Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1013

Just about to follow Zhuge Xianer into the xuanqingfeng hall, all the people stopped.

Yinshan cold several people saw the people in the pavilion and immediately knew that it was going to be bad.

Sure enough, Nalan Ziyan in the pavilion patted the table and Shi Shi ran came out.

Shen Jianfeng took two quick steps and stood side by side with her, looking coldly at Jiang Feng.

In fact, they all heard what the Jiang family, old and young, had just said.

But now Nalan Ziyan is obviously much more mature than before, and his temper is much better. He doesn\'t want to provoke trouble for Shen Lang, so he endured it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng\'s little rabbit doesn\'t have eyes and dares to provoke himself!

Nalan Ziyan turned and looked at Shen Jianfeng.

Shen Jianfeng was stunned and made an invitation gesture: "you have a big chest, you say it first."

From here we can see why the relationship between Shen Jianfeng and Yan Qi is so good.

Yan Qi is a jerk, and Shen Jianfeng is a Wen Qing who likes to pretend to be Bi, but they don\'t think much about speaking.

Nalan purple smoke is gorgeous, bright and calm. It\'s like a good hard steel knife. It\'s easy to cut people.

In addition to Yan Qi or Shen Jianfeng, there is Jiang Feng who doesn\'t know her at all. Basically, no one will provoke her.

To provoke her is to touch the blade!

Nalan Ziyan heard Shen Jianfeng\'s words, his eyes remained unchanged, still looked at Jiang Feng, then slapped him with his backhand, and slammed Shen Jianfeng out.

Shen Jianfeng rolled on the ground for a few times, covered his face and muttered in a low voice, "yes, yesterday I said that Shang Xiaoran had a small chest, and she chased him from songduofeng to xuanqingfeng with a sword. Today, I boast that you have a big chest in front of so many people. You don\'t appreciate me, but you beat me... You women are really unreasonable."

His voice was very small, but the strong men present had excellent cultivation. They all heard it clearly and couldn\'t cry or laugh one by one.

"Asshole... You... You..." Jiang Feng was mad when he saw that he was ignored again.

This man and woman didn\'t pay attention to his grandfather before, and now they don\'t pay attention to him. It\'s a bastard!

Nalan Ziyan bah and said, "what are you? You treat you as a green onion. Do you really think you are human?"

"Did you take the wrong medicine or forgot to take it? Did you take the old man to xuandaozong to find fault?"

"Just now you were chirping on it. I almost couldn\'t help it. Well, little bunny and old bunny are staring at Miss Ben?"

"You!" Jiang Feng choked half to death by the spicy Nalan purple smoke.

I\'m kidding. How can this self righteous aristocratic childe fight Nalan Ziyan?

And JiangMo city on the side was so angry that his beard jumped!

What a strange story!

He JiangMo city is a great master of the second grade weapon refining of the quasi emperor. He has just been slapped in the face and hasn\'t calmed down yet. Now he is pointed to his nose and said "old rabbit"!

Who can bear it!

At this time, Zhuge Xianer on the other side smiled coldly and made a gesture without trace.

The four ancestors of Qiyuan sect immediately walked out of the two people, nodded slightly, moved and left Xuanqing peak, flying towards a spiritual grain column respectively.

JiangMo City masters are extremely excessive, and Nalan Ziyan is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

It\'s going to get noisy. I\'m sure I can\'t stop it.

Seven of the nine holy stripe pillars are guarded by the seven general of the Yan devil.

Plus two people from qiyuanzong, just nine!

Zhuge Xianer was on guard. Knowing that it was difficult to do well, he immediately arranged two old guys of Qi Yuanzong to guard the nine holy stripe pillars and prepare to use this array to deal with trouble.

Today\'s xuandaozong, although the formation has not been completed, the seven general of Yanmo has not advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror.

However, the large array formed by the nine holy stripe columns has already covered the whole xuandao sect.

Several people in JiangMo city have already been in this array.

If he dares to make trouble, even if Zhuge xian\'er is worried about the face of pity like water, he has to start this array and cook them well!

Zhuge xian\'er expected it to be good

Before the two masters of JiangMo City spoke, Nalan Ziyan said again: "Yo, this is the legendary quasi second-class master of refining utensils? Just now you seem to be very authoritative? You have to get rid of the title of Yin Lao\'s master of refining utensils? Sure enough, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Only an excellent master of refining utensils like you can cultivate such wonderful flowers and wastes."

"I Nalan Ziyan\'s admiration for you is like a flowing river."

JiangMo city was so angry that he wanted to do it, but due to his identity, he could only point to Nalan Ziyan and say, "this... Where are these shrews? Are you xuandaozong all such shrews!"

This was cruel enough to scold all the women of xuandaozong.

Especially Zhuge xian\'er, who killed him before!

Zhuge xian\'er smiled and didn\'t speak.

After so long contact with Shen Lang, her character began to approach Shen Lang.

Shen Lang said a word, my friends, will be very good; My enemies will pay a price!

He seldom provokes others, but he will not let go of anyone who provokes him.

The old man JiangMo city took the wrong medicine and was cynical from the beginning. He also instigated Jiang Feng to mess around in xuandaozong, and even pointed the spearhead directly at several people in Yinshan. It\'s no way to bear it any longer.

Endure this time, the two men must come again.

At this time, Nalan Ziyan shook his hair gracefully and said, "I\'m a shrew. We xuandaozong have a lot of shrews. This can\'t be compared with a master of refining utensils like you!"

They were stunned and admitted that they were shrews and praised each other as a master of weapon refining. What does that mean?

Nalan Ziyan\'s next sentence, everyone understood: "there are shrews everywhere, but the quasi emperor level weapon refining masters are very rare. It\'s really one dead and one less."

This is killing without blood and swearing without dirt.

JiangMo city was so angry that his whole body trembled, but he couldn\'t find words to deal with!

Nalan Ziyan kept on saying, "old man... Er, I mean old man, what are you doing when you come to xuandaozong? Are you deliberately looking for trouble or quarreling? You have a good spirit. If you are free, you will commit cheap."

"But don\'t you think you\'ll lose your share if you quarrel with a younger generation like me?"

"Yes, you should find a legendary sect and a strong emperor\'s martial mirror to quarrel, right?"

"..." everyone was stunned.

In the crowd of xuandaozong, someone whistled and someone thumbed up.

We all know that Nalan\'s purple smoke is fierce. He can chase Shen Lang around Songduo peak with his sword.

But this woman is gorgeous all over the world. She dares to think, dare to say and dare to act. When combined with the bright light, she is really unparalleled, which makes many women feel ashamed.

"Younger martial brother Shen Lang\'s women are just different, just different!" someone in the crowd said with a thumbs up.

The hearts of the people are filled with sorrow.

"Ho... Ho... Ho!"

There was a strange voice in JiangMo city\'s throat. He almost fainted.

As for Jiang Feng, he was worse than his great grandfather. His face turned pig liver color and his mouth grew up. He didn\'t say a word!

"Presumptuous! Kneel down!"

Behind JiangMo City, the quasi emperor Wujing strong man finally broke out.

As a guard, they couldn\'t talk.

But now the master has been tossed like this. If you don\'t do something, I\'m afraid the master of refining tools will "fall" in the small door of xuandao sect!

The man drank softly, and the terrible pressure swept towards Nalan purple smoke, trying to press Nalan purple smoke directly to his knees!

Wen can\'t, you can only come to Wu!

This is a world of the jungle!

Yin shanhan and Gu Yue were surprised. They knew that the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor was unmatched. They all clenched their teeth and released their minds. They wanted to compete with the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor!



A dark wind blew, but Sauron, one of the four evil ghost kings, turned into a dark wind and rolled Nalan purple smoke out!

Between the lightning and flint, I avoided the pressure of the strong quasi emperor martial mirror!

"Only ghosts want to escape in our hands? It\'s a dream!"

The strong man of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror snorted coldly and grabbed it with one hand in the distance!

The evil ghost King Solon screamed and fell directly from the sky!

The difference between the ghosts at the beginning of the imperial martial arts realm and the strong quasi imperial martial mirror can not be counted in the Tao.

At this time, the three black clouds below rose into the sky and caught the purple smoke of Sauron and Nalan. It was the other three evil ghost kings: Aragon, turandor and sass!

The four evil ghost kings floated in the void, and the black fog almost shrouded the whole Xuanqing peak.

The whole Xuanqing peak is full of ghost gas and the dark wind howls!

However, several ghosts in the imperial martial arts realm are not in the eyes of the strong quasi imperial martial mirror.

The man smiled cruelly, raised his hand slowly, and was ready to pinch and explode the four evil ghost kings in the air to give xuandaozong a good look!

At this time, someone in the crowd of xuandaozong shouted: "Wang Badan, dare to kill them in xuandaozong!"

"Kill!" the people in all the peaks of xuandaozong roared in unison, shaking the world!

Originally, there was a little tense atmosphere, and the time became tense!

Zhuge xian\'er stepped back, took the long sword out of its scabbard and pointed to the man who had just shot. He said coldly, "friends come, there is good wine, jackals come, swords serve!"

"Are you sure you want to fight xuandaozong?"

All the people in xuandaozong didn\'t speak, and all took out their magic soldiers!

The powerful breath of imperial ware and imperial ware swept the audience!

Several Huangwu Kingdom and Wang Wujing, with a group of Xuanwu Kingdom and even Lingwu Kingdom warriors, were brave enough to fight with the quasi emperor Wujing strongman

This kind of thing is really unheard of!

Those people in JiangMo city were also stunned.

The man who had just started said with a sneer: "war? Just a king of martial arts and a xuantie force, who is also worthy of war with us?"

"You are disrespectful to master Jiang and spit dirty words. If you don\'t all kneel down and apologize today, I Yantian can\'t but do it myself and abolish you!"

The strong and unrivalled breath pressed directly towards Zhuge Xianer and others!

On the side of xuandaozong, everyone turns pale!