Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1014

Another prospective emperor with a strong martial mirror sighed and said, "Yantian, just teach these kids a lesson. There\'s no need to kill."

In the view of this man and JiangMo City, it is impossible for a small xuandaozong, even if there are so many imperial and even holy weapons, to compete with the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor.

However, if you can\'t kill, you\'d better not kill.

According to legend, Shen Lang can summon the emperor\'s powerful martial mirror.

If the legend is true

Although the two would-be emperors are arrogant, they are still a little worried and dare not really kill.

Otherwise, a dark iron sect door would have been destroyed 10000 times in front of them.

JiangMo city looked at all this with a gloomy face and didn\'t speak.

He also acquiesced in Yantian\'s practice.

Xuandaozong is so arrogant that he has no respect for a master of refining utensils like him.

And even took out so many imperial and even sacred vessels to hit him in the face!

As for Nalan Ziyan\'s words just now, he was cursing his death. Has JiangMo city ever had such treatment?

Now think about it, he was shaking with anger!

If you don\'t teach them a lesson, where will this old face go in the future?

Just then

Zhuge xian\'er sneered. The printed formula that had already been prepared was played out in the sky!

A flash of light rushed into the air like lightning and burst like fireworks in the air.

Soon, there was a roaring sound in the void, and the nine holy stripe columns in xuandao sect released dazzling light!

The next moment, xuanqingfeng hall, the environment changes greatly and the fog is all over the sky!

The large array formed by nine holy stripe columns has started!

When the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror was strong, the two sides had the same situation.

Zhuge xian\'er had expected for a long time and immediately started a large array formed by nine holy stripe columns.

Once this array is in operation, the world will change greatly!

Zhuge Xianer and other xuandaozong people, obviously motionless, suddenly pushed away from Yantian and JiangMo city.

Not only far away, but also as if in another world, separated by a layer of water lines, people can no longer see them clearly!

"Array? Hey, it\'s interesting." Yantian said with a faint smile, "I really want to know. What can I do with the array of a dark iron force?"

In Yan Tian\'s opinion, if he is outside the sect door, maybe he needs to work hard.

You may even have to fight your own magic soldiers.

However, within the sect gate, the formation of only xuantie sect gate is a dream to deal with him!

Yantian didn\'t pay attention to this array, and another strong quasi emperor martial mirror also didn\'t pay attention to it.

On the contrary, JiangMo City, a master of refining utensils, looked at the nine holy grain columns with dignified eyes!

"Since you want to die, I\'ll give you a ride."

Yan Tian said, his breath soared, and the power of the strong man of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror rolled out like the waves, making no secret of it!

Suddenly, I saw a flash of shadow. Lianruoshui suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked him.


After all, lianruoshui is a member of Jubao Pavilion. Although Yantian is a little angry, he is hard to say anything.

At this time, lianruoshui said faintly towards JiangMo City: "senior, please take care of your guard. If you want to be the enemy of xuandaozong, then... I Jubao Pavilion will stand on the side of xuandaozong without hesitation!"

"As the weapon refining consultant of Jubao Pavilion, do you really want to be the enemy of Jubao pavilion?"

In the surprised eyes of JiangMo City, lianruoshui retreated and really made an appearance of being an enemy with him!

Lian Ruo continued, "I\'m here to pay tribute to Shen Lang and xuandaozong and discuss future cooperation."

"Elder, as the weapon refining consultant of Jubao Pavilion, I pushed my Jubao pavilion to the opposite of xuandaozong. I don\'t know what my intention is?"

Don\'t die a poor friend. There\'s no way to pity water.

She could hardly get in her mouth, and things were too bad to be undone.

JiangMo City, and xuandaozong, she must stand in line.

At this point, it is impossible to look at the fire from the other side.

Nalan Ziyan\'s words are a little ugly, but if you want to say ugly, the words of Jiangfeng and JiangMo city are actually more ugly.

And if Jiang Feng and Jiang Mo City were not chirping and drinking well, why did Nalan run out of the tip of the needle to the wheat awn?

Now Zhuge xian\'er turned his face directly because of the intervention of the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor!

If you don\'t make a statement, you and Jubao Pavilion will be killed by the man of JiangMo city

You know, it\'s not just that she is optimistic about Shen Lang, but also that she has given a dead order. We must let her win over Shen Lang!

This is not only some important things that Shen Lang has done recently, but more importantly, Shen Lang is the person in the demon God hall!

And the status is not low!

In this world, in addition to several forces such as the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house, Jubao Pavilion is definitely the most clear force for the demon God hall!

Even if Jubao Pavilion doesn\'t care about such a genius as Shen Lang, it should also care about the Zhuque house of the demon God hall!

If you screw up this time

Pity if water really has no way to push everything to JiangMo city.

It doesn\'t matter who you are, the second grade refining master of quasi emperor, or the refining consultant of Jubao Pavilion. If you have taken the wrong medicine and fooled around, you should bear the consequences yourself!

What kind of existence is Jubao pavilion?

Many things about Shen Lang, some things about the demon God hall, even some legendary sects don\'t know, and Jubao Pavilion already knows.

How can you give up Shen Lang and even make friends with Shen Lang for the sake of a quasi imperial weapon refining master like JiangMo city?

Now in the state of purple Chu, there are two strong martial mirrors of the demon God Temple emperor, who are Shen Lang\'s men!

You\'re a quasi emperor martial mirror guy who farts here?

If you annoy others, tear down your old bones every minute!

Lianruo looked at JiangMo City coldly, and his eyes had said everything he wanted to say.

"..." JiangMo city was completely stunned. He didn\'t expect lianruoshui to react like this.

You know, before that, lianruoshui was extremely respectful to him.

Even lianruoshui\'s immediate boss dare not be so arrogant to him!

Now, lianruoshui has spoken such decisive words to him for the sake of xuandaozong!

"Xuandaozong... Good, good!" JiangMo City pushed everything onto xuandaozong.

Zhuge xian\'er said with a smile, "xuandaozong is really good, but on the contrary, what the elder did is not very good."

"From the beginning of entering xuandaozong, the elder talked to xuandaozong about relying on the old and selling the old, but he said we were disrespectful to you and shot at us to bully the small, but it was a little unreasonable."

"Although xian\'er respects the status of the elder master of weapon refining, he doesn\'t welcome you as an unknown elder... If you feel impatient, please leave here and send it away."

JiangMo city was silent.

In love and reason, he really shouldn\'t toss about like this.

However, he killed himself first, and his pig teammates entrapped people. Now he is completely at a loss.

If you just walk away, I\'m afraid you\'ll be embarrassed to appear in front of other weapon refining masters in the future.

The prospective emperor\'s strong martial mirror who shot before knew that he was in a dilemma when he saw JiangMo city\'s expression of squatting in the pit and not pulling shit.

The man smiled cruelly, drank softly and said, "little girl, what a big breath!"

"Xuandaozong is also qualified to order us to leave? We can come and go if we want. Where can we get your orders!"

"You are disrespectful to the master and dare to start this array against us. If we don\'t teach you a lesson, won\'t it make people laugh when it is spread?"

As soon as the voice fell, the man took a step forward, and the breath of the strong man of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror shrouded in the front!

The mountain like pressure immediately made it difficult for the xuandaozong people in front to breathe!

If there were not a large array to offset some of the breath, I\'m afraid all the martial artists below Wang Wujing would have to be pressed down!

Zhuge xian\'er\'s face sank and raised his head: "everyone stand where you are, don\'t move!"

As soon as the voice fell and the formation was running, Zhuge Xianer and xuandaozong had retreated far away from the shadow of the powerful warrior of the quasi emperor.

Above the empty space, just at this time, a barrel thick and thin lightning came out of thin air and chopped down directly at the man!


This lightning, which contains strong lightning power, came very fast without warning. It immediately split the strong man of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to the ground!

On the ground, immediately revealed a huge pit, dusty!

The strong prospective emperor\'s martial mirror didn\'t even react, so he was beaten so embarrassed.

The nine holy stripe pillars are so powerful and terrible!

The people who saw all this in xuandaozong immediately cheered!

Without the quasi emperor martial mirror in the sect, they can compete with the strong quasi emperor martial mirror, which makes everyone in xuandao sect very excited!

"Damn it! Damn you all!"

The prospective emperor\'s powerful martial mirror just wanted to teach the people of Xiaxuan daozong a lesson. After this record, he made a big fool and suffered a lot of injuries, and then fell into madness!

As soon as he patted the ground, he bounced up and fell next to another person.

On his fist, he was surrounded by a circle of light cyan flame, swept out by the terrible heat, as if the whole xuandaozong had been under the lava!

Another prospective emperor with a strong martial mirror, seeing that the array was so sharp, snorted coldly and made a good defense... He didn\'t want to be beaten by a dog to eat shit before he had time to respond like Yantian.

The powerful breath of the two quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen was completely released and swept away in all directions!

JiangMo City straightened his eyes and pulled Jiangfeng to the front and protected him.

It\'s so stiff that it\'s beyond the control of JiangMo city.

Just then

Without any sign, a figure appeared out of thin air between the two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

As soon as this figure appeared, he paid attention to the xuandaozong people here and was overjoyed!

It\'s not Shen Lang that appears between the two. Who is it?

The two would-be emperor Wujing strongmen suddenly found that someone appeared beside them, but they couldn\'t feel the slightest breath. In great horror, they subconsciously punched the man who suddenly appeared at the same time!