Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

CH 57.1

Recently, I have been unlucky. There are ups and downs in people’s luck. When it is up, whatever you do, it will go well. When it is down, casual action will lead to a bad result. Despite me, I have been a Hunter for a few years so I have the sensation that I can feel those ups and downs.

I am a Hunter, but I am mostly in the Clan management, so I rarely explore Shrines. And despite that, I went outside two times in such a short period of time. Something happening every time I go out is the usual, but I am sure that I am on a downhill right now.

What I need to do right now is to charge my Relics.

If Luke restart his training in the deepest room of a Shrines, Lucia will not come back before some time. Most of the Magical Power of my Relics are exhausted, and I have already used my trump card I received in case of emergency. There are only a few 『Safe Ring (Barrier Finger) 』 I used to protect myself, left. Usually I will lock myself up and roll around in the Clan House waiting for Lucia’s return but considering my recent condition, it is quite dangerous.

The question is how to charge over 500 Relics I have in my possession.

Originally, the magic recharge of a Relics put a great burden on the Hunter.

Relics requires tremendous magical power in proportion to its enormous power. If it is a normal Hunter, their limit is often one or two charge, and even a Mage excelling in magic can charge up to five or six. Those who have exhausted their magical power have the urge to pass out and can’t even stand. If you are not used to it, it is even possible that you lose consciousness. In a Shrine, magic exhaustion is one of the state Hunter must be careful about.

Therefore, Hunters do not possess many Relics. Even if your companion “Magi (Madoushi Mage)1” can charge it for you, there is a limit. In the first place, Mage use magic power when they want to use spells. They don’t have room to spare.

Magic power slowly recover naturally when eating and sleeping. This is why, it is often mistaken, but magic is a valuable resource for Hunters.

Above all, the problem is… Their numbers.

If it was one or two it would be fine, but with more than 500, it is doubtful if I can charge everything even if I called for all the Mage in the Clan. Inside the Imperial Capital, there are many Mage who sell their service to charge a Relic, but they can’t even charge up to a tenth of it. Well, they would refuse first because they don’t want to pass out.

In that sense, My Imouto… Lucia who always charges my Relics is a 『Special』 Mage.

The amount of magic power required depends on the Relic. And the Relic which requires a particularly large amount of magic power is the 『Safe Ring (Barrier Finger) 』.

It prevents one attack. It is a simple yet powerful effect. It is a Relic anyone would want to have, just in case. But as expected of its power, the 『Safe Ring (Barrier Finger) 』 requires a great amount of magical power. The quantity is around… five to ten times more than an average Relic. It is not a quantity an average Hunter can charged. And this is one of the reasons why Barrier Finger are rarely used.

But I can’t go on without charging it. Barrier Finger are my lifeline. If I don’t have it, I would be dead at least ten times in the last few weeks.

Anyway, for some reason, Sytry-chan, who just returned and should have been exhausted, is giving me a shoulder massage.

There is no other person in the clan master room except me and Sytry. Eva has been away, for some time, organizing the remuneration of the investigation request. What is there is only an empty chair, me sitting deeply on mine and Sytry who changed into plain clothes.

Immediately after returning from a High-Level Shrine, she resolved my problem and I am now receiving a shoulder massage. Aren’t I becoming a no-good human?

And I even owe her a debt… I am completely trapped.

“Hmmm… How is it? Does… it feels good?”

Sytry’s delicate finger crawl from my neck to my shoulder and tenderly massage my slightly stiff shoulder. Do you know about acupuncture point? A feeling of numbness runs up to my spine every time she applies pressure on me, this numbness feels so good.

Speaking of which, she has a deep knowledge on the human anatomy. What you called Alchemist is a great scientist, a great Mage and a great doctor.

All member of 『The Lamenting Ghost』 are in good terms, but Sytry is especially in good terms with me. This is because in the time when we were training to become a Treasure Hunter, Sytry was growing slower than the other member and that bother her.

Finally, the reason was because the job of an “Alchemist (Renkinjutsu-shi)” requires an enormous amount of knowledge and the need of a lot of equipment, it was just the story of a 『Weak becomes Strong』2 overtime. Sytry seems to remember the fact that when she was feeling down, irritated, talentless, and inferior, I went to cheered her up when I had nothing to do. Sytry often take care of me, like now.

It has been a long time that she had repaid me plentiful and with interest. In the first place, it is doubtful if she owes me anything because I helped her, but I can’t refuse when she sadly said, “If you don’t like it, I will stop…”.

It is true that if someone rub your shoulder your body becomes lighter…

Thank you for reading! This first part is all about Cry and his relics. Some background story to say why no one is like him and his 16 Safe Ring. And the second part is Sytry massage be patient because there is a lot of skinship if you know what I mean.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Tchao à plus!

1. Magi (Madoushi: Mage): When in the raw there is Kanji and Katakana, I will leave the Kanji untranslated. And put in parenthesis the translation if it is differen from the Kanji. 2. Weak becomes Strong: I put that because it is a trope in the recent light novel, but the literal translation is a 『Big Instrument with Late Growth Type (大器晩成型)』. It means it takes a lot of time for her talent to blossom. Like wine which get better the older it is.