Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1015

Two sharp sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and the fire and storm attacked shenlang from left to right at the same time.


Shen Lang snorted coldly, turned his palms into knives and waved them like lightning!

When the two men\'s fists were just waved, Shen Lang\'s hand knife fell on their wrists!

Two loud noises sounded almost at the same time, making people sound as if there was only one, and the powerful ripples swept away in all directions.

The two would-be emperor\'s powerful martial mirrors snorted, retreated two steps at the same time, and then bullied forward again!

The two of them also said nothing. They fought together and quickly attacked Shen Lang.

One of the two cultivates the fire system and the other is the wind system. The fire and storm send out with the fist strength, enveloping the area hundreds of feet around.

One of them, accidentally, is either swallowed by the cyan flame or covered by the storm. It is difficult to escape!

And the boxing intention of the two people seemed to shake this space!

The speed of the strong of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is really fast to the extreme. There are only a few people in the xuandaozong, and they can probably capture the movement tracks of the three people!

Although there were only three people fighting on the field, people outside looked that there were indeed plenty of people in the fire and storm, as if there were dozens of strong players fighting!

"Bang Bang..."

The sound of loud noise kept ringing, and the violent hurricane spread wildly.

Even JiangMo city took out a shield to cover him and Jiangfeng. While defending with all his strength, he kept retreating!

Fortunately, the old guy is a master of weapon refining. Although he can\'t crack this array, he won\'t be trapped easily.

The two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors who made crazy moves, although the attack was fierce, they became more and more afraid

Only in the war circle can they know the horror of the coming people!

No matter what killing moves they use, no matter how powerful their killing moves are, how cunning their angles are, and how fast they are... The person who appears is a step faster than them, as if he had predicted their actions in advance!

When they waved their fist, the fist had just been waved, and the strength had not been sent out, and the other party\'s palm had been cut on their wrists like a knife;

When they lifted their legs to sweep out, as soon as they lifted their legs, they were kicked on their feet and kicked back directly!

Several times, they were bitten by their own strength, causing severe pain in their meridians and spitting blood at their mouth!

There is nothing more oppressive and uncomfortable than this kind of battle!

The other party didn\'t even use much power, so they beat back the power they sent out and use their own power to roar their own body!

This kind of play is incredible!

How powerful and accurate can this be achieved in the control of power?

Moreover, to do this, we must have a good understanding of the skills of the two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors, and grasp their accomplishments, time and strength with great accuracy!

Really speaking, the only teachers who can do this are the two masters!

Only their teachers can be much stronger than them. At the same time, they know their skills, moves and movements like the back of their hands!

But the man in front of me, young and strange

What\'s more, every time two people\'s fists or other parts of their body touch each other, they will have a feeling of being hit by mountains!

Each time I touch, it is clear that the other party does not use much strength, but they just can\'t stop the blood churning, uncomfortable!

When they wanted to step back and pull apart, they found that they were completely caught in the vortex of each other\'s boxing strength and couldn\'t get away!

Many times, their actions are guided by each other, so they have to make such a move!

Yantian looked at each other in horror and nodded quickly. At the same time, they gathered their whole body strength in their right fist and blew it out towards Shen Lang!

One attacked Shen Lang\'s face door and one attacked Shen Lang\'s footwall!

The power of this punch is beyond imagination.

It\'s the strongest punch and desperate punch of the two!

Wind, thunder, earth and fire, all appear!

Air pressure ghosts and gods, thousands of troops are easy to open up!

One person punches one punch, as if everything is galloping!

In an instant, the sky was dark and the sand was flying.

However, in the face of such a terrible attack by these two people, Shen Lang just shook his shoulders slightly and didn\'t want to retreat or resist with a stronger attack!

Just when Yantian felt happy and thought Shen Lang couldn\'t resist these two fists as before

Shen Lang put his right knee up and put it under the man\'s fist attacking the footwall!

And his left hand, like a flash of lightning, gently circled in the air and turned the fist attacked by Yantian in an instant!

Yantian could not have touched their fists together. Driven by the power of Shen Lang, they burst together between lightning and flint!

Between the two men\'s accomplishments, Bo Zhong made such a pair of blows with all his strength. They all gave a miserable hum and flew out backward at an extremely fast speed!

Even so, both of them were injured, but the goal was finally achieved

What Yantian two people want is not to hurt Shen Lang with this fist, but to force Shen Lang to open the distance with this fist!

When the two people bombarded each other with their fists, the terrible energy ripples exploded at the position where the two people\'s fists touched, released the terrible energy of destroying mountains and mountains, and rushed in all directions

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes and withdrew one step back!

Taking this opportunity, Yantian, who had just flown out, retreated again, and immediately reached 200 feet away, finally distancing themselves from Shen Lang!

They dared not fight any more. When they were in the air, they turned around at the same time, trying to find a way to escape.

However, at this time, they have been surrounded into the big array. The fog in the big array is not divided between the north and the south, but where can they easily walk away?

"How dare you come to xuandaozong with such a little ability?"

Shen Lang\'s voice resounded through Xuanqing peak. It was ordinary, but it seemed to ring out next to everyone\'s ears.

Then I saw two residual shadows suddenly appear on the field, as if two Shen waves rushed out towards the two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

Then, the two strong quasi imperial martial mirrors who had just retreated at an amazing speed were held by Shen Lang at the same time and pulled back directly!

Shen Lang moves too fast

As soon as they quit, they turned around and wanted to find a way to escape. They were pulled back immediately, as if they hadn\'t quit at all!

But this time, the two people looked like earth and dared not resist again.

Where can ordinary quasi emperor martial mirror strong people do this unpredictable speed?

Shen Lang fought with them so many moves in front. Although he didn\'t know why, he definitely didn\'t use some strength.

At this time, Shen Lang pinched the pulse gate of the two people and twisted their arms slightly.

Then, Shen Lang kicked out his left and right feet like lightning and kicked them on the knee socket of Yantian.

The two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors, without any resistance, snorted and knelt down on one knee!

"Opening and closing your mouth makes people kneel. You think it\'s great to kneel, don\'t you?"

"Then kneel a little longer."

Shen Lang said, suddenly pinching the pulse gate of the two people, and two thunder forces rushed into the two people\'s bodies in an instant.

At the same time, Shen Lang shot his hands like lightning and took several records on the backs of two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

On their backs, a restraining array formed by the power of thunder flashed quickly and disappeared immediately.

In an instant, they were directly imprisoned by Shen Lang and completely unable to move!

Shen Lang fought with them, but his strength increased too much and too fast in a short time. He was familiar with them with the help of this warm-up activity.

Otherwise, how can these two attack so many moves?


The two would-be emperor\'s martial mirror triple heavenly strongmen are just like children. They can be handled as Shen Lang wants.

Before making too much action, Shen Lang caught him and knelt down directly!

"Good fight!"

The people of xuandaozong just felt very happy and shouted wildly!

The eyes of the two would-be emperor\'s powerful martial mirrors were dead. They didn\'t beg for mercy or say anything cruel about seeking their own death.

Their courage to struggle was completely crushed by Shen Lang

Shen Lang\'s strength has reached an unimaginable level, beyond their expectation.

Just beat them on their knees. It\'s the end of benevolence and righteousness without directly cutting them.

Look at this, there is a rumor in the capital of purple Chu

It\'s true that Shen Lang killed the fourth heaven and even the fifth heaven strongman of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror with one knife. There\'s not a bit of falsehood and exaggeration!

They looked embarrassed and regretted that their intestines were green.

Even before, I had more eyes. I didn\'t kill one person of xuandaozong or seriously hurt one person.

Otherwise, where can they live well?

In a cold sweat, the two men were soaked in time.

At this time, JiangMo City, who had not spoken for a long time, finally opened his mouth: "just let them go. You have to deal with the old man, not them."

Just a little time, JiangMo city seems to be old for many years, and the energy and spirit of the whole person are much worse than before.

Zhuge xian\'er used imperial and holy weapons to kill an army in front, and then was sprayed with Nalan purple smoke. Now even the two guards of the quasi imperial martial mirror triple heaven... Knelt on the Xuanqing peak. JiangMo city has regretted coming to the xuandaozong.

He was wrong, too wrong.

He always thought that the rumors about Shen Lang were exaggerated. They spread ten to ten, and then lost their original appearance.

But now seeing Shen Lang coming and kneeling with thunder, JiangMo city finally knows... Are all the rumors true!

Maybe those rumors have whispered about Shen Lang\'s strength!

"Let\'s go. I has the final say." Shen Lang looked at Jiangmei City coldly and said, "my site can not be turned to three other four."

At this point, JiangMo city was not as angry as before.

In this world, the strong are respected, and everything the strong say is right.

The weak only get beaten. It\'s no use saying anything.

It\'s like he dared to arrogantly say that he would cancel the identity of Yinshan Han\'s weapon refiner.

That\'s because he is much stronger than Yin shanhan and others.

He has this ability.

Now, Shen Lang standing in front of him doesn\'t know how powerful he is, but Shen Lang must have the ability to kill him.

Moreover, Shen Lang definitely has the courage to kill him!

When Shen Lang looked at him with such an expressionless face, JiangMo city already knew... His so-called quasi emperor second grade weapon refining master is inferior to shit in Shen Lang\'s eyes!

If Shen Lang wants to kill him, he won\'t even hesitate!

JiangMo City sighed and said, "anyway, I hope you let them go, because it\'s me, not them, who offend you... If anything, just come to my old man."

"Are you satisfied or not?" Shen Lang waved gently and untied the big array of nine holy stripe columns.

As soon as the array was removed, all the people appeared, and xuanqingfeng returned to its original state.

JiangMo City smiled and said, "yes? Of course not."

"I just want to see your means in the way of refining weapons, not your accomplishments in the way of martial arts."

"No matter how strong your martial arts cultivation is, use force to suppress the weapon refiner and threaten the weapon yuan sect to use it for you. It\'s impossible for any weapon refiner to convince you!"

"Any weapon refiner, like a strong martial artist, has his own dignity. This dignity is not something you can trample on at will if you are strong in martial arts!"

The muddy old eyes of JiangMo city are as bright as stars at this moment: "you can kill me, but you are not qualified to let me serve you!"