Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 63: Action begins

Miss Anrietta, who is very suitable for crossing the knee white silk, is the youngest daughter of the Prince of Northland.

and he is the only heir.

She has a few eldest brothers and elder sisters, but from a legal point of view, Anrietta is the orthodox heir of the Northland. Not surprisingly, in the future, she will sit in her father\'s current position and become the queen of the north.

Even though Don has determined that the identity of Miss Anrietta is absolutely extraordinary from a long time ago.

But I never thought that people\'s households are so extraordinary-a royal family member who is a serious family member, or a legal heir to the north.

Seeing the surprised expressions on Dorn and Vivienne’s faces, Crick scratched his head:

"I just thought that since you all came to the Northland anyway, the identity of the little queen is not a secret here, and it doesn\'t matter if you talk about it. But seeing your surprised reaction, I regret it again."

"It\'s okay, I\'ve talked about it." Dorn waved his hand, "Speaking of which, your Royal Highness has no tendency to fight recently?"

Creek shook his head: "No. The little queen girl probably hasn\'t been affected by the kind of red fish you mentioned. Just yesterday, she was still in a dispute with His Royal Highness and her sister because of the Royal City matter."

sounds like there should be no problem.

But to be on the safe side, Dorn still plans to ask Bishop Daya to confirm the current status of the little queen when he will go back.

Anyway, as the manager of the northern diocese, Daya has a comprehensive grasp of the real-time news in this area.

If Miss Anrietta hasn\'t dreamed of Red Fish recently, then getting her help will make the implementation of "Dream Weaving Project" smoother.

After making Klicka a perimeter for the operation tonight, the visit was almost over.

Just before leaving the western-style building, the young master of the Firebird family stopped Don:

"If it is confirmed that Her Royal Highness has not been affected by Red Fish, I can enter the palace for you in the afternoon and communicate with her."

There is a sensitive great magician Balthazar in the palace.

Crick is a member of the Phoenix family, and his sister has lived in the palace for a long time. If he goes to see the little queen, he is justified and will not be out of line.

"Then please." Don nodded.

"No, I want to ask you. Please dispose of the monster in the dream, so that your grandfather, father, and sister can all return to normal."

Creek had a sincere tone and leaned back. He was originally short, but his figure became thinner after bending down.

It seems that after some conversation, he has completely believed that there is a "red fish that can only provoke war" in the dreams of the nobles in the north.

without any doubt.

Dorn watched his aristocratic friend silently, just thinking in his heart:

"Thanks to Crick making friends with integrity like me, otherwise it is really easy to be deceived."


Judging from the exact information given by Daya, Xiao Wangnv is indeed not on the list of "dreaming about red fish".

So after Don’s instruction, Crick entered the palace on the grounds of visiting his sister that afternoon.

After   , things developed smoothly.

Creek found an opportunity to meet the little queen alone, and revealed relevant information about the "red fish in the dream" that Donne had brought.

Anrietta was surprised and unbelievable though.

But combined with the extremely abnormal behaviors and attitudes of many people around him recently, after several trade-offs and psychological struggles, he finally fell to the justice Dorn camp.

and promised to cooperate to distract the great magician Balthazar when Don and others act tonight.

"I will hold a small banquet and literary salon temporarily tonight, and then invite Teacher Balthazar to participate." Xiao Wangnu promised.

Balthazar was the guardian and teacher of Queen Anrietta when she was a child. This was arranged by the Prince of the North.

is similar to Prince Tai Fu.

However, the little princess has never studied magic with Balthazar. She mainly learned the power of manpower and checks and balances of the upper ones, as well as history, literature, and philosophy.

Therefore, she can justly invite her teacher to participate in a private literary salon with more than a dozen people.

And Balthazar loves literature and poetry, and once discussed with like-minded people, he will be tireless.

is enough to distract him.

This is also the main reason why Crick recommended to Donne to be the "disturber" of Balthazar in the morning.

Everything is ready, no ghosts.

The dream weaving plan tonight is going on on time.


Dorn and his party rested for an afternoon. After the night fell, they sneaked into the private residence of the Minister of the Seal once again.

"Starting from the red fish dream of the Minister of the Seal, and using the ordinary dreams of other people around as a pedal, I can walk all the way to another red fish dream in the prince\'s collar. After the two dreams are set by me, You can knit together."

"I will repeat the last process later. With my current state, it will not be too burdensome to cover the [Weaving Dream] effect to the entire prince collar."

This is Don\'s explanation to everyone before the action.

Although the others didn’t understand it very well, they always thought it was amazing.

Anyway, Donne’s dream control ability is now the strongest. Whatever he says, others will cooperate with him.

once again came to the bedroom of the Minister of the Seal.

Dorn raised his hand by the bed, and gave a dark nightmare to the gray-haired Minister of the Seal, ensuring that he could sleep until dawn.

After   , he came up with "Alice\'s Bedtime Reading" and sent all the people on the scene except Bishop Daya to the story world.

"Mayer and Vivienne, UU reading plus three archbishops, in terms of your weight, it should be a bit burdensome. Sorry, Alice." After the work, Donn is not yet Forgot to talk to the daughter in the book.

There was a pause for about three to five seconds, and a response came from Alice—

Heilongniang: "Each of them is much lighter than you. Do your own thing, don\'t want mother-in-law!"

Bai Longniang: "Don\'t worry about me. Come on, Don."

Dorn shrugged his shoulders and didn\'t reply again, but his original solemn expression slightly stretched out.

Is such that.

This investigation or catching red fish, he wanted to fight for it and bring his teammates to participate.

Meyer and Vivienne level combat units are almost the strongest below one-third of the gods. It would be a pity if they could not be used.

The problem is that this time the main battlefield is in the dreamland, and neither Meyer nor Vivian have dream-related abilities.

If they simply hypnotize the two of them, and then connect their dreams directly into the boundless dream, their consciousness will also be difficult to exert in the dream, and their strength will be greatly reduced.

does not even rule out the risk of violent death in the event of a war.


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