Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 594

After the "Original Great Sun" collapsed for the fourth time, the void has become extremely dark.

This is a rare opportunity for the warriors on Tongyou Lu Island.

Gaiyin Tongyou Ludao\'s process of absorbing the origin of heaven and earth this time can be described as twists and turns, and the skyrocketing origin of heaven and earth has made everyone on the island feel guilty.

The current environment, which is so dark that it is difficult to see, provides convenience for Lu Dao to leave secretly.

It\'s just that it\'s not yet time. Although the "Original Sun" is already extremely dark, the beam of original light floating above each land island still points out the location of all the land islands to all interested people.

Unless someone is willing to interrupt the absorption of the origin of heaven and earth at this time, but that is impossible.

Although Shang Xia was attracted by the things conceived in the "Origin of the Great Sun" at this time, while secretly speculating in his heart, he was also paying attention to the ongoing changes on the square stele in his mind.

Not long after Shang Xia deduced the fourth-order supernatural powers in the Sifangbei, he had successfully stepped into the realm of the Fourth Heaven Dzogchen.

According to Sifangbei\'s usual reaction before, after he successfully advanced, as long as there is enough origin of heaven and earth, Sifangbei should have deduced the advanced formula of the fifth heaven at this time.

Today, the source of heaven and earth is still being swallowed by the Sifangbei continuously, and the inside of the Sifangbei is also being repaired continuously. The advanced formula of the fifth heaven never appeared.

However, because of the experience of deducing the fourth-order great supernatural power before, Shang Xia is not too surprised by this.

In any case, the difficulty of deriving the advanced formula of the fifth heaven is definitely far higher than that of the fourth-order supernatural powers, and at the same time, the consumption of the main body of the square monument will inevitably be greater.

Sifangbei finally got such an opportunity to continuously obtain the origin of heaven and earth, so naturally it will not let it go easily.

But at this time, Shang Xia\'s heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly realized what he had overlooked before.

That is an introduction, preferably an introduction related to the advancement of the fifth heaven, even if it is an incomplete advancement formula, or an incomplete advancement medicine.

Sifangbei deduces an advanced formula out of thin air based on Shang Xia himself, of course it can be done.

But that will inevitably cause a great consumption of the square monument itself, and it will take a longer time.

But if there is an advanced formula, or an advanced potion, as an introduction for reference, then the Sifang Monument only needs to be repaired, perfected and improved on this basis.

In that way, the wear and tear of the Sifangbei itself will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, the time for deriving advanced formulas will be greatly shortened.

In fact, Shang Xia\'s advanced formula for advancing to the Four Elephants Realm was deduced from a bottle of incomplete advanced medicine.

If this is the case, Shang Xia should actually stop Sifangbei\'s deduction of the advanced formula of the fifth heaven now, and then concentrate on absorbing the origin of heaven and earth to help Sifangbei repair itself and accumulate strength.

After returning to the Cangyu Realm, he asked Kou Chongxue for the incomplete fifth-level advanced formula in his hand, and then the Sifangbei deduced it on this basis.

However, before Shang Xia could make up his mind, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, followed by a cipher text buried deep in his memory, as if some kind of seal had been broken.

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popped out.

In fact, he has always held an advanced formula of Wugang Realm in his hand!

Shang Xia, who was the first to enter the secret room behind the bronze gate of Zhu\'s old house in Tongyou Xuanjie, obtained a mysterious secret recipe from the sarcophagus that contained the fifth-order living corpse Zhu Tong.

It\'s just that his cultivation level was still relatively low at that time, and when he saw the sarcophagus, the cipher writing on it seemed to come alive, directly drilled into the depths of his mind, and sealed it by itself.

After his cultivation has successfully advanced to the fourth level, the seal of that memory has actually been unraveled. Although Shang Xia has been able to observe the cipher text in his memory, he still can\'t understand its meaning.

However, Shang Xia also understood at that time that the cipher text was not a special text, but a means of encryption by the warrior with his own divine will and some kind of secret technique.

As long as the warrior\'s own cultivation can reach the level of a paragraph, then the true content of this cipher text will be revealed by itself.

Since that cipher text is the advanced formula of the fifth heaven, it is impossible to dispel the secret technique of hiding the content of the formula after the warrior advances to the fifth heaven, otherwise what is the use of this formula?

So now that Shang Xia has advanced to the fourth level of great perfection, the content of that cipher text can be deciphered.

Thinking of this, the content of that cipher text resurfaced in Shang Xia\'s mind, and sure enough, the aura surrounding each handwriting began to dissipate on its own, and the originally clever and weird handwriting turned into an article that he could completely read. Know the secret recipe.

Sure enough, it is the advanced formula of Wugang Realm, and it is clearly recorded from the main medicine, auxiliary medicine, to the production method, and even the key points of the notes.

At least on the surface, this advanced formula is completely in line with the current composition of various advanced formulas in the Cangyu world.

Shang Xia also didn\'t think that the Zhu family back then would have any tricks in the advanced formula that they tried every means to hide.

Just thinking about Zhu Tong, the old patriarch of the Zhu family back then, who eventually turned into a fifth-level living corpse because of this advanced formula, Shang Xia felt a chilling feeling.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Tong became a living corpse was more likely because he encountered the original tide caused by the invasion of the Cangling Realm during his advancement process, and even a living corpse was a living corpse of the fifth level. corpse.

As Shang Xia\'s thoughts flowed, the complete content of this Wugang realm advanced formula was projected on the body of the Sifang stele.

At the same time, Sifangbei immediately began to deduce the five-level advanced medicine formula that completely fits Shang Xia based on this complete Wugang realm advanced medicine formula.

The flickering frequency of the handwriting on the stele is getting faster and faster, which seems to indicate that the deduction of the fifth-level advanced potion formula by the Sifangbei has become much smoother, but it is obviously still not possible to complete the deduction in a short time.

But just at this moment, the flashing handwriting on the surface of the square tablet suddenly disappeared, but the main body itself jumped violently again, as if it was going to get out from between his eyebrows.

This feeling was no stranger to Shang Xia.

The last time this happened was on the eve of Man Yu Continent\'s collapse and disintegration...

Shang Xia was startled suddenly, and looked up again at the already dark "Original Sun" in the center of the void, which was like a ball of fire that was about to be extinguished, and saw that the black shadow in the "Original Sun" was moving faster and faster , as if equally eager to release

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Come average.

Could it be that……

Shang Xia\'s divine will immediately sank into the nodes of the formation under his feet, and then easily found Yunjing and Chu Jia with the help of the guardian formation, and said in a deep voice: "The \'Original Sun\' is about to be shattered, we must prepare for the transfer in advance, so as not to be watched."

The original beam of light above the Tongyou land island skyrocketed four times before and after, and until now the speed of absorbing the origin of heaven and earth is no less than that of the three giant land islands. It is difficult not to attract attention.

All the fighters on Tongyou Ludao have also prepared themselves for the siege of the land island controlled by other hostile forces after the disillusionment of the "Original Sun".

Therefore, after Shang Xia\'s reminder, neither Yun Jing nor Chu Jia ever asked the stupid question of why Lu Dao was following him.

However, Chu Jia followed up and asked: "How do you know that the \'Original Sun\' is about to be shattered? It\'s just as intuitive as predicting the exact time of the disintegration of Manyu Continent?"

Although Chu Jia asked such a question, she did not delay her informing all the Tongyou warriors who were sitting at the nodes of the formation, and coordinated the entire formation to prepare for evacuation.

Shang Xia also knows that such a huge land island cannot be evacuated just by evacuating, and there must be sufficient preparation time in advance.

Hearing Chu Jia\'s inquiry, Shang Xia said directly: "Yes, it\'s still intuition."

After all, Yunjing has rich experience, and soon realized that Shang Xia\'s reminder just now seemed to have other meanings, so she asked, "Just now you said \'transfer\', not evacuation?"

Shang Xia said in a deep voice: "There is something inside the \'Original Sun\'. Once the \'Original Sun\' is absorbed by the various forces on Ludao, the things inside will definitely come out."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia\'s tone paused slightly, and he continued: "Things that can be conceived by a will source facing the world are naturally impossible to be ordinary things."

Yun Jing said in a deep voice, "You want to snatch it?"

Shang Xia said firmly: "This is an opportunity, and we can take the lead again!"

Yun Jing reminded: "The three major forces of Weiyang, Shendu, and Beihai may not be able to calculate the preparation time for the destruction of the \'Origin of the Great Sun\'. There are also other forces that control several large land islands. Since it is impossible to take another shot, even if we can capture the conceived thing inside, we may not be able to take it away?"

Shang Xia was taken aback when he heard the words, his grandfather Shang Bo might have set out to attack the fifth heaven at this time after he had ample support from the origin of heaven and earth, but he ignored this point, but he still said: "How do you know if you don\'t try it? "

Yun Jing shook her head and said, "No, it\'s too dangerous. This may put the entire land island under the watchful eye of enemies."

Shang Xia said: "Only I can fight by myself, and Lu Dao can take the opportunity to get rid of other forces\' pursuit, but at the critical moment, the island needs to respond."

Yun Jing still vetoed: "How can you fight for one side alone? Besides, even if all the fighters are individual fighters, it must be those Dzogchen fighters fighting for the front, and you..."

Shang Xia smiled slightly, and said, "It\'s nothing more than a Dzogchen warrior from the Fourth Heaven, so you can rest assured!"


Yun Jing originally wanted to reprimand Shang Xia for being arrogant, but as soon as she said the words, she saw Shang Xia\'s expression. A thought suddenly flashed through her mind, and an expression of disbelief appeared in her expression, and even her voice became a little stuttering: "You, you...you have already practiced martial arts supernatural powers? You...you took that step so easily?"