Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1005

"Hateful!" the chiyanfeng was furious.

Then he adjusted his mood and said, "we never thought that the demon temple, which we had hardly heard of before, was so powerful... No matter where we fled, they could chase us."

"If Kirin was not very sensitive to the smell of death and could predict the crisis in advance, the three of us would have fallen into the hands of candle dragon."

"If the eldest brother didn\'t appear in the last battle of snatching and killing battle armour, lian\'er would be destroyed, and I would be captured and enslaved by them..."

At this point, the hatred in chiyanfeng\'s eyes can\'t be dissolved, just like a cloud.

"At that time, the leader who pursued and killed us was wearing killing armor."

"That man\'s cultivation is the first level of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. My father joined hands with our brothers and sisters, and even turned into a self for many times. He is still not his opponent."

"Later, dad didn\'t know where to know the name of the man\'s armor, killing armor."

"I also know that this killing armor is the best way to get into the devil. After wearing it, I can fall into the devil\'s way and my cultivation is rising!"

"At that time, I knew from my father\'s eyes that he wanted to capture the killing armor... Maybe in his opinion, becoming a peerless strong man through killing armor has become the only way to revenge."

"It was also at that time that my father met you, and then when I contacted the candle dragon, I inadvertently knew your identity..."

"Although you told him many times about the terror of killing war armour, he didn\'t hear it at all."

"Instead, he began to want to calculate you and use your power to help him capture the killing armor."

Shen Lang sighed and said, "now that you know my identity, why do you want to kill war armor? Does he think that the God of war hall can\'t hold candle dragons?"

Chiyanfeng shook his head and said, "it should... It shouldn\'t be. I clearly remember that when he knew your identity, he became very excited for several days."

"He\'s still talking. He can finally take revenge. He can finally take revenge... From this point of view, he trusts his brother\'s strength and believes that the God of war hall can help us kill the candle dragon."

"Oh?" Shen Lang showed a thoughtful expression.

Chiyanfeng\'s face changed slightly and said, "until one day..."

"One day when he came back from going out, he suddenly became unhappy. Then he often hid in the corner alone and said the words\' demon Temple \'and\' killing armor \'."

"I don\'t know what happened to him, but since that day, he seems to have completely lost confidence in... The God of war hall, and he doesn\'t want to use his eldest brother and the power of the God of war hall to deal with the candle dragon."

"Even, for a long time later, he said a lot more about \'demon Temple\' than about \'candle Dragon\'."

"It seems that he has regarded the demon temple as our real enemy and ignored the real murderer candle dragon!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang nodded and said, "if you say so, the question in my heart can probably be solved... In fact, the demon temple was still hidden in the dark at that time. Most people didn\'t know except the top leaders of the God of war temple and the ten thousand demon mansion."

"Since your father has such a change, it is obvious that through some channel, he knows the horror of the demon temple and the power of the Israeli war temple."

"This can be seen from the killing armor he took from you a few days ago... Because in fact, even I haven\'t found a good way to help you remove the killing armor."

"Otherwise, why would you suffer for thousands of years at the bottom of Jilei peak?"

Chiyanfeng was surprised: "elder brother means that my father\'s understanding of killing armor is better than you? How is this possible?"

Shen Lang said faintly, "it\'s impossible. I\'m not omniscient and omnipotent. What I expected is that when you said he went out, he knew about the demon temple and the killing of war armor."

"That\'s why it started at that time, and he began to layout."

Shen Lang continued, "first of all, he doesn\'t listen to my advice and wants to kill Zhanjia."

"But the people of Zhulong mansion, he and your brother and sister, can\'t deal with it, so they promised me not to touch it, but secretly found the specific location of the man who had the killing armor at that time, and then sent a note to me in advance, lied that your brother and sister were in crisis, and asked me to go to rescue."

"In fact, the real crisis between your brother and sister is a little time before I arrived, not the time when he played the notes... You haven\'t even started when he played the notes!"

"Later, because of my appearance, Zhulong and others gave up the killing armor and ran away directly. After I killed the other strong people in Zhulong mansion, you had to give up chasing Zhulong because you had put on the killing armor."

"Almost all the subsequent events were planned by your father... Even xuandaozong, the place with the most abundant thunder power in nine days, was actually found and prepared early in the morning."

"Because the killing armor is integrated with you and even locks your soul, your father refuses to send you to the God of war hall, and I am dragged by the demon God hall. However, I have to follow his advice and set up a large array here to help you purify."

"I even had to take out a piece of Yuanli fragment and put it next to you."

"In fact, your father knew how to solve the killing armor early on. He deliberately didn\'t say it. He just wanted to eliminate the evil spirit on the killing armor with your help!"

"You are arranged at the bottom of the ground to gather the noble righteousness through the large array. At the same time, there are yuan force fragments to help you purify. Thousands of years later, most of the magic Qi on the killing armor has dissipated. At this time, your father will come back and take the armor!"

"By the way, I broke the seal and let you show off!"

"What I do, what you encounter, everything, all follow his prepared route, all in his plan, without any deviation!"

"If his plan is a little unexpected, it\'s the thing that lian\'er almost lost his soul, hum!"

When talking about these, Shen Lang\'s anger erupted again, and his face was frighteningly cold.

When chiyanfeng heard this, he blushed to the root of his neck and said in a very small voice, "I\'m sorry..."

Shen Lang exhaled heavily and said, "you don\'t need to say sorry to me. It\'s also your father."

"But in the past few days, I\'ve thought about it. In fact, I don\'t blame your father anymore."

Chiyanfeng raised his head and looked at Shen Lang with gratitude: "thank you, brother!"

Shen Lang frowned and said, "in fact, I found that he didn\'t say the right thing, and I thought it was a little strange. I just found something unusual, but I didn\'t say it."

"According to my thought at that time, your father did all this because of your mother\'s death and for revenge... I always thought that such a person with deep feelings and nature, even if he played a little tricks, it was not too much."

"As soon as I entered the seal and found that the yuan force fragment was still there, I wanted to understand... Your father, in fact, there was nothing wrong and didn\'t do anything sorry for me."

Chiyanfeng was stunned: "but my father calculated you many times and used you. He broke the seal a few days ago and almost let me destroy xuandaozong..."

He didn\'t understand Shen Lang\'s words.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "haven\'t you been destroyed? Your appearance is not so much a crisis as a farce and a joke."

"All the people of xuandaozong are benefactors to you. After all, xuandaozong was founded by your father. He has no reason to destroy xuandaozong."

"Even if you really want to destroy xuandaozong, with his strength, why borrow your hand?"

Chiyanfeng didn\'t understand more and more: "then... What does my father mean by doing this?"

Shen Lang said with a flash in his eyes, "he is reminding me, reminding me not to be too confident, reminding me that troubled times have come, and any crisis can happen!"

Chiyanfeng didn\'t speak. Although this explanation is reasonable, it is still a little far fetched.

And it\'s still talking for his father.

"You don\'t think so. That\'s because you haven\'t reached the level of your father. You don\'t understand the trust and feeling between people." Shen Lang said faintly: "I\'ve just felt the smell of Yuan Li fragments, and I\'ve already determined this."

"If your father really wants to improve his strength by any means and then take revenge, the last thing he should fall is this yuan force fragment."

"But he took away the killing armor, but left the pieces of Yuanli."

Chiyanfeng stared: "yes, since my father wants revenge, he even took away the killing armor. Why did he leave the yuan force fragments?"

"Because I need it now, and you need it now," Shen Lang said softly.

The eyes of chiyanfeng turned red.

Shen Lang stopped blaming his father. He was very happy.

But his father seems to have many difficulties, but the son doesn\'t know anything and can\'t help, which makes him ashamed and uncomfortable.

"Elder brother, i... my father wore the killing armor away. Will it really be all right?" chiyanfeng didn\'t blame his father for making him suffer for so many years, and began to worry again.

Shen Lang was silent for a while before he said, "theoretically, the killing armor has been purified for so many years. With his current strength, there should be no problem."

"Besides, as I said just now, he knows more about killing armor than I do."

"At least with my strength, I couldn\'t take this magic armor off you without hurting you, but he did it easily."

"He won\'t do it without absolute certainty."

When I came back from my business trip, I finally calmed down. The later update time will be restored to a few minutes after 0:00 every day. Brothers, hit the recommended tickets and monthly tickets!