Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1011

"It\'s the five gold chariot of Jubao Pavilion." Yin shanhan looked at the chariot carefully and whispered to Zhuge Xianer\'s mind.

Su Wenxuan, the leader of xuandaozong, who followed on the other side, said: "one of the two behind is lengling, the leader of Jubao Pavilion in tianque city. I have met the other. He is Xiaolang\'s acquaintance in Tianfeng city and Sima Qing, the chief appraisal master of Jubao Pavilion in Tianfeng city."

Su Wenxuan was also familiar with Sima Qing. Shen Lang threw out the prescription of giant medicine in Jubao Pavilion of Tianfeng City, which was identified by Sima Qing.

The prescription was photographed by the young leader of Shengguang sect, but Shen Lang took it back, threw it to Mo Ge and Zilan, and brought it back to xuandao sect.

At that time, a group of old guys in xuandaozong were excited for a while.

Zhuge xian\'er didn\'t speak. He kept smiling and nodded slightly.

She ran the Qi observation formula taught by Shen Lang, and her heart was slightly cold: "the cultivation of the two women on the left is no weaker than the duanmuxie at the beginning. They should look like eight or nine days in the Huangwu territory;"

"The two on the right, just running this formula, pricked my eyes as soon as I checked it. They are definitely the strong ones above the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

However, even if Shen Lang is absent, the rest of the strong quasi emperor Wujing are not in xuandaozong. However, after Shen Lang laid nine holy grain columns and let the seven general of Yanmo guard them, the current xuandaozong is no longer what ordinary strong quasi emperor Wujing can do.

Zhuge xian\'er pinched the Dharma formula, opened a door to the protectorate array, and led the crowd to fly out.

"Little sister Zhuge Xianer, I\'ve seen two predecessors." ZHUGE Xianer gave a modest salute and said, "unfortunately, brother Shen has just gone out and is not in the sect."

"Please come to xuandaozong and have a rest. Xian\'er immediately sent someone to inform eldest brother."

The bearded and white JiangMo city had a long face, snorted coldly, and didn\'t speak.

The weapon refining masters were all of this virtue, and Zhuge Xianer didn\'t think so. He still greeted them with a smile.

The veiled pity Ruoshui smiled, walked to Zhuge Xianer in vain, took Zhuge Xianer\'s hand and said, "Xianer and I are like old friends at first sight. Just call me my sister, senior... But call my sister old."

"If my sister says so, it\'s better to obey orders than to be respectful." ZHUGE xian\'er smiled and said.

Just then, the young man in Chinese clothes holding JiangMo city showed a trace of mockery at the corners of his mouth.

He looked at the noisy people of xuandao sect below with a little disgust, and a sentence came out of his mouth: "doesn\'t it mean that xuandao sect has a strong quasi emperor martial mirror? Why, when a master of refining utensils like my great grandfather came, he not only disappeared Shen Lang, but also sent some guys like you to meet him?"

"Is this your way of hospitality?"

Before Zhuge Xianer and others spoke, the young man sneered and said, "hehe, xuandao sect is just a xuantie sect. Even if there is a strong quasi emperor martial mirror, it still can\'t take off the shell of xuantie sect. It\'s broken, but it has to pose as an explosive family. It\'s disgusting."

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was silent.

All the faces of xuandaozong are black.

I thought he came to the door for Shen Lang\'s fame.

It looks like they came here to give alms to xuandaozong!

It\'s not good!

Lianruoshui\'s eyes flashed and his face showed an unhappy color. He forced himself to introduce Zhuge Xianer with a smile and said, "this is the great grandson of master JiangMo city. His name is Jiang Feng. He is a famous genius in the holy summer region and the talent of heaven."

Like his great grandfather, Jiang Feng said, "you can call me fengshao."

Jiang Feng\'s appearance is only twenty-three or four, his temperament is dusty, and his breath is very strong, which is no weaker than the strong emperor\'s martial arts such as hidden mountain cold.

Although this person is the talent of Tianzong, he looks swaggering, with disdain and ridicule in his eyes. He doesn\'t hide it at all, but he makes the people of xuandaozong sneer in their hearts.

Lianruoshui is the controller of the treasure gathering Pavilion of the 18 countries in the snow region. He is in a high position and is very polite to Zhuge Xianer and others. Xuandaozong naturally treats him with courtesy;

But which onion is Jiang Feng?

Dare you run to xuandaozong to be wild?

Zhuge xian\'er just glanced at Jiang Feng and said to Lian Ruoshui with a smile, "my sister is coming all the way. It\'s hard to travel. Let\'s go down to have a cup of tea with my little sister first."

"Sister Lao xian\'er." Lian Ruoshui was very polite.

On the other side, Jiang Feng was very angry: "what a woman who doesn\'t know whether to live or die, who dares to ignore me because of the cultivation of Wang Wujing?"

As soon as Zhuge Xianer turned around, he was ready to take the people down.

However, JiangMo city on the side of Jiangfeng coughed, looked coldly at Yinshan and said, "the tool refiner is the most noble existence in this world. Any powerful force can\'t make us bow down!"

"Your weapon yuan sect is the most powerful weapon refining sect in the snow area. It has a reputation and represents the faces of all weapon refining masters in the snow area... It\'s a shame to be subdued by force!"

"It\'s a joke in the refining world!"

"You bastards! It\'s good to appear in front of me?"

"..." the faces of Yin Shan Han and his disciples all elongated, like a donkey.

Yinshan Han is a descendant after all. Although they are known as dominating the snow area, their real grade is the first and second grade weapon refining masters at the imperial level.

And this JiangMo city is a thorough master of the second product of the quasi emperor.

In this world, it is absolutely rare for the quasi emperor to master the second product of refining utensils.

Yinshan Han four people, compared with JiangMo City, are really one in the sky and the other in the earth.

There is no comparability at all.

Hidden mountain cold several people want to explain a few words, but they can\'t speak at all.

Because there are many things about Shen Lang, about annihilating shenlei, and about the emergence of the ancestor of the Qiyuan sect, these are hard to say.

Even if you want to say it, it\'s not clear in a word or two.

What\'s more, if the old man can listen, it\'s just a matter of two words.

Yinshan Han\'s faces turned red one by one, angry and angry.

Who knows, when JiangMo city saw the faces of several people in Yinshan, it thought that the four people were "ashamed" by themselves, so it was more energetic.

He didn\'t see the pity on the side. Ruo Shui kept winking at him, spitting and continued to point out: "the dignity of the master can\'t be trampled on. You people are willing to be shenlang running dogs. It\'s a shame for all the master smelters. I can\'t even lift my head!"

Yin shanhan looks at JiangMo city. NIMA can\'t lift her head? You have your nose in the air, okay!

JiangMo city was trembling, and the crutches in his hand almost pointed to Yinshan Han\'s nose: "even if Shen Lang\'s force is strong, can it be stronger than the strong ones of the legendary clan? You are so easy to be accepted, and you are ashamed of the ancestor of Qi Yuan!"

"You don\'t deserve to be a tool refiner!"

"It\'s the first time I\'ve seen a tool refiner like you for thousands of years. I\'m angry!"

The faces of several people in Yinshan cold changed from white to green, from green to red, and then from red to black.

For a smelter, "not worthy to be a smelter" is the biggest and most uncomfortable insult!

If someone says such a thing to a tool refiner in other places, the relationship between the two sides is basically endless!

Although Yinshan Han has a good temper, he is on the verge of violent walking when he hears about it.

As for the others of xuandaozong, listening to these words, they all looked bad and had the impulse to strangle the old man JiangMo city.

However, he is a quasi second-class master of refining utensils. Regardless of his status, he respects and cultivates highly. Even the two quasi emperor martial mirror guards he wears are not what xuandaozong can deal with now.

Unless duanmuxie or the king of Yanmo comes back, there is really no one here in xuandaozong who can deal with such a strong quasi imperial martial mirror.

Gu Yue of Yaowang valley was a little gloating. He secretly winked at Yinshan Han. As a result, he was seen by JiangMo city

JiangMo City threw a word, which made Gu Yue\'s face look like a donkey: "your medicine King Valley is not a good thing! I heard that Shen Lang cut your protector\'s array twice, so he moved here. It\'s a shame to be a herbalist!"

"You are worse than qiyuanzong!"

"Yes... This old devil!" Gu Yue was so popular that if he couldn\'t beat the old guy, I\'m afraid he would have a fight with him directly.

One side of the pity if water, hurriedly persuaded two words, this just let JiangMo city not continue.

But that old face was as long as everyone owed him 200 spirit stones.

Pity if water is also very helpless.

JiangMo city was not invited by her, but a master of refining utensils sent from above to the snow area. After hearing that she was coming to xuandaozong, she followed directly regardless of her opposition.

As a pity like water, I can\'t control him at all.

As a matter of fact, even if a higher-level figure of Jubao Pavilion arrives, he can only persuade this eccentric weapon refining master with good words, and there is no other way.

JiangMo City blamed qiyuanzong, turned around and began to blame Yaowang valley.

After blaming Yaowang Valley, he finally targeted xuandaozong and pulled Shen Lang!

The people from Mingming Jubao Pavilion came here to talk about cooperation with Shen Lang.

But the old man of JiangMo city and his Zeng sun Jiangfeng offended xuandaozong to death!

It\'s like looking for xuandaozong to fight!

Rao is a long sleeved dancer like Lian Ruoshui. In the face of this embarrassing situation and this strange tempered and worldly master, he also has a great headache.

If lianruoshui doesn\'t have a veil on his face, it is estimated that his face exposed in front of the public should be the same as Yinshan Han. He can open a dyeing workshop together.

In this way, JiangMo city seemed to feel that it was not enough. The crutch pointed to Yin shanhan\'s nose and said, "you are not qualified to be a tool refiner, and you are not qualified to have the title of \'tool refiner\'

"I\'ll go to the snow region weapon smelter guild later and cancel all your weapon smelter\'s grades!"

This remark surprised the whole audience!

What JiangMo city said before was also very ugly, but it can be understood as a master of refining tools who hated iron but not steel and scolded his younger generation.

But the last sentence is to kill Yinshan Han and others!

It\'s very serious to say that several people in Yinshan don\'t deserve to be a tool refiner.

I have to go to the smelter\'s Union to cancel their smelter\'s grade. This is to make them completely unable to mix in the smelter industry and ruin their reputation!

The old ghost not only speaks badly, but also wants to kill all?

For a tool refiner with strong self-esteem, it\'s almost more painful than killing him!

The disciples of xuandao, who had a very bad face, all looked cold