Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1007

Shen Lang needs Qilin\'s blood essence for the sake of chaos.

However, with such a casual question, I knew that there was something in Kirin

"So, once the blood essence is swallowed, it can not only make unimaginable qualitative changes in the chaotic God body, but also peel off the law of death in the blood essence with the heavenly book!"

"Even if it\'s just a little bit, even if the law doesn\'t even feel or realize by Kirin himself... But with the heavenly book in hand and the Tai Chi diagram in hand, I can certainly make rapid progress through this law!"

"In the future, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Immediately, Shen Lang was stunned: "wait!"

"The demon temple is looking for the top ten divine beasts all over the world. Is it the same purpose?"

"In addition to the blood ancestor, does it mean that the Lord of the demon temple also has a heavenly book!"

"Old man Gufeng said that the blood ancestor had the \'blood god atlas\' at the head of the nine heavenly books, but he said that the blood ancestor was not the biggest threat in the world, the biggest threat in the world, and even the biggest threat in hundreds of millions of small worlds was\' ultimate fear\'!"

"The power of ultimate fear... It takes four of the nine heavenly books, plus five heavenly soldiers to gather the number of 99, so there is a glimmer of hope to solve this difficulty!"

"It seems that at least one heavenly book exists in the so-called \'ultimate fear\'..."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and forced himself not to think about it.

He stood up and said, "Yanfeng, go out with me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Shen wave had risen to the sky.

Chiyanfeng followed.

When they left xuandaozong, they flew in the wild direction at the fastest speed. They didn\'t stop until they left xuandaozong for more than 300 miles.

After getting the heavenly book that time, even the strong outside the country were alarmed, Shen Lang was much more cautious this time.

Without the nine holy stripe pillars in hand, Shen Lang arranged three linked arrays separately to hide the breath.

To this end, it took more than five hours.

After arranging the array, Shen Lang spread his palm and revealed the amber Unicorn blood essence.

"You help me protect the law."

With this, Shen Lang sat down cross legged.


Chiyanfeng saw that Shen Lang said so solemnly and tossed about the array for a long time. He was like a great enemy. He turned his wrist and took out a magic weapon like a square sky painted halberd.

Then released a powerful mind, enveloping the region thousands of miles around!

Monsters within a thousand miles feel the unpredictable power of Kirin. They crawl on the ground all the time and dare not even move!

At this time, Shen Lang raised his palm and swallowed the amber Unicorn blood essence!

As soon as the Kirin\'s blood essence entered Shen Lang\'s body, a powerful force of heaven rushed out of Shen Lang\'s body with golden light and bone text!

Then, Shen Lang\'s body was shrouded in a chaotic spirit, and his muscles and bones roared together, sending out the sonorous sound of powerful divine soldiers.

The most powerful and holy breath sweeps out, frightens people\'s soul, dominates all ages, and the wind and cloud turns pale!

Even the red wind was scared back!

At the same time, a huge bubble came out of Shen Lang\'s head.

In that bubble, ten divine beasts appeared one by one.

In particular, the unicorn is not only gorgeous in color and can see its hair clearly, but also has smart eyes and flexible body. It seems that... It has come back to life!

As soon as this bubble appeared, a terrible smell of chaos spread around.

Whether it is the nearby mountains, rocks or vegetation, they are rolled into ash in an instant!

"Oh, my God... What power is this? Why is it so terrible? Is this the power of gods and demons? Why is it many times stronger than the power of gods and demons of the two men who attacked me by xuandaozong? Even the power of Kirin can\'t resist in front of me, can\'t resist!"

The scaring of chiyanfeng is no small matter!

Seeing the breath of the chaotic spirit spreading out, chiyanfeng moved and withdrew a hundred feet outside before he dared to stop!

The ten great beasts were born out of chaos.

Even these divine beasts in the human world contain a trace of law in chaos.

Therefore, the power of the ten divine beasts is the power closest to the power of gods and demons!

But such power, in front of this chaotic power, is not surprising!

Chiyanfeng doesn\'t know what chaos power is, but he can vaguely feel that it\'s definitely not an ordinary power of gods and demons!

Anyway, the war emperor is a Terran after all. A Terran releases such terrible power of gods and demons, which makes chiyanfeng\'s worship of him to an unprecedented level!


At this time, Shen Lang closed his eyes and was observing and feeling everything in his body.

As soon as the unicorn\'s blood essence entered his body, it turned into thousands of light spots, covering his whole body!

Where the countless light spots passed, the ordinary particles immediately seemed to be guided and showed the virtual shadow of the ten divine beasts!

At the same time, among the ten divine beast particles that have been born, each one comes out with dazzling golden light!

The Kirin virtual shadow inside, after absorbing this light, changes from virtual to real!

Each of the ten divine beast particles has completely changed after the Kirin\'s virtual shadow has changed from virtual to real.

Become chaotic, full of divine power, dazzling light, King Kong is not bad!

Not to mention that countless ten divine beast particles are still being produced rapidly, but after the Kirin virtual shadow in the original ten divine beast particles becomes alive, Shen Lang is so happy that he wants to roar!

Shen Lang can clearly feel that the strength has been greatly improved after the Kirin virtual shadow on each ten divine beast particle becomes alive!

He even felt that the ten divine beast particles had come alive... As if they were his separate body!

You can practice alone and grow!

In Shen Lang\'s body, there are more than a million or ten million divine beast particles now?

Long ago, Shen Lang probably guessed that after absorbing the blood essence of ten divine beasts, the chaotic divine body would undergo qualitative change.

There will be terrible changes.

But feeling this change, Shen Lang is still a little incredible!

After practicing together, you have the memory of the emperor of war, the Tai Chi diagram, and the fragments of Yuan force, it\'s no problem to rise two or three - levels in a short time.

But now the growth of this strength, where is two or three - levels so simple?

At first, Li Su\'s crocodile blood essence awakened the chaotic God, but she said that this was not the real awakening of the chaotic God.

The real awakening is to awaken the blood essence of ten gods and beasts and awaken the particles of ten gods and beasts!

Now Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body is the real awakening!

From today on, even if the energy of this drop of Kirin blood essence is completely consumed, Shen Lang\'s cultivation will be ten times faster than the original speed, a hundred times faster!

Because every ten divine beast particle starts to awaken and can spontaneously start to practice!

It\'s like that a strong person has hundreds of millions of separated bodies, and hundreds of millions of separated bodies begin to cultivate themselves, and finally gather the results of cultivation on the self!

The kylin shadow on the ten divine beast particles is becoming clearer and clearer.

A breath of destruction was released from Shen Lang, and the red wind in the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror could not stand it again. In shock, there was another crazy retreat!

Chiyanfeng clenched the magic weapon with both hands. He was originally helping Shen Lang protect the Dharma. At the moment, he turned into a magic weapon and tried his best to resist the terror released by Shen Lang!

"Well... What happened? It\'s just a drop of my UNICORN blood essence. How could such a big change happen?"

"Does kylin blood essence have such a great effect? I\'ve never heard of it!"

Chiyanfeng didn\'t understand all this at all.

Shen Lang in front of him, not only his breath soared, but also brilliant, as if... As if he were a real demon!

No, it seems more terrible than the gods and demons!

Although the blood essence of the divine beast contains the unpredictable power of the divine beast, strictly speaking, it is only one thousandth or even one thousandth of the power of the divine beast.

For example, if this drop of blood essence of chiyanfeng is swallowed by other strong people, it may not be much better than a high-grade pill.

After all, the power contained in it is not the whole of chiyanfeng, but a very small part.

Moreover, the blood essence of divine animals is not something that ordinary people can swallow.

The violent innate energy in the divine beast blood essence may break the meridians of the strong Terran at the first time.

But after Shen Lang swallowed the blood essence of the unicorn, he not only didn\'t see any harm, but the cultivation was still climbing wildly!

Under the induction of the red hot wind, Shen Lang completely released his breath. His accomplishments changed from the second heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to the third heaven, then the fourth heaven and the fifth heaven! Six heavens! Seven days!

In just over half an hour, Shen Lang\'s breath has climbed to the seven heaven realm of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Even if this kind of thing is spread, I\'m afraid no one believes it.

This is completely impossible!

However, as the ChiYan wind of the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, I feel it clearly and will never mistake this breath!

What chiyanfeng doesn\'t understand is that he is the seventh heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and he himself is the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. However, in the face of Shen Lang, he has a feeling of being heartbroken and wants to kneel down and kowtow!

Moreover, there is no idea of resistance at all!

Even chiyanfeng has a little insight in his heart. Whether he is the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor martial mirror or the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor martial mirror, Shen Lang won\'t spend much effort to kill him!

It seems that the one sitting here cross legged is not Shen Lang, but a real "God"!

Only a real demon can make Kirin, one of the divine beasts, want to worship!

"I don\'t know if the eldest brother can directly break through the imperial martial mirror by swallowing a drop of blood essence... The world is crazy! I\'m afraid the eldest brother is the only one who has changed - state in the sky and the earth!" chiyanfeng swallowed his saliva and thought.

With Yuanli fragments in hand, the body is still a Kirin, but the cultivation growth rate of chiyanfeng is almost day by day compared with that of Shen Lang!