Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1001

When Shen Lang came to songduofeng hall, Zhuge Xianer, Gu Yue and others had already arrived, and many people had already sat in the hall.

Seeing Shen Lang coming, everyone stood up together.

"Please sit down. You\'re welcome."

Shen Lang gave a little sign and called out many leaders in Feng Tianding.

Another group of people came out of the songduofeng hall immediately.

The seven generals of Yanmo, the four generals of warwolves, the four heavenly kings of night soul, and the eight strong imperial martial arts of Qiyuan sect and yaowanggu sect are all due.

"Let you come here, mainly these things."

Shen Lang said straight to the point: "Purple Chu is Shen Lang\'s territory. Those who enter without permission will be killed and whipped!"

It is Shen Lang\'s idea to use the power of Zhuque mansion to balance the power of Zhulong mansion.

However, Yuan Li fragments seem to be very important to the candle dragon, and from the memory of Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun, Shen Lang knows that not only the candle dragon mansion is looking for Yuan Li fragments, but also the other magic generals mansion seems to be looking for it.

The use of this thing for the demon God Temple seems to be for what altar, which seems to have something to do with the Lord of the demon God Temple.

So the candle dragon will never stop.

The bright dare not come, the dark will come!

What\'s more, the candle dragon himself must report his vengeance. After being run by Shen Lang several times in the dragon scale temple, he has already had the intention of killing.

Shen Lang doesn\'t think that the identity of the left envoy of Zhuque mansion can really become a gold medal without death.

Even if there is a jingle bell relationship.

Unless one day he becomes the "son-in-law" of the demon temple, maybe the candle dragon doesn\'t dare to move.

As for the blood emperor ladaos, he was cut by Shen Lang outside the blessed land of Yumu cave, which was much more harmful than that of all the other strong ones.

It was precisely because of the heavy damage caused by Shen Lang that other talents seized the opportunity to add to the blood emperor\'s injury.

And then he endured a "silent God thunder king"!

The blood emperor has just achieved the martial arts realm of the great emperor. He was beaten and maimed as soon as he came out to wander. Even if the blood clan can knock off his teeth and swallow blood, the blood emperor ladaos can\'t give up.

So go back and wait until the blood emperor recovers from his injury. I\'m afraid the first thing to do is to find the man who cut him!

When the blood clan comes, it\'s definitely not an ordinary strong man. Maybe some imperial martial mirrors will come. Who can resist it?

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Shen Lang actually thought of this on the day he woke up.

Since then, he has been eager to use the power of Zhuque mansion to deal with this matter... At least he is also a left envoy. Both the left and right envoys have their own power, and it is time for his new left envoy to receive this power.

So when he learned about the accident of the eternal tree from the Yuling tuyere, Shen Lang asked someone to send a message to LAN Mengling at the first time.

With the wisdom of LAN Mengling, she almost doesn\'t have to think about it. She will send left envoys to the wilderness for the first time... Because she knows Shen Lang is going to the wilderness. This time, she sent left envoys to Shen Lang to accept and command!

With the left envoy, Shen Lang\'s heart can really settle down!

However, using the power of the demon temple to protect himself, Shen Lang is a little sad every time he thinks of this kind of thing.

It\'s really hard to say whether this is smart or incompetent.

The people of the left envoy are not enough to trust. After all, they are the people of the demon temple.

Before the left envoy\'s men and horses were under control, Shen Lang needed to rely on his own strength to start defense and be prepared.

At this time, Zhuge xian\'er asked, "elder brother, do we want to open another mountain gate?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "that\'s almost what it means. Xuandaozong was not a small place, but after joining Yaowang Valley and Qiyuan sect, it was a little overcrowded."

At the beginning, the talents of xuandaozong withered. All the peaks were inhabited on the top of the mountain, and the bottom was empty.

After the two Lingtong level sect doors were forced in, many peaks fell from the top, layer by layer, and were full of people.

It\'s lively, but it\'s a little crowded.

But this is not the important thing. The important thing is to prevent the possibility of such a thing happening again.

Suddenly a group of strong men came out to besiege xuandaozong. If this kind of thing was in peace and prosperity, the probability was very low.

But now the troubled times have come, and there are two time bombs, the candle dragon and the blood emperor, which have to be prevented.

"Moreover, no one can predict what will happen in the future. I want to predict all possible crises and solve them in this way."

"Later, I will let chiyanfeng go to the wilderness to find two secret places and open up the second Mountain Gate and the third Mountain Gate. On the one hand, it is used for diversion and on the other hand, it is used to deal with various crises. Be prepared."

Shen Lang continued, "take down the portal that connects xuandaozong to various mineral veins and several sect gates such as evil wind Valley for transformation."

"Transformed into a super large portal, which can transport hundreds of people at one time. Once there is a problem, it can be transferred at the fastest speed."

"Supervised by the war wolf and the night soul at the same time."

"At the same time, many large-scale transmission arrays are built in the mineral veins and the second and third mountain gates opened behind, jumping to the wild depths... That is, once we really encounter an unmanageable crisis, our people should stay away from here in the shortest time, and then enter the wild depths and use the wild to protect us."

Gu Yue, Yin shanhan and others were stunned: "I\'m afraid the space stone consumed by this kind of large portal is huge! And the space stone consumed by each transmission is also unimaginable. Even some dark gold forces can\'t support several such large portals with their financial resources."

This approach, everyone will think, and it seems very perfect.

The problem is, there are really few doors that can be done.

Space spirit stone is not only very scarce, but also space array is not so easy to build.

The most important thing is that the construction of this large portal requires a lot of financial and material resources. If it goes on like this, I\'m afraid it\'s too much for even the legendary sect!

In the view of several people in Yinshan, it\'s better to refine powerful magic soldiers or pills with so much money to do such things.

Such a thing as large-scale space transmission array is completely burning money!

Unless there is a war like that with the demon clan and blood clan, it is possible to build this portal in the battlefield and other places.