Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

CH 56.2

I failed. But Sytry Smart isn’t shocked by this fact.

Sytry is an Alchemist (Renkinjustsu-shi). Alchemist (Renkinjustsu-shi) experiments are originally an accumulation of failure and gradually approaching the correct answer. There are people in this world who will get the correct answer on the first try as if they were guided by heaven, but Sytry knew she isn’t that talented.

No, she doesn’t need to be that good. Because she has companion who will cover for her no matter how many times I fails.

Initially, Sytry wasn’t blessed with remarkable talents which was required to be Treasure Hunter, even the fact that we are a top-class Hunter party in the Imperial Capital, is largely due to the efforts of her other companion.

Sytry who understands that has always been humble.

Humble, recognize the difference, respect other and doesn’t look down on people indiscriminately. In the first place, even if a million of people praise her talent, it won’t move Sytry’s heart.

The destruction of the 『Tower of Akasha』. While receiving an interview survey for that, Sytry was waiting for the time to pass without changing her expression.

“There was nothing else?”

“Yes. I submitted everything I have. Was there anything unnatural?”

“… No. I have… All the information I needed.”

To Sytry’s answer Gark has an expression as if he just bit an insect.

I have submitted everything. I also gave the valuable 『Magic Bag (Space Bag) 』 that Cry wanted and also the materials and research result which was in it.

In truth, I also really wanted to offer the bodies of Noto’s disciples. The only thing I swap out was a small ring.

It is not good to be too greedy. If you try to get too many things, the important one will slip through your finger.

I knew that this time would come.

I would present those terrifying researches with the perfect evidence to the Empire Relic Investigation1 and the Knight and I would be in the clear and I could pat my back. And this is how the curtain will be brought down.

This time, the only big mistake was… The slime I created growing unexpectedly.

I recall the story I heard from Cry and frown my eyebrow a little.

Slime changes its properties according to its surrounding environment and this is one of the basic knowledges in Alchemy, but I didn’t think it would be possible to get out of a completely sealed metal tube made from a special alloy.

It was Sytry’s mistakes to have underestimated the slime’s specs. One small mistake and it was not an exaggeration if the Imperial Capital was destroyed. However, I originally entrusted the slime to Cry because I could predict that it could happen.

Magical creatures are difficult to handle. Even the creator Sytry doesn’t know everything.

I didn’t expect that to happen at that time, but it could also be consider as a small prank. Depending on how you think about it, you can even consider it as simplifying one of Sytry’s process.

“… And the member called Sofia?”

“She wasn’t there when I rushed in.”

“Did you confirm the materials submitted?”

“To a minimum.”

A slight suspicion was visible inside Gark severe eyes. To that I show a smile. There are perfect proof. This time is different from the previous time. There is also a criminal.

If it is necessary, I can take out Sofia’s corpse, but I don’t want to do it, if it was possible.

One of the rules of 『The Lamenting Ghost』 is to not involve 『Regular Citizen』. There is no hesitation in breaking the law, but I want to respect those rules.

Well, there should be no problem. Intuition is not 『Proof』.

Zebrudia Empire is a law-abiding country. There are also Sytry’s customer in the upper brass of the Empire.

If there is one thing Sytry stands out among the member of 『The Lamenting Ghost』 is without doubt her financial power.

『Alchemist (Renkinjustsu-shi)』 are golden gooses. Knowledge, Medicine preparation, Magical Creature Creation, they produce all kind of wealth.

Sytry’s lab in the Clan House exist because Sytry made a large investment as an individual at the time of its construction. Whether it is a Mage or a Swordsman, wealth is gathering where there are Hunters. But Alchemist is incomparable to the other occupations.

“It is a pity that Noto is unconscious. Treatment is still going on but there is no sign of him waking up. If we interrogate him, we may have more details.”

“It is a very… painful story. It wasn’t someone I could hold back. Please don’t blame Cry-san. Cry-san just helped me! And… Noto Cochlear… was…”

Sytry says in a quiet voice and with her eyes close, trying to appeal to Kaina who was standing behind Gark.

Noto Cochlear has been permanently exiled from the Empire. If he is found in the Imperial Capital or in the Empire, no one will complain even if he is killed.

That is also one of the reasons why Sytry valued Noto. It is fine if it were to clean up, but creating a criminal is a tedious story.

“… There is no external wound. Healing is not even effective. There is no damage to the brain or internal organs. However, the consciousness is gone, and his heart is almost stopped. It is the first time I have ever see such an injury. Is what the 『Writer (Specialize Healer) 』 said.”

“I think he will recover over time… I think he is just weakened.”

The cause is the lack of Mana Material. Mana Material live and strengthen all things, it is not an exaggeration to say that it forms the basis of every existence. Initially, it would be impossible to live without it in this world but if for some reason… For example, because of a strange slime sucking everything up, or for some other reason… You have close to none. You will be dying.

It should recover over time, but he wouldn’t have any memory. The human experiment has already been completed.

“What did he do to end up in this state?”

“Gark-san… Are you telling me to leak Cry-san’s tricks? You are joking right?”

Gark shut his mouth when he saw Sytry squints and smile.

Treasure Hunter is a life-threatening job. There is an infinite method to be one and making their trick… Making their moves known by the others is a big disadvantage. It is a violation of manner to look into it without a reason.

Of course, in this case… The one who did it was Sytry’s Slime, so it is beside the point but as it was on Cry directive, I am not lying.

Gark open his eyes and harden, and I continue with an apologizing look.

“It is not that, I don’t trust Gark-san, but it is the sort of thing you should ask Cry-san.”

“Ah… You are right. My bad.”

This is good. Perhaps Cry would tell Gark the power of Sytry’s Slime. But at that time… It will be when Infinite Variety will judge it to be the best. I won’t hold a grudge. At that time, I will accept it with a smile.

This is what trust is.

I stand up and made a small bow to Gark and Kaina.

“If there is anything else, please tell me. The Tower of Akasha is my enemy… All Mages and Alchemists enemy. We must stop them.”

“…… Aah, thank you for your cooperation. We will contact you if something happens. Will you stay in the Imperial Capital for a while?”

“Yes. If anything happens, please tell Cry-san or Onee-chan.”

Anyway, this time I put an unnecessary burden on Cry. I should find something to apologize. That kind of ring is not enough. This time my troublemaker sister is back first. Her lack of brake is one of sister’s drawbacks. I am sure she has caused some problem.

Atoning for her sister’s failure is one of the little sister’s duty.

Sytry leave the reception room of the Explorer Association while humming, she has lost all interest on Noto and the Tower of Akasha.

Thanks for reading! And this conclude the first chapter of the third arc. So this is how Sytry has been removed from all suspicion on being a member of Akasha. This girl is all cute, but she can be ruthless! Looks like only Cry can control her. Let’s get this third arc rolling! Tchao à plus

1. ly translated as House of Remnant Investigations.