Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1010

Li Su, who was far away in the sad swamp, felt the power of the heavenly demon released by Shen Lang and flew into the air. He was shocked and looked forward to looking at Shen Lang\'s direction

At first, Li Su helped Shen Lang because he felt the breath of life spirit on Shen Lang, and then found Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body.

So she wants to help Shen Lang become strong, so that with Shen Lang\'s strength, she can save her parents and other people trapped in the blood ancestral mausoleum.

But even if Li Su knew something about the chaotic divine body, he still couldn\'t imagine that Shen Lang\'s cultivation would enter the country so quickly!

Since they met in the sad swamp, it has only been more than two years, less than three years!

Now, Shen Lang has just incarnated into the breath released by the crocodile. Li Su has felt it clearly tens of thousands of miles away!

"Brother, I\'m about to take shape. After I take shape, break the seal... I\'ll find you right away!"

Li Su reluctantly took another look at Shen Lang\'s direction and fell down.


On the outer side of the wilderness, the crocodiles in the sky wandered once and flew down to restore the original appearance of Shen Lang.

Below, chiyanfeng looked at Shen waves and was still in a dull state.

It seems reasonable to incarnate as a Kirin. After all, I swallowed Kirin\'s blood essence.

What about being such a crocodile?

With the knowledge of chiyanfeng, I have never seen a crocodile with such a white body and terrible breath?

The smell of the crocodile frightened chiyanfeng and wanted to escape!

Among the top ten divine beasts, even the dragon family, which claims to be the first, doesn\'t say that it can make the soul of Kirin feel afraid and want to escape?

"Elder brother, your current cultivation... Your cultivation..." chiyanfeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and finally couldn\'t help asking.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "the cultivation realm is of little use to me."

"My path is different from all the martial artists in the world."

"The real strength can only be roughly compared."

Not to mention the book of heaven, even the Tai Chi diagram and the chaotic divine body, this itself is not what the world can have.

The martial arts in the human world operate spiritual power. The demons that stay in the human world operate the power of gods and demons, while those in Shen Lang are above the power of gods and Demons... Chaotic power!

Shen Lang now even completely released his breath, which made chiyanfeng feel that he was the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

However, if any strong man treats Shen Lang as a quasi emperor\'s martial mirror eight heaven, he may not even know how to die in the end!

Usually, Shen Lang is equivalent to the double heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror, or the double heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror, which itself is only a general comparison.

FA and Ti are two completely different ways of martial arts.

The comparison of strength, just like the comparison between Terrans and demons, can only say "equivalent" or "almost".

Therefore, chiyanfeng felt that Shen Lang\'s cultivation has reached the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

However, he has a very clear feeling that Shen Lang can easily crush him!

Even if his chiyanfeng advanced to the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, if he fought with Shen Lang, I\'m afraid there was only one word "death"!

This is unimaginable and unbelievable!

"The breath of death that I gave you contains the rules of death. If you understand it well, the benefits in the future are unimaginable." Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "well, go back to xuandaozong."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang stepped out, and the man had disappeared in the distance.

What is different from the past is that when the waves were flying rapidly, the air seemed to make footprints step by step, and at the same time, it made a terrible sound explosion.

Shen Lang is now 150 miles away, but the surrounding air flow is surging, but there is not even a change!

It was as if he was not flying rapidly, but suddenly broke the space and suddenly appeared from a hundred miles away!

When he was still in yumudong blessed land, Shen Lang ran wildly because he found the smell of the blood emperor. The fastest speed was 20 miles a second, about 30 times the speed of sound.

Now, without all the powers of chaos, it is 150 miles away!

This speed is already the peak speed of the quasi emperor martial mirror!

In fact, he hasn\'t done his best!

"Death rules... Unexpectedly, my chiyanfeng will have today! Even if I understand the death rules in it, my chiyanfeng can become a great emperor! With the previous drop of spiritual liquid and the meaning of this rule, such luck... I can\'t dream!"

Chiyanfeng\'s voice trembled, soared into the air and quickly chased Shen Lang.


When Shen Lang is outside the wilderness and improves his cultivation at an unreasonable speed.

Xuandaozong is also very lively.

Because xuandaozong welcomed two distinguished guests.

Two distinguished guests who could not have been here.

The golden soul with four heads and two ancient golden chariots appeared in the sky of xuandaozong with a terrible smell.

Around the two chariots, there are two towering and huge people who follow the chariots like walking around.

Hearing the roaring sound, all the people in xuandaozong came out of the house and looked up at the sky.

In front of the two golden chariots, there are heterogeneous rhinoceros with huge size at both ends, like a hill. The rhinoceros is golden, as if made of gold, and the strange light in the eyes flickers constantly.

Only such two heads are connected, but with the majestic breath of thousands of animals, the momentum is surging, and the picture shocks the heart, as if it came from ancient time and space.

On both sides of the golden chariot on the left are two women with long swords and silver armor. The terror of the breath is far more than the spirit in front of them, which makes people feel as if they were pinned down by mountains.

On both sides of the golden chariot on the right are two green robed people standing with their hands on their backs. They have an ordinary appearance, but their whole body is wrapped by the rosy clouds and auspicious clouds. They are clearly two guards, but they make people feel like facing ancient emperors!

"The helmsman of the snow region of Jubao Pavilion, pity Ruoshui, and come to visit JiangMo City, the second-class weapon refining master of the quasi emperor of the holy summer region. Please show up and see your excellency Shen Lang."

A gentle but incomparably dignified woman\'s voice resounded through the air of the xuandao sect.

Then, the curtain on the golden chariot on the left opened, and a woman in a long white dress and veil stepped down from the chariot.

The woman\'s walking posture is elegant and dusty. She is as beautiful as an immortal. She stands in the void as if she came down to earth.

Behind her were two kind-hearted elders.

On the chariot on the right, a young man with extraordinary temperament, holding an old man with white hair and beard, walked out slowly.

"The helmsman of the snow area of Jubao pavilion? The second grade weapon refining master of the quasi emperor?"

The whole xuandaozong is boiling!

Wang Wujing, the ancestors of the xuantie sect in Tianxuan mountain, came to xuandaozong together and begged xuandaozong in a low voice, which has made the people of xuandaozong energetic and proud.

Now even the controller of the snow area treasure gathering Pavilion and the second grade weapon refining master of the quasi emperor have come to xuandaozong!

What does this mean?

This shows the power of xuandaozong and the reputation of xuandaozong!

In fact, it should be Shen Lang.

But the strength of Shen Lang, who dares to say that it is not the strength of xuandaozong?

People in xuandaozong were curious and proud to look at all this and whisper.

"Jubao Pavilion is a chamber of commerce with power all over the star mainland. As long as there are people, there are their people. It is huge and mysterious. It has always been begged by major doors. I haven\'t seen them visit some doors so politely? And it\'s even the controller of snow Jubao Pavilion!"

"In addition to the Jubao Pavilion, there are also the second grade weapon refining masters of the quasi emperor! Shit, I\'ve only heard of this level of weapon refining masters. I\'ve never seen anyone alive! The face of our xuandaozong has been so big!"

"You see, I said that younger martial brother Shen Lang was the dragon among people. Now, under his leadership, our xuandaozong has become so powerful that even the second grade weapon refining master of the quasi emperor and the controller of Jubao pavilion have visited in person!"

"Well, I also said that younger martial brother Shen Lang has great talent. He is definitely not an ordinary product in the world. He is definitely not an ordinary product in the world!"

"Shit, I know you. You are Liu Feng of xuelingfeng. You went to songduofeng to make an appointment with Tian Hao. As a result, you were beaten by younger martial brother Shen Lang, and you said you wanted revenge... When did you say younger martial brother Shen Lang was talented?"

"..." Liu Feng said with a stiff neck, "I him, because I was beaten by him, so I know his talent! Do you want to find fault?"

"Shut up! Don\'t you feel ashamed in front of the dignitaries and weapon refining masters in Jubao pavilion? If they hear it, you will lose the face of xuandaozong!"

There was a snickering in the crowd, but the argument didn\'t go on.

In the face of Jubao Pavilion, there are also weapon refining masters such as quasi emperor second grade. Even those old guys from Lingtong sect such as Huanglong sect come, they don\'t dare to trust them.

Not to mention the disciples of xuandaozong.

As a martial artist, I\'m afraid no one doesn\'t know Jubao Pavilion.

Jubao Pavilion is a neutral force that controls the economic lifeline of the star mainland from beginning to end.

Among all kinds of big cities, the largest, fairest and most reassuring auction house is definitely Jubao Pavilion.

As long as there is something in this world, any material, any natural material and local treasure, you can get it from Jubao Pavilion.

Even the legendary dragon scales and even dragon blood have appeared more than once in Jubao Pavilion.

This is a force that covers the whole Terran and demon territory. No one knows how powerful it is.

Anyway, even the strong men of the legendary sect should behave properly when they arrive at the Jubao Pavilion. They absolutely dare not mess around!

According to legend, Jubao pavilion has a very special relationship with the God of war hall.

But no one knows how special it is and where it is.

High above the sky, figures soared up.

A group of people led by Zhuge Xianer appeared in front of the two chariots.