Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 592

The best way to lie is nine truths and one falsehood.

After Yan Su\'e revealed too many secrets about the practice of Tongyou Academy\'s masters, not only did she successfully dispel the suspicion of Li Yunchao and Pan Yunbi, but also turned their attention to other aspects.

"Kou Chongxue and Shangbo are really willing!"

Because the fellow practitioners of the four evils need to gather the four spirits of heaven and earth before they can advance to the fourth heaven.

This is often impossible for a Tier 3 martial artist who is about to hit the Fourth Heavenly Layer.

Usually such an attempt requires the support of an entire force behind it, and the strength and background of this force should not be too bad.

But even with such power, they are often not willing to spend such a price to try.

Regardless of whether it will be successful, the key is that doing so will definitely crowd out other people\'s advanced resources, which will easily lead to internal conflicts within the forces, resulting in internal strife and even division.

Even for the top forces in the two worlds such as Beihai Xuansheng Sect, Shendu Sect, and Weiyang Sect, the spirits of heaven and earth are precious enough, and they dare not waste them at will.

This is also the real reason why Li Yunchao expressed such emotion when he heard that the Tongyou Academy was engaged in "Four Evil Fellow Practitioners".

However, Pan Yunbi obviously didn\'t agree with her senior brother\'s exclamation, and said with a cold snort: "Stolen and snatched things like thieves and thieves naturally don\'t know how to cherish them. After a beam of original light, there will be no association."

Yan Su\'e\'s eyes narrowed slightly when she heard this, but she always maintained a certain degree of humility in front of the two of them, so it\'s not surprising that others would notice that her eyes were different.

When Li Yunchao heard this, there was a glint of gloom in his eyes, and he said: "In the past, some people would have doubts, but now I think it\'s eight or nine. It is in the hands of Tongyou Academy, and it is on that land island."

Pan Yunbi took a deep breath and said, "Then Yu Cangze is really the secret work of Tongyou Academy?"

Li Yunchao sneered lowly, as if he was laughing at some people in the sect, and then he muttered to himself: "Maybe he\'s from Tongyou Academy!"

Pan Yunbi widened her eyes, and said, "How is this possible? The martial arts styles of Cangyu and Cangling worlds are quite different. If he is really a member of Cangyu, how can he not show any flaws for more than ten years..."

"Who said Cangyu warriors can\'t practice Cangling martial arts?"

Without turning his head, Li Yunchao considered Pan Yunbi\'s words, and said, "Otherwise, why would those people promote the fusion of the two worlds?"

Pan Yunbi gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, then...should we find a chance to take back the jade array disk?"

Li Yunchao turned his head slightly, and said in a hesitant tone: "This matter... needs to be discussed in the long run!"

Pan Yunbi said anxiously: "Senior brother, we can\'t wait any longer! With the current speed of swallowing the origin of heaven and earth above Tongyou Island, I\'m afraid that after returning to the Cangyu Realm, the Tongyou Mysterious Realm will become the Tongyou Blessed Land!"

Li Yunchao finally half-turned his body, but his face was full of gloom, and he said in a deep voice, "I said to think long-term!"

Pan Yunbi showed a look of unwillingness, but she still realized something, casually cupped her hands and said "yes", then turned and left in a hurry.

Yan Su\'e stood at the side without saying a word, under the lowered eyes, no one knew what she was thinking in her heart.


On Tongyou Lu Island.

The Square Monument is still like a bottomless abyss, continuously absorbing and containing the world

The source of will.

Shang Xia even felt that if it wasn\'t because of his limited physical strength, Sifangbei\'s devouring power of the origin of heaven and earth would have been even greater.

At least the part of the original beam of light above Tongyou Continental Island increased by the Sifangbei can be swallowed by the Sifangbei.

In this way, it seems that Shang Xia himself has delayed the restoration of the Sifangbei.

It\'s just that there is no way to do it, the two are originally in a relationship of coexistence.

After a period of deduction and brewing, this time Shang Xia really felt the consumption of the source of heaven and earth inside the Sifangbei.

Then, in the anticipation of Shangxia\'s divine sense perception, one after another handwriting began to emerge on the surface of the Sifangbei until it finally stabilized.

Ability Name: Four Elephant Time Reincarnation Knife

Pre-work method: Reincarnation of Four Seasons and Four Scenes

Front Martial Skill: Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Sword

Necessary medium: abundant origin of heaven and earth

Spare Talisman: Four Seasons Reincarnation Soul Lock Talisman

Necessary Secret Art: The Sword of Spring, the Sword of Summer, the Sword of Autumn, and the Sword of Winter

Supernatural evaluation: time is a butcher\'s knife

Like Shang Xia\'s third-order martial arts supernatural power "Shenshen Spear", because the accumulation of martial arts is enough, everything seems to be a matter of course. His fourth-order magical power "Sixiang Time Reincarnation Knife" did not have too many obstacles.

Therefore, there is no direct reminder of the success rate in the supernatural power cultivation method deduced from the Sifangbei.

However, this is not a problem for Shang Xia. The reason why he has to wait for Sifangbei to deduce a perfect fourth-level supernatural power cultivation method is to confirm with his own understanding, and then to make his four-level supernatural power It is more perfect, and at the same time it is more in line with itself.

In fact, even without the deduction of Sifangbei, Shang Xia is enough to complete the sublimation of "Sixiang Time Reincarnation Knife" with his own background.

After comparison, Shang Xia also found that his deduction is not much different from that of Sifangbei, but his own understanding is more suitable for him, and the method given by the latter is more specific.

The more specific methods given on the Sifangbei include the "Four Seasons Reincarnation Locking Talisman", as well as "The Sword of Spring", "The Sword of Summer", "The Sword of Autumn", and "The Sword of Winter". Shang Xia valued it.

When Shang Xia comprehended the supernatural power "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand" in the Unity Realm, Sifangbei once gave the secret technique "Heavenly Thunder Blood Refining Technique". He gave the "Picture of the Liangyi Qiankun Sword Formation", and when he was practicing the supernatural powers of the three talents, there was a "Chapter on Response between Heaven and Man".

These secret techniques are not limited to the benefits of cultivating supernatural powers, or only for the supernatural powers cultivated at that time, but directly affect all aspects of cultivation, and this benefit has continued to the present.

"Heavenly Thunder Blood Refining Technique" gave Shang Xia a powerful physique far surpassing that of warriors of the same level, and the use of "Liangyi Qiankun Sword Formation Diagram" is not limited to swordsmanship and sword formation. His role is even greater.

In addition to secret techniques, the supernatural powers of all levels deduced by Sifangbei can often give some spare medicines.

And these medicines are not only given a name, but also the formula of the medicine can be given completely.

Shang Xia sometimes used these spare medicines, and sometimes they might not be very useful.

But Shang Xia still carefully preserves and attaches great importance to these formulas. Even if he uses them very rarely, others may not be unable to use them in the future.

And this time the Quartet

In the process of deducing the "Sixiang Time Reincarnation Knife", although no spare potion was given, a spare secret talisman "Four Seasons Reincarnation Soul Lock Talisman" was given.

As a great talisman master, Shang Xia is obviously more interested in this fourth-order secret talisman.

However, after carefully browsing and figuring out how this secret talisman was made, Shang Xia roughly understood the purpose of this talisman.

To put it simply, this talisman can be regarded as a phantom talisman, which can trap the warrior\'s spirit into an illusion, and realize the changes of four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This talisman is used in the cultivation of the supernatural power of the "Four Elephant Time and Reincarnation Knife", which naturally allows warriors to deeply understand the meaning of the four seasons reincarnation transformation.

However, in addition to this, this talisman can actually be regarded as a kind of trapping talisman, which can also lock the opponent\'s soul and will in the illusion to feel the passage of time and the disillusionment of vitality.

It\'s a pity that Shang Xia doesn\'t have any suitable materials at hand, otherwise he would even wish to try to make such strange talismans now.

As for the four saber techniques that symbolize the four seasons given in the "Must-have Secret Techniques", in fact, Shang Xia had already comprehended them long before that.

The so-called "Sword of Spring" is actually the general outline of the six-style swordsmanship that Shang Xia used to symbolize spring in the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Sword".

Only after the sword skills of the first six forms of solar term divine sword have been cultivated to the state of mastery, can it be merged into the "sword of spring" on this basis.

The same principle also applies to the cultivation of "Sword of Summer", "Sword of Autumn", and "Sword of Winter".

And after completing the cultivation of these four sabers separately, and then understanding the true meaning of the four seasons of reincarnation, these four sabers can be integrated into one here, thus achieving the real fourth-order magical power "Four Elephant Time Reincarnation Saber".

To put it bluntly, the practice methods of "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter" four knives given by Sifangbei are just between the "twenty-four solar terms magic knives" and the "four elephants and time reincarnation knives". A few steps are built so that the warriors can progress step by step in the process of cultivation, with a target in mind.

However, Shang Xia can also see that the method given by Sifangbei can also split his self-created "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Sword" into four sets of fourth-order sword skills that symbolize the four seasons and are completely independent. Martial arts.

Moreover, after completing the integration of a single set of six-style swordsmanship and comprehending the outline of the sword, its own power is almost no less than that of ordinary fourth-order magical powers!

And after Shang Xia completed the integration of the fourth-order supernatural power from his own understanding and the deduction of the Sifangbei, he thought that the deduction of this fourth-order supernatural power had reached perfection, at least it reached the extreme that he can achieve so far.

At this time, as long as Shang Xia thinks about it, he can complete the final evolution of this fourth-order supernatural power at any time, and step into the realm of the great perfection of the fourth heaven.

However, Shang Xia suddenly thought of something at this time. After a little hesitation, as his thoughts moved, the handwriting on the surface of the Sifang stele immediately began to change by itself.

After the flickering handwriting became clear again, it didn\'t take too long in the middle, and Shang Xia could also perceive that the source of heaven and earth consumed by the Sifangbei was also very little this time.

After Shang Xia\'s concentration and perception fell on the body of the Sifang stele again, the content on it immediately came to his mind.

Ability Name: Four Elephant Palm (Four Seasons Reincarnation Palm)

Pre-work method: Reincarnation of Four Seasons and Four Scenes

Precondition: Four Seasons Reincarnation True Meaning

Necessary medium: fellow practitioners from Sijisha

Spare Talisman: Four Seasons Reincarnation Soul Lock Talisman

Necessary secrets: none

Evaluation: One palm for four seasons, one palm for four seasons, destroying everything