Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1003

Shen Lang also said: "not only do you need the nine strong quasi emperor martial mirrors to maintain and control the holy stripe column, xian\'er, you also need to treat all the strong men of several sects as a whole, and then re divide them."

"Including those in Lingwu territory and Qiwu territory."

"Starting from the strong in Huangwu territory, the strong in Huangwu territory are divided into several peaks in the core position, and then Wang Wujing is on the periphery, followed by Xuanwu territory. They are divided into mountains, and then take time to practice the array."

"Oh... Where you lived before and where you continue to live. I mean, once this crisis occurs, you will operate according to the established arrangements."

"It\'s a pity that xian\'er didn\'t know the sect protection array of xuandaozong. Otherwise, when the ChiYan wind bombarded the array, why was he so embarrassed? As long as there was a strong emperor\'s martial arts realm, three strong Wang Wujing, and a number of martial arts in the Xuanwu realm, how could the ChiYan wind shake the array?"

Zhuge Xianer blushed: "I\'m sorry, it\'s all my fault..."

Shen Lang hurriedly interrupted her and said, "xian\'er, I don\'t mean to blame you. I just tell you that xuandaozong is powerful."

"Besides, it\'s not long since you really began to practice the way of array. You can cultivate the way of array to this extent in such a short time. There are few people in the world!"

Hearing Shen Lang\'s direct praise of himself, Zhuge Xianer\'s face became even more red.

For a moment, I lost my original composure and was a little at a loss.

Yin shanhan immediately agreed and said, "yes, yes, I found it when I was in the imperial capital. Xian\'er is an immortal genius forbidden by the array!"

"With the guidance of Xiaolang, I will be able to jump to the peak of the world in a short time... I have no doubt about this!"

Everyone around immediately nodded and echoed.

Yin shanhan didn\'t mean to compliment him, but was really shocked by Zhuge Xianer\'s talent in the array.

"Elder brother, you go on." ZHUGE xian\'er said with a little panic.

I don\'t know whether I was flustered by Shen Lang or I didn\'t want everyone to look at me so eagerly. Zhuge Xianer looked flustered for the first time.

"Well," Shen Lang continued, "in the third step, I will place five spirit veins at the feet of xuandaozong to become the energy source of this array."

"Finally, when the king of the Yan devil and duanmuxie come back, and then the seven general of the Yan devil achieve the quasi emperor martial mirror, he will boldly transform the xuandao clan protection array into a 10000 killing array integrating attack and defense."

"Hum, even if ten or eight strong imperial martial mirrors come and want to attack xuandaozong, it is impossible!"

All the people present heard that their blood was boiling and it was hard to themselves!

Such an array can resist ten or eight strong imperial martial mirrors... It\'s unimaginable!

Everyone is looking forward to what xuandaozong will develop into in the future.

They don\'t know that Shen Lang\'s words are not exaggerated or false at all.

Although with Shen Lang\'s current cultivation and strength, he can\'t arrange such a powerful array.

However, don\'t forget that the Lord of the God of war hall, the emperor of war, has surpassed the emperor!

What Shen Lang needs to do now is to transform the large array originally used to purify into a killing array on this basis!

On the other hand, the nine holy grain columns are something that the old monster in the God of war hall spent many years refining!

It is in the temple of the God of war that many supreme and powerful people want to get!

The old monster is the first person in the array of the star continent!

These nine holy stripe pillars are the most powerful magic weapons. If they are placed here, there is almost no need to arrange the array. Only nine strong people need to control it, which is a terror array!

And this array is ever-changing. You can switch between killing array or magic array at any time. It\'s mysterious to the extreme!

At that time, once the nine quasi emperor Wujing strongmen control it, even if the emperor Wujing strongmen enter it, it will be difficult to escape, and only ashes will disappear!

But only Shen Lang knows these things.

Others can only guess roughly.

At this time, Gu Yue of Yaowang Valley suddenly asked timidly, "what are the five spiritual veins? Does langshao have spiritual veins?"

The people who talked with each other immediately stopped.

Apart from Zhuge Xianer and the seven general of Yanmo, other people don\'t know much about the spirit pulse.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "the five great spiritual veins of gold, wood, water, fire and earth used to be the foundation of Yumu cave\'s blessed land. I dug them up. It\'s so simple... Well, remember to keep it a secret and never reveal it, otherwise it\'s easy to cause trouble."

"Wow!" there was a cry in the hall.

Yumudong blessed land is one of the legendary blessed lands of Dongtian, which is more powerful than the legendary forces!

How terrible is the foundation of such a powerful and mysterious force?

It was dug up by Shen Lang!

I\'m afraid this is something that legendary forces can\'t get!

If the bottom of the xuandao sect where the spirit pulse is placed, would it not be ten times faster or even dozens of times faster to practice in the xuandao sect?

Aside from cultivation

In addition to absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, the operation of the array also requires a large number of spirit stones.

At the same time, the people who maintain the array should instill spiritual power into the array eyes to maintain consumption.

Therefore, when the red hot wind bombarded the array, under the organization of Zhuge Xianer, a group of strong people tried their best to instill spiritual power to consolidate the array and maintain defense.

If there are such five huge spiritual veins under the ground, even if no one can maintain the array, what can the red hot wind do to me?

I\'m afraid I can\'t shake this array at all!

Shen Lang\'s means, one by one, surrounded Yin shanhan and others. They are all old and crafty guys, and they are a little dizzy by all this.

Every time I think that Shen Lang\'s means have been exhausted and have reached the limit.

As a result, more amazing things are found every time

Some of the legendary things in the past have simply appeared in front of them now.

What I thought was impossible before was completely not difficult in front of Shen Lang!

"Well, I\'ll leave these things to xian\'er and Tianci to arrange. I\'ll have a rest for two days. When I get the array ready, I\'ll start."

Shen Lang stood up as he spoke.


Three days later.

Xuandao sect is located in the southeast and northwest, and there are nine peaks in the northwest, southwest, Southeast and northeast. There is a towering column like the top of Jilei peak, which goes straight into the sky.

Each holy stripe pillar itself is indestructible, and Shen Lang has laid a large array around it, enveloping it, which makes the people of the major peaks marvel.

Around each holy stripe column, there are people stationed with war wolves and night souls, which is difficult for outsiders to get close to.

The major peaks also ushered in the most lively scene in the history of xuandaozong.

The strong in Huangwu territory and the strong in Wang Wujing shuttled back and forth. Under the arrangement of Zhuge Xianer, they began to divide the responsible areas.

Before the big array was really opened, all the strong people in xuandaozong began to be familiar with their work like screws in a tight machine, found their own position, and began to cooperate with others to practice the array.

On the fourth day, xuandaozong suddenly made a loud and frightening noise.

The mountains shook like an earthquake!

Before long, the whole xuandaozong suddenly changed its appearance!

The Reiki density in xuandaozong is changing!

From one time, two times, three times, until more than twenty times, it finally stopped!

Whether it is the inner gate peak or the outer gate peak, its aura seems to diffuse in the air, condensing but not dispersing!

This is simply unimaginable!

Not only that, there are countless terrible roars and unimaginable heat coming from somewhere under the ground, but finally they suddenly disappear, as if it were an illusion!

Fortunately, Zhuge Xianer made an announcement early in the morning, saying that Shen Lang was placing an unparalleled treasure at the bottom of xuandao parcel.

Therefore, when the mountains shook, the people in xuandao sect were not too surprised, let alone panicked.

As for that roar and unimaginable heat, since several Yanmo generals are called generals, there must be several soldiers. This is a very normal thing.

However, if it is found that there are tens of thousands of "soldiers", it is another matter.

Zhuge xian\'er made it a rule early in the morning that no one is allowed to visit or go deep underground.

And arranged a group of strong guards, so no one was curious to find something.

The Reiki density in xuandaozong suddenly rose to such a level. Under the stimulation of the cultivation bottleneck of many people, there was a loosening, and a breakthrough to a higher level is just around the corner!

In particular, everyone has understood that this energetic thing is not just for one or two days, but will be so in the future!

In such a dreamland, cultivation and accomplishments are definitely advancing by leaps and bounds, several times or even ten times more than before!

No matter the people of xuandao sect, Qiyuan sect or Yaowang Valley in the past, they still couldn\'t resist. They walked out of the house one by one and cheered together.

Especially those old guys among the peaks, breathing the abundant aura that can be touched by their tentacles, and thinking about the strength of xuandaozong now, they all cried with joy


At this time, Jilei peak has recovered its former calm.

However, the people of Jilei peak know that under the towering pillar, there is a terrible Unicorn sealed.

Although they know that Shen Lang has solved this matter, many people still can\'t help trembling.

I\'m afraid that Kirin will run away again one day and directly overturn Jilei peak.

If this happens, the people of jileifeng must be the most unlucky. It is estimated that they have no chance to run.

However, the people of Ji Lei Feng\'s trust in Shen Lang has also reached a very terrible and blind situation.

If not, the devil will continue to stay in Jilei peak!

At this time, there was no one near the extreme thunder peak and the thunder pool, and no one was practicing here.

The four Ji Lei Feng disciples guarding the thunder pool now turn their heads and look at the towering giant column behind them. Their faces are very long.

It was a mistake made some time ago that four talents were arranged here to do this frightening work.

The four now regret that their intestines are blue.

I knew I would be punished like this. Why die? Why go to Yaowang Valley to show off?

Well, I didn\'t get a few pills. I came here to accompany Kirin

This is a magic Unicorn!

If one day he gets a wrong tendon and gets out again