Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1009

Shen Lang\'s right hand is shrouded in a circle of chaotic light. His palm is obviously not very thick, but it gives people a feeling of blocking out the sky and the sun!

The void seemed to shake!

The wind swept, creeping towards both sides, the air surging, and the divine light was startling!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, there is a faint roar of Kirin, which makes people palpitate and scared!


The bare stone mountain more than ten miles ahead was completely annihilated with a bang!

There is no collapse or fragmentation. The whole stone mountain is completely turned into powder in a moment!

In the strong wind, the powder all over the sky was swept by the wind and disappeared without a trace.

The stone mountain disappeared completely, leaving a flat blank area.

It seems that there has never been a towering stone mountain here!

Shen Lang\'s claw

It\'s really like the hand of the demon God, picking the stars, taking the moon, destroying the sky and the earth!

Perhaps other quasi emperor Wujing eight or nine strong men can do this.

But who can be so relaxed?

Who can crush such a huge stone mountain without causing any movement?

The strength revealed by Shen Lang\'s casual grasp is completely beyond the power of the prospective emperor\'s martial mirror!

Obviously, he was very casual and didn\'t show much power, but the destructiveness made the chiyanfeng, who was a Kirin, stunned;

Obviously, it\'s just a simple grasp, but it implies the meaning of rules, which people can\'t resist or resist!

The chiyanfeng opened his eyes, looked at everything in front of him, felt the horror of this grasp, and was speechless.

And here

Shen Lang felt the full power of his whole body. The surging chaotic power in each of the ten divine beast particles in his body took a deep breath with great satisfaction.

Immediately, the glazed body began to change.

All kinds of gods converged into the body, and the treasure light disappeared.

Shen Lang returned to his normal appearance.

However, the divine light released from his eyes seemed to be the divine king overlooking all living beings. When chiyanfeng first came into contact, he was still almost scared to lose his mind!

"After absorbing a drop of Kirin\'s blood essence, the chaotic divine body, as Li Su said, has really awakened. From then on, the rise of cultivation will be much higher than in the past. Even if I don\'t do anything and don\'t use rosefinch divine fire or evil energy to forge the body, the ten divine beast particles are still produced at a terrible speed."

"And now every ten divine beast particle produced, because the Kirin virtual shadow has been realized, and its power is thousands of times that of the past!"

"No wonder Li Su said that there were only two chaotic gods in the sky and on the earth. Even the gods and Demons coveted the chaotic gods!"

Shen Lang shook his hands gently. After a while, his muscles and bones roared together and made a terrible sound!

This is because Shen Lang has just made great progress in cultivation and can\'t accurately control the power in his body.

"The power of chaos above the power of gods and Demons has begun to show its terror... If you use the same power of chaos, its power is more than a thousand times that of ordinary spiritual power?"

"It seems that the change after getting the green dragon\'s blood essence at that time is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two."

"The chaotic God body is really expected... Before, it just felt that it might surpass the great emperor. Now, it seems that the previous view is still too short-sighted."

"The chaotic divine body itself has been above the great emperor. It has stood on the starting line of gods and demons from the beginning."

At this time, Shen Lang felt a wisp of power and drifted away from the chaotic divine power.

That power is the power of the heavenly demon from Li Su, a member of the heavenly crocodile family!

In the past, this power was integrated with the chaotic divine power. When Shen Lang used the chaotic divine power, the power of the heavenly demon was excited at the same time.

So in the past, when Shen Lang urged the chaotic power, his body would be covered with a layer of scales.

However, after yumudong blessed land, with the vigorous growth of chaotic gods, the power of heavenly demons has begun to retreat to the back line.

Now, after the real awakening of the chaotic God body, the chaotic divine power becomes more pure, so this power of the heavenly demon is naturally excluded.

Chaotic power can absorb and then integrate the power of gods and demons.

"Li Su comes from the demon world and is himself a demon God."

"The power of the demon on this day is even more powerful than the power of the devil!"

"No wonder my chaotic God can easily absorb the divine power of the heavenly devil, but the Demon power remains in my body today."

"But now my chaotic God body is really awakened and has grown to this point. Now it should be no problem to absorb the power of this day\'s demon... Well, try to completely absorb the power of this day\'s demon and let the chaotic God body grow again!"

Shen Lang did it when he thought of it. He immediately urged the chaotic God body and began to pull the demon force into the tens of millions of ten divine beast particles that day!

When the power of the heavenly demon in Shen Lang\'s body tumbles into the ten divine beast particles

A breath more terrible than Kirin was released from him!

It is said that in the demon world, there was a war with the demon dragon family, but the smell of crocodiles did not fall down. With a bang, it swept the whole audience!

Even if chiyanfeng is one of the ten divine beasts, when he feels the terrible breath, he will fly back without saying a word!

Shen Lang absorbed a drop of Kirin\'s blood essence and could be transformed into a Kirin. What he used was chaotic divine power. That incarnation was the Kirin God!

Now, Shen Lang has absorbed the power of the heavenly demon transformed from Li Su\'s blood essence and has begun to transform into a heavenly crocodile!

The heavenly crocodile with chaotic divine power, this is the crocodile God!

Even if chiyanfeng is a Kirin, he is not a demon after all.

Under the gods, there are ants!

At the moment, the chiyanfeng feels like kneeling down to worship again!

"Ha ha ha, that\'s true!" Shen Lang smiled!

Immediately, a heartbreaking roar came from Shen Lang\'s mouth: "roar!"

A white giant crocodile with a length of 50 feet immediately appeared and rose into the air!

Then, the crocodile suddenly wagged its tail in the air and pulled it towards the northwest!

The sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and a virtual shadow of the crocodile\'s tail immediately swept off the peak in one direction in the northwest!

The mountains collapsed and the wind swept!

The power of this sweep is more than twice as powerful as the Kirin avatar just now!

However, it only absorbed the power of the heavenly demon completely, and the chaotic God body grew up again!

In an instant, the breath of Shen waves felt by the ChiYan wind has reached the peak of the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

"My God, what happened... The secret of big brother is too terrible?" chiyanfeng kept swallowing and looked at it unbelievably.

Chiyanfeng has never heard that there are people in the world who practice and advance so quickly!

Even if Shen Lang\'s previous accomplishments and identity are not trivial, after all, he himself said... Reincarnation.

Reincarnation, reincarnation and reconstruction can\'t talk about the quasi emperor martial mirror. At this time, do you still go up?

This makes it difficult for other strong people who can\'t break through after thousands of years of cultivation?

Above the sky, the giant crocodile closed his eyes.

Shen Lang is feeling the benefits of the Demon power that day.

But he didn\'t know that the roar of crocodiles had spread far away, which had frightened the people in the main gates of Tianxuan mountain!

The roar of a unicorn is completely different from that of an alligator.

Anyone can hear the difference and know that it comes from different fierce animals.

But although the voice is different, it is the same horror!

"God, how come there\'s another one? It\'s just that the sound wave is like a wave sweeping through and swallowing everything!"

"Such a fierce thing, if it comes to Tianxuan mountain... It will be the end of Tianxuan mountain!"

"One came out before and made us all want to cry. Now there\'s another... Is the end really coming?"

"We can\'t go on like this. Go to xuandaozong. We all go to xuandaozong to find Shen lang. we must ask for less action, otherwise there will be no peace!"

Originally, when hearing the voice of Kirin, the main doors thought that xuandaozong knew it, so although they were worried at first, they were relieved later, and there was no movement.

But now another one comes out, and the people in all the main doors can\'t help it anymore.

In addition to the ancestors who followed duanmuxie to sweep away the wilderness, several old guys left behind in each large sect left the sect door one after another and came towards the xuandao sect!

In any case, they have to ask Shen Lang to do it.

Otherwise, I will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future. I don\'t know how hard it will be

If such a terrible beast goes out of the wilderness and overturns two or three times, it will have to turn the whole Tianxuan mountain upside down!

If two people go to the wild to fight, Tianxuan mountain will bear the brunt. Unfortunately, these people who belong to the door will still be unlucky.

These two unknown and terrible beasts are much stronger than those demons and monsters before!


In the middle of the wilderness, when the crocodile wandered in the air and the red wind below was stunned.

In the sad swamp of Fenghuang mountain, tens of thousands of miles away from Shen Lang, an equally white sky crocodile rose into the sky!

That day, the crocodile was one size smaller than Shen Lang\'s incarnation, but the breath released was not much weaker than Shen Lang!

As if in response to the Shen wave, the crocodile roared out in the wild direction over the sad swamp that day!

Immediately, the crocodile moved and turned into a young woman.

It was the one who helped Shen Lang awaken the chaotic divine body and recognized Shen Lang as his brother... Tiancrocodile family, Li Su!

"First the voice of the unicorn, then the smell of the crocodile. It\'s really my brother! Did he... Succeed? Did he really get the blood essence of the unicorn?"

Li Su was suspended in the void, his eyes were a little red, and muttered to himself, "if my brother succeeds, the day when I see my parents... Is not far away?"

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