Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 61: Dream Weaving Project

"I have an ability called [Dream Weaving], which can weave and stitch together the dreams of different people. According to my previous experience, as long as the number of dreams woven together exceeds a certain number, the final group dream will be formed. Too big to have no boundaries."

Dorn gave out the idea that might be feasible.

When encountering nightmare seashells in the stormy sea earlier, the entire ship was dragged into a group nightmare by those seashells.

In that big dream, there is no air wall.

Following this line of thought, Dorn thought that perhaps it was possible to weave together all the dreams of people in the Northland who could dream of red fish.

He wanted to see, if the border of the dream disappeared, where would the red fish in the dream finally escape?

That group of crimson, which was formed in the void, does not know where it leads, will it appear in the boundless dream?

"Weaving dreams, can even this kind of thing be done?" Bishop Daya was speechless.

Bishop Mayer, who had assisted Dorn before, quickly followed his thoughts. After a brief two seconds of thinking, he helped put forward a constructive question:

"Daya, the prince of the north leads here, how many people can dream of red fish?"

"Well... In the beginning, there were only four or five people, the prince himself and several important ministers. Later, the number has increased. Now, there are almost fifty people." Daya replied with a stubborn look.

"Fifty people, are there so many in the prince\'s direct territory alone?" The number of people who could dream of the red fish was slightly beyond Don\'s expectation.

You know, the direct territory of the Prince of the North only occupies a small part of the huge North.

This may indicate that the situation in the Northland this time has become a bit serious.

But then again, for his [Dream Weaving] project, there is no problem in weaving fifty independent dreams into a boundless dream, and it is technically completely feasible.

"Well, the people who can dream of red fish are concentrated in the princes. As for other places, the people who can dream of red fish are mainly some powerful vassals. Because the Northland and the king city have already been at war, these vassals are not on the battlefield. Recently, they have also been discussing with the prince consul."

As the person in charge of the northern diocese, Daya has a better understanding of the various situations here and kept giving further explanations.

"I understand." Donn nodded, "The dream weaving thing, try it tonight, maybe there will be some gain. Now, let everyone rest separately? After all, I didn\'t sleep all night."

There is no objection to this proposal.

Although the people present are either the bishop of the Holy See, or the relic boss walking in reality, what\'s more, they are simply one-third of the gods. In terms of their physique, let alone staying up all night, even if they spend two or three days overnight, they won\'t have much physical burden.

However, since it is necessary to do a major event, it is necessary to have a good rest.

Well, especially the Bishop Daya whose body is not growing anymore.

The mansion of the Phoenix family in Northland.

The continuous castles and courtyards are dotted with dotted lines, the slate roads and paths are connected, and the red fire bird flags and clan emblems can be seen everywhere, blowing in the cold wind.

There is also the accumulation of white snow on the top of the blue-black building and the roadside, which adds a sense of solemnity to the place.

After finishing the meeting with the Archbishops of the Holy See, Dorn did not go to rest immediately, but took Vivian to the no-man place outside this luxurious building complex.

The fief of the Grand Duke of Phoenix is ​​right next to the Prince\'s collar, and it doesn\'t take much time to come here through the [Leaping White Mist].

Before the start of tonight\'s dream weaving operation, Dorn planned to visit his friend Crick in the Northland.

If possible, it would be great to see his sister, Miss Veronica, and that Miss Anrietta.

These people themselves are the great nobles in the north, and Veronica and Anrietta have stayed in the north for a long time. From them, maybe they can learn some information that is different from that of Bishop Daya.

As for why Donne knew which noble family Crick belonged to.

It originated from a long time ago when he helped Crick to deliver a letter to Veronica, who was temporarily living in Golden Oak City. The flame paint on the envelope was like a firebird.

Through this firebird totem, it is easy to find the emblem of the Phoenix family.

After that, as the relationship further improved, Crick did not continue to hide his family identity from Dorn.

The noble master has a showdown.

He is a member of the empire\'s hottest Prince of Phoenix family, he will not pretend.

Even when he left Eaton and returned to the North a few months ago, Crick gave Donne an extra quaint copper coin.

This is a treatment that even Xia Lin did not enjoy.

That coin is not a currency in circulation on the market. The front and back are embossed with firebirds with soaring wings.

It is probably something that belongs to the Phoenix family\'s token.

Leading Vivienne to sway to the guard at the door, Dorn showed the Firebird copper coin: "I\'m looking for Crick. My name is Dorn, his friend."

After seeing the Firebird copper coin, the guards were very respectful, leaned toward Dorn and said "Please wait", and then sent people around him to ride a tall brown horse and rushed into the mansion to report. NS.

Vivienne: "I have to say, the Creek family is really big."

Dorn: "Well, a member of the Grand Duke of Phoenix, Crick is really a big noble among the big nobles. It\'s no wonder that when he and the other two young ladies first arrived at Eaton, Miss Charlene would do everything possible to flatter them."

"It is indeed the young master of the great aristocratic family. Well, speaking of it, Don...You arranged for such a young master to do two years of work in the monster farm..."

"Ah! Can a monster scholar\'s work be called work? That\'s called scientific research. UU Reading Moreover, knowledge is priceless."

It may be because the Firebird family\'s mansion is too big, and it took a lot of time for the temporary notification.

In this gap, Dorn and Miss Fairy stood in the snow a little far away from the guards, whispering to each other for a while with voices that the guards could not hear.

After a while, a double-horse carriage ran out on the road facing the front entrance of the mansion. The two horses grunted and gasped, and the heat exhaled from their noses turned into white mist.

"Call—" The coachman stopped at the gate.

Then the door of the carriage opened, and the little red-haired Crick came down from it:

"Mr. Donne, and Miss Vivienne, are you really? I just didn\'t believe it when I heard the announcement. Why did you come to the north?"

"Good morning, Mr. Crick. Let\'s come, um... do something." Miss Fairy responded politely.

But Dorn fell silent while watching the carriage running out of the mansion.

Good guy, poverty really limits my imagination.

Rich people can race horse-drawn carriages at home?