Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 62: Your Royal Highness may be able to help

is an independent building belonging to Creek.

In the spacious and bright living room, the display is simple and ingenious, and the firewood is burnt in the fireplace, exuding warmth.

After several maids put a pot of scented tea and some Northland snacks on the coffee table, they stepped out at Crick\'s sign.

Only the two Donne who came to visit and the master, the young master, remained in the living room.

For two years of friendship, Donne understands Crick’s character well and trusts him relatively well. Therefore, with regard to what happened in the Northland, based on what we have learned so far, I have roughly given a bottom line to Crick.

And if you want to inquire about information from the other party, if you don\'t give out any information, it will definitely have little effect.

"Mr. Donne, do you mean that there is a mysterious force behind this battle between the Northland and the King City?" After hearing Donne\'s words, Crick couldn\'t believe it.

"Well, a red fish frequently appears in the dreams of kings and dignitaries in the north. Anyone who dreams of this fish will become excited, radical, and very war-minded."

"Wait a minute." Crick frowned slightly, put his fingers between his lips, and lightly bit his knuckles. "Is this red fish you mentioned a monster?"

may be due to an occupational disease of a monster scholar. The young master became addicted to research when he heard of a strange and magical creature.

"Uh, it can be understood as a monster. It is a monster with powerful ability and a certain background." Don tried to give [the demigod pet raised by Cthulhu] a more acceptable term.

"Is it possible to capture and study?" Crick\'s eyes beamed.

"I try my best?"

"Then I have no problem, Mr. Donne, please go on."

Dorn nodded, and resumed the topic that was interrupted before:

"Well. I think it was the war and aggressive thinking brought by the Red Fish, which further expanded the friction between the Northland and the Royal City, which led to the outbreak of war."

"Also, the Tazan Empire recently declared war on Dona. The situation in that country is still unclear. If Tazan\'s dignitaries are also affected by the red fish, things will become very tricky."

"In short, Crick, when you returned to the north, did you feel that the people around you had changed like this? It seemed to be more radical and warlike?"

Crick heard this and was silent for a while. After hesitating for a while, the original unbelievable expression in his eyes loosened and he became suspicious:

"I don\'t want to lie. The change you said is indeed true."

"When the emperor first questioned our murder of the crown prince, His Royal Highness and grandfather obviously had the ability to resolve this misunderstanding, or at least to ease the contradiction before the truth was found out. But they did not do so..."

"Later, the father and mother\'s attitude towards this matter also changed significantly. The uncle who had always advocated negotiation with Wangcheng and settled the problem peacefully, somehow became the representative of the main fighting faction."

"Even my sister... the old sister even petitioned her grandfather to go to the front line. Maybe it won\'t be long before she will really go to the battlefield. The old sister was obviously not like this before."

Creek spoke this time and talked a lot.

Perhaps he had noticed the obvious changes in the thoughts of the rich and powerful in the North before, but he has been helpless.

With Crick’s remarks as an argument, the inference that the existence of the red fish will stir up the thought of war is basically a real hammer.

At the end, the young master of the Firebird family sighed: "Mr. Donne, if, I mean, if the red fish that provoked the war really exists, can you stop it? Let the war stop and let everyone return to normal. ?"

"I\'m not sure." Don shook his head, "Maybe I can stop the red fish, but I probably can\'t stop the war that has already started."

Once the war machine is launched, it is difficult to end it by personal will.

Donna and Tazan are even more so once the two giants entrenched on the mainland start fighting.

Man-made disasters are more terrible than natural disasters in many cases.

There was another long silence.

In the living room of   , only Vivian is still holding a cup of scented tea carefully and taking small bites of snacks.

In this atmosphere, Miss Fairy really dare not interject.

After thinking for a long time, Crick seemed to have made a lot of determination, and finally spoke again: "Then dealing with the monster red fish in the dreamland, is there anything I can help, and what help is needed from me? ?"

Because of the two years of friendship, Donne trusts Crick at the same time, the young master of the Firebird family also trusts Donne.

This is a two-way rush between the two and reached an agreement on the Red Fish issue.

"In fact, there are." Dorn seemed to have expected that the other party would say this for a long time, with a calm tone, "That\'s it, I plan to weave together many dreams related to red fish..."

The main stage of the    Dream Weaving Project is in the territory of the Prince.

After all, a large number of people who can dream of red fish have gathered here recently.

And the princeling, as the core area of ​​the entire Northland gathering of heroes, there are many capable people and strangers. In this, some people may be aware of it during Dorn\'s [dream weaving] process.

In order to ensure that the plan is foolproof and avoid out-of-articles, it is necessary to intervene in these unstable factors.

According to the information provided by Bishop Daya after the morning meeting, there are two people in the vicinity of the prince who may have noticed the dream weaving plan by their own strength—

One is the chief great magician in the Prince’s Palace, Balthazar.

The other is Crick’s grandfather, Grand Duke of Phoenix.

The paper strength of these two people, if you find a reference to compare, is about 0.8 Cardinal Meyer or Pope Mohani.

Anyway, it is a grade weaker than the two supreme leaders of the Holy See.

In terms of the strength of Donne currently being promoted to one-third of the gods. UU reading

When he uses the related abilities of [White Mist Jump] and [Dream Walker], if Meyer is relatively focused, he can get a little fuzzy perception.

By analogy, the Chief Archmagic and the Archduke of Phoenix, with their undistracted attention, may be vaguely aware of the abnormal fluctuations in [Weaving Dreams] within the scope of the Prince\'s collar.

It is actually not difficult to prevent these two people from having a substantial influence on tonight’s plan.

According to the information provided by Daya, both of them were affected by the red fish, and it was difficult to concentrate their thoughts. Therefore, in front of a third of the gods, it is not too much of a potential threat.

Just exclude them from the objects of weaving dreams.

Then, make sure that the Grand Duke of Phoenix stays in his fief tonight and is not close to the Prince\'s collar; there is a person on the Grand Magus of Balthazar who can interfere and distract him, it is almost foolproof.

"So, do you need to distract my grandfather and Mr. Balthazar tonight?" Crick understood Don\'s needs, "I should be able to do with my grandfather. As for Mr. Balthazar, your Royal Highness may be able to help. ."

"Ah, your Royal Highness?" Dorn raised his eyebrows slightly unexpectedly.

"Huh?" Vivienne, who was silently eating snacks, looked up warily.


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