Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1002

"The spirit stone is never a problem. It\'s the strength of corresponding wealth." Shen Lang waved his hand and said.

"As long as you have enough hands, I can find you as many ore veins as you want."

"It\'s just the people who mine the vein and the time to mine the vein."

Hearing this, Yinshan Han was better. After all, he had heard of Shen Lang looking for mineral veins before, but Gu Yue and other people in Yaowang Valley, as well as the seven Yanmo generals, all took a cold breath.

It is not particularly easy for even Yanmo, a natural creature, to look for mineral veins.

Shen Lang said that he could find as much as he wanted. It was really scary.

How many people dare to speak such arrogant words in the world?

There is no shortage of mineral veins in the wilderness.

However, countless mineral veins are hidden in the wilderness, which is full of dangers. Even if the mineral veins are found, they can not be mined.

And many, even in the depths of some mountains, are not the strongest. Where is it so easy to find?

The people were still stunned, and Shen Lang came out with a frightening sentence: "if it\'s not enough, I\'ll go out with chiyanfeng and the king of Yanmo, kill ten or eight dark gold level demon sect doors, and always get a lot of spirit stones back."

"..." Yinshan Han several people were silent for a while and wiped sweat again and again.

On the contrary, Gu Yue\'s reaction was much more normal, because when they were in Yaowang Valley, they had seen Shen Lang\'s "error" of those demon sect doors.

Those sects that besieged Yaowang Valley at the beginning were Lingtong level forces.

When yinghun, Heisha, Lengyue and other war wolves and night souls heard this, they were extremely excited!

You know, how long has it taken for the establishment of the war wolf and the obedience of the night soul?

At that time, how strong was Shen Lang\'s cultivation?

It\'s only been less than two years. Now Shen Lang is strong enough to destroy the dark gold level Demon power in a word!

However, his words were not exaggerated at all. It was easy for Kirin to rush out yesterday and destroy ten or eight dark gold forces of the devil\'s way!

Not to mention that Shen Lang has other powers and amazing means.

Although the ChiYan wind was fierce, everyone could see clearly. He was slapped and slapped by Shen lang. finally, he knelt down and dared not get up trembling!

Shen Lang didn\'t want to dwell too long on the problem of Lingshi, and said, "by the way, only those who have collected the soul mark can pass through the portal."

"Even if the portal falls into the hands of others, it can\'t be used."

Zhuge xian\'er nodded fiercely, "I know. I\'ll arrange it properly."

Shen Lang said again, "in addition, it is the overall defense of xuandaozong."

"As you have seen before, the sect protection array of xuandaozong is not so much a defense array as a purification array... Since the chiyanfeng has awakened, the purification function is useless."

"I will spend some time to completely modify this array into a large array integrating attack and defense."

"After that, I will lay a holy stripe column on the outermost nine peaks to form an array."

"These things need you to arrange and help me."

Zhuge xian\'er nodded slightly and said, "what should we do?"

Shen Lang said with a rare arrogant look on his face, "the first step is that xuandaozong 9981 peak takes Jilei peak as the center, and each constructs a large array, which operates independently, but is connected with each other, and the array is linked."

"I will give you the detailed array diagram later, and then you will send someone to lay the foundation and collect materials according to the data listed above. Finally, I will arrange it myself."

The four old friends of qiyuanzong were sweating profusely at the end of the day.

It is not easy to arrange a large array on the 9981 peak.

We also need to connect the large array on the 9981 peak and connect them with each other. The four old guys have only heard of this method. They have not contacted it at all, and they can\'t do it!

Ninety nine large arrays are connected in a series, which can not be made by ordinary strong people.

If you do, how terrible will the defense of xuandaozong be?

It\'s not enough for xuandaozong to have such a powerful Kirin guard as chiyanfeng. It\'s also a large portal and a terrible chain array. Can it be said that there will be strong imperial martial mirrors who have enough to attack the small xuandaozong?

But before, the chiyanfeng really frightened the people, and Shen Lang always had enough reasons to do things, but they didn\'t dare to say anything against it.

Anyway, Shen Lang can do it by this means and has enough financial resources to do these things.

In troubled times, it is what any sect wants to do and is doing to improve its defense as much as possible.

It depends on how much ability you have and how much you can do.

Shen Lang continued: "in the second step, I will leave a holy stripe column on each of the nine outlying peaks and set it into a large array to cover the 9981 peak and control the 9981 peak."

Hearing about the holy grain column, Yin shanhan was excited again.

Yinshan Han shouted first: "let our four old friends control four of them. We are most familiar with the holy stripe column."

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang shook his head without hesitation and said, "no, although the four elders are most familiar with the holy stripe column, your cultivation is just at the beginning of the imperial martial arts realm, which is a little weak."

"..." Yinshan Han almost didn\'t find a hole to drill into.

The four people in Yaowang Valley looked at them and frowned a little with schadenfreude.

Strictly speaking, the cultivation of the four of them is not low. At least they are also the second and third heaven of Huangwu territory.

In this hall, the four commanders of war wolves, the four heavenly kings of night soul, are also the king\'s martial mirrors.

As Zhuge Xianer\'s deputy, Chen Tianci\'s cultivation is too poor to be on the table.

Huangwu territory is really not bad.

But the problem is, Shen Lang is not wrong!

Moreover, Shen Lang\'s "a little too weak" is actually polite enough.

In fact, it\'s more than weak?

Is very weak, very weak!

How powerful is Shen Lang\'s power now?

The seven generals of Yanmo are all the nine heaven peak realm of Huangwu realm;

Among the Yanmo legion, there are a lot of people in Huangwu territory!

Among the ten thousand animal circles that Shen Lang hasn\'t used much, there are at least more than 50 animal spirits in the Huangwu realm that are better than those of several people in the hidden mountain!

And there are ten animal spirits in the jiuchongtian peak realm of Huangwu realm!

Duanmu evil is a heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor;

The king of the devil, the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, has five heavens

Although Yinshan Han didn\'t know all the combat power in Shen Lang\'s hands, they thought Shen Lang\'s words were very polite.

At this time, Shen Lang said, "these nine holy stripe pillars are extraordinary. The stronger the cultivation of the person who controls them, the more powerful the array power they build."

"To tell you the truth, at the beginning, I wanted to let the old ape and the flower soul control the holy stripe column, but..."

Before Shen Lang finished his words, the ape did not break the heads of several people.

Shen Lang turned his white eyes, stopped immediately and said, "I probably thought that its controller can be above the quasi emperor martial mirror, but now we don\'t have so many strong quasi emperor martial mirrors."

"So, within a month, seven generals of Yanmo, I will help you advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror."

"Ah!" the whole audience roared.

General Yanmo seven\'s chin is falling to the ground.

If the Qi martial realm is advanced to the spirit martial realm, it may be said that it will happen in a month.

Even by means of Shen Lang, it is a matter of minutes to promote those who are in the Qi Wu realm to the Lingwu realm.

But the realm of quasi emperor martial mirror, does it mean that advanced is advanced?

And a month?

If it\'s so easy to advance, why has the seven general of Yanmo been in the underground nest of Yanmo peak for so many years, and he has always been the peak state of Huangwu realm?

How many strong quasi emperor martial mirrors have stagnated in one of them for thousands of years!

one month?

"Don\'t look at me like that." Shen Lang smiled when he saw the man\'s stupid and unbelievable appearance.

"I\'ve never been too modest about what I can do, and I won\'t boast and shout about what I can\'t do."

"The accomplishments of the seven Yanmo generals have been at the peak of jiuchongtian in Huangwu for many years. The abundance of spiritual power in their bodies has almost reached the limit. It only takes an opportunity to break through. If I can say it, I can do it naturally."

With that, Shen Lang pointed to his head and said, "it\'s not much exaggeration to help you take the last step with the understanding of all the quasi emperor martial mirror realm in my head, the understanding of heaven and earth Avenue, plus the things in my hands and various means."

Hearing this, the seven general of Yanmo did not hesitate, knelt down on one knee and shouted, "thank you for your success!"

Shen Lang threw his sleeve robe, and a force lifted the seven Yanmo generals up.

"If you seven are advanced quasi emperor martial mirrors, plus Duanmu evil and the king of Yan devil, you happen to be nine people. One person controls a holy stripe column."

"After I let all the members of the war wolf be promoted to Wang Wujing, a group of Wang Wujing members will be arranged on each holy grain column to assist you. At that time, xuandaozong will be as solid as gold!" Shen Lang said domineering.

Gu Yue was stunned again when he heard this.

Zhuge Xianer had told them many things about xuandaozong, the war wolf and the night soul.

Therefore, Gu Yue also knew that there were thousands of war wolves, and now they are all cultivation accomplishments in the Xuanwu realm except for several commanders.

It is said that thousands of people in the Xuanwu realm can be promoted to Wang Wujing. If the world dares to say such words, how many can be found? Gu Yue and others really can\'t guess.

Shen Lang didn\'t pay attention to the people\'s looks and continued: "these nine holy stripe pillars are self-contained for a while. What\'s their power? You must want to see it, too?"

Hidden mountain cold several people more than want to see?

They just wanted to be involved!

These nine holy stripe pillars were taken away by Shen Lang from Qiyuan sect!

About the power of these nine holy stripe pillars, although people of Qiyuan sect have not seen them in recent generations, how can they not have heard of them?

These nine holy stripe pillars are here as the biggest means of Shen Lang, which shows the power of Qi Yuan sect from the side!

"The nine holy stripe pillars of our Qiyuan sect, although we haven\'t studied them thoroughly, they are absolutely earth shaking!"

Yin shanhan deliberately said the words "nine holy grain columns of our Qiyuan sect" very seriously.

Several old guys of qiyuanzong, one by one, grew a sense of pride from their hearts, raised their heads and looked forward to themselves.

The people in Yaowang Valley blow their beards and stare one by one.