Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

CH 57.2

She gently applied strength on the acupressure point and loosen my muscle. Sytry looks delicate but she is strong. Her body heat up as if it were burning. Her breath behind my ears and the back of my head sending me shivers

A hot and sweet voice enters my ears.

“Ngh… It is so… Stiff… Cry-san, it feels so goo… d! Ngh! Aaah…!

I don’t care but it feels like receiving a sexual service, so I want you to stop making those funny voice. Why do you make that kind of voice with a shoulder massage? I am not that stiff.

I try my best and stay calm. And I try to suppress her sensual voice which you wouldn’t think coming out of a massage.

A Party Leader are required to always stay calm.

I take a deep breath and calm my heart. For some reason, the tension is getting hotter, so I talk to my party’s Brain.

“… Ah, what should I do for the Relics charge. It is starting to be bad.”

“Ngh… Mmh!”

Sytry responded with a pitiful voice. Where does such a voice come from…?

Although Alchemist is a type of Mage, their magical power is about the same as an average Hunter. To the point where the general public think that an Alchemist is the path of a Mage without talent. Sytry’s magical power is better than a regular Alchemist but she is no ordinary person, she is an excellent Alchemist and her magical power is worth a thousand gold.

“If I could, have…! Properly! Remodel Noto Cochlear… Ngh! Aaah!”

I stopped breathing, I just heard her say something dangerous with a glossing voice.

I can’t react to each and everything if I want to talk to her. She says more jokes than Liz. Those sisters…

Sytry’s heartbeat is transmitted to me from where her body is tightly pressed against mine. Her fingertips which was massaging my shoulder doesn’t have any strength anymore. She is rubbing powerlessly, but it still feels good.

“In the worst case, I might need to ask 『Starlight (The Star’s Holy Thunder)1』. “

『Starlight (The Star’s Holy Thunder)』is the largest party of Mage in 『First Step (Footprint of the Beginning) 』. Each of the six members are talented Mage in the Imperial Capital. They are not pure 『Human』.

They have a Magic aptitude far higher than pure Human, they are 『Noble (Spirits People)2』. And they have a unique sensibility, in short, they naturally look down on humans3.

It is quite doubtful if they will hear my request with their personality.

Sytry’s scream quietly, wrapped her arm around my neck and bring her flushed cheeks.

“No… Don’t! Cry-san… When you are, with me, don’t talk… about other women… Please…!!”

It seems you are having fun but the one who is always misunderstood is me. Sytry’s whispering voice tickles my ears.

“Onee-chan isn’t here… Now is my only chance, you know. Feel, me, more…”

“… Un, un, you are right.”

If Liz is here, I will fly. Anyone will misunderstand. If you only hear the voice, it will be terrible. Then at that time the door to the Clan master room opened as if it was waiting this.

Eva put her hands on her forehead and curve her eyebrows. Her cheeks were slightly red. There are few people who can make the expressionless Eva looks like that.

… I am sorry I am always bothering you.

“… I will at least ask… What are you doing?”

“As you can see, I am receiving a shoulder massage.”

“Thi… This floor… are prohibited from Hunters.”

I was properly wearing clothes and there was nothing strange happening between me and Sytry.

Eva voice trembles and further point out the rules. She isn’t raising her voice because it isn’t the first time.

… I am sorry I am always bothering you.

“Whe… When you don’t know anything! Don’t get into Cry-san’s and my way!”

“Hai Hai4. Don’t pour oil into the fire.”

Somehow, I made a strange voice, I tap Sytry’s arm around my neck since she is messing around.

If Eva gets angry, the one who get everything is me. I think it is fine to have some fun, but I want you to end it here.

Sytry who sense my thought, regretfully remove her arm.

When I got up, I feel unbelievably light. It was as if all the remaining fatigue was washed away. I lightly turn my arm around to check my condition, Sytry has an innocent smile, you can think that she has been making those sensual voice earlier and said to me.

“ time, rather than a shoulder massage, how about a full body massage…”

Uuun… It is hard to resist.

“I have a great potion. I am sure… It will feel so good, like you have never felt it before.”

“It looks like I will become useless, so I will abstain.”

I feel like she is aiming at each gap in my guard, I feel extremely in danger.

Is it because she is an Alchemist? It is one of Sytry’s weakness to try to use drugs or needles for everything.

“Yosh, I don’t feel like it but let’s go get our Relics charged. Preparation are important, right?”

“Let me negotiate. … I am partially responsible for some Relics being empty… I have always been interested in 『Noble (Spirits People) 』. … I wonder if I could have create a wonderful Mage if I cross-breeded Noto-san.”

Why do I feel something is off each time we have a conversation? I lean my head and decide to take Sytry to the Clan Lounge.

Thx for reading! I learn how to add anchor link on the footnote so now by clicking on the small number you will be redirected to the footnote and by clicking the number on the footnote it will redirect you to where you stopped reading! I will modify previous chapter so that works. Who knows what kind of fate would have awaited Noto if he was caught by Sytry. Well the choice was either that or become a vegetative state. XD Sytry’s massage remind me of Final Fantasy 7 Remake where you can get a “Hand” massage from Madame M. Oh and talking about this Aerith red dress was gorgeous and Tifa’s kimono was so pretty! Oh, and by the way, I am fully supporting ZacksXAerith! They deserve to be together!!!! Tchao à plus!

1. 星の聖雷 (Hoshi no Sei Rai): was translated as The Star’s Holy Thunder.

2. 精霊人 (Seirei Hito): was translated as Spirits People.

3. I think they are the Elf in this universe but still need confirmation.

4. Hai Hai means Yes yes.