Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1004

"Elder martial brother Zhao, you said... The Kirin inside won\'t rush out again?" one of the guards outside the Leichi finally couldn\'t help asking.

"Yes, you ask me, who am I going to ask? Don\'t talk to me about this kind of thing. I urinate frequently when I think of it." another man turned his eyes and said angrily.

Hearing this, the others couldn\'t laugh at all.

Only one person who looked old and prudent said without much concern: "several younger martial brothers are worried too much. You were taken away by Lord ghost king. I didn\'t see what\'s behind. Elder martial brother, I can see it clearly from beginning to end."

"The Kirin inside... Elder, it\'s absolutely impossible to hurt the people of xuandaozong. Just be at ease."

"Elder martial brother Zhang, what was it like at that time? Let\'s hear it, otherwise our heart has been at sixes and sevens. It\'s too painful!" the other three immediately came together.

Although Shen Lang has heard about dealing with Qilin for a long time, the elders of the sect are strictly forbidden to talk about it.

Many people thought it was not a big thing and talked about it with others. As a result, they have been sent to the ore vein to guard the ore vein one by one.

The others immediately shut their mouths and dared not talk about the events of that day.

So until now, it seems like a mystery.

Except for those who were still in xuandaozong and witnessed with their own eyes, no one else knew what had happened.

All I know is that Mo Ge and Chu Qingcheng fought against Qilin. Later, Shen Lang rushed back and the crisis was relieved.

Elder martial brother Zhang shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "if I did, the punishment would be ten times more serious than now... But I can tell you one thing, elder Qilin, has a very good relationship with younger martial brother Shen Lang!"

"How good is it..."

Elder martial brother Zhang thought for a while, but he still didn\'t dare to tell Qilin about kneeling and being slapped in the face.

He hesitated, nodded fiercely and said, "anyway, it\'s like... Like a brother!"

"So in the future, he will not hurt the people of xuandaozong, but also become the patron saint of xuandaozong!"

"You just have a hundred hearts!"

Everyone was stunned and was about to speak.


A familiar voice came from the left sky: "elder martial brother Zhang is right. He is my brother and the patron saint of xuandaozong in the future."

"You don\'t have to worry."

The four people were shocked and turned around together.

I just saw the sinking waves falling from the air.

"Hello, younger martial brother Shen Lang!"

The four immediately stood straight and greeted Shen Lang.

Although it is still called "junior brother", in fact, the awe in the eyes of the four people has far exceeded what they looked like when they saw their ancestors.

The four knew very well that Kirin was not the patron saint of xuandaozong. The real patron saint of xuandaozong was the "younger martial brother" in front of him!

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the elder martial brother who had comforted the others.

"Elder martial brother Zhang\'s breath is unstable, and there seems to be a sign of breaking through at any time?" Shen Lang said.

Elder martial brother Zhang was a little embarrassed and said, "yes... Yes, I have been in the five heavy days of Lingwu for several years. There has been no movement. After the change of aura in xuandao sect, this bottleneck has been stimulated to loosen!"

Shen Lang turned his wrist and took out four golden and green pills.

An extremely strange cold fragrance immediately came out. Elder martial brother Zhang just smelled it nearby and felt that his orifices and acupoints were unobstructed, as if his accomplishments had begun to change!

Shen Lang handed one of the pills to elder martial brother Zhang and said, "this is the third grade imperial pill, called the soul nourishing gathering elixir. You can eat it at an appropriate time, and you will break through the six heaven of Lingwu within ten days."

"If you can cultivate hard and absorb all the effects within half a year, it won\'t be a big problem to advance to the Xuanwu realm."

All four were stunned

Huangdan? Imperial pill! If a warrior in the Lingwu realm attacks the bottleneck, he usually takes the spirit level pill.

If there are conditions, for example, those disciples of a great family may obtain a mysterious level pill that is more powerful than the spirit level pill.

But when Shen Lang did it, it was an imperial pill!

This is a pill that even the strong in the imperial martial arts can\'t get

"This... How kind is this? This..." elder martial brother Zhang was a little incoherent.

He looked at the pill, his eyes were motionless and couldn\'t move away at all.

But his fingers trembled, but he just didn\'t dare to take the pill.

They just listen to the imperial pill. They haven\'t seen it before!

The other three, looking at the pill, were desperately swallowing their saliva.

Shen Lang put the four pills into the hands of the four people, and then said, "let\'s go back and talk to the martial uncle of Ji Leifeng. There\'s no need to send someone to guard here in the future."

"Each peak disciple can continue to practice here as before."

As soon as the four were about to answer, Shen Lang moved and rose into the sky.

In the eyes of the four people, Shen Lang flew straight to the top of the towering giant column.

A terrible thunder and lightning hit him like a clay ox into the sea and disappeared without a trace, as if absorbed by his body.

Then Shen Lang quickly sank down from the top and lost his trace.


Elder martial brother Zhang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his voice trembled and said, "Er, who, did we just see younger martial brother Shen Lang? Younger martial brother Shen Lang gave us an imperial pill?"

Elder martial brother Zhao smiled and scolded: "you two goods, the pills are in your hand. You think it\'s a dream... Well, it\'s a dream. Come on, give me the pills in your hand."

"Shit, get out of your egg!" elder martial brother Zhang kicked elder martial brother Zhao away.

The four looked at each other and looked a little trance.

Immediately, ecstasy appeared on the faces of the four people at the same time. The four people ran wildly, left Leichi and resumed their lives.


Under the towering pillars.

Chiyanfeng sits cross legged on the edge of Yuanli fragment and is trying to practice.

At this time, the appearance of ChiYan wind has changed greatly from a few days ago.

The magic Qi around him was washed by the thunder force gathered from above and the pure spirit on the yuan force fragment, and it was much thinner.

Long hair hangs down neatly and is no longer as messy as before.

And he also changed into a white robe, clean and tidy, unlike the ragged appearance after losing the killing armor.

He was slapped by Shen Lang, and then continued to experience the baptism of thunder and Yuan Li here. At this time, although chiyanfeng still had magic Qi that was difficult to dissolve, he had been sober a lot.

There was no resentment and murderous spirit.

Just then

Chiyanfeng opened his eyes and looked up at the sky with surprise and joy!

Above, Shen Lang stands with his hands on his back, falling gently.

"Big brother!"

Chiyanfeng stood up, apologizing and pleasantly surprised.

Shen Lang fell to the ground and sighed when he saw that the blood red in the red wind\'s eyes had dissipated a lot, and the magic Qi in the center of his eyebrows had disappeared.

"I slapped you a few times before. Does it still hurt?"

Shen Lang took out a chair and sat down.

Under the condition that chiyanfeng dared not use his skills to resist, the fierce Shen waves slapped him in anger. Even if he couldn\'t hurt chiyanfeng, the solid slaps must hurt chiyanfeng a little.

Chaotic gods are more powerful than the legendary unicorn.

Chiyanfeng shook his head and said, "no, brother is right. I should fight if I make a mistake."

"It was my own stupidity, which almost hurt the people of xuandaozong and the eldest brother\'s family."

"And... My father did it wrong."

"He really shouldn\'t listen to his brother. He deceived you for a killing armor, calculated you, and almost destroyed the sect he founded."

In these days, chiyanfeng has almost figured out some things.

Knowing that the killing armor was taken away by his father, he overcame Shen Lang by the way.

To sum up, chizunxin has calculated the war emperor several times

Someone else could die 10000 times.

How many people in this world are qualified to calculate the Lord of the war temple?

How many people have calculated that the Lord of the God of war hall can still live well?

And he is still regarded as a brother by the war emperor!

Being cheated by brothers, and many times, is unbearable for individuals.

"I\'m afraid your father\'s business is not that simple." Shen Lang frowned and said, "how much do you know about your father and killing war armor?"

Seeing Shen Lang\'s question, chiyanfeng was stunned.

Chiyanfeng doesn\'t know much about the whole thing, but he has thought it over and over again several times these days. He should know about it by contacting his previous memory.

Shen Lang should have the best understanding of this matter. Even the killing of war armour was told by Shen Lang at the beginning.

But now Shen Lang asks

Chiyanfeng organized a language and said slowly, "ten thousand years ago, when lian\'er and I were still very young, the Beiming Jitian sect suffered a great disaster and was killed by a strong man led by the candle dragon."

"In that war, my mother wanted to protect our brothers and sisters... Then my father changed. He became dead and angry. If it weren\'t for our brothers and sisters, maybe he would have gone to my mother."

"Even if my brother and sister were there, in fact, many times when he was chased by the candle dragon, he had an impulse to work hard."

"I don\'t know why, after the candle dragon was badly hit by the northern netherworld extreme heaven sect, all the people who led the candle dragon mansion hid. They didn\'t pay attention to other people of the northern netherworld extreme heaven sect, but they couldn\'t let go of our family..."

At this time, Shen Lang said, "the reason why the candle dragon chased you is very simple, just because you are a Kirin. The demon temple has accepted more than half of the top ten divine beasts in the past ten million years."

Chiyanfeng\'s face became very ugly: "why do these bastards want to make the idea of the top ten divine beasts? What do they want to do?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I haven\'t made it clear about this. I only know that more than half of the ten divine beasts are in their hands."