Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1006

When chiyanfeng was worried about his father, Shen Langyou said, "a man who even dared to calculate, and had planned for thousands of years... If your father hadn\'t been persistent in your mother\'s hatred, why hasn\'t his cultivation broken through the imperial martial mirror so far?"

"Sometimes hatred can indeed become the motivation of martial arts cultivation, but for strong people at this level, cultivation can no longer be improved by hard work or efforts. If controlled by hatred, cultivation will only stagnate and it is difficult to make progress..."

"Moreover, although you were in a violent state before, your breath was extremely unstable... You shouldn\'t be in this situation when you have been around Yuanli fragments for thousands of years and received the power of endless thunder."

"As I expected, your father should have put other things on you, and then this time, when he took away the killing armor, he took it by the way, didn\'t he?"

Chiyanfeng nodded and said, "brother, I expected nothing wrong. Before I got the killing armor, my father gave me a drop of blood essence and stored it in my body... I always thought he was afraid of something wrong with me and wanted to lend me some strength..."

"Now it seems that this is only part of his plan."

"This drop of blood essence is in my body, and then I have been on the edge of Yuanli fragments for thousands of years, which is equivalent to his separate body practicing on the edge of Yuanli fragments for thousands of years."

"At the same time, I can\'t collect this drop of blood essence, but in my body, it is constantly absorbing my strength and becoming stronger."

"So when I finally took away the killing armor, Dad took back the blood essence."

"And I am extremely weak."

Shen Lang nodded: "that\'s it. With his strength and this strength, I\'m afraid half of his foot has stepped into the imperial martial mirror. It\'s only a matter of time to really advance the imperial martial mirror."

"Then the evil spirit of killing armor is weakened by more than half. Even if he wears killing armor, he won\'t be demonized again."

"Now he, wearing this killing armor, should be able to maintain his sanity. You don\'t have to worry too much."

Chiyanfeng red his eyes and nodded.

Shen Lang added, "the only thing I don\'t understand is what he planned to do all this for?"

"He said he wanted to avenge your mother before, but what he is doing now seems not so simple."

"Because he already knew the power and terror of the demon temple, and he must also know that even if he achieved the emperor\'s martial mirror and even the great emperor\'s martial realm, it would be difficult to revenge in a short time."

"The best way is to join hands with me and fight against the demon temple with the help of the power of the God of war hall, rather than putting on the killing armor and escaping into the devil\'s way alone."

"And it is clear that the yuan force fragment can make him stronger. If he takes it away and uses the killing armor, he can absorb and refine this yuan force fragment in the shortest time."

"But he left it to us. It doesn\'t make sense... Since he left it to us, it shows that he may not need this yuan force fragment for the time being."

"There should be a secret on the killing armor."

Chiyanfeng asked, "what\'s the secret? I can\'t figure out why my father did this..."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "the killing armor is a magic armor handed down from the upper world in ancient times. It is said that there are ten pairs, scattered in hundreds of millions of small worlds. In the history of the star continent, there have been two pairs at the same time, and there have been two killing masters long ago."

"Each of these killing armor is incomparably powerful. It is far from being able to deal with the heavenly weapons or even the top ten Heavenly weapons in the human world."

"Wearing this killing armor can absorb any kind of energy and convert it into magic Qi and killing Qi."

"Once this thing comes out, the whole world will set off a bloody storm."

"In history, there have been two people wearing killing armor who claim to be the master of killing and control killing. Both of them have the power to destroy heaven and earth."

"According to the current inference, I\'m afraid your father went to the killing Lord."

"But I haven\'t figured out what the relationship between the killing Lord and the demon temple is."

Chiyanfeng said bitterly, "the master of killing? My father wants to be the master of killing? Can he take revenge after becoming the master of killing? But if he escapes into the devil\'s way, I\'m afraid he can\'t turn over forever!"

"Since he has done this and planned for thousands of years, he naturally has a way to deal with it. There is no need to worry." Shen Lang advised: "according to the data I know, the real master of killing is almost stronger than the four great emperors and the demon king in the demon Temple."

"Moreover, because it can control the killing gas, its power is unimaginable. It is completely a killing machine and difficult to resist."

"Lord of killing..." chiyanfeng was silent, and the smell of sadness escaped from him.

Suddenly, chiyanfeng seemed to think of something and said, "brother, why are you..."

Shen Lang\'s current breath is more than eighteen thousand miles away from the emperor of war encountered by chiyanfeng in those years!

In this world, there are still people who can threaten the war emperor and let the war emperor fall... Chiyanfeng only feels dry mouth and can\'t speak.

"Why did it become like this?" Shen Lang smiled and said.

"The cycle of life and death is the same for all things. Even gods and demons will fall one day."

The red wind\'s eye circles began to turn red again.

Like his father, this unicorn, who has been tortured by the evil spirit for thousands of years, is a person of the utmost love and nature.

Shen Lang looked at the ChiYan wind and felt a lot. Youyou said, "don\'t think too much. Now there\'s not so much time for you to think about these useless things."

"Give me a drop of Unicorn blood essence."

Shen Lang\'s last sentence was unusually abrupt. Chiyanfeng was slightly stunned, and immediately nodded: "yes!"

A fierce spirit escaped from the red wind and swept away the evil spirit around.

Blood essence is something that condenses the soul and integrates a lot of power.

It is very important for any warrior or monster.

But when chiyanfeng heard Shen Lang\'s need, he did not hesitate to activate his spiritual power and began to condense his blood essence.

After a while, a piece of red flame wind mouth floated out, condensed into a solid, as if it were the blood essence of Red Amber.

As soon as the amber blood essence left his body, the violent breath of chiyanfeng decreased significantly, and the whole person became weak, as if he could not even stand stably.

Judging from this breath, chiyanfeng almost fell from the peak of the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing to the early stage of the eighth heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing.

It seems to fall at any time!

Shen Lang\'s right hand was childish, and that drop of blood essence immediately flew over his index finger.

It can be vaguely seen that in the amber blood essence, there is a unicorn releasing a terrible smell.

The surrounding magic Qi, the vitality released from the yuan force fragments, was swept away and crawled.

Shen Lang\'s breath was slightly retarded by the innate power of the divine beast Qilin.

Shen Lang grasped the palm of his left hand, the surging life spirit power in his body quickly gathered, and a drop of life spirit liquid condensed out.

As soon as this drop of life spirit appeared, Shen Lang bent his fingers and bounced in front of the chiyanfeng.

"Eat it," Shen Lang said faintly.

Chiyanfeng looked up in horror: "this... What is this? How can there be such a terrible life aura? This... This is..."

Before he finished, chiyanfeng was like a hungry wolf who had been hungry for three days and nights. He swallowed the spirit of life in one bite!

This drop of life spirit was swallowed, and the breath changed greatly in the red wind that was just depressed!

The life spirit turned into a mass of life spirit, swam among his meridians, moistened meridians and warmed his spirit.

"My God!" chiyanfeng cried comfortably.

Needless to say, Shen Langming just felt the benefits brought by this life spirit liquid, and the chiyanfeng showed the color of ecstasy!

As a Kirin, we have seen countless natural materials and earth treasures in the world, but have we ever seen such things against the sky?

I\'m afraid with this life power in the body, even if you are beaten half to death, you can live right away!

His father took a drop of blood essence before, and now Shen Lang took another drop. Without Yuanli fragment, I\'m afraid I can\'t recover for thousands of years... However, with this drop of life spirit, I\'m afraid it will only take a month or two to return to the peak!

The stronger the cultivation, the deeper the feeling of this spiritual liquid of life!

The greater the effect!

At this time, Shen Lang looked at the drop of Kirin blood essence on his fingertips and showed a strange look!

The Qilin blood essence slowly turned on the fingertips, but did not really touch Shen Lang\'s fingers, but Shen Lang\'s whole body seemed to start moving!

Chaotic spirit, calling this drop of Unicorn blood essence!

Not only that, the book of heaven, which had been integrated with Shen Lang in the sea, appeared again at this time!

That day, the book was in the center of the sea, under the seal Tianding. It seemed that... It was also calling this drop of Kirin blood essence!

Shen Lang\'s eyes showed strange light and couldn\'t help asking, "Yanfeng, it\'s said that the top ten divine beasts existed at the beginning of chaos and were naturally raised strange things. There is a certain law of heaven and earth in the top ten divine beasts... What law is contained in your Kirin\'s body?"

Chiyanfeng blushed and said, "this... Seems to be a legend. I vaguely know a little, but in fact I don\'t understand it at all. Because if there were a law, how could the three of us be bullied by the people in the demon temple?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. What\'s your law? What are you talking about?" Shen Lang stared.

Chiyanfeng smiled timidly and said, "it is said that the law contained in Kirin is the law of death... So we are very sensitive to the smell of death. Once there is a crisis, we can predict it at the first time."

"The law of death!" Shen Lang was overjoyed!

No wonder this blood essence came out, even the heavenly book began to change!

"Swallow heaven and bury demons" is a heavenly book. The ultimate practice is the law of death!

So before Shen Lang began to practice from the most basic artistic conception of death!
