Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1008

When chiyanfeng was surprised, Shen Lang didn\'t know what was happening outside.

At this time, he has fallen into the realm of selflessness and impermanence.

When the chaotic spirit absorbed the blood essence of the unicorn and made earth shaking changes, Shen Lang knew the heavenly book in the center of the sea and slowly moved.

The mysterious law of death contained in the blood essence of Kirin is difficult for even the emperor of Kirin to find and understand.

However, under the operation of the heavenly book, it was stripped out in a trace, forming strange golden characters, and then gathered towards the book that day!

Today\'s Tianshu has long been integrated with Shen Lang, and what appears in the sea is just an incarnation.

The book of heaven absorbing the law of death is the same as Shen Lang absorbing the law of death.

Although there are few death rules in the blood essence of Kirin, and they are mysterious and difficult to understand.

However, after absorbing these, the book planted a seed of "death law" in Shen Lang\'s mind!

When this seed grows, the profound meaning of the law will continue to appear, grow, and then be absorbed by Shen waves!

The book of heaven is Shen Lang, which really guides a direction to the avenue of heaven and earth!

When Shen Lang realized this, he began to slowly converge.

And a terrible breath of death began to disperse

The Qi of death spread from a trace of death law on the blood essence of Kirin.

The ChiYan wind was just a little stunned, and the brush had been shrouded in it by the surging breath of death!

With the spread of the artistic conception of death, chiyanfeng\'s eyes stare bigger and bigger!

The artistic conception of death, when it first appeared, was obviously just a state of understanding, but in a few seconds, it went crazy, increased ten times and a hundred times, and became a small realm!

An artistic conception is divided into such levels: primary comprehension state, Xiaocheng state, medium-term state, Dacheng state and peak state.

There is a world of difference between each class.

Compared with ordinary martial arts, the gap between the realms is much larger.

And it\'s not hard to make a successful breakthrough.

When Shen Lang just released the artistic conception of death, chiyanfeng felt it clearly. Shen Lang\'s artistic conception of death has never been understood for long.

Even he can feel the chaos and strangeness of the artistic conception of death.

However, Shen Lang didn\'t even have a familiar time. With the spread of this artistic conception, he reached the state of Xiaocheng in a short time!

You know, the body of chiyanfeng is a Kirin. Kirin is born from chaos, but the body contains the law of death!

And until now, the artistic conception of death is just a small realm!

After eating a drop of Kirin\'s blood essence, Shen Lang directly broke through the state of just understanding the artistic conception of death to Xiaocheng?

And it seems more pure and powerful than the artistic conception of death!

Chiyanfeng\'s two eyes are almost protruding!

Is it so easy to break through the artistic conception?

Unicorn blood essence, is it so abnormal and so terrible?

Even chiyanfeng himself can\'t believe it!

However, chiyanfeng thought about Shen Lang\'s previous identity and was suddenly relieved

Chiyanfeng didn\'t know that Shen Lang actually understood the artistic conception of death to the realm of Xiaocheng?

Shen Lang had already passed through the artistic conception of death, and then went to the field of death to turn around, then went up to the death rule to leave a mark, and finally ran to the infinite death rule to "look into the distance" for a long time!

He has simply done what countless strong people can\'t dream of.

Heaven and earth Avenue, in front of him, rough into a smooth road!

Nowadays, although Shen Lang\'s artistic conception of death seems to be a small realm, it has a faint breath of domain.

If it is used, even the strong who has the medium-term realm of death artistic conception can only be slaughtered!

Just then, the artistic conception of death suddenly dissipated.

Shen Lang, who has been closing his eyes tightly, opens his eyes suddenly!

In the center of his eyebrows, a crystal formed by the condensation of the breath of death appeared.

Under the condition that chiyanfeng had no time to respond, that little crystal slipped into his mind from the forehead of chiyanfeng!

Chiyanfeng suddenly felt dizzy and looked in a trance!

"Concentrate on one, fully understand it, and then absorb it!"

This is Shen Lang\'s effort to condense a wisp of rules!

If there is no heavenly script in hand, if you want to do this, it will be possible only after reaching the realm of the great emperor!

Even if you have reached the realm of the great emperor, doing this kind of thing is very expensive.

But Shen Lang has the heavenly book in his hand. He uses the heavenly book to condense the meaning of the rules that can be understood by others. No matter it is cultivation or divine consciousness, there is no consumption of cultivation at all!

This time, Shen Lang condensed two strands of the meaning of the rules containing the rules of death.

One of them directly entered the mind of chiyanfeng;

Another strand, forming a small gray crystal, was thrown into the fengtianding and hung more than 100 meters away from the yuan force fragment.

Within the sealed Tianding, because of the original Yuanli fragments and the Yanmo legion, Shen Lang has already arranged multiple arrays and cut off the positions one by one.

Shen Lang gave chiyanfeng a good fortune, and also gave all the warwolf members in fengtianding a good fortune.

After obtaining the blood essence of the unicorn, Shen Lang sows a seed of the "law of death" in his body;

Shen Lang now condenses two strands of death gas to help chiyanfeng and warwolf members sow a seed of "death rules"!

Although the rule of death is not comparable to the law of death, for these people, their future achievements are unlimited!

As for how much these people can get, it all depends on their personal qualifications.

As a member of more than 1000 war wolves, some people may not understand much in their life;

Someone may become a great power in less than a year or two.

When chiyanfeng closes his eyes to understand the meaning of this rule

The bubble on Shen Lang\'s head suddenly retracted into his body, leaving only a huge Unicorn!

Finally, Shen Lang\'s body suddenly shook and turned into a unicorn, which became one with the unicorn in the air!


The golden light shines everywhere. The real holy beast Qilin rushes straight into the sky and roars!

"..." chiyanfeng trembled all over.

Although he was absorbed and aware, he felt the smell of Unicorn around him clearly!

This feeling

Just like a compatriot appeared in front of him!

Shen Lang just swallowed a unicorn blood essence. How can he really become a unicorn?

Moreover, the breath released is not ordinary Kirin, but like... Like the king of Kirin!

No, it\'s not the king of Kirin, it\'s the God of Kirin!

The legendary demon God who commands the Kirin family!

If he wasn\'t afraid of being scolded, chiyanfeng might have opened his eyes to see what happened.


The second roar came out of Shen Lang\'s mouth.

On the void, there were terrible powerful waves, like waves, sweeping away in the distance.

Shen Lang spent five hours arranging a large array, which was destroyed in an instant!

All the people at the main gates of Tianxuan mountain came out and looked up in the direction of Shen Lang, with a look of horror on their faces!

"It\'s terrible. What\'s the sound? Is it a fierce beast coming out of the wilderness?"

"It doesn\'t feel like an ordinary fierce beast, but like a legendary divine beast... This breath makes people feel like kneeling and worshipping!"

"With this roar, I\'m afraid even the Mithril sect door can be uprooted. What should we do if we come to Tianxuan mountain?"

"Send the information to xuandaozong and langshao... No, no, you must have heard such a terrible roar from xuandaozong!"

"If this is really a fierce beast rushing out of the wilderness, I\'m afraid only xuandaozong can resist it!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is a xuandaozong in Tianxuan mountain. Fortunately, there is a Shen wave in xuandaozong!"

People from all major departments talked and trembled.

In these people\'s speculation, it is because of the ancient Yin Qi, and the powerful and fierce beasts in the wilderness have also been born.

But I never thought it had something to do with Shen Lang.

With that strength, Shen Lang roared for the second time, then fell down again and turned into a human shape.

Shen Lang, who fell down, raised his hands and looked. He saw that his hands were like glass, glittering and translucent, surrounded by divine light and shining into the sky.

You can clearly see the flow of Qi and blood like the Yangtze River without even urging any skill or mind.

You can also clearly see the bones emitting treasure light one by one.

He has been left aside without much cultivation. Unexpectedly, he jumped from the triple heaven of Wang Wujing to the six heaven of Wang Wujing.

However, Shen Lang didn\'t care about the cultivation of Wang Wujing.

With the memory of emperor Zhan in his mind and the Tai Chi diagram in his body, if he is willing, it is easy to break through the quasi emperor martial mirror.

What Shen Lang is most curious about and cares about is the chaotic divine body and his understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth.

Now, it\'s only half a day, but it just swallowed a drop of Unicorn blood essence. There have been earth shaking changes in Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body and the perception of heaven!

This change is not only the leap of cultivation to the state of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror around the seventh heaven, but also the unimaginable growth of the chaotic divine body and the information of the law of death absorbed by the book of heaven!

The chaotic divine body is really awakened. Even if Shen Lang does nothing, the ten divine beast particles awakened in the body are dozens of times higher than before swallowing the blood essence of Kirin!

Even if it is used for thousands of miles a day, it is not enough to explain the speed of Shen Lang\'s cultivation improvement now!

The law of death information received by the book of heaven is something that is difficult for even the God King and demon lord of heaven and the demon world to touch!

Shen Lang, who is still in the human world, is already trying to go to the peak of the gods

Death artistic conception to death field, death field to death rules, death rules to death rules.

This is something that other martial arts strongmen dare not think of. Shen Lang has begun to do now and has seen the scenery ahead!

Shen Lang looked at Gu Jing bubo with his right hand gently toward a bare Stone Mountain in front of him!

This catch, the whole world seems to be dark