Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 593

Looking at the deduction of the Four Elephant Palms on the surface of the Sifangbei, Shang Xia smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking to himself that the origin of the world was wasted in vain.

Although he has already completed the Sixiang Palm, he still wants to see if he can get some secret techniques from the deduction of the Sifangbei, or complete the further improvement of the Sixiang Palm.

But I never thought that after the result came out, it would be like this.

The fourth-level supernatural power of the Four Elephant Palm is naturally inferior to the "Four Elephant Time Reincarnation Knife" when it comes to true power, but the bottom line for getting started is so high that it makes people despair.

Whether it is based on the premise of "Four Demons Practicing Together", or without any step-by-step guidance of fourth-level martial arts, relying entirely on the martial artist to comprehend the cultivation method on their own, it is enough to discourage most fourth-level martial arts practitioners.

Compared with the "Sixiang Time Reincarnation Knife", which has a complete and perfect training system from entry to supernatural powers, the supernatural power of Sixiang Palm is like a castle in the air, and there is almost no possibility of inheritance.

Although Shang Xia was a little disappointed by the final result, but after being able to advance to the Great Perfection of the Four Elephants Realm, he was able to possess two martial arts supernatural powers of the Four Heavens, Shang Xia has already surpassed most of the martial artists of the same level.

And after completing the verification of his supernatural powers through the deduction of the Sifangbei, Shang Xia, who had been wandering in the Dacheng realm of the Sixiang realm for a while, finally made up his mind to take the last step.

Among the origins of the dantian, the spirits of the four seasons, which were originally gathered together to maintain balance, but were always distinct, completely merged in a natural way at this moment.

In the node of the formation where Shang Xia retreated, an inch-long saber glow, which was completely condensed from the purest to the extreme original spirit, was like a naughty fish in his palm, with a soft and soft breath. But it is like the essence of the origin of heaven and earth.

If Shang Xia is willing, this inch-long sword glow can turn into a magnificent sword glow that can kill all living things in the next moment.

Although Shang Xia also wants to witness with his own eyes at this moment how powerful the fourth-order magical power "Four Elephant Time Reincarnation Knife" created by himself has reached.

But he still forcibly restrained his curiosity, and firmly controlled this supernatural sword light in his hands, without attracting it!

However, this state of "leading but not sending out" further reflects Shang Xia\'s control over his self-created martial arts supernatural powers.

The difficulty of this may even be greater than that of using the "Four Elephant Time Reincarnation Knife" magical power itself.

You know, at this point, Shang Xia\'s martial arts supernatural powers have only just been successfully cultivated.

But when Shang Xia crossed the threshold of the fourth stage of Dacheng and reached the moment of the Great Perfection of the Four Elephants Realm, this qualitative change caused from the inside out was also completed.

And the most direct change caused by this qualitative change is that Shang Xia\'s physique has become stronger, able to withstand the more violent scour of the origin of heaven and earth.

The source of his dantian was further consolidated,

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It has become thicker, and the total amount of evil spirits in the body has greatly increased. The four seasons evil spirits in the body have also changed qualitatively with the qualitative change of the origin of the dantian.

What also changed is Shang Xia\'s own divine perception. In addition to the further expansion of the range of perception, the connection between Shang Xia and Sifangbei has become more and more close under the constant scouring of the world\'s origin. stand up.

And when all these qualitative changes are completed, the Sifangbei\'s attraction to the origin of heaven and earth is also upgraded immediately.

The operation of the entire guardian array on Tongyou Lu Island was forced to move again, the void vortex above the land island was once again more powerful in absorbing the origin of heaven and earth, and the source light beam hanging above the land island expanded again by a quarter of its original size. .

This time, the strength of the heaven and earth origin swallowed by the entire Tongyou Island has reached twice that of the beginning in one breath.

In other words, the strength of a single square monument to absorb the origin of heaven and earth can be comparable to that of the Tongyou Ludao Guardian Formation.

And this kind of swallowing speed has already surpassed the three or four large land islands in the original void, catching up to the three giant land islands of Weiyang, Shendu, and Beihai.

The changes in the sky above Tongyou Island once again attracted the attention of warriors on several surrounding islands.

If it is said that the expansion of the original beam of light above Tongyou Lu Island was more of a surprise to Yunjing and others, then as the original beam of light expanded again and again, this surprise has begun to frighten direction change.

And when Tongyou Lu Island\'s ability to absorb the origin of heaven and earth was only a little bit worse than the three giant land islands, Yunjing and the others felt nothing but worry and panic in their hearts.

"Xiao Chu, how can you bear it?"

Yun Jing watched the massive source of heaven and earth rushing down, and then poured into the core array of the guardian formation like a torrent, fearing that Chu Jia would not be able to control it.

Although Chu Jia\'s voice sounded a bit strenuous, her tone was still calm: "I can still hold on, thanks to the fact that the quality of this array is beyond imagination. But now it is almost my limit, If the original beam of light continues to expand, I am afraid it will not be able to hold on."

"That\'s good, that\'s good!"

Yun Jing\'s tone sounded very complicated, she was both grateful and worried, but she said: "Let me ask what that kid is doing to make such a big fight."

Hearing this, Chu Jia quickly reminded: "Just ask him what plans he has in the future, don\'t ask him how he did it."

Yun Jing smiled and said, "They still use you as a protection?"

After all, with a chuckle, Shenyi has already used the power of the guardian formation to extend towards the remote formation node where Shang Xia is.

But as soon as Yunjing\'s divine sense reached a distance of several miles around Shang Xia, she already sensed an invisible shielding force that excluded his divine sense perception, and it was still there.

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When the sound protection formation is in operation.

"This kid\'s strength has improved again!"

A flash of thought flashed across Yun Jing\'s mind, so that she was still a little numb for a while.

But he soon realized something, and when he looked at Shang Xia\'s direction again, his eyes were full of shock: Could it be that this child has already completed the refining of the Four Seasons Spirit Sha and reached the realm of fourth-order mastery?

How long has it been? It should be... Impossible, right?

Although she felt that it was unbelievable for her side to have an extra fourth-order Dacheng warrior in such a short period of time, her reason told Yun Jing that it was very possible.

What\'s more, this child has already possessed the combat power of Tier 4 Dacheng!

It\'s just that before he had fully refined the spirit of the four seasons, he already possessed the combat power of a fourth-order master.

Now that his cultivation has truly reached the fourth-tier battle, how far has his combat power increased?

With such complicated thoughts, Yunjing has already sent a message in with the help of the guardian formation.

After a while, the force field that blocked the perception of divine will quietly dissipated, Shang Xia\'s divine will extended over, and said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, this is already the limit, and there will be no more changes!"

Yun Jing let out a sigh of relief, she couldn\'t tell if she was relieved or disappointed.

However, these four strands did not linger in her heart for long. After a while, Yunjing couldn\'t help sighing in her heart: This child has really refined the spirit of the four seasons, but now it is even the grandchildren. Are all the people out there already so outstanding?

Thinking of this, Yun Jing couldn\'t help but feel a little bit more disappointed, even now she is just barely groping for the way to advance to the fourth level of Dacheng.

At this time, the "Original Sun" in this void suddenly became dark again.

Under the power of nearly twenty land islands of various sizes, the "Original Sun" ushered in the fourth collapse.

At this time, the volume of the "Original Sun" in the center of the void seemed to have shrunk by more than half.

And after this collapse, the dim "Original Sun" never regained its former brightness.

The darkness enveloped the void, making the land islands surrounding the "Original Sun" gradually blurred, as if hidden in the darkness, leaving only the dazzling beams of original light suspended in the void among.

The land islands occupied by various forces, at this time, not only did not relax the absorption of the origin of heaven and earth, but like the final sprint, the competition between each other became more and more intense.

However, at this time, Shang Xia faintly sensed that the "Original Sun" in the void was different through the square stele.

The moment he raised his head to look at the "Origin of the Great Sun", he saw the dimmed ball of light trembling faintly in the void. It\'s like getting out of the "Original Sun".