

"Although I don\'t know much about the Qiyuan sect, it\'s widely spread that you even cut several knives outside the Yaowang Valley and threatened the Yaowang Valley... Since you dare to do it, why don\'t you dare to admit it?"

"Do you still want to tell me that they are willing to follow you because of your achievements in the way of refining utensils, and then juzong moved to xuandaozong?"


JiangMo city certainly doesn\'t believe that Shen Lang can achieve much in the way of refining weapons.

Such a young boy is already so powerful in martial arts. It\'s amazing and unimaginable for him to play with the three heavenly strongmen of the quasi emperor martial mirror, such as playing with a three-year-old child.

If this boy is in the way of refining weapons, he can convince the weapon refining masters of the yuan sect, such as Yinshan Han, and finally the whole sect will be incorporated into the xuandao sect... The quasi emperor second-class weapon refining masters like JiangMo city can die.

I\'ve lived in vain for so many years

Kill him in JiangMo city. I don\'t believe there will be such a monster in this world!

Even in the legendary Temple of the God of war, except for his majesty, the god dragon who sees the head and does not see the tail!

No matter how talented a person is, his time and energy are very limited. How can he be so powerful in martial arts and make extraordinary achievements in the way of refining weapons?

Jiang Mo had inquired about Shen Lang before he came to the city, and determined that Shen Lang was from Tianfeng city and was less than 19 years old.

Although JiangMo city was the cultivation of the quasi emperor Wujing triple heaven, the martial arts road was in a mess at that time.

Let him fight with the two of Yantian. If they fight ten, they have to lie down for Yantian.

I\'m afraid ten wild geese can\'t support a few face-to-face, so they have to kneel!

In this way, JiangMo City, with white hair and beard, is not much different from a three-year-old child in front of Shen Lang.

The martial arts of JiangMo city is so bad because he spends almost all his time studying the refining device!

The cultivation of martial arts is not very good, but his achievements in the way of refining tools are famous in the holy summer region!

Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror should call him "master" politely!

If Shen Lang has made such achievements in martial arts and is better than him in weapon refining, JiangMo city may really find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Therefore, JiangMo city has always believed that Shen Lang threatened qiyuanzong by force!

"It\'s a joke. You can tell at a glance."

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and pulled out the immortal sky knife with a clang.

"What do you want? Don\'t come here!" Jiang Feng screamed and ran directly behind JiangMo city.

Shen Lang beat the two quasi emperor martial mirrors on their knees without a knife. They had no power to fight back. Who can resist this long knife?


Shen Langli didn\'t bother to pay attention to Jiang Feng and threw the immortal sky knife in his hand.

The immortal Tiandao rolled like a dragon in the air for several times, brought up boundless clouds, and then suspended vertically in front of JiangMo city.

The terrible smell from the Phoenix, rosefinch and other divine beasts, and the time will be released from the immortal heaven knife!

"What a terrible smell!" JiangMo city\'s face changed greatly and protected Jiangfeng for three steps!

Then directly added a shield to himself!

"Labrador!" Shen Lang drank softly.

Within the immortal Tiandao, Labrador\'s laughter came out.

The terrible breath of immortal Tiandao converged with time, and the light dissipated, becoming ancient and plain.

At this time, Shen langcai said, "I refined this knife again not long ago. Although I had the help of several powerful imperial martial mirrors, I did it all by myself from beginning to end. The spirit array in it was all my own hands. I didn\'t fake anyone in every process."

"Look at this knife, and then say, am I qualified to let Qi Yuanzong follow?"

Before JiangMo city could react, Shen Lang said again, "the nine holy grain pillars urged by xian\'er were the nine of Qiyuan sect. To be fair, can these nine holy grain pillars show such power in Qiyuan sect?"

"The large array formed by nine holy stripe pillars was excavated by me and then formed!"

"You\'re a master of the second product of emperor Zhun. Do you have such skills?"

As soon as these words were said, the remaining two of them, Yinshan Han, looked red and bowed their heads to find a hole in the ground.

The eyes of JiangMo city became a little dignified.

As long as the nine holy stripe pillars are a tool refiner, basically no one has never heard of them.

However, the nine holy grain pillars in the Qiyuan sect did not show such terrible power except to let the disciples understand the spirit array in them... When urged by Wang Wujing martial artists such as Zhuge Xianer, they beat Yantian, the three powerful martial arts mirror of the quasi emperor, directly to the ground!

If the nine holy grain columns of the instrumental yuan sect were so powerful, how could people with such status as JiangMo city not have heard of it?

Aside from the nine holy stripe pillars, now take a look at this knife and you will know the clue!

JiangMo city didn\'t speak, took a deep breath and walked to the edge of immortal Tiandao.

Then, JiangMo City ran the whole body\'s spiritual power and held the handle of the immortal sky knife.

As soon as he grasped the immortal sky knife, JiangMo City stared at the blade!

With this long knife in hand, JiangMo City couldn\'t distinguish its rank for a moment!

The weight of the immortal sky knife and the material to ensure that its strength is solidified and not scattered surprised JiangMo city.

"In the end, what material is it made of? The breath just revealed seems to come from divine animals, but now there is no breath at all. It\'s like an ordinary sword. It\'s too strange..."

JiangMo City stroked the body of the immortal sky knife and observed the lines of the knife and the runes depicted on it.

And his mind had penetrated into the immortal Sky Sword and began to check everything in the immortal sky sword.

In the eyes of JiangMo City, the time is colorful!

The immortal Tiandao was recast by Shen Lang, so I won\'t mention the material... Anyway, I recognized a small part of it with the knowledge of JiangMo city.

Most of the materials in JiangMo city can only be inferred from powerful beasts.

But he didn\'t know what it was and why it had such terrible energy.

And every technique of smelting, the formation of blade embryo, is exquisite and unparalleled

Every step, every detail, is beyond the imagination of JiangMo city!

"Is this knife made by Shen Lang?"

JiangMo city\'s mouth is wide open and can swallow an egg.

If this knife is really made by Shen Lang, Shen Lang is not a joke, and Qi Yuanzong is not a joke

The real joke is his JiangMo city!

In front of Shen Lang, the word "master" is a joke!